Anne, I had Mr. Ramakrishnan after all, Mr. Dwulski was ill that day (or at Wimbledon). I’m quite pleased I had Mr. R, as he has a 98% success rate. He has actually devised another recon method called a ‘TUG’ where they use the fat from the thighs. To be honest, I would love to see the DVD, wonder if they’ll have it at BlockBuster!
Not long until your op now Heidi, are you having the LD? As Nell explained the DIEP uses the stomach fat so you get the tummy tuck at the same time.
Nell, I’m glad that your tummy gradually feels a bit ‘loser’, I shall invest in some big, firm knickers when I can get out. I’m hoping I can get rid of the binder when I go for my follow up.
Hope you all have a pleasant evening, it’s great to be back.
It’s good to hear you feel so positive about your op Tracey, although understandably a bit sore. I am having the same op on Thursday, but have to go into hospital tomorrow. All feels a bit weird - as though time is dragging, yet running out at the same time!
Best wishes ro everyone, and Lenny I hope you’re feeling better with each passing day,
Hi everyone
Welcome to our group Lyra. I’m sure everything will go well tomorrow and you will be back with us soon.
Tracy - welcome back and glad your op went well. I had the TRAM op eight weeks ago tomorrow and I’m still waiting for my tummy to stop feeling stiff! Isn’t it strange the difference between what you get told to do after the op? Tracy has to wear a binder and I think Anne said she did too whereas Lenny and I didn’t.
For those that have had the tummy op, how long have you been told you would need to have of work?I know the tummy op is a longer recovery than the LD. 8 weeks tomorrow and I don’t feel near ready to go back yet.
I had an exciting night on Saturday - I went to see Take That at Wembley. A few weeks ago I thought I wouldn’t be able to make it as there would be too much walking ! I went with friends on the train to Wembley and we had seats so at least I could sit down when I needed to. (Everyone was standing up and I was like a yo-yo up and down !). On Sunday I could hardly keep my eyes open when I was watching the tennis but it was worth it.
Did anyone watch the programme on Sky1 with Dawn Porter the last 2 nights about breast cancer ?
Whoops thought I had lost my posting then so I’m going now !
Hope everyone is well
Hope all goes well for you on Thursday Sarah, I also had to go into hospital the night before, which was quite lucky as they had a BRA meeting that evening and I was able to go and meet some of their previous reconstruction patients who give up their time to do a ‘show and tell’ at the meetings. It was very encouraging to meet these wonderful ladies and see the fantastic results of their surgery. Not one of them had any regrets and they all seemed full of confidence and enjoying life to the max (including running the London marathon in one case).
Lyra, I was given some excercise and information sheets by my physio before I left hospital, and there was a paragraph on returning to work which advised that you take between 8 - 12 weeks off after this kind of surgery. I am not medically trained, but as your op involved moving muscle from your abdomen, I would take more than 8 weeks off. I certainly plan to take at least 8 weeks off as my job is very physical. Unfortunately for me, I work with a lady who has had a straight foward ‘boob job’ which only required 3 weeks off and my boss is presuming my op is the same and I will be back in 5 - 6 weeks, so he is in for a bit of a shock.
Anyway, I am about to go back to bed - my Yorkie is whining for me to take him out for a long walk, but, like my boss he is in for a bit of a shock too!!!
Morning girls…Lyra I think most of us had to go in the day before. I was ‘drawn’ on and photographed by my plastic surgeon and had pre-op stuff done too. Good luck with the op Lyra…just think this time next week you might be out and posting again on here. Let us know how you go on.
My job is quite physical too, and although I can walk much more now without tiring, the tummy is still stiff and pulls …so I personally won’t be going back until I feel on top form. I don’t want to have off again because I went back too soon.
So Tracy you give your boss that shock and let him know that when you are ready is the time you will be back!!! You sound really upbeat Tracy…go girl!
Hi Helen how is your op doing, is it recovering ok?
Lenny hope you haven’t had anymore nasty ‘oozing’ from your wound and its 2nd time lucky!
Hi Christina…how you doing…hope your boy is feeling a bit happier.
Hey Sarah…one of the girls on another thread went to ‘take that’ and she had a wow of a time too. Good for you…bet you were kn*ckered…but what a buzz. Rest up.
Hey there Heidi…think you are the next!! Is it just 3 weeks now? Not long to go eh!
Hi Anne are you out and about like a good un now. Have you got a time scale for going back to work yet? Hope things are ok with you.
A dull but nice day here…oops shouldn’t have said that the suns gone in now…bummer!!
Lyra - sending you lots of love and all the best for the op, hope it goes really well.
Tracy, hi, I’m so jealous of you for having had your op filmed. (I asked but was told no!) Like you, I’d definately want to see it as I’m fascinated about what took 8 hours to do (all the micro surgery etc) although I had googled loads of images beforehand so nothing was a shock. Hope someone will be able to walk your dog - sounds so sweet.
Just wanted to add a bit about returning to work. I’m now beginning week 9 post op (diep) and healing going well (saw consultant yesterday who picked off all remaining scabbing from all the scars!! Bit sore but glad she did it as I wouln’t have). I’ve been told by 3 surgeons that it’s not unreasonable to take 12 weeks (more if needed) due to the op which after all is ‘major’. At week 9, I just don’t feel I’m quite there and my boss (a psychiatrist) said that a lot of people rush back and although they may feel physically ready, not always mentally/emotionally prepared. He also made the point, “obviously once you’re back to work, you can’t just ‘go for a kip’, put you feet up, relax etc, you need to be ‘up to full speed’”. Must admit, I set myself back a couple of weeks after getting mild wound infection, trying to do ‘too much too soon!’
Good luck to everyone awaiting ops and ‘happy healing’ to those in recovery! Lots of love to everyone. Cathy
I have been reading your thread with interest and its lovely of you to all be so honest. I am due surgery on 20th July Diep I am at present having Zoladex injections my next one due on the day of surgery no-one seems to know what to do about this and Ive been told to wait until pre-op meeting 14th July but I then seem to be running out of time for getting it done if its needed to be done before. Has anyone else had this problem?
Thanks for all the good wishes - they mean a lot. Am just off to hospital now (crikey!!!). Just trying to keep myself “grounded”. Will keep you posted.
Evening all - too late to catch Lyra, but hope all goes ok for her.
Tracy, how about you having Mr R. Isn’t he amazing, and such a gentleman.
Hi Helen, I’m ok thanks, still get a bit tight here and there, but now managing to sleep a little on my sides and hopefully soon on my front. Trouble is when you start feeling better you’re inclined to overdo it. Took my mum and daughter shopping today and overdid the lugging, but have had a lovely week - daughter’s wedding dress fitting and soon going to start looking for my outfit (low neckline of course!)
I feel guilty about the work bit - I used to manage a pre-school and gave up when I faced round two with BC and haven’t worked since. I now feel that I need to get back to something, heaven knows what, but the old brain matter is in desperate need of being pushed a bit.
Cant help Karen re. zoladex - maybe try ringing consultant’s sec. - good luck for the 20th - and not long now Heidi.
Anne - I work within early years education too. I used to manage a private day nursery for 10 years, but am now a development coordinator working with Hampshire county council and the National Childminding Asssociation. I make sure that everyone works to the welfare standards, work with ofsted to raise standards, acredit people etc etc etc.
You concentrate on yourself right now, don’t let work even enter your mind
Hi all…Good luck with your op today Lyra.Hope those recovering from ops are feeling fine too. Take it easy Tracy.
Hi Anne…exciting looking for wedding outfits. And great that you can pick and chose what you wear now, I would deffo go for a low neck. I work in the educational sector too and its quite physical, being on your feet all day and ‘bending’ over young ones etc. so thats the reason I’m giving myself enough time to get just right.
I know what you mean about the guilt thing…I feel that too, but we shouldn’t be feeling that way…so just get yourself right and then think about the work thing. My headteacher needed to know so she could sort out September staffing…thats why I had to think about it!
Karen I haven’t heard of zoladex injections so can’t help you there, but good luck with your diep on the 20th…I think the surgeons are being kept busy this summer with all the recons…heheheehe
Hi to everyone else healing from their ops…take it easy.
old friends and new! sorry i didn’t get on to wish lyra well for her op. when you are reading this on your return, lyra, know that i was thinking of you. my son thinks lyra is a really cool name, he is into the philip pulman books and lyra is the heroine.
tracy hope you are letting everyone wait hand and foot on you… don’t want a repeat of me from anyone, after all you are a film star now. my wound seems to healing nicely but i’m taking no risks and i’m back with my surgeon on monday. bit fed up as i seem to have gone backwards…
so it seems we have some teaching types on here!! no wonder you write so well. i bet you can’t stand my lack of capitals! my husband hates it and he was a teacher. i’ve got another months sick note this week and have made up my mind that i am not going back until september. i think after all we have been thru’ it is really important to get back to full health before we take the world on.
heidi not long til it is your turn… nell you are still the best at keeping us all together (must be the teaching bit of you), helen and anne so glad you are healing well and sarah looking forward to seeing you soon. cathy and karen nice to meet you.christina, hope you are well let us know how you are.
up date on the house … we (not me) are over half way thru the decorating and the things that need sorting and next week we start the packing… i’m turning into an even bossier me!! never had such a good reason for telling people what to do and not doing it myself!
we hope to move at the end of the month…
well hope you all have a good night and talk soon,
Hello there girls im back been dog sitting for my parents just been reading through whats been going on, i will try to catch you all up!! Tracy welcome back you have certainly got the best treatment after all the let downs! so pleased you are doing so well and i do agree work will have to wait for a lot longer.
Helen hope you are still keeping well and enjoyed your break away. seems along time ago now!
Lenny sorry to hear you have been having problems and hope you are now recovering well.
Well girls my new boob looks fantastic and feels alot better although walking 2 dogs every day has been really hard.
will hopefully try catch up with you all later love Helen2 xxx
Am running the race for life with my daughter tomorrow, just thought i would let you know that i am putting ‘the breast cancer forum girls’ on the back of my shirt to say who i am running for. We have raised over £500.00!!!
Heidi, have a great day tomorrow - have done the Race for Life ten times and its brilliant. Hope the weather holds for you. Like Helen I would like to sponsor you and your daughter - let us know how.