Good luck Helen, where are you based?
Are you in for the week aswell?
Anne x
Good luck Helen, where are you based?
Are you in for the week aswell?
Anne x
Hi Anne…I’m in a Yorkshire based hospital… I’ve done the rounds of them just recently, but I believe he said Bradford for this one. His staff are qualified in this kind of ‘stuff’…He said I’d be in for 6days…but I guess I’ll find out more when I go in on the Sunday before!!!
Good luck Helen. I’m in Yorkshire too - Halifax actually. Are there are other people close by who would like to get in touch?
Hi Janet…I had my last op done in Halifax 4 weeks ago. I’ll soon be able to write a star rating for ‘hospitals in yorkshire’!
LOL Helen! I’ve had 2 ops in Hx (Mr Modgill) and my chemo is there too - pretty impressed (only a couple of blips). BCN is wonderfully supportive too at Macmillan Centre and I have every faith in them. Just don’t really know anyone close who’s going through this.
Janet x
What ops have you had Janet and are you going to have a mastectomy?
I had left mastectomy 17th Dec and SNB, micromets found in 1st 2/20 nodes so axillary clearance 27th Jan. Had 2nd EC chemo last Friday - not too badly affected s/e wise so far *touching wood* but emotionally up and down. Been to BC Haven in Leeds today to book appointments for complimentary therapies - need all help I can get. Hair thinned a bit but hanging on in there - used cold cap during chemo. So have 2xEC and 4 Taxol to get through.
You’ve been through a lot. I haven’t had chemo or rads, and won’t need them now! I was DX on Jan 2nd 09. I had a WLE with SNB on 9th Feb…one node removed all clear. On 6th March I had a further excision. And now last week was told I need a mastectomy. I’m having immediate reconstruction…and that op is on 20th April. The Bradford clinic there with the bcn was brilliant.
I asked the girls on another thread to explain about chemo, as a few of them are going through the treatment…so realise how hard it is. It seems you have a ‘small’ window where you feel ok then its feeling tired and a bit low again. Have you tried the chemo threads, you will find them useful too. I can’t know how you feel…but keep your chin up!
Hi Anne and Sarah hope you had a nice Easter. Are you both prepared for your ops? Is it yours this Saturday Anne,and yours next Thursday Sarah? Good luck with it all. I go in on Sunday and my op is on Monday, so we are all close together. It would be interesting to come back and compare notes. Hope all goes well for you both.
Hi Helen
Easter was good, but now I’m starting to wobble a bit. Wishing everyone the best with their recons and roll on when we’re all back on here chatting.
Anne x
Hi Anne…have you been asked to bring in any specific things? It’s just that I’m going to go shopping with my daughter tomorrow and will gather together things I think I might need.
catch ya later
Hiya - nothing specific from the hospital, but girls who have been through it suggested sports bra, maybe one that does up the front for ease. Big knickers, but I think I might be supplied with “corset” from the hospital. Front opening pjs, books and mags. Happy shopping!!
Anne x
Thanks for the tips Anne…
Hi everybody.
Just 48 hrs to go and what do I do??? come down with a cold. Not had one since chemo 18 mths ago, sods law or what!
Phoned consultant’s secretary who says still come in and if the aneathywotsit (sorry spelling not up to much) can get the tube down and my nose is ok it will hopefully be alright. Not allowed to take vitamins, just vick rub and steam.
If all goes to plan have to go in Friday night for blood thinning injection then get to hosp by 7.30 am, Saturday. Just nobody take my blood pressure, what with the nerves and this cold thing I’m sure its through the roof!
Anne x
Oh Anne …poor you definitely ‘sods law’. I hope it goes ok for you .Unless you are terribly ‘clogged’ up, they will probably go ahead with everything! I have everything crossed., Funny isn’t it what you ‘hope’ will happen!! Who would choose to have an op!
I think all the stuff you seem to be having before you go in, will happen to me on Sunday, before my op on Monday.
The waiting is rubbish…but you are nearly there now love and so am I.
Hi Janet hope all is going ok with you. Keep your chin up.
Hi Sarah hope everything is ok with you too. It’s not long until your op is it. Is your op next Thursday?
Take care all
I have posted this for new user, Sarah
Jo, Facilitator
Hello everyone who has been leaving little messages for me - I really cannot get the hang of this forum - I can’t remember how to get back to the right place whenever I log on.
Anyway, my diep is booked at the Royal Marsden, Fulham Road for next Wed 29th April and on a good day, I’m all up for it and then on a bad day I want to ring and cancel!!!
I have already had a double mastect ten years ago and i have continual capsulectomy so I will be glad to get rid of these implants. I have a CT scan this wednesday to check my veins - fingers crossed!
By the way, if any of those nurses come towards me with those MRSA sticks that get stuffed up your nose, I’m off!!
Spent quite a few weeks in the Ellis Ward at Royal M so it does seem nice to have a “home from home” kinda ward!
To everyone out there pre or post op - hang on in there - we are all fighters!
Thank you all for your support - my silent helpers!
AMDAMC, I hope your op is behind you now and you are feeling the benefits of being so brave.
I have a LD recon booked for May 11th so would love to hear from you how yours went and how much pain you were in after the op?
I have only ever had one op in my life, which was my mastectomy. I get terrified just thinking of the op again and worry about whether i’ll wake up after. I know that sounds daft.
My mum 14 years ago had skin cancer on her face very badly and went in again and again for skin grafts. After her final op, she had a massive stroke due to a blood clot and lost the ability to see, walk or talk.It was awful. That is what most scares me.
Hi mounties, I can understand why you feel so scarde after what happened to your mum. Just want to reasure you that it is not as bad as you expect, I had Ld recon in november, 6 hrs in surgery and i have got to say that i didn’t have much pain at all just felt stiff, You have constant pain relief when you wake up so you wont feel much discomfort and the result is sooo worth it. Good luck to you Helenxx
Thank you Hezb, you have put my mind at rest and hopefully i’ll have my op and be able to come back on here and sing the praises of my op too.
Do you know when you will have the other one done or even if you will have the other one done?
Hi mounties
I have just replied to your other posting, then came across this one and felt I needed to reassure you.
Can totally understand your worry re. the complications after such a large op, but would say when I had mine done this week, we were giving blood thinning injections from the night before the op, everyday until leaving for home, thigh length anti-embolism?? stockings worn again until leaving, plus special “boots” that pulsated to keep blood flowing constantly.
I would voice all your fears to the consultant - my fear was MRSA, I lost my dad to that after an operation three years ago and it was the real frightener for me when deciding to go for this. Just ask questions until you’re happy with the answers.
As I said in the other posting, the pain wasn’t so bad, only had strong painkillers during the first 24 hours and now coping with para plus ibro alone.
Hope this helps.
Anne x