Morning all…Hi Tracy, I have had 3 mths off already, for this op. I think 7 wks is too soon, especially if you go back lifting things. What you need to do now is go to your GP and ask him for as many weeks as he can give you at a time. Mine did 6wks and a lot more this last time. For various reasons I’m not going back until November, that fits in with the 2nd half term.
The thing is Tracy, even if you feel that you are ready physically you may not be ready emotionally…Out of the blue you may have days when the seriousness of what you have gone through, hits you. To be honest, I think at least 3months is a reasonable request, and if you need more, go back to your GP and explain…And if you feel you can go back after 3mths, then because you have had a lot of time off, you can also reasonably ask for a phased return, so that its not such a shock to your system! It’ll ease you back more gently over time…
Hope that helps love…don’t feel guilty about having time off, at this time in your life this is more important, and you need to get it right for you!!! You have years to work…
Hope all are doing ok. Heidi a few more days and you will be out, hope the sun is shining for you when it does…it was for me!!
take care now
welcome Debs…just realised and read your post. Everyone has had a positive reaction to recon surgery on here, even those like poor Lenny who had extra stuff done to her wound. All think it is worthwhile, so if in doubt carry on reading and posting. Heidi is in hospital at the moment and we are all hoping things are well with her! Sure they are…
Tracy hi. Please please please don’t listen to the idiot (sorry for being so strong) who said 7 weeks was OK to return to work - its NOT!) You say you do a lot of lifting and lugging about and I think you’ll do yourself a mischief if you try and do this too soon. As I’ve posted before, the patient inforation leaflet for DIEP operation (available on Salisbury hospital website under patient leaflets I think) states that 'you should remain off work for ‘at least’ 8 weeks, especially if lifting is involved in your job). Please forgive me nagging but don’t want to see your recovery hindered.
I went to my Occupational Health Dept today to discuss return to work and although I said I was keen to return to work, he said I should wait until 24 Aug and then do staged return over a month to ensure all’s well. I work for NHS and this doctor deals with sickness from ops all the time. Bear in mind also that my op was back in May (I’m currently in week 13) and I/work certainly don’t think I’m ‘swinging the lead’. Just print off the DIEP operation leaflet (there’s a few pages which go into detail about the op), they wouldn’t think you were ‘swinging’ after reading that!! I know some heal quicker than others but as the doctor said to me today, ‘There are no prizes or rewards for rushing back and you might end up ‘rushing off(!)’ again, it’s your healing that is the most important thing here’ Sounds like your healings going well though.
Good grief, I’m sounding like a right old nag - I’m sorry!
Lots of love and happy healing to everyone. Cathy x
PS: Helen - wonder if Heidi had the same yummy anaesthetist as I did - have to ask her about that on her return! Hope all’s well with you.
Am a very very happy girl. I didn’t think i would ever look like this again but i do - have already put a scooped neck t shirt on to see how it looks - ha ha.
All went well, very tired and uncomfortable but nothing that i can’t handle. Having the drains taken out was the most horrid bit!
Won’t write much today, can’t concentrate onanything much still.
Thank you for all your kind thoughts - Lyra that is wonderful news, so pleased for you.
lenny here!! the move went really well and we are nearly sorted but i have no internet and it could be another week!!! going stir crazy and missing you all.
heidi have been thinking of you all week, can’t believe you are home already… well done, now take it easy and let others do the work.
i don’t have much time to write so just a little update on me - saw ps on monday he is really pleased and i don’t see him again until i have good boob tweeked lifted actually to match new boob and nipple recon, klater this year or early next! my boy tom was wonderful… he got brill reviews and yes i cried and so did his dad and everyone who knew him.
just want to say i’m really proud of all of you and if you are new and i haven’t met you before welcome. i miss my bcc fix and hope i will be connected to the world soon… keep on doing what you are doing all of you, your love and support has sooooo helped me,
Welcome home Heidi, glad to hear that you are pleased with your new cleavage - we know how you feel!! Look foward to hearing more when you’re feeling up to typing xx
Lenny, nice to have you back on the forums - we do miss our girls when they’re away for a while! Really pleased all went well with the move and please tell Tom ‘Well done’
Have a lovely weekend everyone, I’ve got a couple of do’s to go to, so just have to find something to wear!
We’ve still got some summer sunshine left, well hopefully, so time to get more of the scoop necks out and show off your new shape, like you need sun as an excuse, you deserve to show them off and be proud come rain or shine.
All my best wishes for happy healing xx
Gillian made me quite excited for my DIEP, hopefully end of Sept too.
Welcome back Heidi…what a fantastic job he’s done!! So pleased it went so well and you are up and about so early on…good signs. Take it easy now and rest up!
Lenny great to hear from you!
Have any of you had a reaction to E45 lotion? I have been using it for about 3 days and noticed that I have a rash around my scars now, also there is a small part of the breast scar that is weeping very slightly and about half an inch from that is what can only be described as a small hole or dent (it is not weeping though) I have covered both areas with a ‘micropore’ plaster from the hospital and will keep an eye on it over the next couple of days. Of course, I will stop using the E45, but don’t know what to use instead or just leave it for a few days.
Tracy - typical, Saturday and you get a bit of a hiccup! Sorry, can’t help with E45 question. Don’t know if this is of any help at all but I had something similar to what you describe on my tummy scar (for me it was 2 x 1cm areas that seemed to be trying to ‘open’, yewwww!). I went to doctor and they gave me antibiotics - best to be safe - and dressed wound. This took a couple of weeks or so and for the 2nd week, they used iodine dressing which ‘dried up’ the remaining weepy stuff (not having a late breakfast are you?!!).
All you can do now is protect the wound (I’ve even tried warm salty water, about 3 tsp in 1/2 cup - it didn’t sting!) but don’t know if that’s sound advice or not (guess you could give NHS Direct a call! or if your hospital is nearby, maybe the ward could dress it). I also used ‘Mepore’ dressing which you can cut to size. It’s breathable and easy to peel off.
Have not been on here this week as my daughter has been down and been engrossed in wedding stuff, but looking through the posts, what a week! Well done Heidi, picture is great and wish you well, just take it easy.
Tracy - I used E45 and didn’t like it. Like you I had a small hole/dent and very slight opening a couple of weeks in and went to GP who gave me antibiotics, just in case. Mr R was not too amused when I saw him though, doesn’t like overuse of those I expect. He did recommend aqueous cream though, maybe give that a go, or just leave well alone and see if it dries up. I tried Bio Oil on my tummy only last week and it flared up something horrible.
Nice to see Lenny back and good luck in your new home.
Hiya Helen, you and I must be going to see our PS soon to find out next step - mines the 24 August.
To all newbies, welcome. I am rushing around like a headless chicken getting ready for the wedding (can’t believe my baby’s getting married!), giving my kitchen a facelift and organising a driving holiday through France - all good fun!!
Welcome home Heidi. You look fantastic. So glad you’re pleased.
Tracey - I asked loads of questions about how to care for scars/wounds etc., because everyone seemed to talk to me as though I already knew what to do, and not having had a reconstruction before, how would I? So I asked really basic questions and that actually helped me feel more confident. So this is what helped me - I tried bio oil, but at a couple of weeks that seemed too soon, so switched to using aqueous cream. I got this from boots, really cheap, about £2.99 for a big tub, although they do a smaller tube, but were out of this when I went. I asked for it at their pharmacy section. It’s a bit greasy, but it you don’t over apply too much sinks in nicely. I apply morning and night, and massaging it in helps my soreness actually in some breast areas. You can use it to massage and keep scar areas supple, as well as generally on the breast especially massaging areas that feel a bit hard - it helps stimulate circulation and I’ve found some hardness has already actually softened. It’s good because its just so basic a cream, no perfume. Later on I may start using the bio oil again, but I’m finding the acqueous cream is already helping my scars fade (just 4 weeks from op).
Love to everyone, and good to hear some “new” voices. I’m still feeling elated at not having to have any more treatment.
Lyra xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh, and regarding returning to work - I also feel 7 weeks is too early. Recommendation is 2 - 3 months recovery from diep op. You may feel better and fit, but internally there’s still healing going on and vulnerable areas - so best not to chance it by overdoing things. I saw my GP on Friday who has signed me off for another month - so I’ll have had 2 months off, but my work isn’t physical at all. I think GP’s are the best to speak to about this. Also, when I do go back it will probably be a phased return, so perhaps you could ask about this and being given lighter work. Employers have a “duty of care”, and you are being responsible by staging carefully your return to work - this ensures it is a successful return to work - so you’re certainly not slacking Tracey!!
Morning folks…won’t be posting for a few days, going up to Edinburgh to see my son in his play. Have got to get back early to have some more tests at the hospital. Anne I go to see my PS on the 21st so we are running at similar times. Isn’t the wedding near that date?
Glad everyone seems to be ‘faring’ ok. Take it easy those recovering still…and Heidi, you go girl and ‘flaunt’ your new cleavage!!!
Lenny glad the house move went well!
Well today is 7 days post op, still feeling pretty tired and sore. My dressings are so tight around my back, side and front that it is restricting any kind of movement at all, its really annoying. Pain wise I am feeling ok, been on paracetamol for last 3 days. Am still overjoyed each time i look down, i really didn’t think i would ever look like this again. I can’t wait to get my ‘pre mastectomy’ clothes out of the attic. At the time i couldn’t bear having them around in my drawers and wardrobe and was keen to chuck the lot but friends persuaded me to keep them and i am now so glad that i have. Jim has one more week off work to help me, kids have been great so far, fingers crossed that they continue to be good!
Yes my anaesthesist was pretty yummy - wonder if it is the same one that you had cathy?
I go back this Thursday for dressings to be taken off and reapplied, looking forward to that.
Nell - what are you having tests for - am bit worried about you.
Lenny - glad move has gone well
Lyra - glad you are still celebrating
And the big wedding day is drawing nearer - i bet you are sooo excited.
Lots of love to all the newbies, i will have to re read through posts since i been inhospital to see where you are all at.
Hi all…I’ve been up to Edinburgh to see my sons play…which is getting some good reviews. I thought it was really really good…not biased or anything heehee
Heidi…well what can I say, you seem to have taken on board your new boob with gusto…don’t overdo it though, you have a long way to go in your recovery…but what incentive eh!
Anne only 16 more days eh! you can’t wait…hope the sun shines all day for you…fingers crossed.
As regards tests Heidi…had unsteadiness and headaches for some time now…so the tests are elimination tests…CT scan, MRI, bloods etc. haven’t found any answers yet, so will see another doctor probably next week. Will get results for CT scan on Friday. So taking things step by step…
Hope all are appreciating the good weather…well as good as we are going to get I think! Hope recoveries are going well, take care all.
Nell - what did the Drs say when you went for test results yesterday? Are you on tamoxifen - could it be any drugs that you are taking? Sending you a big hug.
Anne - wow you really are on the countdown now, it must be so exciting and emotional to see your daughter get married, hope you manage to post a photo on here somehow!
I thought i was making really good progress, less tired etc, but seemed to have slowed down a bit in the last day. Had the dressings off, that was fine, kids are pretty scared of all my scars - to the point that they have nicknamed my new boob - Frankie, after Frankenstein! I am slightly concerned that it is quite alot larger than my existing bra, i know its still swollen but it is noticeably ALOT bigger. Did anyone else find that too? My hubby says not to worry because i am not even 2 weeks post op yet. Reassurance needed please!! Jim goes back to work on Monday so the kids are being bribed etc to be on excellent behaviour for me.
Love to everyone else, you have all been very quiet on here lately and i miss hearing from you all.