Eyebrows - Make up

Morning everyone

Im i read a post on here where ladies were speaking abut a specific brand of eyebrow make up sold in the department stores but I just cannot find the post or remember the brand.

Can anyone lead me in the right direction of the thread or the actual brand please?

Just had my last TAX chemo yesterday - 8th cycle, i still have thin eyebrows but I’m sure they are gonna get much thinner over the coming month if not disappear so id like to practice before i get desperado!

Thanks :slight_smile:


Benefit, but I found a cheap and cheerful pencil in a lighter colour than my natural brows was plenty good enough.

There’s also the Body Shop. They do a set of two colour powders of brown, one dark, the other lighter which you apply with the brush provided. It’s very effective and if you call in they will do your eyebrows for you so you can see what it looks like.
Elinda x


I was given the following at the Look Good Feel Better session I attended:

L’Oreal Made For Me Naturals Brow & Duo Eye Shadow

It’s fantastic for eyebrows, can be applied with the little brush supplied. I’m quite fair so use the “Light Brunettes” version but there are others in the range. I’m still using the original but was so impressed that I decided to buy some replacements for the future. I wasn’t able to find it in store but it was easy enough to find on-line. Sorry can’t remember how much it cost. Wasn’t cheap but not extortionate either. Lasts for ages so well worth it.

You might find your eyebrows do not get any thinner - I hope so. Mine were never exactly luscious but losing them was not pleasant.

Best of luck with the rest of your treatment and beyond.

Hi Lisa,
I think the best one out on the market is called Browzins or something like that and is made by Benefit, you can get this from Boots or Debenhams and costs about £12.
If you go in they will put it on for you and then you can decide if you like it or not b4 purchasing it.
Good luck!
Big hugs

Benefit Browzing really good when you just have a few hairs left. When they go completely their pencil version is brilliant for drawing on a fake eyebrow - it takes a bit of practice but people were amazed when I told them mine were fake!

I found my eyebrows didn’t disappear completely, just gor very sparse and needed a bit of “colouring in”, so I used the pencil to add some extra hairs and a bit of depth. They grew back fairly quickly for me, so as I have dark eyebrows and don’t need to use a pencil normally, I felt that it would have been over the top with expenses to buy something I would only use for a couple of months.

I also used a dark eyeliner but not black, to help with the very sparse eyelashes too. I have fairly dark brown hair but found using a colour a bit lighter was less harsh and more realistic.

Hi Lisa,

Congratulations on finishing your TAX!

I think for your eyebrows its a matter of finding what you feel most comfortable with, and having a couple of demos in store is probably a good idea. I have the benefit browzings which looks very good but to be honest I found a bit tricky to apply. I now use Clinique pencils - they do a straightforward very slim one in a propelling pencil format, or a chunkier double ended one with a highlighter on the other end. Both work very well for me.

Everyone is different but I have to be honest and say that my eyebrows have never really recovered from Tax - I completed my last cycle in Dec 2008. They are there, and I can feel the hairs, but they are very sparse, and without makeup it looks as though I have no brows at all, so I am a complete eyebrow pencil addict now. I have tried cheaper brands, but they seem nowhere near as good.

Best wishes,
Julie x

I’m another who has used browzings by benefit. Think it’s more expensive than has been quoted on here but I may be wrong. I’m not that impressed as I find it looks a bit grubby (iykwim) close up whereas I would prefer a more even coverage. Like the fact that you have the brush + both wax+ powder to have a good play around.
I think the key is finding an absolute colour match, which so far I haven’t. Think the brow prob is so much worse if you are dark haired- and there’s so many shades of dark hair but so few shades of dark liner! I’ve used a no7 pencil mainly which I got at look good feel better. It’s a good 1 but slightly lighter than I need. The next shade in store is too dark. I’m not a fan of heavy block brows (aka ‘scouse brows’ even though I’m a Liverpool girl lol) so have stuck with the lighter shade. Will try out the recommended clinique pencil definately thanks for the recommendation.
Has any1 risked dyeing their brows (at a salon) during chemo? Mine are sparse but were never the same post tax tbh, (and iv over-plucked over the years too), so thought maybe a tint might help bring them out a bit more? I’m on xeloda so not a mega harsh chemo + would get them to do a test 1st. Would be good to hear if any1 else has had a brow tint during chemo + if it was ok?
tina x

If anyone is interested Cargo lash extender mascara is 75% off in Boots this week. It’s a good buy as its usually about £18

A year of Herceptin followed by an ongoing 5 years of Anastrozole has absolutely ruined my eyebrows (which were never very thick to start with).

The thing is, I can’t be bothered messing about with brushes, waxes, etc. What I want is a nice REALLY soft pencil. Is the Benefit one soft?

Jennifer, the Benefit pencil is quite waxy but it has got a brush on the end which is good. You do need a light hand though or it can look quite ginger (in the shade I’ve got anyway!)

P.s. just to say I found thr Benefit sales girls really good in terms of trying out stuff before buying. The bare minerals eyebrow powder is good as well as my eyebrows never came back to their former bushiness!

Hi ladies,
Since my chemo finished 18 mths ago my eyelashes have never grown back properly but i thought i’d let you know that i have found the most amazing mascara, aparently it has usurped touché éclat as the the top make up product on the market, it’s called they’re real by Benefit or something like that.
it’s fairly expensive for a mascara (£18) but it really is fantastic and well worth the expense.
big hugs to all of you
Stella X

I found the cargo lou mentioned to be fab + really perked my frazzled lashes up quickly. It was about £20 a pop but if u can find the 75% off offer then I would say buy several! I’m sending hubby out today to hunt some down lol!
Have any of u considered eye brow tattoos?? I begrudge the high cost (quited around £350+) + would be worried they would be too dramatic coz I’m not a fan of the dark block brows that are all the rage at the mo. Would love it if I could just have a few tattoo strokes tho- almost like highlights as opposed to a full head iykwim?!? Just in the thinnest areas, I think a few tattooed strokes would make all the difference. Might look into it this week + see if prices are more reasonable if this is an option. The tattooed eye liner just sounds too painful for me!
Tina x

tina just a quickie id love tattoo eyebrows but dont forget we still on chemo i dont think they will let us have them done im like u wld love a fine line not thick ones im sure they do sum test first to make sure your happy with them why dont u ask onc if we are allowed them i no i wanted a tattoo on my wrist but they wldnt let me have it done only a thought best check laura

Hiya Tina, hope hubbie doesn’t get too many funny looks in Boots hunting out the mascara!! The other thing I saw were Shavata ( think that’s the name) eyebrow stencils. I used to draw mine free hand but there were a few occasions I looked like Frankie Howerd lol! I’m a bit nervous of the tattood brows, my friends look suspiciously purple and a bit too ‘block’ like. The feathered ones are the best where they lightly draw the hairs on x

Benefit eyebrow kit really good with the wax and powder, comes in 3 shades, my friends thought they were real!


Tina, if you are near a Haven (Leeds, London and Hereford I think) they offer eyebrow tattooing for free, at least the Leeds one does, it may depend on local beauticians offering their services. One of the receptionists had it done and it looked good, not heavy. I normally have pretty thick brows which are returning 3 months post Tax, went down to a one hair line which gave me an idea of where to put the pencil at least and stop the surprised look, nice to have them back.

Does anyone know if fake tan is ok to use, bit off of the subject here. Julia x

Thanks for all of your advice ladies, your input and advice s truly awesome and invaluable.

I think its clear Im going to have to visit some of the larger dept stores to get myself colour matched perhaps as it seems the colour matching to your own eyebrows is often he key thing to make your eyebrows look as natural as possible.

Can anyone tell me, how long after chemo finished did your eyelashes start to reappear?