Helen - please excuse typo - meant “bet it can’t come soon enough”
hi Anne…oh you poor thing…hope your boob is ok now. It is extremely painful when you lie on and squish the blood vessels… the pain comes back with vengeance!!! I recommend the ‘Never Ending Story’ as a book to put by your side so you don’t slip over…never ending means the story must go on and on and on…hence a very thick book. heehee
You are getting good at your walks…and driving too…how was that for you eh!! Think I’m gonna have to get myself out of this house and go for a gentle walk too. It’s too easy to not get the excercise!!
Hope things go well tomorrow too…thanks for the thoughts love.
Enjoy your choccies
Thanks Helen
Do you drive? I first had a go at the weekend and it was really painful to press the clutch so decided to give it a while.
Today it was very different, I think by doing little walks my stomach is getting stronger and it didn’t pull at all on the old belly today. Just a bit difficult when reversing trying to turn around and look over the shoulder, plus the belt dug in a bit. Other than that it is just great to get out from these four walls. As much as I love my home, its getting very claustraphobic (spelling??) now four weeks confinement! Not moaning though, just a little impatient.
Go for that walk and treat yourself to something nice.
Anne x
Hi Ladies
Hope you ladies don’t mind, but I’ve been keeping an eye on this thread. What lovely support you are giving each other before and after your operations. As I had my operation in Mid-January I am somewhat ahead of you in recovery, but have clear memories of some of the experiences you are sharing. I just wanted to let you know that my breast tenderness reduced after a couple of months and that I am back to sleeping on my front. My energy levels have come back to round 95% and the tiredness I encountered when introducing new activities, post operation, have also disappeared. I’m throwing myself into getting fit again and am not experiencing any issues from ‘surgery sites’. I hope this comforts you in your recovery.
Anne- hope the antibiotics work
Hi twinny two…its good to know someone further down the line who has gone through the seem thing! Thats good to know actually that the ache/pain will disappear in a few weeks. Glad to know the energy levels will pick up too…can’t wait to stop feeling tired!!! great to hear from you twinny…hope you will continue to share your experiences with us.
Hi Anne …I don’t actually drive …never have…I duck a lot when certain other people are driving…I’m good at that lol :-0
I went for a walk…well several circuits around the garden…so that counts eh…I will progress!!
Hope the antibiotics are working…
take care all
Hiya again twinny2 - have a fascination about how people come up with their usernames (are you a twin??)
Please do keep in touch, its lovely hearing from someone further down the line, makes you look forward instead of worrying about the aches and pains. Sleeping on your front - bliss, I haven’t had a full nights sleep since the op cos of sleeping on my back, its just not natural, not for me anyway.
Are you having further tweaks, nipples etc?
Keep up the walks round the garden Helen - you need to make it to a shop - no chocolate in the garden!
Anne x
Hi Anne
I’m seeing the consultant next week for my follow up appointment and to discuss the next stages. So I’ll hopefully have an appointment for ‘nippling’ soon. And yes, my username does give it away somewhat…I am a twin.
Hi girls… I have just got back from my appointments…I’m officially clear of cancer…at last after 6 months …it feels so great!!! I had a worry about the change in texture in part of my breast…but the surgeon has explained the reason for it…and its ok. Things feel so different now…I can begin to get on with my life…yeh!!!
The surgeon drained away nearly 3 large syringefuls of stuff from my abdomen…he told me to massage my breast and said things would settle down. He seemed a little concerned with the underarm bit but was sure it would settle…such a relief. I see him again in 4 weeks. Ialso asked about mammograms in the reconstructed breast…the answer is no they don’t do one!
Hi twinny let us know how it goes next week with you.
So true Anne …to be able to lie on our sides again will be bliss!!!
catch ya later
Excellent news Helen!!
How brill is that. Now you can relax and put all the sh…y times behind and look forward. 3 syringfuls from your stomach - wow, and massage your breast, frightened to touch mine!. My underarm seems puffy but I had that before with the mastectomy and I’m sure the exercises help to drain that off - so make sure you keep doing them.
I was told that my belly boob will be checked with ultrasound in the future, no way am I putting this one in a mammogram machine!
Once again, so pleased for you.
Have a lovely weekend - do something nice, preferably with bubbles!
Anne x
Thanks Anne…I feel so different, just hearing that word GONE!
It was like the fog disppeared and the sun came out! I can see my life beginning again…it feels great!!! I can leave all the cr@p behind me!!
I never thought about an ultra sound! But it would be good to still get the ‘belly boob’ checked out! I wonder if it was all the fluid that had made my belly tighter! probably.
I will do my excercises and I’ve already had my first glass of wine in 6weeks…think I might just have 1 or 2 more…
take care love and have a good weekend…hope the weather cheers up!
catch ya later
Helen that is fantastic news what a relief it must be for you.
Thats good to know Anne about the ultra sound wonder if its more expensive!!
Have a lovely weekend hope the rain stops! Will have a drink for you Helen XX
Thanks Helen…I feel real good this morning!! I am now going to go and have that long awaited and well earned soak in the bath…after 4 weeks it will be utter bliss…mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Have a good weekend , hope the weather cheers up!!
catch ya later
Hi all back in the land of the living finally got home yesterday. Thank God.
Op went ok, couldn’t believe it was 12 hours before i was back in my room.
But the pain feels never ending, i know some of you talked of discomfort after your ops and maybe the pain is more severe after a Ld, but it hurts!!
Tightness round side where they twisted flesh from back to front to make new boob is where it hurts the most and difficult to sleep. But oh so good to be home.
Have to go back to hospital tomorrow for check up as i have a infection in boob for which i am on anti biotics for.Just feels so tired all the time and want so much to sleep on left side but too sore.
Does feel good to have two boobs again.
Hi Christina…its lovely to see you back in the saddle again. You will be tired love. Anne and myself are still working on getting our energy levels up. Small steps at a time…you will get there, but for now you need as much rest as you can. And I think you are probably right about the pain, I didn’t have muscle interfered with just fatty tissue. Take your painkillers on a regular basis…keep on top of the pain. don’t wait while it becomes bad or even mild. Eventually you will be able to ween yourself off them…but very early days yet. I still can’t lay on my left side so don’t worry about it…I bet its lovely for you to have a new boob again!!! Sit back and enjoy it!!
Its so good to see you back with us. Post when you feel able…let us know how you are doing.
You take great care of yourself now
catch ya later
Hello Christina
Nice to have you back - 12 hours - that’s one long op, but so pleased you are happy with your two boobs.
Can’t imagine how you get comfortable to sleep when you’ve had your back done?? but now you’re home and can relax as and where you want.
If you feel like sleep, you must need it so go with the flow and hope all goes well with your healing.
Anne x
hi christina,
so good to hear from you, have been thinking of this last week. there is nothing like your own bed but must be madening when you can’t get into your fav position. i’m really interested in your progress as my op is just over 3 weeks away(10th june).
this is your time to look after number one so take great care of yourself and let others do the same… well done!! you did it!!
lots of love,
Hi Lenny. Feeling much stronger today. I guess it is very similar to having your mx as each day passes you feel stronger and the pain gets easier. Slept a lot better last night.
I used to read the posts of the others who have been through this op prior to my decision to go through with it and think i could never be as brave as they were at joining this club. I am so glad now that i went through and had it.
When you look down and see a cleavage again, albeit a wonky one, its lovely.So as everyone said to me and thank you for that excellent advice go for it. The first few days are hard and emotional at times but you get better and you have won the last thing bc took away from you.
oooooo looking forward to my wonky cleavage!!! so glad you are feeling a little better - the only way is up!
yes i too view this op as the final stage on a long road to full recovery, i know i don’t know the future but i need to believe this is the end and then get on with living an ordinary everyday life.
hope you have a good night,
Christina, So pleased to hear your home so soon! I had my Ld recon in november and i can only just manage to sleep on my side, i do agree it is very uncomfortable and tight in the back but it should improve with lots of rest. I also had an infection after op so try not to worry too much, just think its all over and you can look forward to the future now. Get lots of rest and keep us posted on your progress. Take care Helen 2xx
Hi Helen 2, Do you know yet when or even if you will have your second op?
I am so loving looking down and seeing 2 boobs again. True what they say you don’t miss them till they’ve gone.
Might tempt walking the dog today to the shops to get a paper, you get so tired of being housebound and as you can probably guess i am not the most patient patient.
Had better nights sleep last night but wish laxatives would work.I know its a difficult subject but how long did it take anyone else post op to get moving in that area again? Sorry!!!