DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

Hi Lenny (and Tom of course!)

The piccy is lovely, you both look really happy and enjoying each others company. I really must change my profile pic, as I don’t look anything like that now - I have very short brown hair, am as pale as putty and twice the size!!!

I have decided to go back to work on the 14th September, I can’t pretend that I’m looking foward to it but I’m not getting paid for all the time I have had off sick, plus I have to start making Christmas decorations for the store - it sounds nice, but after you have opened about 32 garlands and made another 20 walkway decs it gets a bit of a chore! Hopefully I will have some help, or I may down tools and come home!

Things have been very stressful this last week, my Mum has sold her house and we are desperately trying to find a bungalow to buy, but they are as rare as hen’s teeth. We have looked at a few, but one was in the wrong location, one was built on watercress fields so was prone to flooding and the other had rising damp! Plus the dog has been unwell so I have had to go to the vets with him, he is still not too good but I will give his medication a bit longer to kick in as he only started taking it last night.

I hope everyone is ok, sorry to waffle on and feel sorry for myself!

Love to everyone,

Tracy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi everyone

Helen - thinking of you and wishing you all the best. x

Hi Lenny … and hello TOM, are you going to be our mascot?! Welcome to a thread full of lovely ladies.

Yes Lenny, my 2nd week went well and am bowled over by lots of compliments I’ve been getting (paranoid that people are ‘just being nice’ but I’ve been smiling a lot so maybe that’s it!). It’s good to be back a it kind of ‘draws a line’ under the ‘sick leave’ period - well hopefully anyway! Hope all’s well with you.

Hi Tracy. You brave thing, venturing back to work (might be worth ‘practice lifting’ just to guage what your tum can & can’t do (I still can’t swim but can walk 5 miles a night so my tummy still has some catching up to do but we’re all different). You’re NOT feeling sorry for yourself, you’ve got a lot ‘on’ what with work return looming, bungalow searching etc and I’m so sorry your dog isn’t well - hope it’s something not too serious? (it used to break my heart when either of mine were ill so I understand) Do hope he(?) recovers soon.

Lots of love to everyone else, hope all’s going well. Cathy x

good morning one and all!!

tracy, cathy i agree with cathy, you are right to sound off on here… don’t be sorry… truly hope all gets better soon… the 14th is still over a week away so make the most of it.

cathy so glad work is something positive and of course you are getting compliments… you’ve been ‘built better than you were before’ at least that’s what i tell everyone! thanks for the message for tom… i’ll tell him when he wakes up.

heidi and lyra are you back from hols yet? hope all was absolutely amazing and you both showed off the new cleavage!

i have read on another thread (someone had talked to her son) that as of the 4th, friday, helen had not had her op… that she was hoping for it that day… hope you have had it now or at least have a concret date, waiting is so awful… we miss you.

anne i bet you have been re-living last weekend, did the happy couple go on honeymoon? are they back yet? and you still have the photos to enjoy.

sarah hope all is well in your house and the getting back to school went smoothly and give my love to mr birch when you see him!!!

well i’m off for a busy day so catch up with all soon…still loving my house and my new boob!

lots of love,


Hi everyone

I text Helen last week and she said that her op had been cancelled 3 times, poor thing. I text again on Saturday and didn’t get a reply, so am hoping that this means she has finally had the tumour removed. I will keep you updated if i get any more news. Helen - when you get home and read the posts. we have all been thinking of you every day. x

We had a really wonderful week on the Isle Of Wight. We had really good weather - and yes lenny the weather was particularly good on the Monday. Only had 2 dodgy weather days but the rest glorious sunshine and it has done me the world of good. I have got a nicely sun bronzed new cleavage now!

Louis started junior school today, had a big lump in my throat waving him off this morning. He looked so tiny to be going up to the big school. Only an hour till i go and pick him up and i am counting down the minutes!

Recovery is steady but definitely making progress. I am driving now, although it aches after ten minutes or so. I have found that i am unable to do the weirdest things following this op. If I have to reach out and use my fingers or hand for something - it is very difficult to move my fingers as i want them to eg. turning off a plug socket at the bottom of the wall. Reaching up to turn off light socket, cutting my toe nails! It feels very strange and am hoping it will ease with time. New boob still sitting very high and hard, am using the bio oil on it now, have also found that the bio oil is excellent on face wrinkles -give it a go!

All sorts of strange horrid side effects started with the tamoxifen in the last week, won’t go into details but they are not nice! Can’t complain though as i have been on them for 9 months though and i am only just starting to get s/a now. As I am nowhere near menopausal age. it feels odd to be having all the symptoms. My skin feels rough, and my hair is dry, wish i could take some sort of herbal remedy to try and counteract it but i can’t.

Hello to Tom - our male supporter! What is next on the horizon for you?

Anne - glad the sun shone on you all for the wedding, you need to post a pic of the wedding onto your profile!

Sarah and Lenny - so nice to see you are both meeting up! Oxford only hour and a half away from me - maybe we could meet up for a lunch or coffee or something before i go back to work in October?

Lots of love to you all, hang in there, remember all of this makes us stronger people. :slight_smile:

Heidi xxxxxxxx


Me again.

Have had a text from Helen …

She had the op done on Friday, and is still in hospital. She said she feels weak on the left side, and should hopefully be coming home tomorrow.

Heidi xxxx

Hi Everyone

Thanks for keeping us posted on Helen, Heidi and glad you had a good, restorative holiday.

Welcome home Helen - if you are home - and I hope everything went smoothly. Time to recover now and put to use on yourself all the kind advice and loving care you’ve given the rest of us. I know it sometimes is easier to tell others what to do than apply it to ourself. Sending you lots of love.

I had a lovely holiday myself. The sun shone, the views and scenery were spectacular - it was very gentle and relaxing. Climbing up to tiny spanish villages perched on mountain tops was a bit of a challenge for the old tummy muscles, but maybe ultimately did some good since this week my stomach has been feeling less tight. The last couple of nights I have even thrown off the support knicks and bra (with reckless abandon!!) and slept on my side!! Sooo nice…

Back to work next week and the following weekend we take my oldest son up to start uni - so excited about that but also starting to feel the enormity of him leaving home - quite a life stage, starting off on his own/leaving the nest …

I guess some are busy back at work this week - Cathy and Lenny? Hope that is going well and you are pacing yourselves. I’m feeling much more positive about starting back now, more “ready” for it, and that it marks another aspect of “getting back to normal” and moving on. My brains functioning better now - must admit have been a bit concerned about losing the capacity to think. But it will be a shock to the system - I’ve got quite used to doing what I like when I feel like it - and being “out” for whole days in itself will probably be physically tiring. Tracey I think you’re going back to work next week as well - how are you feeling on that score now?

Anne - glad you had a wonderful time on the day of the wedding. Memories to treasure.

Warm wishes to everyone else recovering and getting on with life. Can’t wait to hear from Helen again and hear that all is well

Lyra xxxxxxxxxx

Helen, still thinking of you. Hope you are home and taking things easy. Love Helen2 XX

Hi Lyra,

I’m feeling a lot better about returning to work next week, I was dreading it for a while. I think I had good used to doing what I wanted, when I wanted. But I must get back to reality and the sooner the better I suppose.

I was feeling very stressed out as we have sold our house and have been hunting for a small bungalow (down-sizing) we exhausted the supply of available bungalows in Hornchurch and have finally found a lovely one in Chadwell Heath, which we dismissed at first but it turned out to be perfect. Our offer has been accepted so, fingers crossed, it will all go smoothly. One less thing to worry about for the time being!

I hope everyone else is well and, likewise, I can’t wait to hear from Helen which will hopefully be very soon.

Love to you all,

Tracy xxxxxx

hi everyone,

i’m just doing some posts before starting to make my ng way upstairs for a dvd in bed and then sleep, i’m exhausted today mark and i cleaned the house from top to bottom!! and then a buisness lunch followed by another meeting at 3pm… real life has really kicked in!but really it is not up to full speed just my capacity that is still somewhat limited.

heidi and lyra so glad that the perspective hols went well, we have one booked for half term to gran canaria, how soon can i start the count down? going back to work is good for the reason cathy says, it draws a line under the illness… shows we are moving forward. it’s a drag coz it is nice waking up and knowing you have a valid reason for not going to work…like you say lyra doing what you want when you want…

heidi i think meeting up would be good, not sure wether sarah can make during the day with her work but will ask. where are you?

well done about the house tracy, hope all goes thru without a hitch… and i have a great tip for moving, let everyone else do all the work and you be master mind who tells them what to do!

helen so hope you are ok and all went well with the op, you are never far from my thoughts.

sarah sorry i got mr birch and onc mixed up… that would be chemo brain again. hope work is ok and also for you cathy.

good to hear you again helen2… and anne hope you are ok.

tom says he thought he had to have reconstructive breasts to be part of the thread!! to answer your question, he is auditioning for the oxford panto in a couple of weeks and he starts rehearsals for beauty and the beast next week! o and maybe hairspray… o yes and he has just started 5 a levels, in his spare time!

well i’m signing off now, hope we have some news from helen soon…love to you all,


Hi girls…got back home yesterday and busy taking it easy now. Hope you are all doing fine. I’ll pick up in the next few weeks.

take care all

Hi Helen, I am glad to hear that you are back home again. I would like to hear how it all went but realise you will be very tired for a while. If you do have time to spare and want to tell us your story feel free to send a Private message to me. I know nothing about brain tumours but it has always been on my mind that I could have brain mets one day. Hopoe the sun is shining for you to lift your spirits. It does it for me. It is a lovely bright day here. Love Val (Scottishlass). XX

Hi all

Nell - so pleased that you are home, hope that any pain you have is under control and everyone is looking after you. Lots of love to you.

Lenny - I am near Southampton, that shouldn’t take long to get to Oxford should it?? You must be sooooooooo proud of Tom, I am proud of Tom and I don’t even know him! Keep us posted with all his auditions!

Louis had his 8th birthday yesterday, thank god birthdays only come once a year eh! Am exhausted! He had a lovely day though and got lots of lovely pressies.

Weather foreceast looking good for weekend, have an afternoon planned with my book, a friend and a cold beer, this is the kind of rest and relaxation i have been waiting for since the op!

Have a good weekend everyone, and much love to you all.

Heidi x

ps, new photo is louis opening his presents in bed and my new cleavage proudly on display! xx

hurray you’re home helen, so glad you take your time doing NOTHING!! bet you men are glad to have you back. we look forward to hearing from you when you have the strength etc… just good to know you are home.

yes heidi southhampton isn’t too far… somewhere like winchester comes to mind as a place we could meet… and i noticed the cleavage before you mentioned it - lovely!! happy birthday to louis for yesterday…

enjoy the sunshine everyone and yes val it does uplift you,



Hi everybody.

Have just returned from much needed holiday where we drove to Spain. It was an amazing experience and coupled with the wedding, an absolutely lovely few weeks.

Helen, so glad you’re home and hope you are being wrapped in cotton wool by that lovely family of yours. Thinking of you and look forward to your hearing from you soon.

Wow heidi, that’s some cleavage! - unfortunately due to problems in the past, I can’t put piccs on here - the forum is too open to the public - if it was just for your eyes only I’d put some of me in my glad rags at the wedding, but too dicey.

As for healing stage - all well, except I went into the sea and a tidal wave (I know I exaggerate!) hit me and I’ve pulled something, so unforunately not able to do too much housework and ironing for a little while hehee.

Hope it went well for your first day back at work today Tracy, and best wishes to everyone.

Anne x

Hi everyone

So good to hear from you Helen, and that you are safely back home. Rest up now and recover, and we’re all sending healing vibes to you.

Hope your first day back at work was fine Tracy. I start back tomorrow and have been “out of sorts today” - it will actually feel really strange going to work!! Not sure if I can remember how to do what I do!! To be honest will be relieved when the first day is over - things are usually never as bad as I anticipate. Also getting a bit jittery about my first going off to uni on Saturday… Feels like momentous changes occuring all round.

I spent a bit of time this morning looking into nipple reconstruction and alterations to the “good” breast. My reconstruction is slightly smaller and less droopy and although in a bra the difference isn’t noticeable, and my partner says it looks ok, I notice the difference. However, I can’t say I want to have any further surgery and what was always referred to before as “tweaking” seems a bit more involved than that to me - entailing general anaesthetic and a couple of weeks off work for breast uplift and/or reduction. Just psyching myself to going back to work, and don’t want to take any more time off. Emotionally I don’t feel ready to make these kind of decisions, but am preparing myself for when I see my ps early October, which will be the first time I’ve seen him since my op. Is anyone thinking about having any adjustments?

Glad you had a lovely holiday in Spain, Ann. Wow, driving all that way!! We drove on to Spain one year when we were camping down in the south of France and it was quite a trek!!

Hope all is well with everyone,
much love
Lyra xxxxxxxxxx

Hi everyone

So good to hear from you Helen, and that you are safely back home. Rest up now and recover, and we’re all sending healing vibes to you.

Hope your first day back at work was fine Tracy. I start back tomorrow and have been “out of sorts today” - it will actually feel really strange going to work!! Not sure if I can remember how to do what I do!! To be honest will be relieved when the first day is over - things are usually never as bad as I anticipate. Also getting a bit jittery about my first going off to uni on Saturday… Feels like momentous changes occuring all round.

I spent a bit of time this morning looking into nipple reconstruction and alterations to the “good” breast. My reconstruction is slightly smaller and less droopy and although in a bra the difference isn’t noticeable, and my partner says it looks ok, I notice the difference. However, I can’t say I want to have any further surgery and what was always referred to before as “tweaking” seems a bit more involved than that to me - entailing general anaesthetic and a couple of weeks off work for breast uplift and/or reduction. Just psyching myself to going back to work, and don’t want to take any more time off. Emotionally I don’t feel ready to make these kind of decisions, but am preparing myself for when I see my ps early October, which will be the first time I’ve seen him since my op. Is anyone thinking about having any adjustments?

Glad you had a lovely holiday in Spain, Ann. Wow, driving all that way!! We drove on to Spain one year when we were camping down in the south of France and it was quite a trek!!

Hope all is well with everyone,
much love
Lyra xxxxxxxxxx

Oooops, sorry I seem to have posted the same message twice. Probably pre work nerves…

Lyra x

Hi Lyra

I’m the same as you in having my new breast slightly smaller than the other and definitely less droopy! I have decided to go for the tweaking otherwise I would have to pad out my bras on the new side and that’s what really infuriated me after the mastectomy. I feel I managed the major diep and really want no chicken fillets, prothesises?? etc etc.

Am having my droopy one reduced and nipple put on new one. PS reckons one and half hour op, overnight stay and two weeks to recover. Im going in Novemeber sometime, so should be ok for Christmas - family will have to do my shopping (some hope). Thankfully I don’t have the work problem, I gave up when this all kicked off again, but can understand your not wanting to take more time off. Having said that, after this is all done and dusted I do want to get back to doing work of some sort, just not sure what??

Good luck with your decision, and best wishes to everyone.
Anne x


just catching up with all of you…

lyra i’m on the waiting list for the good boob and nipple, my ps said it would be the end of this year - beginning of next. i don’t need a reduction, just an up lift. i took the point of view that i live with them every day and anything that can make them more normal is good. i have a very understanding work set up and feel like a veteran where the general ann. is concerned… not that i won’t be anxious on the day! remember no decision is the wrong decision; you must do what’s right for you!

anne so sorry we won’t see you in your glad rags… i’m intrigued about your past problems! looks like we are on the same path at the moment. 2 years ago we drove to spain and toured for 3 weeks, right down south and all over - we loved it.

heidi we can make a monday or friday… so come back with some dates, i’ll pm my tel to you.

helen i hope every day is a better day and you are getting stronger as i write. we wait patiently to hear news from you.

tracy, cathy how is work? and val and helen2 hope all is well with you.

have i missed anyone out… probably!

me i had a scare yesterday - i was in on my own and slipped and fell, flat on my back and now i feel like i’ve gone a round with mike tyson. no serious damage but the shock was awful… i just cried! shows i’m still vulnerable i think, anyway my men stepped up to the mark a rushed home to look after me…

have a good rest of the week,

