DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

Hi girls, Thanks for all your good wishes - am getting a bit anxious now which wasn’t helped by my boss kissing me on the cheek and saying to me as I left ‘5 or 6 weeks that’s all you’ve got off!’ he was smiling, so I presume he was pulling my leg.

Lenny, I’m sorry you’ve had to have more surgery done and I hope all goes well - let us know how you get on.

Well I guess I’ll be away for a few days, think of me sweltering in a hot hospital ward!!!

Love and best wishes,

Tracy xxx

tracy… you can do this and just remember it is all worth it!! even now i think so…

look forward to hear you soon, singing the praises of the new boob,

love lenny

Good luck Tracy. No one can be more nervous then i was the night before my op. We have all been through so much it’s only natural to be nervous. But believe me when you wake up you will be so pleased at what these fantastic surgeons have given you back.It really is the most fantastic pick me up you can possible have.They look after you so well too. So please sleep well and just think this time next week you will be back on this site bursting with excitement at the thought of all those new clothes with low cleavages you can buy.I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and i’ll say a prayer for you tonight.

Lenny, sorry you have to go back for your op. I am sure it will all be ok and you will feel much better for having everything sorted and closed.

Hope you are all enjoying this hot weather but not getting too burnt. Supposed to get even hotter before the week is out. We picked the right time to have our ops didn’t we girls?

Good luck for tomorrow Lenny, getting him to do any other bits whilst you’re under?? Can see why people go for plastic surgery now hehe. Look forward to having you back in a couple of days.
Anne x

Hi girls…You poor thing Lenny…hope your wound is resorted without any comebacks this time. Annoying though eh! Tracy really really hope things went just fine on Wednesday!All you need to do is recover now…take it easy!
Oh Heidi, we didn’t win anything…aw well next time…are you still doing count down?
Hey there Helen how goes it with you after your op…hope your recovery it working out well too!!
Hi Anne how is the tummy? I,m walking much more now, but still have to ‘peel’ myself from a chair if I sit down too long! get stiff!
Hi Sarah and Christina hope all is recovering well for you both too!
Its just a bit too hot isn’t it? I enjoyed my time away, very peaceful!
Enjoy the good weather while it lasts!

Lenny update - had a text from her and she is ok but they kept her in last night and may keep her tonight as well. She has a drain in.

Got to tell you about an amazing coincidence. Lenny and I have discovered that her parents know my father-in-law and they actually came to my house 5 years ago to visit him when he was staying with us recovering from a heart bypass. SMALL WORLD !!!

Love to all

Hi all, Poor Lenny having to stay in hospital longer then expected so soon after her diep op too. Sarah please send her my love and a speedy recovery.
Wonder how Tracy is, i hope she is as pleased as we all were at waking up to see her new boob. Be good to see her back on here again safe and sound.
Helen 2 how are you after your op? Does it look fantastic to be all matched up now? Is it as painful as the first one or much easier to get over. You know our bodies really are amazing what they cope with.
Heidi i will be watching the lotto again tomorrow night, lets hope our numbers don’t come up then. Please.
Anne, hoe are you now, must seem like ages since your op. I know it does for me time goes so quickly doesn’t it.
I can’t beleive it will be 8 weeks Monday since mine.Hoping in August to have second op to match up as by then i will have had the 5 expansions he plans. Really weird watching your boob swell up like a football.
Bought some v neck t shirts yesterday, first time in 2 years, that felt so good today to wear one again and have a cleavage.
Hope you are all doing well and thank you all again for being the fantastic supports you have been. Thank you xxxx CHRISTINA

Morning girls…Hi Lenny and Tracy and Helen…hope your op recoveries are going well. Let us know how you are going on Tracy…but take it easy and rest up. Lenny poor you , did they have to open you up again or restitch your wound? Do hope things are going more smoothly for you now, you deserve it…and rest, rest and more rest! Hey Helen…did the surgeon level up your other breast and give you a nipple on the other…I’m just asking because I think thats the next step for me…hope you are taking it easy too.

Well Heidi one week less than last week…hope your numbers come up today…what a boost that would be eh!!
Hi Anne how goes it with your tummy and boob? I’ve sorted out when I’m going back to work…but its not for a long while yet. I’m Still waiting for an ultrasound appointment…thats the name of this game eh!
Hi Christina and Sarah has it been so long since both your ops. Thats gone really quick hasn’t it? How is your son Christina, a bit happier I hope. Its a great feeling to wear ‘normal’ clothes or even to just have the choice of clothes that you wear…good for you with the v.necks.Sarah what a great coincidence meeting Lennys parents, and thanks for the continued update of Lenny. How are you doing love, are you progressing well?

Lovely day today after the much needed downpour of yesterday!
Going to the hairdressers to have my hair ‘painted’ today! So will catch up with you all later…take care.

hi everyone,

i’ m back again, got out yesterday evening, thank goodness. i had to be opened up completely and some skin cut away, check everything ok inside and then stitched up again. it was a bigger op than they thought hence the drain and staying in 2 nights. apparently it was all very inflamed but no infection. i feel as though i’ve gone backwards in my recovery but it is good to be rid of the yukky stuff that was coming out…sorry if this is too graphic!!!

you all sound well and moving forward… it must be the result of all this nice weather. isn’t cool that sarah and i almost know each other… well we do now but incredible that there is already a connection unrelated to cancer.

well everyone keep doing what you’re doing to get well and enjoy life. i’m resting and resting and it is boring… but all is well that ends well,

thanks for all your well wishes…

lots of love,



I hope you don’t mind me joining this thread, I know it has been going for some time and you all seem to know each other so well and be so supportive. I have been reading it over the past couple of weeks and found you all so a good source of info for me, as I shall be having a mastectomy and immed recon using the diep flap this coming thursday (9th July). I initially posted comments on a “DCIS and mastectomy” thread and then “Diep v LD recon”, but now I feel I am at a different stage.

Feeling positive about having the diep flap recon, but as the time draws nearer, more and more scared. It all still feels a bit surreal.

Warm wishes to everyone at various stages of recovery, and with all the various concerns,

Lyra x

Hi there Lyra…nice to chat again. Glad you have joined us. Its not long to wait now is it. Your ps sounds to have got things moving quite quickly. You’re bound to be a bit nervous, but I’m guessing glad that it will be over with soon. I had the mastectomy and immediate recon…I didn’t go through the same steps that some of the other girls on here have. But everyone is happy and satisfied with the result. Heidi has her op in another few weeks! But Tracy had hers just last week and is recovering. We are all at different stages so will be able to answer some of your questions.
Good luck this Thursday Lyra.
Morning to all…hope your weekend and recoveries are good.
catch ya later

Hi everybody - especially to Lyra, welcome and hope we can all be of help to you. It is a big decision, but am sure you’ll be over the moon with the result.

Glad you’re all sorted Lenny and back home resting.

I have my 82 year old mum staying with me this week, not quite sure who is the fittest sometimes! so good excuse to rest up a bit.

Best wishes to everone.
Anne x

Hi everyone and welcome Lyra

Good to have you back Lenny, what a shame it wasn’t all straight forward, hope you will properly be on the mend now. Have you moved house yet?

Hope everyone else ok, got limited time on the laptop cos my two little monkeys want to go on here!

Lyra- wishing you lots of luck, yes it does feel surreal, I felt as if i was watching myself go through the motions of it all, your emotions play catch up afterwards i think, but just take it a day at a time. Hope that you have lots of support.

4 weeks 1 day till my op, soooooooooooooooooooo excited now. My hubby is not allowed compassionate leave - they said he would only get it if a parent died!! Anyway, we have hatched a cunning plan. We are going to get my dr to sign him off with stress for 2 weeks. That way the children won’t be passed from person to person when I am in hospital as that would really stress me out worrying about them. He can then look after them, and help me for a few days once i get home. After that I amy going to have to tie them to a chair for the rest of the summer holidays!!!

Lots of love to you all. Bit windy down here today, but going to take the kids swimming later (I absolutely hate doing it cos I feel very self conscious in a swimming costume, the prothesis either soaks up all the water and ends up somewhere by my belly button), but its important that I still do stuff like swim with the kids.


Heidi xxxxx


Thanks for the warm welcome. I am a bit nervous of the op, a bit incredulous really - I keep getting a shock when I think in a few days time… and part of me still doesn’t believe any of this is happening at all, that it must all be one big dream/nightmare.

I do have some good support, mainly from friends, and my partner has been there through all meetings etc. I am also lucky because he has very little work at the moment (thought that might turn into a worry), so he is around to take care of children/house matters. My children are all teenagers, so should be relatively self sufficient -except for when they are together and then it can get fractious!! So I do have the luxury when I finish work on Tuesday, of just concentrating on myself, and don’t have to worry about young children and all the organisation around taking care of them.

Apart from moments of terror at the thought of it, I have also had some times during the past week when I have just felt so profoundly sad about losing my breast. I’m sure that’s normal, but all the meetings with consultants and pre-ops etc., and getting caught up in all that stuff, distracts in a way from the loss involved in all of this…

I’ve spent a bit of time this afternoon getting some music together to listen to in hospital - presume they allow ipods?!! As long as I don’t start singing along to it!! My 15 year old daughter warned me when I told her what I was doing, to not put sad songs on it. She’s taken charge by putting some music on it herself for me!!

I hope all has been repaired for you Lenny and you can resume your recovery. Some extra pampering must be due for going through all of that.

Is it Tracey who is currently having her op? And Heidi are you having the diep flap recon or the LD flap?

Good to “hear” your voice Nell. I don’t know how you keep track of everyone’s names and what stage they’re at! (Apologies if I’ve misnamed anyone or used “internet” names instead of real ones). You must be quite a few weeks since your op now - hope you are recovering well and enjoying life again.

Warm wishes to all,

Lyra x

Hi all

Lyra - everyone on here has told me i am having the ld flap (is that right girls???) Skin and muscle from either back or tummy and implant under muscle. I am not very up on all the abbreviations i am afraid!

Funnily enough i didn’t feel overly upset about losing my breast BEFORE i lost it, and was fine during radiotherapy, it has been since then that i have struggled. I think from diagnosis i just wanted the cancer cut out and gone, and if that meant removing my breast then so be it. You will be bypassing the no breast stage, but even with immediate recon you have to learn to adapt and allow all of the emotions to sink in day by day. Not sure about the rest of you, but i reckon it takes a full year to come to terms with things. My full year is up on 11 August, and with my recon i just want to put this year behind me.

Me and my daughter Meg are doing the race for life this Sunday in Southampton. We did it together last year, I was waiting for results of the lumpectomy at the time and didn’t know that i then had breast cancer, therefore it feels even more poignant this year. My friends and family are all doing it with me, and most of us with our daughters and we have raised so much money. I think that Meg (my 10 yr old daughter)thinks that if we raise enough money, that it will stop me being poorly again. bless her.

ANYWAY, I THOUGHT BEING DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER WAS BAD… MY DISHWASHER IS BROKEN!!! What am i going to do!! How will I cope?? How long will it take me to come to terms with losing it and washing up by hand!! hee hee

Love and hugs all round
Heidi xxxxx

Hi all…Lyra not long to wait now. I understand that feeling of loss even though you are going to get it replaced straight away…not many people understood that you still have to go through the step of mourning the loss of a breast, before you can take on board and appreciate the fact that you still have 2 breasts. Its a funny thing, but we have all taken this a step at a time and its almost like you miss out a step, which might ‘throw’ you a bit…but ultimately its a good thing.You are bound to be nervous, but once you are asleep all you have to do is wake up and its done, over with!! try and think of it that way…Ask away any questions. Button up light cotton pjs are a good idea.

Hi Lenny…glad to see you back and posting. I hope it is still healing ok for you. Not long till you move house now…have you practised your hand signal, for directing everyone??? teeheee
Heidi you sound like you are raring to go…thats brilliant!!!Its great you won’t have to worry about the kids for a full 2 weeks anyway!
Hope the recovery is going well with you Tracy…take it easy!
Hey Anne hope you are having a nice gentle time with your mum…
Opportunity to do lots of catch up…
Hi Christina, Sarah and Helen how are things with you all, good I hope.
Have a nice day

Hi Girls,

I’m back!!! Literally got home about an hour ago!! The dog has gone mad, the poor little mite was pining for me.

Anyway, the op went well and I had the DIEP which I am really pleased with. I had a different surgeon in the end, as mine was not well. He used a new piece of micro-surgery equipment for the first time called The Da Vinci (a snip at £1.4m) and the op was filmed and I may be interviewed - fame at last! - page 3 of the Lancet!!

I do feel a bit sore round the stomach and it also feels quite tight - I expect this is normal? I am wearing a binder, which is a bit of a pain but does support well.

Hope you’re all ok, it’s lovely to be back I’ve missed you all!

Love and best wishes,

Tracy xxxxxxxx

Hi Tracy

So pleased it all went well and sounds worth the wait with such expensive equipment!! Who did you have in the end? and do you get to see the film of it all (will you want to??)

Tummy will feel tight for quite some time. Mine still has times when it feels pulled. I wore the binder until I had the follow-up then went into hold-it-in-all knickers which still help at times.

Make sure you rest up, let everyone else pamper you for a while and good to have you back.

Anne x

Not sure if that posted or not,

welcome back Tracey - good for you, you sound happy. can’t remember what the diep is though - doh!!!

Time now for you to put your feet up and rest, wishing you a speedy recovery.

Does that mean its my turn next??!!! whooppee!!!

Great to see you back Tracy…and a film star no less. Did they pay you for it though?? mmmmmmm I think not. Your tummy will feel tight. Like Anne says…my tummy feels like its pulling everytime I get up from having sat down for any length of time. Its still a funny feeling…but you’ll get used to it. Take it really easy…pamper , pamper and more pamper!! You will probs want to lie in on a morning as well …sleep when you feel you want, evenually the energy levels will pick up…but don’t rush it.
take care Tracy
Hi Anne, hope you’re ok too.
The diep is where the fatty tissue is taken from the tummy, but not the muscle Heidi.