East Grinstead


has anyone had a free flap op at QVH, I am thinking of my options and would like to hear comments from ladies who have had this op here. I have heard that this is a very good hospital and the consultants are very experienced but would like to hear real life expriences


Hi tinfish,

I live just up the road from East Grinstead - didn’t have my surgery there though. There are at least 2 of the members on bcpals who did have their recons done there. If you want the link pm me.


Hi Dawn

I’m a year most mastectomy and have decided to at least go and speak to a surgeon about reconstruction. I’m under Brighton hospital and it seems recon is at East Grinstead. I haven’t had an appointment yet, I’m waiting at the moment, but my BCN suggested I see a doctor who works thee whose name I don’t suppose I’m allowed to mention on the boards, but PM me if you like, and I can let you know how the appointment goes.

xx Jane

Hi Jane - I think it is tinfish you are replying to not me LOL.


Today I reeived my appointment Friday 16th September, not sure how I feel but at least I can see and chat to the PS.

So bring it on!!


Hi Tinfish,

Have replied to you on another thread, hadn’t seen this one, I am under East Grinstead and due to have my op in November.
They are really lovely there and will look after you.
Do let me know if you want any other info!

Jane xx


I have my appointment to see the consultant 16th September, from seeing the consultant how long was the time scale to your op.
I would like to hear how yours go and keep in touch if thats OK

Hi L,

Just trying to remember when I first went to East Grinstead, I think I was told that there was about a years waiting list! It must have been about May/June last year because I remember thinking a year would be a year on from rads and they said they wouldn’t do the op under a year because of skin etc. So I was pleased when in February they rang to say they had a date for me in June. The difficulty with me is that they have to have 3 surgeons, one being one of my breast surgeons, so to try and get three together from different hospitals was quite a job. Unfortunately that had to be cancelled and that is why I am now waiting until November. I have put on some weight (good excuse!!) but have to watch my BMI. I have also had to have a CT scan on my tummy to check where my blood vessels are in my tummy area. I am looking forward to getting it done although I know it won’t be easy at first.
My premed appt is in September, don’t think it is the same day as your appt though.
Of course we must keep in touch!!!

Jane xx

Hi Jane

Thanks for your reply.

Can you think of any questions I should ask.

I think with the waiting lists etc I will probably have to wait until the new year, I dont want it sone in December. I have a 2 year old grandson and I think it will be very special this year

Hi L,

What happened with me was after seeing the consultant (and I have seen him every time) and discussed everything with him, I then had an appt with one of the two BCN based at East Grinstead, they gave me even more details of what I was going to have done. Luckily there was a thread on here a while back about a programme being shown, I think it was on BBC Scotland regarding recon and I managed to see it through Sky TV. That was very informative and showed the different types of ops available. So I had a fair idea about what was going to happen.
The Consultant I am under is really nice, very easy to talk to and explains everything you need to know.
They don’t usually keep you waiting for appts like some hospitals either!!!
I think really you just need to know what they can do for you, I’m not sure what other questions you need to ask, they are very experienced in plastic surgery there and he can show you some very good before and after photos.
If I think of anything else I’ll let you know!!

Jane xx

Hi Jane

Thanks for replying, well I have the appointment 16th September and the consultant is coming to Kent to see me. So bring it on.

Hi Tinfish,
Can’t comment on the breast reconstruction team (or whatever you call them) at E Grinstead but my husband had a finger sewn back on there and they were very good. The place looks pritty tatty (well parts of it) but don’t let that put you off. You’ll need to take £3.50 for the car park (ouch!)

Hi Ladies,

Yes Caroline you are right, the place does look a little tatty in places!! However, the staff make up for it!!
It was a fantastic hospital during WW2 where they did wonderful things with the very badly burnt pilots. I think they have continued to be brilliant in plastic surgery ever since.
I feel very lucky to be going there for my op, all my nhs treatment so far has been great and so it continues.

Jane xx

It sounds good, I have been in a Kent hospital and the last couple of times the nurses had a cant be bothered attitude but other times they have been great. One time a nurse (1 day after post op) said to me “perhaps you havent accepted you had had cancer” I was very tired and sore and it was a preventative op The consultants have always been very good, I think its the nurses who can make your stay better, so hearing the good comments about EG is great, as long as its clean who cares about the buildings.

Hi Tinfish,

Hope your appt goes well tomorrow, let me know how you get on!!

jane xx

Hi Jane

Thanks so much for remembering, its at 10.40 and I am ready just waiting for my husband to sort himself out and then we are leaving at 10.


Hi Jane

Went for the appointment, the consultant said I was an ideal candidate for the DIEP. Told me the op’s about 6 hours and the stay would be about 1 week, went through loads of things with me and really put my mind at ease. I am still terrified of the op but nothing ventured nothing gained. Had a blood test, now waiting for scan appointment at Haywards Heath, he said the waiting list is up to 9 months.

Here I go, cant wait to see the results, this time next year I should have 2 boobs!!!


I have just had my mastectomy and recon at East Grinsted.
I was lucky enough to go private but the doctors are the same .
My consultant is lovely and the nurses were so caring.
I have had a very good experience of this hospital…x

Hi Ladies,

Tinfish, great news for you!! I also had a scan at Haywards Heath to look for blood supply in my tummy. They were really nice there too!!
Only just over 6 weeks till my op and yes I am a little scared but also excited…no more worrying about bending forward and necklines!!
Sozza123, thank you so much for your post, its good to know your op went well and you were pleased with your hospital stay!!
I have had such wonderful care so far and am quite sure that will continue at East Grinstead.

Jane xx

Hi Jane

I think we are coming from the same place!!! I know exactley what you mean about bending down, I am always asking anyone I am with can they see anything, am I level etc and last night went to a wedding reception put my bag down and when it was time to leave asked my husband to pick it up for me just in case. Yes 9 months will go quick but I had really hoped he would say 6 months so that I would feel up to going for walks etc in the spring. But you never know he did say up to 9 months. I will see the consultant in 3 months so here’s hoping, I suppose thats the “contril freak in me!!”