DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

Hi to everybody…just a quick question Lyra. Did you have a local anaesthetic? and if so, how did it feel someone doing surgery on your breast while you were awake…and did they chat to you or give you music to listen to? I know its only a short op. so not too worried about it…just curious about the wide awake part!

take care all

Hi Helen

I had a general anaesthetic because they did some work on my other breast and had to tidy up my abdominal scar on one side, so the op took longer. I also had to stay in hospital overnight. So I can’t say what they do when it’s a local anaesthetic. I suppose you could take an ipod with you and listen to music yourself - I’m sure they’ll want you to be relaxed!

Lyra xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks Lyra…this op will be a walk in the park compared to the others this year…thanks again!

Hope all are keeping well

Hi girls…just a quickie to say that all went well with the op and I was able to walk away from it after half an hour…great!! Not seen the result yet, but will next week.

I hope all are keeping well…a special thought for you Lenny, because I know you must have had your MRI result way back…whatever it was I hope it was nothing or copeable for you…

take care all in your daily lives …
Oh forgot to say…I’m starting work…well hopefully…on 22nd Feb…

catch ya later

Hi everybody

Can you believe it, one year gone since I started this post and lots has happened since my last visit. Have had skin cancer in my good boob which has delayed my “levelling up op”, but now its sorted and I’m booked for the 23 April. So hopefully on the final bit of my recon saga and will be able to find bras easier and maybe even go braless hehee.

Nell, Tracy, Heidi, Lenny, Lyra, Sarah to name a few of you who became recon buddies, hope you are all well and to those considering recon who read this post, it is soooo worth it.

Anne x

Hi Anne…a year already you say…thats both gone quick and slow , depending on whats been happening…
I hope your skin cancer was and is sorted out…what a blow for you love. We are all getting on with our lives…closing some doors and opening others hopefully. Good luck with your levelling up op, I’m sure it will go well…I just have my tattoo to do now then recon is finished with hurrah!

I hope you are all well and progressing with work commitments and life. Take care all and give yourself ‘me’ time as and when you need it.

Look after yourself Anne…I hope your road becomes smoother this next year…


Hi Helen

So good to hear from you and thanks for the kind wishes. Just got back from my pre-op and just want Friday to come and get it all done and dusted.

Tattoo - thats a giggle, can’t wait for that one!

All the best and thanks again.
Anne x

I keep thinking that this time last year I was getting in a panic about the op but I have to admit it was all worth it. I had my 50th birthday 2 weeks ago and had a big party which was wonderful. Lenny and her husband came which was great - we discovered a further coincidence - my sister in law went out with Lenny’s brother when she was 14!!
My husband Steve is doing the Moonwalk in 3 weeks time for BC as is Heidi.
Next month I shall reach my 5 years post diagnosis. Still waiting to hear when I get my uplift and nipple.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine.

Hi everyone!!

Feel really bad that i have let our thread slip… time has ticked by and life has begun to return to normal ‘ish’ i guess!
My boob has settled into position well, still numb and bit tight on the back but am THRILLED still with the results. Think i said in my last post that am giving the nipple recon a miss for now. I want a year free from operations/procedures as much as for my childrens sake rather than mine. My two have both been through so much and i want them to enjoy having me back and healthy without them being worried about knocking me/bumping into me again etc.
As Sarah said, i am doing the moonwalk in London in 12 days time (yikes - scared/excited/apprehensive/emotional) 26.2 miles during the night wearing a decorated bra. I will be thinking of all you lovely ladies throughout the night and am doing it for US! I have raised over £700 so far and it ALL goes to breast cancer charities so i am chuffed to bits. Have suffered with blisters during training but am so pleased with how far i have been walking when i am normally the one who parks as close to the shop as possible!! LoL!
I look forward to meeting Sarahs husband on the night - he has been giving me regular training tips!
Anne - are you ok? Funny place to get skin cancer on the boob - have they sorted it? I had it on my back when i was 23, had about 10 inches removed, not had a problem since (touch wood).
Nell - think of you often… xx
And the rest of you all too in the different stages that you are at.
I am expecting to shed a tear or two on the night of the moonwalk, but its all positive and a real ‘moving on’ point for me to be doing this marathon.

Love and thoughts always
Heidi xxxx

Hi girls…yep everyone is moving on Heidi and thats a good thing…putting this all behind us, as much as we can. Soooooooo impressed at your fantastic recovery and training…and so proud of you doing the moonwalk. I think tears are in order, washing away the rubbish you went through and starting afresh…which I hope goes for all of us on this forum.
Sarah lovely to hear from you too. and great of your hubby to give Heidi tips for training. You sound well up to speed too. Nearly five years past diagnosis…one hell of a great goal to achieve…good for you!!Onward and upward!!!
Anne how did your op go. Sorry meant to ask earlier…hope all went as well as it could go. Now there is just your tattoo to have…a bit further down the line, then thats one big tick off your list of getting things done!!!great!!!

Hope all are keeping on track and moving onwards…take care all…


Hello everybody.

Heidi - all power to you, its brill you’re doing the moonwalk, I’ve managed the Race for Life ten times (must come kind of near to your distance, just taken me ten years to do it!) All the very best, it must be an amazing experience, enjoy and will be thinking of you.

Sarah, all the best to your hubby and thats excellent news on your 5yrs. I’m 12 days past boob reduction and nipple and trying not to do too much, but its so much easier than the diep and I keep forgetting not to lift, pull, etc… but see surgeon tomorrow for post op meet and hope to get the all clear to drive and exercise again. So very much hope this is my last op for a long long time.

Helen, lovely to hear from you and now we both only have the tatoo to go. Keep well and have you had that holiday yet??

Love to all.
Anne x

Hi folks…Glad the recovery from your op is progressing just fine Anne. Yep we just have our tattoos to do. I have decided to ask for something like a bee or butterfly, mmmmm how about a horse, then I can ride into the sunset for good! hehehehe

Not had a holiday yet Anne. I went back to work part time in february. Found I just didn’t have the stamina for it, mentally and physically…so on ‘sick’ once again…feeling so much better these days. Think I will be closing that door now…but there’s always a window to open isn’t there… a new ‘normality’ I think…but definitely looking forward to a holiday after two years without!!

take care now missus
and everyone else too…

I was in London on Saturday/Sunday with my husband Steve who was doing the moonwalk and met up with Heidi for a quick photo. Both completed it - a great achievement - and both raised over a £1000 for breast cancer. A real achievement.
Hope all are well. Waiting for my mammo results and passed my 5 years yesterday - keep hoping I am not tempting fate by celebrating !


Hi everyone.

As Sarah said, it was great to meet up with her for a quick hug before we went into playtex city to do our moonwalk marathon. Honestly had the best night of my life. Smiled every step of the way and can’t wait to do it again.
I made a short video and have put it on you tube, all you have to do is copy and paste the link below and it will lead you straight to it. It’s very amateur and the music only comes on half way through it but it tells my moonwalk story.


Heidi xxx

Hi Heidi

Just seen the video and it made me cry. All power to you, well done, brilliant stuff.

Anne x

Oh Heidi…wet eyes here too…fantastic!!!What a great fund raising event!!Well done you…
Sarah thats great news too about your 5 year pass…congratulations!
I’m sure your mammo will be just fine.
Life is for living and its great to see everyone doing just that…

I’m in the process of retiring from teaching…but as one door closes then another will open…in time…Embracing a new future is beginning to feel good…even exciting!

Keep well all

HI girls.

Long time no speak…
Hope you are all doing well in your journey.
Am looking for a bit of reassurance… :frowning:
On Tuesday night i noticed that i have a huge dimple in my bc reconstructed breast. In the middle of it a pea sized hard lump. Just like before. Going to see oncologist on Wednesday, GP already seen it and is concerned too.
Am 2 years on, had mastectomy on this area, 25 radiotherapy sessions and done 2 years of tamoxifen so far.
It can’t be coming back surely??? But if not then what is it??

Sorry to be all doom and gloom.

Heidi xxxxx

Hi Heidi love…its mixed feelings hearing from you, everyone is getting their life back together again and then something like that happens. Not hearing from the girls, is all good, hopefully. I’m so glad you are getting it checked as soon as. The waiting will be the worst as you know.
We can all keep our fingers crossed for you Heidi and hope that any results are quick in coming back to you. Better safe than sorry. Wish I could give you the reassurance you need…I have my everything crossed for you love…and am here for you as I’m sure the other girls are. Positive vibes and super big hugs winging their way to you.

take care lovey, will be thinking of you

Nell. … Thank you so much for coming to my rescue. Good to speak to you again. Yes feel like i have rewound 2 years. Positive thinking and all that i know.
How are you doing?!? Xx

I’m doing just fine Heidi. Finally, this last month, I finally feel like I’m getting back to normal. My energy levels have increased loads…so I’m picking up the threads of my life and beginning to enjoy it once more. All good.

Yeah Its gonna feel like going back in time for you love. Just this time you have the knowledge of what you might have to go through. Soooo hope that you dont need to. Take it a step at a time like you did before…the only way.

take care love