Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hallo Maddy

Oh I know that feeling. Can’t keep up with the posts sometimes. I’ll let you know how radiotherapy planning goes. I am off to Barts today for mine. Want to come and have a go at my house? Have a lovely lunch, won’t you.

Sun shining again here. Hope you all get to enjoy it. How are you, Dyzee, Julie and Jill?

Much love



Had a bit of a to-do through the night last night. I went to the loo about 2.30, got back in to bed and felt a “pop” right where my SNB wound is, then realised I had a major leak! Talk about panic… I jumped out of bed, a dithering wreck i thought my stitches had burst! Anyhoo it was my wound draining, it was like a burst pipe! I called the hospital and they advised me to stick a dressing on and call my GP in the morning (nice, when you are in a state of panic). I called my BC nurse this morning and she asked me to go to the clinic. My consultant checked it out and everything is fine (phew).
So that was that.
It’s been a lovely day today, sunny but fresh. My friend from work (who also has BC) visited me this afternoon for a cuppa and a gossip. It was lovely to see her. She calls me her 2nd Mum, we have worked together for years.

Dilys - I hope your planning meeting went well. Do you know what is happening now?

Maddy - Hope yours go well too. If you fancy a trip up North, you can come and sort out my house!!

Julie and Jill - Hope you are both well.

Lots of love and hugs,
Dyzee. x

Hi Dyzee

Oh poor you! That must have been really scary. At least it has drained naturally - them doing it for you is not very nice. Are you ok now? You sure?

Rads planning was a breeze today. They were very nice, and the only problem was lying in one position without moving for 30 minutes or so while they measure you up. But I did it and was complimented on my arm movement! I go back on 27th I think it is to be “validated” ie they got the measurements right, and then they will tell me when it all starts and ends. I still hope it will be done and dusted before Christmas, so I can carry on after that being inflated!

Glad you had a good lunch with your friend - cheers you up doing things like that.

Maddy, Julie and Jill - hope you are ok?

Much love to all


Hi Ladies,
If you’re squeamish perhaps you may not wish to read the rest of this, but…

When I finally got to turn on my side to sleep (two weeks after the first op and the day before my second!) I had the most
disturbing feeling in my breast - first the ‘pop’ then it was as if the insides had decided to slip slowly in a big blob - doctor said it was probably a clot moving (Yeuk!) but could also have just been “fluid movement” - it did feel particularly fluid! Remember that old film “The Blob”? - now I’m waiting for the alien to burst from my chest!

Had a great time out for lunch yesterday - great to talk about other people’s problems instead of my own.
Maddy xxxxx

Dear Maddy and all

How horrible for you! The mind boggles. It is amazing the thnigs that happen isn’t it? I am so glad to have avoided that! Glad your lunch went well. It is nice to think about something else sometimes, isn’t it

Lovely day again here. I am going out for a walk in the park shortly, and to post a few letters. Shold wake me up. Sat up reading until about 2am last night! Mind you it is nice to have the freedom to do that without worrying about work in the morning.

Everyone else ok?

Much love


Hi Diys and all,

I am fine, thanks Dilys.
Glad to hear your Rads planning session went well. Mind you staying still for 30 minutes must have been a challenge - that’s a long time.
How was your walk? It’s a lovely day here today - nice sunshine, it just makes you feel better when it’s like this.

I am feeling a lot stronger today and happier, more like my normal self (wahay). I think the anaesthetic is finally getting out of my system (about time). Monday is getting closer, I have to go at 3 o’clock for my results. I’m keen to find out what is happening and having a plan.

Hope you are all well.

Love and hugs.
Dyzee. x

Hallo Dyzee

So pleased you are feeling better and yes it was a lovely walk, even if cold. The sunshine does you good I think. Weitd how anaesthetic affects people differently. I didn’t seem to notice it. I wish you so well for Monday but we will speak before then I am sure.

Just had a long conversation with my brother’s wife and am now spooked about Christmas. I have to get going! I had bought one present for a friend and felt so smug that I hadstopped there. Hadn’t really realised how short time is getting.

Dyzee - you sound just like me, needing a plan (and some control). I have found it doesn’t necessarily happen like that. As you know I stillneed the dates for radiotherapy! They are so good, you just can’t take control as you might at work. Frustrating but there you go… I wanted those dates so that I know if I can go to a certain lunch with colleagues. But it was not to be!

Much love Dyzee


Morning Dilys,

How are you today? You gave me a wake up call yesterday re Christmas! I just realised what the date was and thought OMG! So, like you I had better get my act together. I’m going to do as much as poss on the internet. Fortunately, I made 4 Christmas Puddings ( not al for us- I make 1 for Lynne who I work with and 1 for my brother and his family and 1 spare cos we love it) and a cake before I was dx. We always used to go to Mam and Dad’s for Christmas Day up to last year but due to ill health they come to me now. So I have to be organised. I love Christmas and the whole family thing. They have said that they will do it this year but I am keen to keep things as normal as poss.

I am just like you Dilys. I do need a plan for my treatment. Just knowing “what” the treatment is will do for starters. I am hoping that I don’t need chemo. Initially, the consultant said I may not need it and to keep our fingers crossed. Whatever will be, will be. I suppose it is a bit of a control thing, I need to know where I am going, why I am going there, and when it is happening.

Anyhoo! Enough about me. What about “Whisp Watch” we haven’t had an update for a while? Any further sightings? What colour was your hair pre chemo and was it straight or curly? How are your lovely grandaughters? I bet they are starting to get excited about Christmas now! What have you planned for the week-end.
Crikey - so many questions. See, I am feeling loads better and want to know everything now!!!

Lizzie and I are off to Mam and Dad’s this afternoon, they live right on the sea front. We are having home made fish and chips (lush). Si I am really looking forward to that. We are taking Jessie, so will go for a good walk along the seafront and maybe on the beach if the tide is back. That will most certainly blow the cobwebs off!

Hello Julie, Jilly and Maddy.

Take care my love and speak soon.

Lots of Love and Hugs,

Hallo Dyzee

Home made fish and chips - yum! Wish I could come too. And a nice walk along the seafront too. It is very grey and drizzly here today so I hope it is better there for you all. The control thing is interesting, isn’t it? I found things couldn’t be planned in as much detail as I would have liked but am more used to it now. I really hope you won’t need chemo but if they say you do, then best thing is to do it. I thought I had got away with it early on. But all I had misunderstood was whether they did it first (had a scare when they thought it had spread to the skin) or whether it came after surgery. Suppose I erred on the side of blind optimism. Amazing what you can deal with when you have to though.

My hair was straight and blonde at one point! A sort of chin length bob - quite fine but a lot of it. I am hoping it will come back thick, curly and auburn! I am sure it is starting to grow as I can feel a layer when I run y fingers over it, though it isn’t exactly visible yet. The odd remainng eyelash has done a runner too now. Nails still hanging on (apart from the one I have already lost) but they are looking weirder and weirder.

Grand daughters are just fine! Hoping to see them during the week. Little Abbie will be two on 7 December! You can imagine the excitement the Christmas she was born! I am off to do some shopping this afternoon to see if I can find her a swimmng costume for her birthday. It really is the wrong time of year though. I had a quick look in Next during the week and there were no swimming costumes at all!

Hallo to Julie, Maddy and Jill - hope you are well

Much love


Hi Dylis,

Well, the weather here is foul. It’s cold, windy and raining at present. Hope it is better in Stratford.

Had the most delicious fish and chips followed by homemade apple pie at Mam & Dad’s. They said to tell you that you are more than welcome anytime.
Just had a short walk as it was really windy on the seafront and very cold.

Did you manage to find a swimsuit for little Abbie? What a lovely age, I bet she is a dream. How old is your other grandaughter Dilys?
Are you any further forward with your Christmas shopping? I love buying and giving presents but it takes me ages to decide what to buy people and
I drive myself round the twist!!

Good news on “Whisp Watch” I hope it comes through thick and fast once it gets started and Auburn - you will look fabulous, I love that colour.
I didn’t realise that the Chemo also had an effect on your finger nails - you poor thing, that must give you a shock. I do hope it is just the one and the others stay put.

I had another “leak” through the night. I’m pleased it is draining naturally and I don’t have to have the needle!!

Well, results tomorrow. 3 o’clock. At least I will know. I’m not at all nervous, I just want to know now.

Weather looks set in, so I think I will just “cabin up” for the day.

Take care Dilys,
Lots of love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Morning Dyzee

It is cold and windy here as well, so I think it must be much the same everywhere. I have woken up with a bad backache, so hope that doesn’t last. In the week running up to the mastectomy I had a terrble back - think it was nature’s way of taking my mind off the surgery! Moan, whine!

Your day sounds lovely yesterday. I did find a swimmng costume in Marks in the end - pink with spots. The other grand daughter is eight and gorgeous as well. Other than that I found a calendar for a neighbour and then stopped dead! I feel just like you about Christmas shopping. And I always end up with a mad dash at the end.

Good luck with your results tomorrow. I so hope it is good news for you. You wll let us know won’t you?

We are going to the cinema later to see Brick Lane. Seems a good place to be on a day like today!

Much love and speak later


Morning Dilys,

How are you feeling today? Hope your back is feeling better. Backache is awful, there is just no escape from it.

How did you enjoy “Brick Lane”? Good choice going to the cinema on a lousy day! It’s even worse here today, the wind has really got up, all the leaves have gone from the trees (and ended up on my garden)! It is raining again and very dull. I suppose we shall just have to get used to it, for a few months anyway.
I was just thinking last night, it would be lovely to hop off somewhere sunny for a week and chill out with a good book in the sun. Maybe I will in the New Year.

Abbie’s swimsuit sounds lovely. I bet you can’t wait to see her. I still haven’t got my backside into gear re the Christmas shopping. I think after my appointment today I will be able to focus and get myself motivated. Hopefully, once I get back to work my head will be less fuzzy. I have been told, in no uncertain terms,by my nearest and dearest that I am not going back until they think I am ready - they have even taken my work phone off me and hidden it!!!

Well, better get cracking. I will be back this evening to tell all - wish me luck!!

Lots of love,

Good Luck Dyzee,

Just to let you know I’m sending positive thoughts your way

Love Maddy xxxxx

Hi Dyzee

Have been thinking of you today and hope the results are good. I have everything crossed for you. My back is a bit better today, thank you. I am just very careful with it at the moment. And Brick Lane was really good - it does take you out of yourself for a few hours doesn’t it?

Raining and dull again here today, setting in for the long haul I expect. But a good excuse to curl up and do nothing much! My cats adore me being at home rather than at work, and spend a lot of time angling to see who can get to my lap first!

Maddy - how are you doing?

Much love


HI Dylis and all,

Deep Breath!
The grade has changed from 1 to 2. They also found it in 1 of 16 lymphnodes tested. So that means I have to have chemo.
I’m ok, just need to get my head around it now.

I’ll be back a bit later.

Thank you for your love and support.

Dyzee. x

Hi Dyzee

So sorry about your chemo news. Did you have a sentinel node biopsy? The reason I ask is that I only had 6 or 7 nodes removed and node biopsy. I just wondered how they decided how many to remove. My lump was upgraded from grade 1 to 2 but downgraded in size from 2.8 cm to 2 cm. Anyway, I will let you get your head around your news. Remember you have loads of support from everyone on here and we are all thinking of you


Oh Dyzee I am so sorry. But I will be holding your hand every step of the way. It is not nice but it is do-able my love. I felt exactly the same. Have a cry and then you can face it. Think that it is the best treatment they can give you. It is the only way. But have a HUGE hug my darling. What else can I say except that I have been there, cried, and come through. And made some good friends. As will you.

Take care and feel everything you want to feel right now.

Love you and am standing right there next to you.

Much love


Hi Dilys,

I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I lost the “Add your comments” and could not add anything. I have this site saved in my favourites and normally just click on it and am straight in. For some reason it had logged me out and with everything else that was going on yesterday it didn’t occur to me to check my log in status. What an air head I am.!!! I’ll tell you what though, I had a proper panic when I thought I couldn’t talk to you. So here I am, very relieved and happy to be here again!!!

Thank you so much for the beautiful words you gave me yesterday Dilys. I honestly cannot tell you how much difference your message made and what it meant to me. You just make such a difference and I truly thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.

I am feeling much better about everything today. I had a good cry last night and then got mad at this bl***y thing and just thought NO I am not gonna let you do this to me!!! So I feel much stronger now.

Soooo, how are you today Dilys? Is your back any better my love? The weather is diabolical here, it is pouring down again and dull dull dull. I am going to set myself some objectives today in terms of housework (yuk). I am just not a domestic godess, I can always find something else I would rather do!! I have a cupboard under the stairs that requires a good clean out, so that is what I intend to do. On the other hand, I could do some Christmas shopping on the internet. LOL!

I bet your cats just love you being home, it’s funny but pets always sense when things are not quie right. Jessie keeps walking over to me and putting her head on my lap and looking up at me with her big sad eyes, as if to say “are you alright Mam” aww bless her.

Thank you for the love and support you give me Dilys.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Dear Dyzee

It is just that I can feel so much what you are going through. Have they said yet what chemo you will be getting? Probably not I should think. You sound as if you have faced up to it though. It’s the only way. I dreaded the chemo unit but in fact they were so lovely it was like a social club in some ways. I shall miss them all when I finally finish herceptin.

We have the miserable weather too. Raining and dull, all the lights on. Yuk. I was going shopping but am wondering about that now. My back however seems to be going away, thank goodness. If I were you I wold leave the cupboard alne and get on to the internet shoppng! Much more fun.

I can just picture Jessie. She sounds lovely. I would love a dog but couldn’t really manage in my small house. Cats fit better!

Lots of love


Hi Dilys,

I don’t know anything about the chemo yet. The consultant said I should hear from the oncologist within 2 weeks. I spoke to my BC nurse today, she reckons that I should have an appointment by 12th Dec. On reflection, I don’t know if she meant that would be the date to see the onc or that would be when she expected my treatment to start. My friend, Lynne started hers 4 weeks after her operation and she has the same team as me. So, I will just have to wait and see.
I see what you mean about planning Dilys - it drives you bleedin crazy. I think the Christmas parties will pass me by this year!

I wish I could send you a pic of Jessie - you would love her. Well, I took your advice and didn’t do the cupboard. Done a bit of internet shopping. Bought some stocking fillers for Lizzie and Nigella’s express cook book for Dad also as a stocking filler. Then I hit a brick wall -just no idea what to get.
How are you doing with yours? Have you heard about your RADS sessions yet?

Lots and lots of love and hugs,
Dyzee. X