Lyra - are you still on line? Do you want to phone me for a chat?
I will message you my number in case you do.
All entirely normal what you are feeling. Phone me
Lyra - are you still on line? Do you want to phone me for a chat?
I will message you my number in case you do.
All entirely normal what you are feeling. Phone me
Hi Lyra
Believe me, not everyone is always so positive all the time (you should read a few of my posts on other threads!) but you need to release all the fear/frustration/anger and negativity just as well as trying to be positive etc, both effect healing (if that makes sense), that’s what this site is all about.
I know exactly where you’re coming from with results. I was DCIS med grade (although since found out high grade since removed breast tissue was examined and some was invasive so it was right for me to have mast). Like you, I had skin sparing mast so pretty much all of breast (just different filling!) remains and no muscle etc has been sacrificed. I share your concern about the extend of DCIS (mine was 10.2 cms in the ‘upper left quadrant’ and I too fear whether there could be any stray cancer cells but have been ‘assured’ that tamoxifen should ‘block’ any stray cancer cells’ ability to take in oestrogen as I’m ER positive, but I still have a niggling worry, I think that’s normal. The ‘team’ discussed me too and there was a question raised as to whether I would need rads due to the size of DCIS and that fact it had subseqently become invasive in 4 areas. Happily I do not need rads and I truly hope this will be the outcome for you (depending on type of DCIS etc). As for reconstruction ‘damage’, I was told by one surgeon that some reconstructions ‘can’ sometimes withstand rads reasonably well so may be worth asking (all opinions seem to difer on this one).
Lyra, L’m so sorry your going through this extra hassle and can only empathize with you by sharing the above. Please feel free to PM me (I know Heidi’s also very kindly offered you support - as you’ll have from a few others no doubt), thank god this site is here and doesn’t close at 5pm on a Friday!!
Lots of love and let’s hope all goes well next week.
Lots of love and to everyone else here. Cathy xx
Thanks Heidi and Cathy for your concern and assurances. I’ve decided to ask for a copy of the pathology report and it’s interesting what you say about being ER positive - I haven’t been told whether I am or not - just that the DCIS was 18 cm (ie the whole breast) so they can’t be sure they have removed it all even with a mastect. and when I asked about other options such as tamoxifen, they just said it was localised and drugs were used for systemic not local treatment.
I am trying to find out as much as I can about effects of radiation treatment. Will post again later.
Lyra xxxxxxxxxx
Morning all…Oh Lyra, poor you. You are upbeat because of your op and then get thrown yet another worry. Cathy and Heidi have said everything…know that we are here for you. Your reaction is normal, we would all be feeling the same, don’t worry about that.
I had a skin sparing op like Cathy and there is always the niggle at the back of your mind about what if one cell is still there. But you can’t forever have the worry , you have to move on and try and get life back to ‘normality’.
I do not understand though why your bcn told you that DCIS is not true cancer…if that is the case, why are there so many ladies having mastectomies because of DCIS? I think its a hard one to grasp even for the medical staff!
Fingers crossed about the rads love, don’t really know much about their effect on reconstructed breasts…but positive vibes coming your way.
take care Lyra and have a cry and know we are here for you.
{{{{gentle hugs}}}}
Hi all
Wow, tomorrow is nearly here. just wanted to write to say bye bye for now as know i won’t get time tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed it will all go smoothly.
Lots of love to you all, thankyou all for your support and friendship.
Heidi xxxx
All the best Heidi…you’re there at last. Will be thinking of you tomorrow, it will all be just fine…bet you don’t sleep much tonight!!! And just think this time next week you’ll be on here telling us how fantastic is your boob and cleavage!!!
Take care Heidi
Hi everyone
Heidi - just wanted to wish you all the best and hope everything goes/has gone really well. Good luck x
Helen - you’re just fab, looking out for everyone. Are you able to sleep on your front yet? I’m so impatient, can now sleep both sides and as you’re a couple or so weeks ahead of me, I thought I’d ask if you’d found this possible yet?
Hope everyone’s well and recoveries are all going smoothly!
Lots of love to all. Cathy x
Hi Cathy…I don’t actually sleep on my front completely yet. I can manuoever a bit that way, but not all. That hard tissue on my breast makes it uncomfortable, otherwise I think I would be willing and able , so to speak…hehehehe
Hope your wounds are healing really well , its marvellous what they can do nowadays!!!
Well I’m off to watch Harry Potter soon with my grandson and daughter. I’ve watched all 5 on DVD this last week in preparation…sad eh!
enjoy the rest of the weekend Cathy
catch ya later
Just a quick note to say all the very best for tomorrow - will be thinking of you and look forward to hearing all about it soon.
Cheers to everybody - off to BarBQ, will catch up soon, enjoy the sunshine.
Anne x
Hi All,
Hope you’re all well and enjoying your day!
Heidi - Good luck for tomorrow, can’t believe how quick it has come round, will be thinking about you and look foward to hearing all about your op!
I’m off to see the PS on Wednesday for the first time since the op 5 weeks ago, I am hoping he doesn’t say I can go back to work yet as I plan to take another 5 weeks off (I think 10 weeks is probably about right for me as I have a job involving heavy lifting)
I have the house to myself at the moment, which is lovely. Even the dog has gone out for the afternoon with my Mum and brother! He’s a lovely little pooch, but is only 14 months old and looking after him can be quite tiring sometimes, especially when he wants to get in my bed at 5.30am every morning!!
Anyway, sorry to waffle - just wanted to say Hi as I haven’t been online for a few days and I missed you all!
Lots of love,
Tracy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Tracy
My goodness, you must be healing at a rate of knots!! I’ve just completed week 12 of recovery and my boss doesn’t want to see my face back at work for another 3 weeks - and I don’t do any lifting at work (lots of audio typing and sitting though so do get stiff when sat down for long periods). I really hope you do (at least) take another 5 weeks (your tummy will thank you). The ‘official DIEP operation leaflet’ from my hospital (Salisbury) says ‘remain off work for at least 8 weeks’ so you’re not slacking! (as long as you are able to take the time, ie getting sick pay etc). Oh, your ‘pupster’ sounds so cute. My two dogs used to share my bed - I miss them so much…
One thing I’ll say to all DIEP/TRAM ladies is please be careful with those tums. I decided to recharge the battery for my garage door yesterday and had to reach up and push to door onto a latch. Felt a slight stabbing pain in the lower abdomen and realised I’d tried to be a bit too clever. It’s all too easy to get a bit carried away. Mind you, I’m hoping to get back into my kayak this week - we’ll see!!
Right, preaching over, I’m boring myself!! Lots of love to everyone. Cathy xx
Hi Heidi
Just want to send my very bestest wishes for tomorrow. Hope it all goes smoothly and you recover quickly and well. So looking forward to hearing from you after the op, and about how it’s all gone.
Much love
Lyra xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you everyone!
Cathy - I am having my op at Salisbury - New Hall with Dr Whitworth, wonder if that is who you had?
Hi everyone. Can’t believe how many people have joined what started out as such a small group of recon groupies. Fantastic the support you have all given on this posting. I know how much it helped me in my sleepless nights leading up to my op.
Great to see Heidi is finally getting her op behind her. I’m sure it won’t be long before she is buying her low neckline cleavage plunging new clothes.
I went to the sales last week and it felt great being able to buy anything i liked, instead of having to be concerned with how much of my sunken chest it would display. You have to go through it to appreciate it, don’t you.
I am getting on great with my new boobie and i love flashing it to anyone who wants to see my ps’s handiwork. Everyone has been amazed at how neat it is.
Hope you are all keeping well and strong. Worst thing i have to face this week is a medical with the benefits agency. I am dreading it as i find it hard to believe i have to go through that indignity to prove my worthiness for £64 pw.
Has anyone else been subjected to these medicals? Are they intrusive as i imagine them to be?
Hi everyone
Heidi (when you get back!). My op was done by Miss McGuinness (total genius PS!) Dr Whitworth’s name was mentioned - he may well have been involved as there were a couple of surgeons on the case! I’m sure it wouldn’t have even crossed your mind but the anaesthetist I had at Salisbury … OMG, very easy on the eye! - unfortunately, he wouldn’t have felt the same in return, I looked a total state that morning!! Hope you had the same excellent care that I received.
Hi Mounties - good to ‘hear’ you again, hope you’re well.
Lots of love to everyone. Cathy xx
Just a quickie…looking after grandson. Hope things went well yesterday Heidi…you’ll be feeling pretty helpless for a bit, but will soon come round and be sorted. Before you know it you will be home. take it easy.
Lyra hope you got sorted or will get sorted this week with their decision to give you rads or not…you take it easy too .
Hope all have a good week
catch ya later all
ps Cathy My Plastic surgeon is ‘easy’ on the eye too mmmmmmmmmm
Hi Everyone
Just to let you know I had a phone call from the breast care nurse this morning to say the radiotherapist says I don’t need RT!!! So relieved, I can’t tell you. So now I feel I can really celebrate my results - which were no invasive cancer, and lymph nodes clear. Though she did confirm that the extent of DCIS was 18cm, which seems huge to me. I don’t know how they measure these things - my husband did ask the consultant this last week and just received a withering “are you stupid or what” type look from the consultant and an evasive reply!! However 18cm diameter would be my entire breast, if not more.
The nurse said it was not their policy or NICE guidelines to give RT after a mastectomy for DCIS. Shame the consultant wasn’t aware of this last Friday when he gave me my results and said I might need RT.
Hope everyone’s well. Thinking of you Heidi and hoping you’re recovering well.
Love to all
Lyra xxxxxxxx
So pleased for you Lyra, what a relief!! Go and celebrate properly now!!!
take care
I’m new to posting on this site but have been reading this thread most days for about a month now as I had DCIS and had a mx with couple of nodes removed at end of June. Seeing Lyra’s positive news just made me want to say a big congrats, I know what a relief this is as I had the same results given to me and I felt so so blessed.
Felt guilty at feeling so sad a few days after my positive results as I was so lucky not to have to have more treatment, what should I feel sad for!! But I think it had all caught up with me what had happened and what I’d been through, as again I feel I was lucky in that everything happened so quickly, 20 days from doctors appointment to operating table, it felt a bit of a whirlwind for sure.
You are all lovely ladies and many have had to go through further treatments which made me feel I really had nothing to complain about, again with the guilty, but I’m trying to stop this…
You have all been so brave and more helpful to me than you know in the quiet hours and I thank you all.
Reconstruction to go for me know, I have follow up appointment 7th Sept to see my surgeon and then I think he is referring me back to the ps. Already getting some flat shoes in advance after reading some of the comments
Thank you again and gentle hugs to you all.
Morning ladies,
I posted this message on another thread, so if you read it twice - sorry!!
I had my check-up with the PS yesterday and don’t have to see him again until Feb 2010 when he will discuss any minor adjustments and nipple recon. They were really pleased with my progress so far, which was encouragin.
The BR nurse gave me a certificate for another 2 weeks off (which is the most the hospital can issue at one time apparently) and said ‘Hopefully you will be able to go back to work after that’ I was a bit surprised as I will only be 7 weeks post op by then and wanted to have another 4-5 weeks off to make sure I am fully fit as I have a very physical job involving heavy lifting and lugging about. I know it is not really down to the nurses to say now long you need off (I may be wrong) so am I worrying needlessly? I hope they don’t think I’m swinging the lead, as I thought the recommended time off work was between 8 - 12 weeks.
As usual, your advice is greatly appreciated!
Love to you all,
Tracy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx