Hi Lenny (and Tom of course!)
The piccy is lovely, you both look really happy and enjoying each others company. I really must change my profile pic, as I don’t look anything like that now - I have very short brown hair, am as pale as putty and twice the size!!!
I have decided to go back to work on the 14th September, I can’t pretend that I’m looking foward to it but I’m not getting paid for all the time I have had off sick, plus I have to start making Christmas decorations for the store - it sounds nice, but after you have opened about 32 garlands and made another 20 walkway decs it gets a bit of a chore! Hopefully I will have some help, or I may down tools and come home!
Things have been very stressful this last week, my Mum has sold her house and we are desperately trying to find a bungalow to buy, but they are as rare as hen’s teeth. We have looked at a few, but one was in the wrong location, one was built on watercress fields so was prone to flooding and the other had rising damp! Plus the dog has been unwell so I have had to go to the vets with him, he is still not too good but I will give his medication a bit longer to kick in as he only started taking it last night.
I hope everyone is ok, sorry to waffle on and feel sorry for myself!
Love to everyone,
Tracy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx