dippy kate

Hi Kate - haven’t been on line for ages - but just wanted to send love to you - hope things are getting betterxxx Take care , Jayne x

Kate, Ive just read your latest blog. You are truly amazing. And, like everybody who knows you either personally or virtually, I am hoping they do have to re-write the chemo books and you are able to have more treatment. Take care and I hope you start feeling better soon, Pauline xx

Kate, have read your blog, and wanted to send love to you…thinking of you .


Hi Kate,
May God add on to the courage and determiantion that has kept you going with a fighting spirit, not only for yourself but for your family too. Thinking of you.
Dee x

I know at times you’ve had some trouble with some medics, but I get the impression now kate that they are prepared to fight with you and for you all the way, because they know very well you are not just some ordinary person, you are fighting spirit personified!

Kate as long as you keep fighting I for one will keep rooting for you, you are unbelieveable, and I know you do this not just for you, but also for your husband, children and other family members and friends. You must love them an awful lot kate, most of us i know would have given up long before now.

Take care Kate and sending you much love

Hey kitty kat

told you never say never, good to catch up. hope you slept well after me and Claire left, keep on that oxygen and on the ball.

love you lots, always do, you always have your good mates and family with you.

Hi Kate

Just wanted to add my love and thoughts to you and your family.

Keeping fighting… you will get there


Dear Kate

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep fighting !!!

Love and hugs Judy xxxxxxx

Thanks to margaretw for link to kate’s blog, truly inspirational and I feel truly honoured to have met her. If only I had known all that before I met her.
All the best Kate and keep fighting.
Marmite x

Hi Marmite, Would you give me the link to Kates blog as I would love to read it and have looked for it and been unable to find it. Love Lesley

Hi Loopyjack

Not sure if we are allowed to do this but here it is



Hi Lesley,

Kates blog is at the top on page 9. I dont know kate but reading her blog she is inspirational lady.

Take Care

Leslee x

Hi, Help please. Not sure where page 9 is. Lesley xx

Been away from forums, just read Kates latest blog, I am sending every good vibe I can that she shows them yet again that she will get through this. Really really hoping she feels as good as she can right now and that her strength pulls her through again. Love to you Kate


Hi lesley,

Heres kates blog just double click on it it should open hope it works


Leslee x

I had a couple of texts from Kate earlier today and she is feeling very poorly. She is still testing postive for the flu virus so can’t be moved to hospice yet.

Thinking of you Kate.

Jane x

So sorry you are still in hospital Kate. Thinking of you and will miss you tomorrow,


Leslie (loopyjack),

Although I can see the link has now been posted on this page for you to click on I thought I’d answer your question about where page 9 is for future reference.

Look at the top or bottom posting on this page by scrolling down and you will see that we are on page 10 (the page highlighted in black). All other pages are shown in pink. Just click on the ‘9’ and you will be taken back to page 9 and in one of the posts at the top of the page the link to dippykate’s blog is shown for you to click on.

Hi SuzanneP,
Thanks, it makes sense doesn’t it. Must be my chemo brain. Lesley x

You were missed today at the London meet, Kate. Really hope that you can move into the hospice soon.

Lots of love Kay x