Hi there Anne …back in the land of the living. How did it go for you eh! I found the excessive heat and total dependance on the nurses the hardest thing!! Being in one postion for nearly 4 days was hard too resulting in continued backache…having said that, each day definitely gets better physically and emotionally. How are you Anne?
take care
Welcome back Nell
Quite an experience eh?? I’m fine thanks - being in HDU was the hardest bit for me, don’t do being spoon fed very well, but bless them the nurses were amazing and it has all been sooooo worth every minute of it. (sound like I’ve given birth, does have strange comparisons).
Am trying to rest up at home and had little scare yesterday, boob was swollen to the extent I felt like Jordan, went to hosp to have it checked and they found a haematoma which was drained and now feel normal again.
You enjoy the rest and maybe some sunshine.
Anne x
Hi Anne…so glad your boob was sorted out. Your right the staff were hard working and knew what they were doing…for the most part.
It’s only these last few days though that I’ve learnt to appreciate what I’ve got. I guess we all go through different emotions and initially all I wanted was to get rid of the cancer…and now I have and can appreciate that I also still have a breast, all made from me!!!lol
You take care love …rest up and take it easy too!
Sarah if you have found this thread…will be thinking of you on May 13th…good luck love lots of positive vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi Nell & Anne
I’m so pleased you have both reported back on your operations, I’ll keep everything crossed that you both have a smooth recovery and in Anne’s case without further complications. Having had my delayed DIEP in January, I too still feel privileged to have undergone this operation; the results for me are great. I don’t know if it will be helpful for you to know, but I am now back running, visiting the gym and feeling much more confident in my body image. The feeling is returning to my stomach area and although I was told I wouldn’t have feeling in my new breast…I actually do seem to. Hooray for plastic surgeons! Take it easy…
Hiya twinny2
Nice to hear from you again - I’m better today, not quite so large, but still pretty swollen.
Good that you’re up and running, and doing ok. I’m not two weeks and already I’m getting impatient. But being good and making do with a walk round the garden.
Question for you - did the top underside of your arm feel really weird - it was a bit like this after the mastectomy, but this time its quite sore, can’t stand the seam of a jumper on it??
Anne x
Hi Anne
Glad you’re feeling better today. The operation does take the ‘stuffin’ out of you so do take it easy. I couldn’t get out and about much when I was at the same stage as you because that was the time the country ground to a holt due to heavy snow…in hindsight it was probably a good thing as it stopped me dashing around like a crazed lunatic.
I didn’t have any issues with my underarm; in fact it has always been very numb since the mastectomy so I didn’t have any different sensation. Perhaps you should mention it to your consultant or physio?
How long are you thinking of taking off work? Be careful not to go back too soon; I did and have regretted it. I’m due to see the consultant again soon for ‘phase 2’ – To nipple or not to nipple…that is the question! hehe
Hi Mounties, Not long to go for your op now!! I have a date for my other side its on the 4th June just having a small implant in to make them look more even so quite looking forward to that!
Hope it goes really well and let me know how you are.Helenx
Hi girls…I feel all tight and swollen and very bruised, also very lumpy!. My under the arm bit does hurt too…but alot of the area around my breast and my breast still feels quite numb…early days yet I guess.
Hi twinny2… glad to hear things are running smoothly for you. How long did you leave it before you went back to work??
Hi there Mounties…try not to worry too much…although thats easy to say…but be reassured that the staff are totally professional and know their stuff. This kind of op is specialised and they will have seen it done lots of times…good luck for the 11th love!
Did anyone have the ‘immediate’ reconstruction after their mastectomy??? Just a querie, because I have felt a little emotional the last couple or so days…didn’t really expect to, but its like I’ve missed ‘a step’ out of the sequence of things. And although I know things are going to be ok…my reaction came as a bit of a surprise to me!!!
Hi Helen, Really glad everything has gone ok for you, Just noticed as i was reading through this thread that youwent in bradford hospital, I also had my recon in bradford but waited 2 years before i had it. When i had my mastectomy in oct 06 was never offered instant reconstruction. I should expect it has been really hard for you having so much done in one go and your emotions must be all over the place at the moment.
Hope you start to feel better as each day goes by Helenx
Hi Helen…I don’t think that immediate reconstruction was offered on the NHS until this last 12months…so I was ‘lucky’ I guess! Where you on ward 19? I am up and down emotionally, but I think thats par for the course and things look better in the morning than the evening when I’m more tired…so expected I think…
I tried to cut down my painkillers last night and it became a bit painful so back on them again for a while.
I’ll be interested to see how your ‘other side’ goes Helen in June!
take care all
Yes was on ward 19. Its still early days for you and if you need your painkillers then take them, Get lots of rest. Will let you know how things go in June. Take care Helenx
Just got back from pre op assessment.
Saw junior dr there who told me i will probably have Ld recon then have to go back for another op to have liposuction.
Has anyone else had this done?
Also talked of having expander put in and be pumped up to the right size eventually.
Is expander permanent or do you have to have another op to have it removed?
Sorry to ask so many questions, but op will be next monday and i am terrified!!
Hi mounties, I had just expanders for my first recon but that didn’t
work out due to radiopherapy, they were permanent ones, do think they do sometimes put in temp ones then replace them with permanent ones the reason for this i do not know! Not had any experience of lipo so cannot answer that question.
Just want to say i do wish i had gone for the Ld recon in the first place as the shape is so much better hope this helps in you coming to a desision.Helenx
Hi Mounties…not got any idea about LD recon or expanders, but good luck with whatever decision you make and your op next week!!!
Hi Helen…I’m progressing daily, still tired but emotional much better!
Hi there Anne hope all is going well with you too! Take it easy!
catch ya later
Hiya everybody.
Am still sufferering a bit with this haematoma. It started to build up again over the bank holiday and so this afternoon I’m off to see the BCN again, might need draining ?? Thankfully that procedure wasn’t painful last week so not too worried.
Otherwise, still trying not to do too much. My post-op consult is tomorrow, so have lots of questions - when can I drive, when can I ditch this corset, when can I bath (bliss) etc etc.
Rest up to those of you recovering and good luck to those about to go through this amazing op.
Anne x
My op is on Monday the 11th. Went to have pre op assessment and got told all sorts of scary stuff about the risks of having this surgery.I know they have to tell you about your chances of strokes, heart attacks and death but when you are terrified anyway its the last thing you want to hear.
Did manage to talk over what happened to my poor mum and do feel reassured that there is little chance of same happening to me.
I’m having the op as i know its the right decision and time for me.
Just wish i was as brave as all of you on here who have been there and got your well deserved tee shirts.
Can only compare this to whenever you fly. They give you all that gumf on crash landing, oxygen masks, lifejackets - doesn’t stop you flying - (Well I hope it doesn’t hehe).
All the very best for Monday, you know the decision you have made is right for you and role on two weeks time when you can come on here again and tell us all the news.
Anne x
Mounties …Don’t worry too much about the info given to you…don’t ignore it but like Anne says they have to give it to you so you are aware!!
Anne I can’t wait to have a shower or a bath too…tired of these strip washes already!! Not going to see my surgeon till next Friday, so guess I’ll have to scrub up best I can until then…sigh…
Ohh Helen - not allowed to shower??
How strange it is from one doctor to another. We had to have a shower with nurses help on day 4 and have had one everyday since.
The first one on that day 4 was absolute heaven, even with the nurse in there cleaning your bits!!
I feel for you not being able to but you sure will enjoy it when you can. Do you have dressings then?
Intrigued now.
Anne x
Hi Anne…I still have like steristrip dressings on tummy and my breast flap. The nurses helped me with strip washes but nothing more. The first thing I did when I got home…was to have my hubby wash my hair!!! it was like rats tails…yuk!!
Are you still bruised, lumpy , swollen and tight!!on your breast!!
My tummy seems to be healing real fine though!!!good luck with your consult tomorrow Anne…