Helen - thinking of you and wishing you well for tomorrow. Fingers crossed for good news and holiday to follow!
Lenny - I started back to work this week (only 3 hrs a day) and I’ve been mentally shattered. Physically OK with all the 5 mile walks and ‘swimming’ … cheeky - any time you feel like heading down Bournemouth way, I’ll give you directions to the particular beach so you can have front row ‘light relief’ viewing of my efforts astride the floats - it’s just so relaxing though so I don’t mind looking a little strange
Tracy - nag, nag, nag(!!) Are you going to take a little more time to ensure good recovery? Hope all is going nicely with healing. Bet your lovely dog’s enjoyed having you around!
Heidi - Sorry you didn’t have such a good experience as New Hall. Funny isn’t it, I’ve read that there were ‘horror stories’ about Salisbury District and my treatment/care were excellent - just depends on which staff you get I guess - shouldn’t be that way though. I’ve still got a slight ‘Jordan’ going on with recon (E cup versus DD so not really noticeable) but ‘Jordan’ is much softer and I’ve bonded with her well (and gone a bit loopy in the process by the sound of this!)
Anne - As you’re the ‘furthest ahead’ on the recovery, dare I ask the all important question … Are you sleeping on tummy yet? I feel like a parrot keeping repeating this question but I’m desperate to sleep on front but tum’s still not too sure about it! Hope you’re well.
Hi to Lyra and everyone else, hoping all’s going well.
Helen - just caught up with the computer and know its a bit late, but hope all goes ok today. Thinking of you.
Cathy - I am sleeping on my tummy. Actually the tummy was not the problem, it was the boob hurting more. Can take about half the night on my front now but do feel really stiff for a while.
Off to get box for wedding cake, clean my house before the Queen arrives (my mum!) and hope you all have a good weekend.
Time seems to be speeding up as life gets busier and busier. Getting very excited about going to Spain (day after tomorrow), so looking forward to a change of scene as I’m finding it increasingly difficult looking at all there is to be done at home and not being able to do it!! I went in to work earlier this week - just to have lunch with colleagues - not to do any work, and that was good. My sick note expires on the 6th sept, but I shall just be back from hols then and reckon I’ll need a bit of time to recover from that, so have arranged to take an extra week off using up some of my leave, so going back on the 15th. People at work have reassured me they’ll be gentle with me and were so welcoming, so it all “feels” ok. I discarded my “superknicks” last week - and lasted less than a day!! I’m beginning to think I’ll be wearing them, and a bra day and night for a long time, and maybe was a bit naive to think I could forsake these things… What about others? Is your underwear sexy yet or sensible still?!!
Cathy, I too would love to sleep on my tummy (or even my side would be good)
Last night I couldn’t sleep after waking at @ 3pm, and just cried and cried. Not sure what that was about… I’ve been out more and seeing people lately, and after a while get tired and start feeling so disconnected - as though I’m not quite “all there”. Also find it difficult to think clearly sometimes - not just forgetting what I came into the room for, but I “forget” the ends of my sentences…i think it might be still the effects of the anaesthetic, but last night felt really sad and bewildered about my brain not functioning well. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me?
I hope you have a great hol Heidi - we will both be away at the same time I think. Hope your back eases up.
Nell, been thinking lots about you today and what you hear from the consultant. Really hoping it’s all good. Sometimes there just seems to be one thing after another, and I admire how you withstand it all and remain so positive. I’ll be checking if you post something before I go away.
Lennie, Tracey and Sarah - I guess we’re all returning to work at similar times, so maybe can support each other a bit by reminding ourselves to take it easy and do it gradually!! It’s bound to be a shock to the system.
And Anne - have a truly wonderful wedding, it’ll be so special…
hope you are all well…helen i too am a little worried that we have not heard from you, i hope no news is good news, come on soon and let us know either way.
heidi and lyra off on your hols, wish it was me, have a brilliant time and i do hope the sun shines on the isle of white, don’t think you will have any problem in spain!
anne big day tomorrow enjoy every minute and wish your daughter love and joy from me.
cathy i haven’t slept on my tummy since the birth of my first son!! my back muscles went into seizure… but i sleep on both sides and have been doing so for quite a few weeks now with no problem. hope you get time to rest over the weekend from your first week back. bournemouth eh… do sometimes go that way, i’ll look out.
sarah looking forward to lunch on wednesday and tracy hope you are well.
as for me well yesterday was gcse results and my boy got 1a*, 6as and 3bs… i thought wonderful, he wanted more a*… we also went to see the time travellers wife, good if you fancy a weep.
well everyone have a great weekend and remember to be kind to yourselves,
Hi girls…thanks for your messages. Just a quickie because I am very very tired. I’ll cut this short. Lots of waiting about yesterday, but doctor eventually said I had a brain tumour. To be honest it wasn’t too big a shock. They think it is 99% sure benign. Thing is either way, it needs cutting out, which is why I stayed in yesterday to have the operation today. So quite a quick turnabout. It has been a bit like a roller coaster today, first the op was on, then off, then on, then off, which is when we finally arrived home at 5.30. Now I have to go in on Monday night and have it on Tuesday, and if not then, then Wednesday. Sorry not being very fluent.
The best thing is …always good from a bad…they found my case quite interesting because they don’t know yet what triggered it. So I’m ‘cool’ …either way benign or malignant, its coming out and I should get the results within 1/3wks. I may not look my most beautiful self hehehehe once a bit of hair has gone, but that will soon grow back. I’ll have a drain in and be in hospital about 4/5 days. so not long folks. They have said it may take a few months for complete recovery…so hey blooming ho…here we go again. So I think a few more months off work is called for. And definitely a holiday somewhere…anywhere!!!
I won’t bore you all with details, but will get back to posting in a week or so. so until then take care all and Anne have a bang up wedding love…soooooo joyful an occasion…enjoy it from start to finish, hope the day is gorgeous, for your lovely daughter and you!!
catch you all in a week or two, and Heidi have a grand holiday love, a lovely cleavage and a smashing tan, what else can you ask for.
i just came on to see if there was any news from you - you have been on my mind all day - so sorry yesterday didn’t bring good news but glad that all the experts are on the job. your news is close to my heart, as my mum had a brain tumour and i remember how my brothers and i felt when we were told…love to your son and hubby.
you sound very together about it all, i’m sure you are relieved to be having some kind of resolution. a few more months off and then a wonderful holiday anywhere you like!!! and i’m sure you’ll set a new trend with the hairstyle and still look beautiful.
i hope you do come on and read this message and others that i am sure will follow, so that you know how special and important you are to this thread and to me… you always have the right words for everyone and we will miss you while you are away. so i’m sending lots of love, cyber hugs and prayers that all will be well,
let everyone look after you this weekend so you can face the op strong and clear headed,
Helen - I too have been logging on every hour, and have been thinking of you for the last 2 days. If anyone can overcome this, then YOU can. You are incredible - strong, positive, kind and calm. You truly are inspirational.
I will be thinking of you so much this week, and your lovely family. Now its YOUR time to be given some TLC, we all have an angel and I hope that your’s is watching over you this week. I will text you this week if thats ok, and you reply or family when you feel well enough.
Anne - Have THE most wonderful day tomorrow.
To everyone else - love and cyber hugs.
Am away for the next week, and will catch up when i get back next Saturday.
Thank you all for your friendship. Am overcome by our bond that we have, even though we have all never met.
Just a quick message before I go on holiday. So shocked at hearing your news and my heart goes out to you. However, you are so resilient and are receiving prompt and expert care from the doctors. You also have all the love and positive vibes from everyone here on this thread who you are very important too.
Really just echoing what Lennie and Heidi have said…
Will be thinking about you all this week and sending positive vibes.
Love to everyone else too and hoping all the healing continues,
Helen, haven’t been on for a while trying to put everything behind me as you do! but just want to say i am sooo sorry you are having a bad time you do not deserve this and want to say my thoughts are with you you are an inspiration to us all keep positive as you always do lots of love Helen2 XXX
I’m so sorry to hear your news and ‘ditto’ all the suppportive comments you’ve received so far but will send my own massive hug and lots of love to you. Will be thinking of you next week x
Hi Helen
So very sorry to hear your bad news. Along with all the other girls I shall be thinking of you next week and wishing you all the best.
My best friend was diagnosed with a brain tumour in March which turned out to be a secondary melanoma (they never found out where the primary was). They removed the tumour and straight away her horrid symptoms of headaches and sickness disappeared. She has had to take some medication which she hopes to come off soon and she is going back to work next week. I’m just telling you this so that you can see there is light at the end of the tunnel. When you feel up to it let us know how you are as we will be worrying about you.
Hope all on holiday are having a good time and that the wedding went well Anne. It was sunny but breezy here in Oxford.
I just wanted to add to all the good wishes from your friends on the forums. I will be thinking of you and sending you cyber hugs, you are such a positive, strong woman and I am sure this will help you through the next few weeks. I wish we all lived nearer and could give you a great big group hug, but in the meantime I am sending you that huge cyber one!
You know we will all be waiting to hear from you as soon as you are up to it.
HI girls…just to say thank you so much for your very warm messages and thoughts. I thought I’d post…couldn’t sleep. I have things more organised in my head now and know everything is do-able…it might just take a bit of time. Family and friends are great and you girls have been lovely with your positive words. Good luck with everyones recovery, and Anne I’m sure the wedding was one of your most special moments!! What a proud mum!!!
Helen - my diep mate, so sorry to hear your news. You hang in there girl, am sending as many positive vibes as I can and will be thinking of you and too right everything is doable. Hope they don’t keep you in too long cos I can only keep track of everyone’s names and where they’re at from your blogs!
My daughter’s wedding was a truly special moment and am still on cloud nine. Words cannot touch the surface.
Again, sending my love and best wishes and look forward to hearing from you soon. Wish we all lived nearer.
Hi Helen, Just a short message to wish you well and to say I am thinking about you. You must be exhausted but it is good to see you are still able to put a short message on the board for us. I have followed your messages on the forums in the past although I have not added anything to them.Hope you make a speedy recovery, much love Val X
anne so pleased the wedding was all you wanted it to be.
heidi hope you are having a great time on your hols, we were in southsea on monday and the weather was lovely, i thought of you as i watched the ferry leave for the isle of white. lyra i know you are having good weather and helen2 really good to hear from you and know you are well and getting on with the most important thing - life.
well cathy second week of work how’s it going? and sarah and i are on our first day!! how was it sarah? tracy have you decided what to do yet?
helen, you are never too far from my thoughts… i think you probably have had your op now, hope all is going as planned… you are missed and we look forward to hearing from you when you are able.
hey what do you think of the photo of me and sarah? her son took it after lunch yesterday.
well this is my rest after first day back and just catching up with my boys 1st day back at school.(lots of firsts!)
lots of love,
ps tom my eldest wants me to say hi from him to all of you!!! i think he thinks he is part of the thread…