DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

Hi all

Sorry to hear you have had swine flu mounties - was it horrible? My friends son had it and he was ok after 24 hours, its just worrying hearing about people with “added complications” as they call it! Anne - how exciting for you to have your daughters wedding ahead of you - have you chosen your outfit now?

Tracey - I have a little dog too, king charles, so am hoping that she will get me out walking after the op to get me used to some exercise again.

Lenny - (gosh, aren’t i doing well remembering everything so far! ) - how are you doing? Can’t imagine how frustrating it must be moving and not being up to full fitness. Was it nice to meet Sarah?

Nell - how are you???

Hello to all newbies!

My last day of work tomorrow, lots to tie up before i finish, feel a bit stressed! Am taking the children to see Harry Potter after school, and then have some fun things planned to do before i have the op in …wait for it… 1 week 5 days!!! 288 hours!! Spoke to someone at the ps today, and they are definitely taking muscle and skin from back and not tummy.

Lots of love to EVERYONE i have not mentioned.

Hides xxxx

Tracey - my dog Mo! xx

Morning all…Oh Heidi he is adorable! And its easy to see on the previous pics that your kids adore you too!!Whats this, you didn’t include your minutes in your count down…slack, slack , slack ;-).
So you will be having an LD flap…well the girls on here will give you advice about that one. Finishing work is a big thing love and I think taking your children to the cinema afterwards is a good strategy!!Relax and enjoy this next week with them…hope the weather holds out for you.
Tracy I get my crop tops at primark. Still not in a ‘proper’ bra yet but soon will be. Your trip with your mum sounds like it was an interesting one…! You refer to your binder as a Jane Austen style thingy…you sound like you have the figure to appear in one of the drama periods and you already have good practise with wearing the binder hehehehe
To all those recovering…take it easy. No lifting the furniture single handed Lenny!!! To those with an op coming up…try doing a count down like Heidi does…it may make it go quicker!!!
Anne hope the swine flu doesn’t affect the wedding!!!
take care all

Hy all, hope you are all well and staying clear of the dreaded swine flu. Not nice at all.

Has everyone who has had their recon had their yearly mammogram still? I thought mine was due about now but have heard nothing. I don’t want to ring up to ask in case they postpone it due to recon.

Would really appreciate knowing what has happened to all of you as far as mammograms are concerned.

hi Christina…My mammagram is not due till Dec or Jan next year.
So good luck with yours. That was one question I asked my bcn . What did they do with the recon breast…She had to go and ask someone else, because she didn’t know…she came back and told me that they don’t ‘do’ the recon breast, but each authority might be different!


Nell - I had my mammogram the week before my op and the radiographer said next year they would do the reconstructed boob as well. The thought of my new boob being squeezed in the machine brings tears to my eyes !

Another good place to get crop tops is Matalan, either their own or Sloggi brand. I wore them for several weeks and then ordered online from M&S a 2 pack non-wired white bra which is comfortable.

Met Lenny last week and we got on well - will be meeting up again soon.

I am off to a family wedding this weekend - got myself a new dress - nice to be able to wear one with a V neck and not have to worry !

Saw my GP on Monday and I am signed off until the 24th August - 3 days after we come back from Spain. It will be 14 weeks then so I suppose I should be ready to go back to work…

Hello to all newbies - our online friendships our great for advice and support.

I must get round to putting a photo on soon.

I like Heidis’s countdown to her op as I go on holiday the same day !

Love to all

NO WAY - I am not putting this new baby in a mammogram machine!!!

I was told that that side will be done with ultrasound from now on - I hope that’s right.

Rant over - have a good day.
Anne x

Previous to me having a mastectomy, I treated myself to breast implants 6 years ago. When i found the lump last year they did use the mammogram, and ultrasound.I have to say it wasn’t very nice and would prefer them to ultrasound in future after i have had the recon xxx

hi all,

so good to read all your posts… to ad my bit… i was told the same as sarah about the mamogram… she will go first so will be able to do what she always does prepare me for the worst! thanks friend. i’m completely with you ann but i suppose we will all end up doing what is necessary to keep healthy.

heidi, lovely dog and just days to go… enjoy your kids. i went to see harry potter for the 2nd time today on orange 2 4 1… took my step mum as she is a fan and she helps me every week with the ironing.

hope you are fully recovered from the dreaded swine flu christina… not fair that you got it… i mean this year has been hard enough.

i am wearing crop tops from matalan - £2 and they are wonderful, my surgeon even commented on how good it looked.

it was really good meeting sarah and comparing scars!! it was also good finally putting a face to the name and voice.

lyra hope all is going well these really are early days take good care of yourself… tracy you are so good walking the dog i’m sure having a reason to get out is good for recovery.

zara and jane i can’t help much about the diep as i had a tram flap… very happy with results

and me… tummy wound seems to be improving but not completely there yet (yawn, yawn) antibiotics finish on friday. we are hoping to move on tuesday and everything looks so good at the new house… we are nearly packed here, can’t wait til it is all over.

feeling pleased with myself coz i drove today!! and i’m also a proud mum as my eldest boy has just landed the lead in a summer production of les miserables…

well sorry i always talk too much…

love you all,




Lenny, Thats Brilliant - my favourite musical. Well done him.
Anne x

thanks i told tom, my boy of your congrats and he was quite moved… and this is my fav musical, i cry from beginning to end, no idea what i will be like with him in lead role…

anyway just read some one liners that seemed relevant and made me smile so i thought i’d share them with you all…

‘I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.’

'I used to have a handle on life, but it broke… ’

‘You’re just jealous because the voices only talk to me’

and finally …

‘I’m not a complete idiot – Some parts are just missing.’(not for long heidi!)

o and regarding chemo brain…

‘Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.’

well they made me smile,



Lenny - send Tom my congratulations on getting the lead part. What date is the production ?

My mum came to stay yesterday so I tried on my outfit that I am wearing for the wedding this Saturday to show her. I have got silver wedge sandals that are higher than I normally wear and I noticed today when I tried them on that my tummy was pulling so I don’t know how long I will last !! Must have made me stand in a different way !

Have a good weekend everyone


hi sarah thanks for congrats, have a lovely time at the wedding, hope the weather is good to you, the sandals sound great shame if you can’t wear them. toms show is on thursday and friday next week, they do it in 10 days… like a summer school.

have a lovely weekend everyone, we are nearly packed the removal van is booked, new house here we come…




Hi Sarah - shoes sound great, shoes are my weakness! Hope you have a lovely time at the wedding.

Lenny - if you normally cry at the show then i bet you are going to be in floods this time! We want to see photos! Glad your meeting with Sarah went well.

My daughter Meg is insisting that i say hello to you all!! She is here reading over my shoulder!

Well I had my pre-op assessment yesterday and it all feels like its really going to happen now! (10 days to go! 240 hours, 1440 minutes)(used a calculator for that one Nell!) They reckon i will be in for 5 days and told me they would send me home with paracetamol??? Will i not need anything a bit stronger after 5 days than paracetamol? What did you all have? Went shopping with the kids after the appointment and i felt so emotional looking at the clothes thinking i am going to be able to wear what i want again soon, not just what i can wear that won’t show a massive gap where my boob once was.

I have big celebrations tonight with all my girlfriends. About 25 of us are off to a restaurant/club for the evening, starting with champagne at my house. My one year anniversary of diagnosis is on the 11th August, and I will be in hospital then, so tonight is to celebrate one year on and new beginnings. Am so looking forward to it. Feel emotional about tonight too! Think I am going to spend the next week in between happy tears! I feel so incredibly grateful to have had such a strong support network from my friends, could not have got through it without them.

So no doubt there will be a hungover Heidi tomorrow!

Lots of love to you all, Lyra - you ok? Not heard from you on here recently?

have a lovely weekend

Heidi xxx

Hi All,

Sarah, your shoes sound lovely! Might be a good idea to take a pair of flatties for later. Have a wonderful day, it is supposed to be nice and sunny tomorrow.

Lenny, wish your son all the best for Les Mis next week, I am hoping to see it when I feel better - all my friends rave about it.

Heidi, say hello to Meg too! I loved the photo of your dog, what a beauty. I’m glad your pre-op went well, as for the paracetomol I was sent home with a box and never needed any. Infact, I refused it after a few days in hospital so don’t worry. Your night out sounds as if it is going to be fun, shame we all don’t live a bit nearer!

Sorry if I have forgotten anyone, but I wish you all a fab weekend.

Lots of love and best wishes,

Tracy xxxxx

Morning all

Am up early - going dress hunting for the wedding and so over the moon as got all clear yesterday from onc for another 6 months - he was well impressed with recon. Was like a bear with sore head yesterday, but now on cloud nine again. Want some killer heels, but maybe tum won’t let me??

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Anne x

enjoy shopping ann such good news - i’m at the 6 month stage. i have to do all my shopping on line these days… really miss the shops. have a good weekend one and all, looks like today is going to be nice weather…

lots of love,


Hi all…just a quickie, got to go and watch grandson playing rugby. Congratulations to Tom Lenny…I love les mis…seen it twice and its a heart jerker! You must be busting with pride…lovely!

Anne …the heels might stretch your tummy a bit, just enjoy trying dozens on before you decide. hehehe Tell us all about your outfit when you decide on what you are having. Fantastic news with the all clear! What a great present!
Heidi, love the pic…not long now. Impressed with the count down!!
It all sounds like its going to happen soon. They may change their minds about the painkillers, and you can always ask before you come out of hospital. Try not to worry.
Sarah enjoy the wedding you are going to…its great to have a reason to dress up for isn’t it!!
You sound to be recovering just fine Tracy, brilliant.
Hi Helen and Christina hope all is going ok with you too! Hope the swine flu hasn’t left you too tired Christina!
Lyra how is your recovery…going well I hope.
Hi Cathy, Zara and Jane …take care.
Hope I’ve not missed anyone …take care all

catch ya later

Fab news Ann.

darkened room with cold flannel over my head and no one speaking louder than a whisper today.

had a fabulous night
