Hi Helen.
Glad yr doing well…takes time to get life back in some order. V happy for you.
I just thought i would let u know i saw oncologist today…he worried. Going in for scan and biopsy tomorrow. Here we go again.
Hi Heidi…Oh love I’m late on here posting, but I have everything crossed for you. Hope the biopsy went well. I hope you will find out the results very quick. Because of your previous history, they should do this quite quickly. I feel for you love, but here for you. Let me know how you go on. Big ,Big hugs and loads of positive vibes love. A step at a time.
take care now
Hi Helen
scan has confirmed its definitely a lump and not scar tissue. They r planning an op for me. See the oncologist again wed. Am completely petrified. X
Hey there Heidi…oh I’m so sorry its a lump, heres hoping for the best love. Have they diagnosed the lump yet, or are they going ahead and taking the lump out anyway? I know you have a strong family there Heidi, all routing for you and being there. When is your op. I guess you will find more things out on wed. I am really feeling for you love…take care and keep busy, so the time will go quicker.
thinking of you
Hi Heidi, Helen and Anne
I haven’t been on here for what seems a lifetime and have just had the ‘finishing touch’ to my surgery (which I will get to see tomorrow).
Heidi, I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve got this worry all over again and I couldn’t “log off” without sending you love and wishing all the best.
Helen and Anne, I hope your lives are going well. It’s strange, although I haven’t been here for a while (getting on with life etc, etc), it doesn’t feel strange posting and I still feel I’m talking to friends.
Wishing you all - and everyone else here on the forum - lots of love.
Cathy x
Thanks for yr message Cathy. Its so weird falling back into breast cancer world again. Hoped it would be longer than 2 years of entering it again though. I saw oncologist today. I have op next week. He thinks it may be in my chest muscle. Wont know more till after op or even if i Will keep implant till i wake up from op. Telling my 2 kiddies tonight. Here we go again.
Hello Heidi, been reading your story (and others) from afar for a long time, sorry it has come back. May I ask if the lump was over the top of the implant area? Or even on a scar? Just read that RT causes BC in the ICON mag.
I’ve asked my surgeon how BC would show up again over a recon and he said it would be in the skin but I have little confidence in him so am nervous about all these things.
I hope they can remove the lump without too much collateral damage.
hi there Heidi…well it sounds like they are pretty concerned, and its very stressful for you not knowing for definite until the after the op. Either way, its being sorted and quick too…its going to be hard for you to tell your kids again…positive vibes and hugs coming your way love…will be thinking of you next week, let us know which day you have the op on.
Hi Cathy, glad your normal life is back on track and your doing well. And it is good to know that there is always someone here on the forum, if we need it…
take care
Hi everybody
Come on here to browse every now and then and something made me look at our old forum and saw your posts Heidi.
Hard to know what to say, but absolutely thinking of you and sending the vibes and hugs as hard as I can. Please let us know when you’re going in and what’s happening. Have been in your shoes, and know how strong you are, hang in there kid and wish we were all nearer to each other - just keep in touch.
Helen & Cathy - lovely to hear you two again, seems only like yesterday when we were comparing notes. I’ve just signed up for volunteering at Citizens Advice, trying to help people with problems - must be a sucker for stress!
Take care and love to all.
Hi girls…Anne well done you…you’ll make a great listener, got plenty of life experience behind you…stronger for it! You go girl!
Heidi let us know how you are doing …big hugs!
Hi all. Thank you all so much for your support. I go into hospital on Thursday. Scared for so many different reasons.
Czech mate…nice to meet you. Must admit i am not great with abbreviations! The lump is definitely in my muscle in the exact place of first cancer lump. Dr said its also spreading round my implant. Had 5 weeks of radiotherapy and can’t understand why its come back. Dr says he sees a case like me once very few years but not sure what he means.
The kids took it ok. Questions started coming about an hour after. I HATE the fact they are going through this again. I don’t want their child hood ruined by breast cancer. They always have been and always Will be my number 1 priority in all this. I just dissolve when they go to bed.
I am so frightened. It means so much to have you all Here. Thank you.
So great to hear from you all. X x x
Panic panic panic. Is anyone out there. I have the mist terrible gut wrenching feeling i have got inflammatory bc not invasive. Help help x
Hey Heidi
I’m so sorry to hear how scared you’re feeling - and who would blame you. All I can do is send hugs, love etc.
I’ve sent you a PM.
I know we’re all here for you in whatever way we can help.
Lots of love.
Cathy x
Oh heidi love…keep strong as you can sweetheart, big hugs and postiive vibes for you…as Cathy has said we are with you all the way…
love Helenxxx
Cyber hugs and totally understand your worries - the mind goes into overdrive, but try to rein it in and wait for the guy who knows to tell you the results - all sounds good on paper doesn’t it!
We’re here and rooting for you.
Love Anne x
Hi all…Heidi just a message to wish you all the luck with your op tomorrow. Will be thinking of you love. positive vibes and cyber hugs coming your way…(((hugs))
take care now
Hi Helen and girls.
Thank you so much for your support. Means the world to me. Feeling very calm and can’t wait to get it out. Had to get some diazapan from Dr on Monday as was all over the place! anyway my warrior head is back on and ready for battle. Lots of love Xxxxxxx
You go girl…thinking of you heidi…
Hi there girls…Heidi,you are having one rough ride of it. Just know that we are here for you anytime you need a chat or rant about anything…take care love, big big hugs and positive vibes coming your way in a never ending loop…
take care love
Hi all.
thought it was about time i updated.!
Ok. Well yes it was back. Evidently never went away.
Had op last week to remove lots of chest wall and also my beautiful reconstruction. Been v difficult week. Saw oncologist today. Not chosen chemo route. Stopping Tamoxifen cos its not done its job. Having zoladex monthly injections and armidex. Not looked into them on here yet but no doubt Will!
onwards and upwards eh. Grit my teeth.smile and get on with it.
Helen… You have been Fab. Thank you. Xxxxxxx
hope you all well Xxxxxxx