Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hallo Dyzee and everyone

Yes I am really delighted to have rads over before Christmas, though gong every day does mean I won’t make either of the lunches I was planning. I don’t mind really. Just gearing up for a busy three weeks ahead! Dyzee you are making me feel panicked about the Christmas shopping. I am going to have to hit the Internet again I think!

I am forming a collection of my departed nails - might put them on e-bay! Can you imagine anyone wanting them?

Thinking of Gill and hoping she is ok. Are yyou lkely to speak to her at all whle she is in hospital?

Everyone else all right?

Much love


Hi Dilys,

What a shame you won’t be able to make your lunches - on the bright side, now you know your appointments, you can do some planning ahead. Don’t panic about the Christmas presents, it was only a few wrap up’s nothing major. Still have nooooooo idea what to buy. It’s bleedin December soon (LOL) I always giggle when I get in a panic, I’ll be laughing my socks off next week if I don’t get my act together. Maybe you could make a necklace with your nails Dilys, you could then change the colour weekly or depending on your outfit (wonder what your friend would make of that)!!!

I asked Gill to ask her hubby to give me a call tonight, but only if he had time, so if he calls I’ll let you know how she is. Poor Gill, she gets really sick with the anaesthetic and on top of that it allergic to latex. She is having a rough time with all of this.

Well, I shall go and peel some potatoes - Homemade fish and chips tonight (I know it should be healthier but B******S (Once a rebel, always a rebel). I have already had seeds and berries today ( I’m becoming strangely attracted to next doors bird table) LOL

Be back later.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. XXXXX

Hi Dyzee and welcome to Wendy

Wendy - ask away my love. But I think the honest answer is that if they want to offer you chemo then you do it. It costs the earth so they do not do it for fun. Eeven if it isn’t fun to be on the other end.

Dyzee - right thummd nail just half an hour ago. You are right! A necklace indeed! Sounds vaguely prehistoric though? I am now getting used to it all. Ho hum. Amazing what it brings to you.

Have the alarm clock set ready for tomorrow’s zapping.

Home made fish and chips sounds just what you need. We are having sausages and mash again this end. Yum!

Fingers crossed for Gill

Much love


Hi Dilys and Wendy,

Wendy - Sorry hon, I completely missed your post earlier because it was on the previous page.

I didn’t get the choice regarding chemo, I was just told that I would be having it. However, when I was first diagnosed, they said I was grade 1, 8mm, and er+. At this point they said to keep my fingers crossed that I would only need raidotherapy. After surgery, the dx changed to grade 2, 1.8cms, they tested 16 lymphnodes out of them 1 was involved. Consequently, I now have to have chemo. Now, although I am dreading having the chemo and quite frankly, the thought of it scares the s**t out of me, I am also comforted to be having it as it is just another bit of insurance. I suppose what I am saying is, even if my dx had not changed and they had given me the choice, I would, without a doubt, have taken the chemo.

I don’t know if this will help Wendy, I was lucky, the descision was made for me. I think it’s rotten that you have to decide. xxx

Dily’s - Ohhhhhhhh I looooooove Sausage and Mash!
I can’t believe you lost another nail - when is this gonna end? You will have a necklace and a bracelet before long.
Never mind hon, I do feel for you it must be horrible. What time do you have to be up in the morning and are all your appointments
at the same time?

I haven’t heard anything re Gill yet, I hope she is ok.

Love and hugs,

Welcome !
Please keep us informed of your progress. If you read these posts you will discover that I ‘only’ had a lumpectomy with forthcoming radiotherapy and that I am taking Tamoxifen - My surgeon recommended it, the oncologist says not to take it, my GP says keep on taking it ! Like you I don’t know my receptor status and no-one seems able to tell me so I just keep taking the tablets! My philosophy has always been that anything has to be better than nothing !!!

Gill -
do hope everything is ok with you

Dilys & Dyzee -
Antiques Roadshow will give you a definitive price for your nails bearing in mind their age and condition - don’t be tempted to polish them, collectors prefer to do that themselves.

Love to you all
Maddy xxxxxx

Hi Dyzee, Maddy, Gill, Wendy and everyone

Back from the second zapping. It is really easy after chemo. Tomorrow though I will be at the local hospital in the morning for herceptin and then make a dash up to town for radio. They are being great about. was there early as usual for my 11 o’clock appointment and got taken straight in as someone else hadn’t arrived. I don’thave to get upi that early - 8am is fine. I am just getting lazy!

Having lunch with my sister in law today which will be nice. I have a two for one voucher for Pizza Express.

Thanks Maddy - am gong to ring Antiques Roadshow now!

Much love to all


Hi All

Thank you all for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences with me, your responses have made me feel far less ‘alone’.

I (hopefully) will get all of the pathology results tomorrow so will be in a much better position to make a decision and will update you all. In the meantime, my best wishes go out to you all and your loved ones.


Hi Dilys, Maddy, Julie, Gill, JillyB and Wendy.

I called Gill’s husband this morning. She was still in hospital, the anaesthetic has hit her hard and she was in quite a lot of pain. I haven’t heard anything since.
I sent her our love.

We’ve been to the Metro Centre today and I had a bad case of “Crowd Rage” - people kept bumping into me and hitting my sore arm (Grrrrrrrrr). Then, to add insult to injury, I tried loads of hats of all descriptions on and looked hideous in all of them!!! I really do not suit them. Soooo, it looks like a wig (or 2) for me girls.
Bought some more Christmas pressies Dilys (hehe), still need loads though. I’m worried the onc starts me on the chemo next week. Hubby is going away on Sunday
and won’t be back until the 14th Dec. So I need to be organised (heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp).

Dilys, Hope your enjoyed your lunch, great getting 2-4-1. You have a busy day tomorrow hon. Don’t be racing about to much. Good look with the “nail” valuation!

Maddy, What is going on with your results, can’t your BC nurse sort it out for you? It’s diabolical!

Wendy, Let us know what happens tomorrow.

Julie, Not long now, how are you?

JillyB, Still thinking about you.

Gill, Come back soon.

Lots of love and hugs.
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee,
I remember, many years ago, having a Girl Guide “Wig Evening” where we went to a local hairdresser and tried on loads of different colours and styles - every colour and style except my own suited me !!! - If you have to have a wig then I think you should certainly try on a variety before deciding what to have - think of the fun you could have with a totally different identity.

Good Luck.

We don’t have a dedicated BC nurse - just have to ring a central number for someone to get back to us - they’re all very kind but limited with what they can do and we don’t necessarily get the support or information we need. I may well ring my surgeon’s secretary again to see if we’re any further forward rather than waiting till January 21st when I next see him.

Maddy xxxx

Hi everyone,
Ive been finishing work and painting the kitchen and getting sorted and speaking to friends and… and … so here I am, tis the eve of the day I say goodbye to my lovley little right boob.Going out for a curry tonight ,hope i ont embarass myself in theatre! im going to write ‘do a good job’ on my body just before i go in!!!
I feel mentally ready, its been lovely to read everyones news again, Ive missed you all.
Dyzee- I came across a lovely wig company called Naural Image- sorry no more details in the brochure I have, and another called www.hothair.co.uk,check them out.Are you in newcastle? i was born up there!
Dilys- Sounds like the nail saga is getting you down ,wish I could help make it stop, you could paint on them’grown in east london’ and sell at spitalfields market! nearly finished rads, hope you arent finding the slog to hosp too tiring every day, nearly there, well done, hows your expander feeling these days? you havent mentioned it for ages. lol xx
Maddy-How are you, hows your op site has it healed well,hope you get more info pre end of your for your own sanity xxxx
Gill-when youre back home, hope all went well, and you feel better now its out! and the next stage of recovery can start, we’re with you, take care and rest.
Wendy-Leaving you with that decision I feel is a bit unfair, ask your onc what he would suggest if it was his wife,daughter etc, I asked my plastic surgeon this question, you will get a very straight and honest answer, and thats what you need. good luck love, thinking of you xx

So see you all next week,Dilys Im on 11th Flr St Thomas Hosp,Alan Aply ward if you want to ring.
Hugs and kisses Julie x

Hi again,
Dyzee theres lots of threads talking about wigs and scarves etc, go into search and enter wigs/scarves in comment box ,if you havent already, as youve been here longer than me and know your way around!

good luck,
Julie xx


Hi Dilys, How are you my love? Was it an awful rush today? I bet you are tired out.

Maddy - I am so angry for you re your results (Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr) I do hope the sec can give you information. I can understand your frustration, they should not expect you to wait til January. It’s unfair and unreasonable. Thanks for the advice on the wig front, I will follow your advice and go to a shop and try loads on.

Julie- You will be in my thoughts all day tomorrow. If I could be with you- I would. (BIG HUGS).
I live in Hartlepool, which is about 30 miles south of Newcastle. It’s on the coast, one advantage is we get lovely fish.
The building I work in is on the Marina and we get the fishing boats docking right across the road. I often have a nosy to see
what they are landing. I sometimes buy Lobster from them and get 4 good sized ones for £10. We can always get lovely fresh fish too.
Thanks for the “Wig” info, my bro called this afternoon and brought me a catalogue for Natural Image, he had picked it up in Leeds for me.
You were spot on, they look great. So it’s off to Leeds.

Wendy - How did it go for you today?

JillyB - Still wondering how you are.

Gill called me this evening, she was discharged this afternoon. She had a hard time and is in pain, but glad to be home. She sends her love to everyone and hopes to post tomorrow.
Well, I haven’t done much today, largely due to the fact that I could not sleep at all last night (which is sooo annoying). So just did bits and bobs this morning and slept this afternoon.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X


Are you ok Dily’s - let me know. XXXXX

Hi All

It was good to read all of your messages again. Some good news and some bad news today - HER2 negative; Hormone receptor strong; but Grade 3. The Oncology Manager rang me with the news but will not know until tomorrow what the Oncologist’s recommendations are with regard to chemo. However, with this news I am 90% decided to go with it anyway so Dyzee we may be able to compare ‘wig’ stories soon!

Ironically, my job takes me to Leeds quite regularly but can’t see I will be going up there for some months now, or back into the office for that matter. Would have been handy to visit Natural Image. I am like you Dyzee - hat’s look terrible on me.

Julie - hope you are ok - had my left boob removed on 12th November and am now feeling ok but still a little bit sore. The stretching exercises are ‘hell’ but well worth doing to get you supple again.

To add to everyones’ thoughts about Christmas - look on the bright side - we have never had such a good excuse not to be organised! My philosophy is that the family can look after me this year and I am sure yours’ will all do the same so try not to stress.

Love, Wendy

Hi Wendy,

Now you have all of the information it will help you to make an informed descision. It’s great that you sound so much stronger now.
The waiting and wondering is always the absolute worst time.
From a purely personal point of view, I would be delighted if we became “wig” buddies and went down the chemo road together.
The wig shop in Leeds is called Hair Plus and is near Harvey Nichols in the Victoria Quarter. They stock Natural Image and Hot Hair. There may be
a similar shop where you live. It’s a bit of a trek for me but I think it will be worthwhile. I searched on google and on yell.com for wig shops in my immediate and
surrounding areas. Where are you?

Let us know how it goes tomorrow with the onc. I have my appointment next Wednesday, so I should know my start date then.

Lots of love and hugs,

Dilys, I’m worried about you my love. X

Hallo everyone

All this news! How can I keep up? I am fine - just my busy double hospital day yesterday. But it is all going fine. Rads are easy after chemo and my journey there and back really easy. I have seen other threads where everyone complains about late running, but so far I am in and ut either on time or early. They are really nice there too. So four down and eleven to go! And Arimidex seems to be causing no side effects so far so I am very hopeful.

Dyzee - thanks for news of Gill. Hope she will be back here soon. Wigs - now there is a story. I have a Hothair wig, name of Stacey, and she is very good indeed. Only thing is that now it is winter, and we are all in scarves and coats with high collars, I find it pushes up at the back. And I have always felt unsafe in a high wind. So right now it is the turbans and the false fringe for me!

Wendy - good luck with your results, and hope you manage to meet up with Dyzee.

Julie - I am probably too late but good luck in hospital!

Maddy - what a bummer. My bc nurses (there are two of them) have been great when I needed them. I haven’t needed them much but whenever I have a question I knw they will answer it, or ring back if they aren’t there when I call.

Much love to all (oh and Dyzee I have done a bit more Xmas shopping. Have to have all my brother’s famly presents ready by next weekend when they are coming up!)

Lots of love


Hi Dilys,

Good to hear all is well with you. Sounds like the rads are a doddle! Let’s hope there are no developments with the Arimidex, that will be fantastic. I know how much
you were dreading taking them, fingers crossed for you.
I have the Hot Hair catalogue here and I really like your “Stacy” wig. What colour did you go for? I was blonde (lots of highlights) for years and then went dark earlier this year. I think I will go lighter though, I much preferred being blonde. So It’s a good excuse for a change.
We have been shopping again today, I bought a couple of Buffs, they feel nice and soft and cosy. We went to a nice little place in North Yorkshire called Northallerton.
There are some nice shops to have a good “mooch” in. Got a lovely Yorkshire Curd Tart (lush).

I have been thinking about Julie all day, bless her. I’m sure she will breeze back, with her normal “gusto” soon. Are you going to call the hospital Dilys? We don’t know her full name do we!

Well done getting more pressies, can’t believe you have to have some ready so soon. What a rush!!! Good luck with that one.

I haven’t heard from Gill today, I hope she feels a bit better, although the bloody anaesthetic takes it’s toll, as we all know.

I’m not sleeping to well at present, was up most of last night again. I might take a tablet tonight, but I hate having to do that. Hubby is worrying about
me, so I think I will just have to do it to give him some peace of mind.

Better go make something to eat.

Julie - Thinking of you, big hug.

Maddy - How’s your day been -any news?

Wendy - What you up to?

Gill - Hope you are feeling better today.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee ( and all the other lovely ladies I share this page with)

Still no news - tried to ring my surgeon but just got the answer machine so didn’t leave a message as we were planning to be out.

We had a great day today visiting our EXTREMELY pregnant daughter. Had a great lunch at the local pub in Deanshanger, near Milton Keynes, which has recently been refurbished by the new owners. Only three days to go (officially) - the baby was stretching like mad and I had great fun finding the bits - it’s so strange that when I had my two (many years ago!) nobody would have dared touch my bump - now we can’t keep our hands off.

I’m beginning to get really excited about seeing this wonderful new being they’ve created.

Hope you all have a good weekend, despite the expected bad weather

Love Maddy xxxxxx

Hallo All

Oh Maddy how exciting! Hope it goes really well for your daughter. But sorry no news from your surgeon.

Dyzee - can’t remember the colour but as it happensd it was the one in the catologue at the time. I don’t have it flicked out like that. But it looks good when I wear it. I was very natural blonde and going mousy when all this happened. Can’t wait to see what comes back. Dyzee my love, hope you sleep better tonight. I reckon iut is random. I had a terrble night last night for no reason at all. So hope to sleep like a log this time round.

Much love


Hi Dilys and Maddy,

Maddy, you must give us regular updates about the baby! It’s so lovely to have such happy, happy news. I can feel the excitement and expectaion coming through
my laptop. I’m very excited for you.
Keep calling that flaming number hon. (grrrrrrrrr again).

Dilys, What is the news on the hair front. Any signs? I can’t believe you had a bad night too. If only we lived next door to each other. I am useless if I don’t get my sleep.

I wonder how Julie is tonight. I hope she is ok, I keep thinking of her.

Well, Iv’e taken my tablet so let’s hope I get some sleep tonight, you too Dilys.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi All

Slept much better last night, and hope you did too Dyzee. No I can’t really ring the hospital and just ask after Julie - I think they might not tell a total stranger anything, and I don’t know Julie’s surname. Sorry Julie - will have to wait till you are back! Thinking of you though. Bet you have a great view from your window.

Hair? Well I found hair on my legs this morning. How unfair is that???

Off shoppng soon. A lovely sunny day here too. Have a good weekend everyone

Much love
