diagnosed today

Feelthefear, good to see you are so positive and can now help others on here. It was only last weekend when I saw your post as just being diagnosed and now look how far you have come!   


Heather xx

I echo every word you’ve said. Am feeling much more positive today., we will beat this thing and be stronger because of it. Thank goodness for routine mammograms x

You’re right Heather. I’ve came a long way in a week. Your imagination runs completely away with you when you’re first diagnosed. Speaking to others on here has helped me regain perspective. And steering away from google and also the tragic (rare) stories about breast cancer that the media like to publish.
I have an MA in journalism and should of known better. The fact that the majority of people survive this and go on to live normal lives isn’t really a story that sells. X

Well done Feelthefear!

I am back in hospital on 3rd May for lymph node removal! I had my lumpectomy on 30 the March although they found a clear margin there were micromets on sentinal node which may have been transferred during biopsy or surgery!

It is a set back because I was just expecting radiotherapy and tamoxifen!

Love your positivity…I was getting there but back to square one now!

Sandra x

Hi Sandra.
Sorry to hear about the further treatment you’re going to need. Try to stay positive. This is just a blip in your treatment plan. I believe that positivity is our personal weapon against the rubbish life can throw at us and we have to use it. It’s in my lymph nodes too, but it won’t be for long. Yours either. Xxx

Well said, Annie.
EH - please dont promote unproven ‘natural’ treatments on here.
When it comes down to it, conventional treatments are the best we’ve got.
Take care everyone, there is lot of cancer ‘woo’ out there, especially where money is involved.
ann x

Well I for one, will be sticking to whatever my consultant recommends I throw at it.

hi everyone
I have reported EH’s post to the moderator.

That’s great Optimissy!
Will also post to the othe CCs
ann x

I keep clicking hug instead of reply. ?
Im sure we can’t have to many hugs so hey ho.
Earlier today I received a private message offering me a free herbal remedy? I ignored it. I figured it was someone tracking down new members to try and sell them alternative remedies, which I’m not interested in. Although my husband was a bit concerned and suggested I report it. I’m thinking it may be linked to these posts.

I think coming onto a cancer forum and telling soemone that they have a self destructive ego is extremely negative and very unkind. Maybe people should practice what they preach. In the meantime, I will report the private message I received. The name is different, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Absolutely. Xxx

Hi Bellah, I been thinking of you since I let a message the other day. With us both being told the same day and what the next steps are for each of us. Like me I’m sure you feel the same still have hit me I’m on autopilot. All us ladies are amazing and the support you all give everyone is brilliant even know we don’t know each other. Hope it goes ok tomorrow x

Hi Clare,
Lovely to hear from you. It’s still so raw at the moment, sure it is for you, I can be doing something normal and the fear just hits me. Spent the first two days crying, but today has been better. Although feel pretty wobbly again tonight. Will be thinking of you too. This site is so comforting, to hear all the other brave ladies makes me feel that although I’m absolutely terrified I can get through xx

Thank you Helena xx

Hi Flyingarcher
Sorry you’re having a bad day.Only diagnosed on Tues myself so feel exactly as you do. Going through the motions but my over riding thought is I have breast cancer. Have also had lots of aches and pains that weren’t there before Tues, so how we’re feeling must be part of the whole horrible thing. Hopefully will settle down as we go through treatment. Am sending you a big hug. Am sure ladies who are further along will be able to reassure you better xx

daft days are quite normal, flyingarcher, when the anxiety monster bites! I remember it well…!
The early days are a bit of an emotional rollercoaster.
ann x

Hi bellah, I was told yesterday and was great with news! Woke this morning feeling that I was going to die. I have such a lovely family and friends network who are all behind me so tonight I’m ready to fight this . Hopefully we can get this sorted out and get back to living

Hi Leekim
Am sure we’ll have lots of up and down days, glad you’ve got lots of support. I also have a fantastic family who will be there every step of the way xx

Hi, i am new to forum just today - this morning met with consultant whose experience told her i had breast cancer - not sure how i feel but do definitely feel lucky that they found that small pea like alien in my left breast - i would never have noticed it and as Dr said the GP would nt either BUt outside of feeling lucky, I dont think the whole series of events coming up is dawning on me yet other than really feel like i have to get my house in order workwise and suppose just looking forward to getting rid of the damn thing…any advice welcome - had biopsies and getting results on teh 9th


Den xx