Sorry to hear your problem in the ‘moving’ department! I’ve put for you below the link to a thread in undergoing treatment- chemo, where there’s lots of helpful tips on this subject. Hope you can find one that works for you. Good luck.
Hi Christina…good for you…go and have that walk to the shops, take it gently and treat yourself to some choccies!!!
When I was in hospital…because of the IV antibiotics and tons of water I drank…I was very ‘loose’ going to the toilet. It was different when I got home…I didn’t go for 5 days. I hadn’t realised until I had to…and I don’t know about anyone else, but having had babies…a long time ago…I also have haemorroids…sorry not a pleasant subject…but it became extremely painful. So for a couple of days I took 1 laxative, and started to eat a diet that would help it happen…so to speak! I also started drinking lots of water…or flavoured water. And things have come right again!!! Sounds like you’re getting there Christina…When is your appointment with your onc or surgeon?
Hi Helen and anne hope your both keeping well. I wonder how Sarah is getting along? Hi Lenny…you’ll be having your op soon…which op is it?
take care
Hi there everyone hope your all feeling stronger today.
Christina the painkillers do tend to make you a bit that way!!
Think it was once i got home and moving about more things did improve though but it can get rather painful!!
Hope you enjoyed your walk out.
I am having my other side done 2 weeks on thursday just to level things up so really looking forward to getting that out of the way!
I hate having to stay in hospital, like to be at home!
Helen and Anne hope your both ok. Helen 2xx
Hi Helen…feeling better and more mobile daily. Tired from late afternoon, but deffo getting there. So your in again in two more weeks…let us know just when…bet you can’t wait to get it over with eh! Theres only so much of hospital including appointments, treatment and surgery that one can take … Will the op be a ‘lifting’ or ‘rearranging’ of your breast? How long after your op have you waited to have it done? Good luck with it Helen.
Hope Christina, Anne, Sarah and Lenny are doing ok too.
{{gentle hugs}} for Christina and Sarah…take it easy.
Hezb, Can i ask how long you have had to wait to get your second one done? I know i want mine doing as feels very wonky having little pert one then old saggy one.
Can’t believe i’m the same person who was so terrified of having this op a couple of weeks ago. Best thing i have ever done definitely.
Still sore, not sure if its due to expander being on top of ribs but i can feel it rubbing sometimes and does feel as though ribs are bruised. Is this normal and doees it pass or should i mention it to Ps when i see him?
Thank you again to you all for the support and advice you have given me. Christina xxx
Hope you’re all doing well. Helen (nell), are you still needing painkillers? I’m getting what can only be described as someone sticking little needles in me - probably nerve endings I expect, but I’m sooo impatient. Just planted four little begonias and am pooped, feel so old! Actually made it to see Rhydian on Monday night which was a great pick-me-up.
Christina, hope you’re ok - Movicol was brilliant when I had problems after chemo.
Helen2 - great to hear from you and thanks for the support.
Am at hospital tonight for my next 2 week check with the surgeon, so fingers crossed my haematoma has settled and find out what happens next - a bath would be nice!!
Hi girls…Anne I know what you mean about the bath thing…I’ve had 1 everyday since I was allowed one last week . Have you not been allowed to have one then?I’ve weaned myself down on painkillers…instead of keeping topped up now I just take as I need it. It helped me get a decent nights sleep last night!
I went for my first long walk today…not just round the garden but in the actually streets no less! I felt real proud…I set off with gusto, got round the corner, and had to really slow down, but I managed it and although my hips ached…lack of excercise…I made it.
Thing is I’ve just woken up from a long sleep, it proper took it out of me heheehe
Good luck Anne with your appointment…Hope there isn’t any haematoma for you…my next appointment arrived this morning and isn’t for 5 weeks. Hope I don’t get fluid again on my tummy. Think I have some!
Something to note re. your tummy. I believe the corset thing I had was to help reduce fluid on the tummy, and after two weeks I had to change to “control knickers” to hold everything and give you support. I must admit that I really feel strange when I take mine off, it does help, especially when walking, or generally moving about. I bought mine for £4 at Asda and are comfortable. Might be worth asking your BCN if its appropriate in your case.
Thanks for the good wishes, no doubt will be on here tomorrow with the outcome. I’m not allowed baths, only showers - so strange all these doctors having different regimes.
Hi there everyone, Helen im having my other side enlarged to make me look more even as i was very small chested so things will look abit level!! You sound to be doing great with the walking.
Anne hope it goes well with your ps tonight and you hopefully will be enjoying a nice bath soon.
Christina dont worry i had alot of pain in ribs and very sharp pains in breast think it is normal. Got a date within 3 weeks of last expansion, So 7 weeks in total so thats pretty good. So glad your pleased with the result it is soooo good to go out shopping for tops and not to have to buy the high neck ones!! Helen2 xxx
HiImjackie,just wondered how you went on when you were having chemo what stage did you have if you dont mind me asking glad to hear you are having reconstruction, i am on my cmf part of my chemo 2nd course 2 to go it certainly is a challenge fed up of feeling so tired and ill but still i can see a glimmer of light now as i will nearly be 3/4 of the way through take care jackie x
you ladies are so helping me in my prep for my op n the 10th june, 3 weeks today!!! or yesterday as it is gone midnight! nell not sure of medical term for my recon. it is a tummy tuck one… sorry for my ignorance i do know what is going to happen i just don’t seem to be able to keep up with the lingo…
christina keep up with the fibre… if you want to do it naturally…mangos are wonderful they have the most fiber of any fruit and taste wonderful.
hi helen and anne and helen2 - how exciting to have 2 boobs the same… my ps has romised me the same. (by the way my name is helen too, lenny is my nickname)
thanks again for letting me join you… you are all an inspiration…
Hi all, Well thank goodness the earth moved for me yesterday after taking loads of laxatives. Sorry i know it’s not a nice subject to discuss but the relief was fantastic.
Went for walk Tues with husband walked for 2 hours in the end. Absolutely shatterred at end of it but felt so good to be out enjoying the fresh air again.Definitely recommend a golden retriever as good reason to get moving again.
Feeling stronger and less pain every day and get so excited when i have a shower and see two boobs instead of one lonely one and a ugly scar.These plastic surgeons are fantastic. I hope they know how much they change a womans life and confidence.
Just waiting for ambulance car to pick me up to take me to hospital for wound and dressing check, then may even venture to town after. Can’t wait to buy first cleavage revealing dress.
Has anyone heard from Sarah? She must be home from hospital now and would love to know she’s ok and op went well.
Morning girls…another Helen…confusing if we didn’t have your nickname to call you by. Lenny ask away anything you need to know. Have you had a mastectomy…mine was mastectomy with immediate recon. Please ask if you are stuck to know whats the best thing to wear in hospital etc. Three weeks to go Lenny, bet they can’t go swift enough for you…Oh we may be able to help with the lingo too!
Hi Anne…I think fluid is coming back, thing is I didn’t know what to look for last time…might ring the bcn next week if my stomach continues to tighten…cos not seeing the ps for another 4 wks now.
I’ll have ‘popped’ by then lol I think a more gentle walk is in the offing today. Are you getting out and about Anne? Thanks for the knickers idea…might get some anyway.
Hi Jackie… I personally haven’t had chemo…but some of the other girls have I think…and might be able to give you some answers. Great that you are nearly at the end of the course!!!
Hi Helen…glad you feel great and you can go and spend loads of money on tops that you want to wear and not be dictated by your breasts!!! they can be bossy eh!!lol Look forward to hearing about your next step in this ‘process’. take care now.
Hi Christina you sound real excited about your next step too. But take it easy for now and gather your strength up…its something to look forward to eh!
Both Sarahs I hope things are going ok for you and are taking it easy too. Rest is the key…
Have a good day all…its dull and showery here…mmmmmm so the walk I was gonna have my have to wait…sigh…
oops just crossed christina…have a good day in town…wow 2hrs not surprised you were shattered…
Chemo brain?? - Three Helens - I’ve totally had it!!
Hiya lenny, you’re having the same recon as Helen (nell) and I have had and I am sure you’ll be so pleased with the result.
Had my second check up last night and all is ok, can now bath YES! and his words, when asked about shopping, ironing, exercise etc, were “go for it” - unfortunately my hubby was there and is now not letting me forget it - I have a feeling I am going to be so sick of those three little words in the very near future lol. Seriously, so pleased with it all and now will see him in three months to discuss a reduction and lift on the south facing boob to make things equal.
Hello to jackieone - chemo for me was in 2007 but remember it vividly, I was stage 3 and the fatigue, nothing like it. You hang in there girl, nearly at the end.
Helen2 - how they enlarging your other side, lipo? Amazing what they can do, I’ve a totally different mindset on cosmetic surgery now. Good mind to ask for my scraggy neck to be done when I’m under next time hehee.
Off to have a long walk - enjoy the sunshine all.
Anne x
Hi Anne…its chucking it down here…so no walk just yet…
What a pity your OH heard the words ‘housework’ and ‘go for it…’ still it all goes to making us feel normal again eh! 3 mths for your next discussion …bet you’re raring to go Anne. Did you get a new tummy button done…I did and its higher up than it used to be…
enjoy your sunshine
Enjoyed my walk, am near a river and made it to where the swans congregate, just stood and enjoyed the view for a while.
Join the club with the belly button, mines higher too, very strange.
The surgeon said last night I still have a haematoma, but he’s hoping the body will now absorb it by itself, fingers crossed, so that’s my excuse for not doing too much heavy housework etc etc. See how long I can milk that one!
Have now come down with a cold, just so pleased I didn’t get one whilst having the op, at least I can chill and dose myself up - just don’t want to cough too much, still pulls on the tummy scar.
Christina - we haven’t had the same recon. but my ribs at the top were tender, and still are, so it could be normal. So glad you’re pleased with the end result.
Oh gosh it is getting so confusing with all these Helens!!Lenny you must have your op the week after mine bet you cant wait to get it over!
Helen and Anne you both sound to be doing very well, it is so good to be able to compare notes im sure it will make the recovery process so much easier. I have been for my pre op today had to have mrsa swabs taken not had them before!! Think it must be because ive been in hospital in the last 12 months.
Christina you sound to be doing great and the fresh air does make you feel better. Could do to borrow your golden retriver!!
Love to all Helen2XX
Morning girls…Hi Helen, not long for you to go now…I think the MRSA swabbing came in just recently, this year. Eventually I think the staff will have to have them too…now that makes sense!! I was told that they lasted about 3months…so I only had it for my first op, not the other 2.
Anne how great to live by a river…how very relaxing…which is just what the doctor ordered!!!Hope your haematoma does get absorbed fingers crossed eh! I’m keeping a close eye still on my tummy…but I’ve now noticed one very big vein sticking out like a sausage on my boob…quite tender…I guess it all needs time to settle down…like everyone I’m just impatient!!!
I’ve never had a dog, and I guess they encourage you to walk more…2hrs Christina wow …impressed and not surprised you were tired!!!
Lenny and the Sarahs hope all is well with you too…have a nice bank holiday weekend…I’m going to my sisters caravan on Saturday till Sunday…be nice to have a change of scenery and company…its by the sea, so nice walks …if short walks…on the beach!!!
the sun is shining here and i’m all set for a weekend with an old friend who is visiting from the states.
had a bleep day yesterday, tears, fight with hubby and just feeling overwhelmed. my OH is off with with reactive depression, my youngeest son is about to have an op on his tendons and we are moving house just after my op… when i’m strong enough!! actually compared to what some on this site are putting up with it isn’t much and most days i’m ok but yesterday i was feeling very sorry for myself!!! today is new day and fresh start - further on further up.
helen i love visiting the sea whatever time of year… have a wonderful time… hope your tummy and sausage! settle down.
anne our new house is by the river and it is one of the things we are most looking forward to… then we will get a dog for those long walks!
helen2 i had my pre op a few weeks ago and my son had his 2 days ago and we both had the mrsa swab. i can’t remember much of what was said now…too scary but i’ve got it all written down somewhere to read thru’ nearer the time.
christina keep us up to date with your progress as it really helps me to imagine what life will be like post op…
haven’t met the sarahs but hope all is well. need to get on with some work now so have a good day all and weekend, talk soon,
ps just read this back… sorry for wingeing at the beginning.
Don’t you worry about letting out your emotions Lenny…thats exactly what this site is for…we all do it…sounds like you have a lot on your plate…but when its all sorted, just think a lovely house by the river, calming, relaxing and a dream!!! Take it a day at a time for now…moving house…even thinking about it is stressful. You have a good weekend now…hope your little boy does ok with his op too.