diagnosed today

Hi Denise,


Sorry you find yourself here, but as the others ladies have said, you will find so much support. Please try and take one step at a time, it can feel like time is going slowly at first, but everyone involved in your care is gathering information via your tests and scans to enable them to make the right decisions about your treatment.

Be gentle on yourself.



Sending you a hug,


hi Denise,
Please ignore the horrid stories & apart from this site or macmillan, google is best avoided at this stage. Do call the helpline above if you need to talk things through.
This stage is a shock, but it has been picked up & will now be dealt with, so try not to panic.
BC outomes are now some of the best around, so there is every reason to be positive.
My bc was detected by routine mammo, now out the other side & life back to normal, apart from posting here of course!
ann x

Hi Denise - can’t add much else to what everyone else has said but just sending good wishes - if it’s any consolation my radiologist also said to be it was BC when I had the USS and biopsy did confirm it. She also said my lymph nodes looked normal on scan and they were (tested after my mastectomy). I’m 3 months post mastectomy now, no radiotherapy or chemotherapy required and take Tamoxifen daily. I feel ok physically, back at work… mentally may take a little longer but I know that’s normal. It does get easier.

hi all,


Well biopsy results Tuesday cant come soon enough - been doing ok till this weekend when must think and nurses suggested i prepare questions to ask them on Tuesday - any thought on this woudl be grateful?  also do i go on own, with friend who is razor sharp and experience cancer herself or do I go with husband? experienced peeps before me any thoughts? 

Hi all, ive been reading this thread over the last week, with great anxiety and alot of other emotions, i went for a routine mamagram, and got called back tuesday, had further puctures taken, i then had untra sound scan, and then i beleive it was a core vacumn biobsy, i went back friday to be told, i have grade 2 invasive ductal cancer. They dont have all my results in yet from biobsy, i dont know what the receptors are. I am seeing the surgeon on the 19th of may and they said i should have the rest of results then and date for removal. I am totally shocked, how your life can be so up turned in a week. I am due to go on holiday july the first and i booked it over a year ago, im now worring i wont be able to fly, im told thst once i see surgeon they have to operate by law within 31 days, so that takes me to 19th of june, do you think its possible i can fly or will i need to cancle holiday, appologies for the long post.


Many thanks for reading


All the very best for tuesday xx

Hi debbie,
Welcome to the forum, although, obviously you would rather not be here. Yes, the same thing happened to me, recalled from mammo, invasive ductal grade 2 bc, now through treatment & back to life as normal.
The hormone receptors refer to whether the bc is uses oestrogen to grow, most of us are er+ ie our bc is stimulated to grow by oestrogen.
Do speak to the team about your holiday, there are quite a few ladies on here who have continued with holiday plans. It’s not the law, but NICE guidelines which gives timescales that treatment should be started by.
This stage is always such a shock, so what you’re feeling is quite normal, but please be reassured that treatment is very good now. There are loads of us here going through what you are now, as well as further down the road, out the other side & getting on with life.
Do look at the main site for any info you need & avoid general googling as it only feeds anxiety.
Do come here & chat whenever you need to & there is also the helpline at the top of the page.
ann x

Hi Debbie
Please don’t rely on the guidelines for dates. They have been well exceeded for me due to lack of capacity in the hospital.