DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

hi everyone in the ‘recon clan’

i like that ann, i wish i could go swimming in spain… have fun with the dog.

i hope you are all well. welcome suzan, i would just add to those who have written advise, i think the end result is well worth the op we have to go thru’ to get it. i didn’t realise how much i missed my boob until i got my new one! i feel balanced now. i think we were all terrified before the op and that is normal coz it is a big one. also remember the drs have to tell you all the things that can go wrong but that doesn’t mean it will.

heidi, there is more pain than mx but there is wonderful pain control and they work really hard at keeping you pain free… i loved my morphine on a the press of a button! my pain has all been in the tummy.

helen(nell) i won’t mention it again until you do but you know we are all there for you for your appt in august… we could all learn from your attitude, you’re amazing, thanks for the update.

cathy i have been sleeping on both my sides for a while, i don’t sleep on my tummy but my discomfort has gone while sleeping.( i am 5 weeks on) i think ps have a thing about picking the scabs, as mine always does it… maybe because they like to see the results.

tracy love your new photo, sarah and i did not have to wear a binder, every place is different.

christina how many more bycicle pumps have you got to go? and i never new underwired bras contributed to bc.

sarah finally tomorrow we meet, now i need to say please forgive how my house looks, we have seriously started packing… we will have to do the race for life together next year!

lyra are you back yet, looking forward to hearing how you are doing and hope you are ok helen…not sure if i got everybody, hope so.

well i just wanted to say yesterday was a strange day for me, it was the 1st anniversary of my mx, should i be celebrating? coz i felt like i was mourning but the day ended well coz i went with my 3 men to see the new harry potter, first day of general release. it was brill, i’ve read all the books. tonight we a doing a party at the new (empty) house for my boys birthday - seemed a good idea at the time… a bunch of 16 year olds, sleeping over night!!!

well this is really long sorry,

love to you all,


I purposefully read through last few threads so that i could comment to you all individually about your posts, and i have forgotten who wrote what already!! I am so rubbish… what i can remember…

Welcome Suzan!

Lenny and Sarah - you are meeting up in person! wow! Would love to know where we all are geographically in England, i know that you two are oxford, I am near Southampton. Where are the rest of you from? Wouldn’t it be fab one day if we could find a central point to us all, book a travel lodge or something and all meet up.Wonder how many bottles of wine we would sink? Something for us to think about in the future maybe?

Tracey - you look amazing in your photo!!
Nell - you don’t look old enough to be a Granny.

I have just got back from my son’s leaving assembly from Infant School, he moves to Junior School in September. It was a lovely concert and they played on all our heart strings until most of the audience was in tears! He looked so little but so grown up on the stage, where does time go eh?

Only 2 weeks 3 days left till i have 2 boobs again!! Bring on the morphine then Lenny!!!

Lots of love to all

Hides xxx

Hi, just joined the Community. I had a mastectomy back in October 2003 and last year sought advice re reconstruction. Was advised that using back muscle was best option for me as too slim for tummy flap or implant alone. I’ve just heard of a friend undergoing the DIEP method and she’s thrilled with it, but not sure if this is an option for me as I’m in a different health authority (Leicester. Do all surgeons offer this method, it seems to be a relatively new procedure but sounds favourable to the other options. any advice?

Morning all…Hi Jane. My experience was a little different from others on this thread, because I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. But I believe you are right and this is an op that is not ‘done’ by all surgeons. You would need to ask around your authority and ask if they can suggest anyone who could do it, if they can’t you may have to ask further afield. The diep is a good op, and the surgeons who do it seem to take pride and artistic pleasure from what they do…all good!! Oh and a tummy tuck as a bonus…although you don’t seem to need one. Hope this helps a bit…the other girls will offer their advice too.
The assemblies are great aren’t hey Heidi…and totally designed to pull at the heart strings, including the teachers and children themselves…awwww!! Its a biggie when they move up isn’t it.Hiedi I didn’t even use my morphine button, which the doctor was pleased about…not enough pain to warrant it! So you will be fine.

Thanks for your thoughts Lenny…I’m just fine. Love the idea of the sleep over, hope it went well…bet it was loud, funny and sleepless!Glad it wasn’t me suppervising though. Or were you very sensibly elsewhere!!!
Tracy the photo is lovely…I too didn’t have a binder to wear, all hospitals are different aren’t they.Hope recovery is steady for you.

Sarah hope your and Lennys meeting goes well…I think you were destined to be friends, all the coincidences point to it.
Hope your recovering well Lyra…early days yet, same for Tracy.
Are you still swimming Anne now that you are home? I still have under the arm ‘pulls’ so don’t think I’d be able to swim just yet. Have you chosen your wedding outfit? Bet you can’t wait, what date is the wedding?
Hi there Christina…sounds like your going great guns…good for you!
Oh I’m going to meet a schoolfriend that I haven’t seen for over 10yrs, on saturday…can’t wait!!:slight_smile:

Have a good weekend all
catch ya later

Hi everyone, hope you’re all well

Hi Jane. Like Helen (Nell), I also had mast + immediate recon. My hospital only did LD flap and the surgeon told me that I’d need a reduction on the good side as LD flap possibly not as good a result for my build (size 16), also, I do a lot of kayaking and she felt that my strength may be impaired. My surgeon refered me to another hospital to have DIEP op. I’d definately ask your surgeonBCN’s about all options and don’t stop asking until you’re happy! I’m obviously ‘for’ for DIEP but it’s worth scouring these threads for advice from many different ladies who have had LD’s & DIEP’s.

Hi Lyra (if you’re home yet). Hope all’s going well so far.

Lots of love to everyone. Cathy x

Hi Jane

I had my mastectomy a year ago and have my recon in 2 weeks. I too have been told that i am possibly to slim for tummy and back. I see the consultant for my pre op this week and i think they are going to make a decision then about where to take muscle and skin from. Will let you know what they say!!

Heidi x

Afternoon all!..Hope you’re all ok. I was also told I was possibly too thin for a DIEP, but I did manage to put on some weight between my initial consultation with PS and having the actual op. Infact my new boob is probably very slightly larger than the real one so I may have to have some minor adjustments at a later date, but I’m really pleased with the result.

Thanks for all the nice compliments about my new piccie, I must admit it was taken in about 2002 and I certainly don’t look like that now, mores the pity!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and best wishes,

Tracy xxxxxxxxxxxx

Tracy - with bone structure like you have beauty never fades.


Thanks Heidi, that is so lovely - and has really boosted my confidence!

Wishing you a great weekend,

Tracy xxxx

Hi everyone

Well, I’m finally back and have just read through all the posts since my op. Wow, how wonderful of you all to keep me in your thoughts - I feel very moved. I got home on Friday, so quite a stay in hospital, but am now feeling well. The first couple of days I found really difficult, so confused and very nauseous. Then I rallied a bit - felt miles better, even a bit normal and was able to start moving a bit - but then the nausea overcame me again and I’ve spent days on anti sickness tablets. The op was 10 hrs so I think really took it out of me, and maybe the nausea was a reaction to all that general anaesthetic. The surgeon kept telling me I had been very “oousy” (!?) which I think meant I bled a lot, and they kept having to do blood tests. At one point they talked about maybe a blood transfusion, but decided to just keep monitoring me 'cos the new blood would be thicker and they thought might jeopardise the flap. Also the flap (my tummy skin) was sooo pale they kept having difficulty seeing any reflux - but it was ok just that my skin is very pale - tummy never sees the light of day!!

Anyway NOW I am feeling really well. Nausea gone, eating again (is it ok to have a drink??) and flap looks the same colour as my breast. I think it is so amazing what they do. My recon breast looks more or less the same size as my other - though I know its still swollen, so may be a little smaller - but as they did a skin sparing mastect, it just looks the same - I’ve even still got the 2 small scars from the biopsies!! How amazing is that. I am wearing a bra and can shower every day. Can’t get over not having loads of dressings and the wounds being glued on the outside!! Just one thing - I am wearing my bra all the time, but the support knickers I don’t wear at night - should I be wearing them all the time too?

Well enough of me. Good to catch up on how everyone is doing. Heidi I so admire you (and all the others) doing the Race for Life thing. Well done! You’re daughter looks lovely - bright as a button!

Lennie - hope you have no further trouble with infection and that the latest antibiotics get rid of that. Moving house at the end of the month - wow what stamina you must have. Even not doing the physical work, the emotional side of it all is still very tiring - so extra tlc and self pampering is called for methinks. And yes, I chose the name Lyra from the Philip Pullman books - I used to read them to my kids whe we were on holiday and we all loved them so much.

Tracy - how amazing being filmed. Hope you are recovering well.

Thanks to Cathy, Ann and Sarah for all your kind thoughts and support.

And welcome Suzan and Jane.

Helen (Nell) - good to read your always sound advice, and I echo all the comments the other lovely ladies have made about how generous you are in supporting us all and amazingly keep track of us all.

Sorry have gone on a bit - making up for lost time!! But loads of love to you all - and apologies to anyone I’ve missed - it’s not intentional just confusion!!

Lyra xxxxxxxxx

Hi all…how great to hear from you Lyra…You’ve had quite a rough time of it…definitely…so some tlc and loads of pampering for you too! My tummy skin is still a bit paler than the rest of the breast, but guess in time it will change a bit. Drink is good…thats all I did the first few days…didn’t eat much. It is funny having the other scars as well…mine look like a roundabout, with the option of turning off left or right …bit like a road map, hubby thinks it may come in useful heehee :slight_smile:
It seems to be different about what to wear. I wore my crop top because it was gentler on my boob, but pants to begin with, simply so the covers didn’t rub on the scar. So play it by ear love and see what is most comfortable for you.
I love the Pullman books and thats what your name reminded me of.
Take care Lyra and you must rest up and sleep whenever you need to, don’t feel guilty about it. You’ve been through a major operation and it will take time to build up your stamina again. Nice to see you posting. {{gentle hugs}}

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. Its chucking it down here and has done for several days…bummer!!
Heidi…you’ve changed your pic again…very nice too!!

take care all

Hi Lyra,

So lovely to have you back on the forums.

10 hours - what a long surgery! I know what you mean about the first couple of days afterwards, I wondered whether I had done the right thing I felt so awful, but as the days went on and I began to feel better I was pleased I had gone through it.

I have been wearing my bra day and night and the binder too - which I have to carry on for another 5 weeks. It is getting a bit uncomfortable to say the least as I don’t normally sleep on my back and wake up feeling really stiff and ‘achey’ I am tempted to have a night off and not wear it, but knowing my luck something dreadful would happen - the dog would probably leap on my stomach or start licking my wounds!

Anwyay, it’s lovely to have you back and know that you’re feeling ok. Try and take it easy and let everyone pamper you.

Love and best wishes,

Tracy xxx

Hi everyone

Lyra! Welcome back. You sound like your doing really well now your home I took 9 days in hospital as slow to be able to get off bed (4 days!) due to low blood pressure - and fear I think! Like you, I didn’t have any bandaging - wierd but OK.

As for the tummy support. I phoned the plastic surgery outpatients to check that one as the weather was roasty toasty when I was wearing mine. They explained that the support was needed 24/7 for 6 weeks to ‘stop fluid build up’ around tummy wound. Must admit I gave myself the odd few hours off. Just be careful about what you try and lift (I set myself back a little when I ignored the ‘nothing heavier than a kettle for 8 weeks’ advice)

Few more weeks and you’ll be offering advice (I’m still learning 10 weeks on!!).

Hope all’s well with everyone. Lots of love to all. Cathy xx

Welcome back Lyra, have been thinking about you. Sounds like the anaesthetic really made you sick, like Nell said,now is your time to be looked after and given lots of tlc. Rest up, I am convinced that if you try and rush recovery that it sets you back. (remind me of that please when i am back from hospital and trying to cope with 2 children on my own!)

Yes Nell it is another new pic, think its quite a nice way of ‘sharing’ with you. This was from last night at our friends house. There were 10 adults and 11 kids and we all had alot of fun. Needless to say i staggered home at about 1 am giggling all the way. Slight headache today but well worth it.

Two weeks to go for me now. :slight_smile: The children break up on Wednesday, and I will finish work that day too, that way i will have a week with the children before i go into hospital. Am going to try and pack as much activities into the week as possible to make up for the remainder of the summer holidays! poor kids, its not their fault.

Righty o, lots of love to all. Lenny hope you have stopped oozing.

Hides xxx

Hello My name is Zara,

I am new to this site.I have been offered the LD flap for a partial reconstruction and my op is scheduled for 6th August.I am wondering why many seem to go fo the DIEP, is there a benefit to this over the LD flap? I would be really interested to here some of yr experiences. I am going back to see my consultant on Wednesday armed with many questions:}


Hi everyone

Hi Zara and welcome. You’ll no doubt have loads of replies so I’ll keep mine brief. I had DIEP operation which was right for me. I made the decision after much ‘fact finding’ so felt confident with my decision which was a great help.

Firstly, I note that you are having ‘partial’ mastectomy. I only speak from my understandng of ‘total’ mastectomy.

I was told that if I had LD flap, for me this would mean I would need a reduction on the ‘good boob’ as I have large breasts and LD is ‘usually more successful on small - medium sizes’ (as the consultant put it). Also, I do a lot of kayaking and the consultant said I would ‘possibly lose strength and not be able to do the long distances I enjoy’ although from what I understand, LD doesn’t always compromise strength. Also, LD would have involved an implant behind the muscle and I didn’t want to have to have further op down the line to have another implant replaced.

The DIEP suited me as I had plenty of belly (!!) which they need to ‘fill up’ the breast skin. Although this is the longest operation, for me this meant that the mastectomy was done (cut round areola), and then tumy incision made (hip to hip). They then took fat from tum and an artery from muscle (although muscle isn’t taken out) and ‘connect’ a blood supply in your chest to the ‘flap’ which is a patch cut from your belly (can be tiny or can make the ‘whole breast’ in some cases). For me this was best as I now don’t have to have good side reduced, I keep my stomach muscles and my back is unaffected.

That’s a ‘nutshell’ from me. Feel free to ask any questions and I know you’ll have lots of information from the lovely ladies here by the end of the day. My advice? Ask, ask, ask and then ask again until you are happy with the op which will be right for you and if they don’t do the one you want, ask if you can be referred elsewhere.

Good luck and lots of love to all. Cathy xx

Hi all, sorry i haven’t beeon on recently. I got the dreaded Swine flu bug and it is awful. Really knocks the stuffing out of you for a few days. Thank God for Tamiflu.

I am amazed at how much this little group has grown since i was last on here. It is wonderful that Anne posting her original topic has ended up helping so many others.

Glad to see you are all recovering well. In answer to Heidis question i live in Leicester. Does anyone else live near me?

Love to all of you and will be back soon. xx

Afternoon everybody.

Poor you Mounties - I’m frightened swine flu will affect my daughters wedding in 6 weeks, fingers crossed I’m wrong. Glad you’re over it and ok.

Welcome to Zara and Jane - I had the diep for two reasons. Firstly I had the spare flesh willing and able on my tummy (hubby reckons he could have grabbed plenty from my bum too!)and also that no muscle would be involved. Plus my surgeon specialises in the DIEP and is brilliant.

Tracy - talking of Mr R., he let me leave off the binder at my 3 week check with him. It was beginning to cut into the top of my legs - thankfully the nurses cut it down by a third, otherwise it would have pressed into my chest aswell. After the 3 weeks I wore support knicks, and still do at times as they really help.

Love the pics Heidi - not long now. I’m loving trying on low cut dresses again, ready for my mother of the bride thing, and I know you will be soooo pleased when you’re all done.

To those I haven’t mentioned, best wishes and hope all is OK - Helen1 it really it starting to feel an age since we started this. I’m seeing my PS middle August to find out what happens next. But, before that I have to see my Onc on Friday for checkup and I hate this bit, especially now when I’m so on cloud nine from the recon. Would be nice to be left alone, but I know in my head that its important to be checked, checked again, and even more, so been good, had my blood tests and fingers crossed.

Love to all.
Anne x

PS - I’m an Essex Girl.

Afternoon all… welcome Zara. Like Anne and cathy I too had the diep. As Anne says some p.s specialise in dieps. Its all like Cathy and Anne have explained, really well, so can’t add much to that. But ask your surgeon for a good website to browse on at your leisure. My surgeon gave me one and I’ve been looking for it to give you, but can’t find it…sorry. Good luck with your decision Zara.

Oh poor you Christina, swine flu…not a good thing to have, bet its knocked you back a bit. Rest up and build yourself up again…hope you are feeling more like it soon!!

Heidi, I love the pics and think its a great idea to change them regularly. My son put my pic on when I started posting on here and I still don’t know how he did it…so afraid my pic will have to stay!!

Hope Lyra and Tracy are recovering well…take it easy both of you, nice pic too Tracy!!!Hope that you don’t have anymore oozing Lenny! Keep practising that ‘supervising’ hand ready for the moving house…hehehehe
Hi Helen how are you these days love? Tip top I hope…
Sarah hope your and Lennys meet up was a good one…I’m very sure it was!!
Jane hope you got the advice you needed too!

Anne, hope the swine flu doesn’t spoil the wedding. It does seem forever since we started doesn’t it? I will be seeing my PS Aug 21st, so similar to you. Don’t think I’m due to see the onc till September…they said 4 months after I’d last seen them. Not got an appointment yet, but the bcn rang up a week ago…which was nice!! Good luck with the blood tests Anne…and yep I agree, got to see them and do the relevant stuff, lay any worries to rest!!

Hope all are doing well, and its count down for 1 or 2 of you now. Its nice that we are all at different stages, and can give information to those just starting this journey.

Take care all…rest up and more importantly…shop till you drop, most important too hee hee :slight_smile:


Good afternoon lovely ladies, I hope you’re all having a wonderful day?

I have given myself a few hours rest from the binder/Jane Austen stylee corset and it’s hanging on the line having a bit of a blow! To be honest I feel a bit lost without it now, hope I don’t end up having to be weaned off of it.

My dear 78 year-old Mum drove me to Romford yesterday (which was an adventure in itself, but I’ll spare you the details!) There is a big branch of Primark there and I got a lovely sports bra for £4, it’s so comfortable and has a ‘racer’ style back (it also fastens at the back) for anyone going in for there surgery or just had it they are perfect. The only thing I would recommend is getting a cup size bigger than you would normally have, I am only a B cup but had to get a C, I couldn’t be bothered to try it on in the shop so opted for the larger size.

I have been doing a bit of dog walking (don’t know if I should be) but he’s only a little dog and we just go over to the local park, 5 minutes away, for about half an hour. I just let him run around and then we head back home.

Hope everyone’s ok and not over-doing it,

Love and best wishes,

Tracy xxxxx