February 2017 Starters

Not both sorry - they found nothing significant they said !!

Oh ladies such horror stories!
Very glad that you’re in the right place now. It’s scary enough without having to deal with that crap.

On the subject of wigs, I was adamant I wasn’t having one. I hate that “wiggy” look & went on to spend a small fortune on hats, half of which I’ve never worn! Bought some scarves from charity shops & booked an appt with the Headstrong ladies at my hospital to show me how to use them. Think I’ve worn them twice! Hats are sooooo comfy & no faff! Then I decided I was fed up with the pity stares & bought a wig from a recommended hairdresser. Everyone thinks it’s amazing. It’s so like my old style & colour it’s unreal. It wasn’t cheap but worth it to stop those looks. I don’t wear it alot, just when I feel I can’t deal with the stares! Advice-buy a bamboo liner to go underneath. Live better with cancer website sells them.

Sorry I’ve rambled a bit! So good to chat to you all

Jojo xx

Jules good luck for tomorrow.
Siege is a very good word. I prepared a bag (yes a bag) full of food beside my bed that I thought I’d like but ate very little of it in the end! Although the Haribo tangfastics were handy. Anything sour for me with the taste changes! I even had grapefruit juice which I detest normally.
Please let us know how it’s going when you feel up to it
Jojo xx

JoJo thanks for the info. It really is so much to absorb, and I am normally quite good at stuff like this… having never been ill/in hospital b4 (though lost my sister 2years ago to cancer - she was 43- I’m now 42…) it’s an almost fascinating experience if it wasn’t so scary!!
I blew my mind a little reading on herceptin here last night, side effects etc, so will do the McMillan site tomorrow. Think I need a night off science lol.
All of you due to start soon, hope it is bearable and you get plenty of rest. Will pray for you all (hope that’s not controversial ?) and keep reading… wigs will b my route too I think - I have long hair and to b without will be too much for me…
Waffling now, sorry ladies xxx

Zena i agree that so called human error can and has altered your whole life.im curious to why bcn is trying to get hold of doc who i originally saw as she isnt my proper doc i went to her purely cause she was female and im quite shy about my body lol till past week or so .jojo think that what bothers me if i get the pitiful stares especially in job i do , but dont fancy wigs but that view may change .my friend is already going to buy me badanas bless her .she has been my rock past 2 weeks and today took notes at appointment cause tbh nothing was staying in my head lol xx

Sparky i agree with your statement regarding it would be fascinating if not so scary .the amount ive discovered about different bc that i didnt know excisted has amazed me .Also the amount of women who have this ghastly thing is astounding .its deffinately made me in past week see life very differently x

Hi everyone, just wanted to join you ladies if I may please? ? I have stage 2 ILC, clear nodes after slnb and had mx on 19th December. My tumour was 7.5 cm and im 44 so because of the size of it and my age it has been sent for oncotype test to see if I need chemo or not. I’m waiting for an appointment with Oncology, although I rang today and they’ve not received a referral letter yet from the Breast Surgeon. I rang his sec and apparently the letter is still waiting sign off from him (from 12th Jan) so she’s promised to get this moving for me. Frustrating! Always seem to be waiting for something don’t we? I just desperately need to know now what the next stage will be.

It’s so nice to be able to talk to fellow ladies going through this nightmare. Just wondered if any of you had the oncotype test? Big hugs to you all who have started your chemo already. I am terrified that Il have to have it. The not knowing is making it worse. Sorry im waffling now! Xx

Hey all
And Mrsorangecat ( could I call you MrsC if that’s ok ? I’m a rubbish touch typer and mostly use my phone )
Welcome anyway Hun , and gosh what a pain it is when they don’t do things in hospitals - do they not realise this is our precious lives … and we are in a constant state of worry with our lives in thier hands … sorry anyway I hope you get lithe results soon hunny and don’t need chemo , but of you do we are here all together x
Just wanted to say - could we all agree that waffle is good - really good , and I love reading long posts ( hope that’s ok with everyone) if we have to worry about being polite on here too that’s just another thing to worry about lol …
one day to go for me - good tip about grapefruit juice and sweets , I’l Def take some … dreading mouth stuff :frowning:
big love fighters
Z xxxxxxxx

Orange , not got any advice as not started yet , but wanted to say hello.ive heard mixed things about chemo , im having mine on order to shrink tumour for surgey once every 2wks apaz at lower dosage due to be so close together .my aunt had bc and 10 sesions of chemo years ago and she sailed through it .to the point i didnt even know she wa having it …the unknown is scary thats for for xx

Thanks Zena and Maria, its lovely to chat and yes, I love the long posts too and the waffly ones ? its great to get all this stuff off my chest (sorry, no pun intended, i must stop saying that!! ?) thanks re the chemo, yes I hope I don’t have to have it but Surgeon was pretty sure i would, so if I do then I’ll saddle up bravely with you lovely girlies and get on with it.

I’ve read different stories from people who’ve had it too and heard that it has improved so much over the years. My bc nurse said that so many work through it now whereas before it would have been impossible, which is encouraging. Im off work at the moment, due to go back on 14th Feb as they signed me off for 8 weeks. Can’t wait to go back really for some structure and normality, tho bet im not saying that after a couple of weeks lol!

What an absolute ride this is. 2016 was the most stressful year ever with loads of worries for my family. What do you all think about the connection of breast cancer and very stressful times, any merit to it?

Also, have any of you changed your diet since diagnosis? As im ER and PR positive at 8 for both, iv given up meat and dairy. Never been a huge meat eater anyway and converted to oat milk and found some good vegan cheese so its not too bad. Got some great plant based diet books from The Works the other day so giving it a go. Anyway this is war and peace. Love H xxx

Lots of love and good wishes to Jules1 for your chemo today xxx

Quick reply
Yes I’m Er+ no more known yet but given up dairy
Too and meat only rarely now … everything helps ( I hope ) …
Also drink lemon ginger honey and tumeric tea - my own blend - it’s nice .xxx
Big love xx

Hello Mrs C,


I have started to eat more healthily as I have read about the link with meat and dairy. I don’t drink milk because I just don’t like it so I substitute for oat or almond milk. I haven’t completely given up meat as I tend to cook it for the family but I have reduced it.  To be honest, it’s not great loss for me.  I try to buy organic if I can but not always.  


Like Zena, I’m making drinks with turmeric, ginger and also fruit water.  Citrus fruits are supposed to be good and green tea.  I’ve also tried hemp tea.  I’m using lots of herbs and spice and a variety of fruit and veg and making lots of soups.  I’ve read that there seems to be a lower incidence of breast cancer in China and Japan, but not sure whether that’s anectodatal or evidence-based.  Could be as a result of diet though, which is lower in meat and dairy.


My chemo starts on Monday so I’m still a bit in the dark.  I’ve heard different things from different people so I’m keeping an open mind.  I was thinking back to nausea during pregnancy.  I was never sick but felt dreadfully nauseous and tired for about 5-6 weeks.  I’ve ordered some sea sickness bands.  Thought it was worth a go.  I remember using them whilst I was pregnant.  Not sure they worked but the irritated the hell out of me so were a good distraction!


Anyway, I’m waffling too…


Jo xx


I have def started eating better and cut out the alcohol though im losing weight , not sure i would recommend this as weight loss plan mind ? im triple neg which i keep reading is unfortunate . I dont really understand the whole food in relation to breast cancer thing tbh .are there sites that help you know what you should eat or drink , my diet is pretty poor and very rarely eat during the day at work x

I lost a stone at Slimming world prior to my diagnosis & have since put it all back on. Chemo gave me a deep gnawing feeling in my stomach that I mistook for hunger. I smacked alot although lost my sweet tooth!
It was literally like being pregnant again. Had a massive thing about egg mayonnaise with tons if salt! And Wotsits. …Round about day 4 was Domino’s night. …yeahhhhh.
Of course it’s important to eat well, I do love veg & craved the citrus type fruits & haven’t stopped that! I had taste changes but it only lasted a few days & hosp gave me Difflam mouthwash which is great but I found just brushing my teeth helped without numbing effect. During those days nothing tastes of anything unless it’s sour. OH bought me a bag of acid drops. Highly recommended! Mints did nothing for me even the extra strong mints, couldn’t taste them at all!
Anyway I’m trying to lose a few pounds before 2nd phase chemo starts & keeping as active as poss.


Hi jojo ive spent years trying to lose weight and now it seems to be dropping of me and ive not even started chemo yet .suddenly im not keen on losing weight x

Erm…no oestrogen = menopause! A recipe for a broken brain on its own! Add chemo into the mix & you’re done for!
I couldn’t even cope reading a book during chemo. Couldn’t concentrate on the plot. Or remember the plot from the previous day. Literally lost the plot ?
So I got OH to trawl charity shops for jigsaws. I got through one every couple of days. Saved my sanity I can tell you.
Unfortunately the poor memory hasn’t improved. I write things down more now. God help me if I lose the list…

Jojo xx

?? hello ladies … I’m sort of holding my breath and tip toeing in here to say hi …
I have been on other threads so know a couple of you already … ?? Hi Zena and jo c ?

A little about me … diagnosed oct 28th (will never forget the date and it will forever have a date in my diary warning me to stay in bed under the duvet ?) grade 2 lobular cancer, after MRI had a 4cm and 2cm lump and had mx on 22nd December … recovered extremely well I have to say … I am er+ and her2-
I am now in limbo land as waiting for oncotype result to come back before follow on treatment is decided … so I’m really not sure yet whether I will stay with you ladies or tip toe back out again ?
Has anybody any idea how long oncotype results take to come back … I should be used to waiting by now … but … we are always waiting to move forward aren’t we?

Well, if you ladies don’t mind, I will lurk about and pick up tips for if I should need them …

Sarah xx

Hi h , like you i think i have a few stone to lose to be in normal range .though at this rate lol i may come out looking like a supermodel (i can dream ) .depending on chemo and what surgery is involved one of my consultants asked if i have ever considered a breast reduction as im quite big .apparently its an option for me at the end of treatment x

Welcome Sallyann, our stories are so similar. Mine was lobular, stage 2, er and pr pos, her2 neg but i had one big one, 7.5 cm. Awaiting oncotype results too. I had mx on 19th Dec, results on 12th Jan and he said it would take 2-3 weeks to get the results back, so maybe another week to wait for me. The waiting is awful isn’t it? Xx