Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hello Everyone,

Nothing much to report today. Slept like a log last night, been a lazy mare today. Couldn’t face the Christmas crowds, so took the easy option,
sat on couch with cuppa and cake and shopped on the internet.

Dilys, It’s just typical that it’s come back on your legs. Unbelievable!!! Hope you had a good shop, you will be way ahead of me in the presents stakes.
So pleased you had a good sleep, it makes such a difference.

Love to all.

Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee

So now I am the smug one! Have written 15 cards, bought the stamps, the wrapping paper, labels etc. Just need to keep going now. But just lost another nail! AARGH!

So glad you had a good night last night. Going to be very windy tomorrow apparently so we can all hole up at home in the warm.

So what did you get on the internet then?

Much love


Hi Dylis,

Not another nail. Oh Dylis, I do feel for you my love. I can’t imagine what that feels like (big hug).

Hmmm, not just pressies, but also, cards written, stamps bought, wrapping paper and labels - I concede, you have, without doubt, the right to be smug!
Well done you!

I’m still only buying bits and bobs, got some nice earrings for Lizzie, also pj’s for her from the La Senza website that say “Grumpy but Gorgeous” which she is on a morning!
Still don’t know what to buy the parents, they have everything!!! Same with hubby, I need to get out and be inspired!!!
I don’t know Dilys, it’s just not like me. I will have to get myself motivated. Or someone will have to give me a kick up the rump!

The weather forecast is horrid! Stay warm and cosy.
Let me know if you managed to wrap anything!!!

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee my love

Have wrapped the birthday present for the 2 year old grand daughter. But nothing else. I have to get the presents for my brother and family as they are here next weekend. All else is a complete panic! Shall we kick each other my love? Wish you lived nearer.

Staying close and warm at home tomorrow. Sounds as if it will be horrible. May write some more cards (tee hee).

Love you lots


Good Morning Dilys,

You have inspired me! I am going to wrap the few pressies I have and write some cards today, that’s the plan anyway. I bet the little one is getting excited
about her birthday, not long now. You are up against the clock for the pressies you need for next weekend. Do you need many?
I do wish we lived close to each other, it would be lovely.

My hubby has just left for Norway, he won’t be back until the 14th. Hopefully, this will be his last trip, he won’t get there until about 10 tonight.
He really didn’t want to go, I do miss him.

Well, the weather is miserable so, like you I will be staying cosy.

Lots of love,

Hallo Dyzee

Sorry your husband is away. I bet you miss him. And we have the miserable weather too. It is pouring out there. I have got all the presents I need bar one for my brother’s family, so am feeling confident! Am going to do some more cards today. I am not going to be able to see little Abbie this week as planned as it simply won’t work with the radio appointments - they live completely the other side of London to us and it takes a while to get there. Never mind for this few weeks.

Good luck with the wrapping and cards!

Loads of love


Hi Dilys,

Quick question for you. Iv’e just noticed the “private message” thing above the comments box. What is it? Sorry if it’s a silly question!!!


Sorry to barge in on your conversation - the private message box means you can send messages without the rest of us being able to read them!
Maddy xxxx

Ahhhhh! I see.

Thanks Maddy & Jo.


Hey Maddy,

How’s your daughter? Any twinges yet?

Dyzee. X

Hi Dilys and everyone,

How are you all today?

Been out this morning to the hospital with Lizzie.She is having treatment for psoriasis. Then popped to see the parents.
Have been searching the internet for inspiration to buy more presents had a bit of success!!!

I called Gill yesterday, but did not get an answer. I hope she is ok.

Julie - Been waiting and wondering about you, hurry back, we miss you hon.
Maddy - Any news, re your results?
JillyB - Where have you gone?

If I have missed anyone, sorry. I’m having a dopey day today, I’m getting jittery about seeing onc on Wednesday!

Love and hugs to all,
Dyzee. X

Hi Everyone

Its me again! I have decided to go with the chemo. All things considered I think it will give me more peace of mind moving forward to know that I have done everything I can. The family all agree.

Dyzee - I live in Milton Keynes.

Maddy, I notice you have mentioned Deanshanger, do you live nearby? Has your daughter had her baby yet? My next door neighbour has just had her first (on Friday). She came out of hospital really quickly - we could hear the little one crying on Saturday night.

Best wishes to all.


Hi Wendy,

Soooooooooooo sorry for missing you out. I feel awful!!! Please accept my sincere apologies
Glad you have made your descision and you and your famile now have peace of mind. Well done you.

Do you know when your chemo is starting?

Love and hugs,

Hi Everyone,

Gill called this afternoon. She is still sore and suffering from the anaesthetic. I told her that we were all thinking about her and hoped she soon felt better.

Dyzee. X

Hi everyone,
thanks for all your kind thoughts - no sign of baby yet - although I did get a text message from my son in law yesterday wishing ‘grandma w’ all the best - I told him off in no uncertain terms for unnerving me - it’s a good job he knows I love him dearly!

First morning back at work since June was a joy - the children were all keen and the staff were appreciative, I didn’t forget what I was supposed to be doing, although I did forget to take my watch so my timings were a little off. Quite a busy day really as I also got my first radiotherapy - in and out before my allotted appointment time ! Don’t think it will last though judging by previous comments I’ve read on this site, especially since they’ve now changed the times of many of the previously allocated slots. I slept right throught the night - probably exhaustion rather than the radiotherapy!

Still no sign of my hormone status but at least I didn’t have to draw their attention to it, it was mentioned straight away by the nurse - I’ve been promised it should be here today - Mm…!

Wendy - I live in Leicester - it’s my daughter who lives in Deanshanger, her husband is a local, and she used to work in Simpson - we also have friends who live in Nash so we know the area quite well.

Will let you know my results when I get them - and whether the baby is a baby !

Best wishes
Maddy xxxxx

Dear Maddy and all

Well done going back to work, especially with so much else going on. I have done six rads now out of fifteen and have been in early every time so far. They are being great. So keep your fingers firmly crossed.

Dyzee just write down the questions that occur to you at odd times and then make sure you ask them all. The main thing is to try to come out with a clear idea of what happens next. That said I found my brain had a tendency to turn to mush as soon as I got in there! Helps to have someone with you to listen and ask questions too. And don’t try to talk flat on your back with your top off!

What a miserable day it is. Might go and see if I can do some Christmas shopping this afternoon. Or there again I might just curl up with a book. It is good weather for wearing hats and turbans though. Nearly everyone else is too!

Much love


What a surprise - still no sign of my hormone status - and I had a 45 minute wait for treatment today. Glad I wasn’t waiting for an ambulance to take me home though - there were people who had been waiting for one since 2.20 still waiting at 4.30 - one very ill lady in severe pain was finally persuaded to lie down in a side room - the staff were great but what a system!

Maddy xxxx

Hi Dilys, Maddy and all,

Maddy - Sounds like you really enjoyed work. Your job sounds great.
Sooo - did you get your hormone status? I blinkin well hope so. I think the baby will come before they do!!! The rads sound as though they are running very smooth
so will keep my fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted on the “little one” (do we call you Granny when the time comes - I hope you love us enough too - he he he).

Dilys - Did you go shopping or settle for the book? It’s been a miserable, dull day here too. I got up at 5.30 and started cleaning (very strange). After a few hours I burnt myself out though LOL! Had a stream of visitors all afternoon, which was nice, some friends and work colleagues and then my mother -in-law. Fed and watered them all and now enjoying some peace and quiet.

Well, it’s onc time tomorrow, feeling a bit nervous about it. I suppose it the start of the next furlong including several hurdles! Hey ho - here we go again!
When do you think Julie will be home? I hope she is feeling ok.

Julie - Hurry back
JillyB - Still here waiting.
Wendy - How are you?
Gill - Hope you are feeling better today.

Love and hugs to all,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee, Maddy and everyone

Oh Maddy, what a pain for you. My hospital seems much better than yours. Are you ok?

Dyzee - good luck for tomorrow. Hope it goes well. I will be thinking of you. Rads in the morning again and then shopping in the afternoon for me.

How are they rest of you all?

Much love



I have been following your stories with great interest, cheering you on from the sidelines, and wonder if I may join you? I think I would welcome the support.

Maddy, I am so glad you have gone back to work, good luck with the new baby!
Dyzee, Hope you are coping without OH and good luck for onc Weds.
Gill, Hope you are feeling better
Dilys P, You are doing so well with your rads, I am dreading it if I have them
Wendy, That’s a brave decision to have chemo, sounds like the right thing tho.
Julie, Hello, hope you are doing Ok

My story is that I have been dx with DCIS but my mammogram showed more malignant changes. I was therefore called in for more biopsies (deep joy!) and return to consultant on Friday to find out whether it is still “just” DCIS or there is invasive BC too. The waiting is sooooo hard, as is the being powerless. I am used to being in charge at work (not to say at home, haha) and it is torture. I am sleeping OK, but feel really tired, I think due to the emotional stuff. Roll on Friday, when at least I will know what I am dealing with.

best wishes to all
