February 2017 Starters

Yeah, checked anti sickness se’s apaz headache is one . Feel so bloody rough , nurse comes out for 7 days for white cell injections , then i have 3 days till next blood test then back on chemo …god i hope it gets better as time goes on xx

Can we talk about g-csf injections?
On my first bout of chemo I had Lenograstim (Granocyte) brand where I had to make it up myself to inject but the trust has had a review presumably cost related and now give Filgrastim (Zarzio)(kept in fridge).
With the Lenograstim I was much more achey although this could’ve been due to the docetaxel. I have felt fine on these new ones. Would like to hear everyone else’s experiences!
Jojo xx

I had them - 5 days . Spring loaded .
As I felt very nauseous anyway it’s hard to tell but I can say that :
1st day after I stopped : so day 7 after chemo I felt better and then on :
day 9 I felt very bad, like flu was upon me .
And then 10 much more normal .
I blamed the dox as I took that for first 3 days afterwards… but I think now it was the gcsf .
Why jojo are you feeling bad ? Xxx

Well done Maria. One down is a big step. The next few days will feel strange but stick with it. I had a dreadful headache the first night and was desperately tired. I was also desperately thirsty and couldn’t drink enough water for the first week. If you feel like eating, try snacking little and often for nausea. Take all the drugs you can for anti-sickness. I was given metackoorimide to take if needed. I didn’t wait until I needed it but used it for the first few days before meals. Day 2 I was exhausted but managed nausea quite well. Day 3 I felt lots better and went out for the day. I felt a bit out of it but ok. Couldn’t wait to get to bed though and sleep. Day 4 I felt human again and have got less tired as the days have passed.

Jojo, I injected Filgrastim for 7 days and was feeling quite smug about not aching. It hit me yesterday and my hips and back were so achy and shooting pains in my spine. It’s the first day since chemo that I put my feet up on the sofa and slept after dropping the kids at school. I really had to take it easy. Back to normal today though, thankfully.

Zena mine are spring loaded too ?
No I’m actually ok on them this time so was wondering if it’s the change of brand or what? I do take antihistamine as well tho. I’m day 6 now & still so fatigued though. Wet rag mode. It’s hard to accept sometimes.

Jojo xx

Oh Jo perhaps I’m being premature then! I guess I’ll wait & see. I’ve got another 4 days worth to go. Fingers crossed as I can’t stand being cooped up for too long!

Jojo xx

Thanks jo c , cant beleive how rough i feel and i have heartburn to the hilt , will ring hospital in morning to find out what i can take …just going to loo is a chore x

Jo jo I did take antihistamine but only because I was still taking so many tablets and more felt greedy ?

Maria - poor you Hun I know how you feel it’s so awful … I had gavisgon for the lovely heartburn ?
If you are like me I felt better day 6-7 but I hope you aren’t as those days we’re very hard to get thru …

I am going to AE this morning as my ?Are so bad I cannot walk or move … I even had 2 codine ( not supposed to take as constipates ) because I was in so much pain and it didn’t touch it ???
Never been like this before it must be from the chemo , so have your weetabix girls lol ??Xxxxx

I didn’t take …

Maria, sorry u are feeling wiped out. Hope the hospital can offer some advice to help…I’ve only had indigestion a couple of times in my life so heart burn must b awful.
Zena I had internal piles a few years ago, was excruciating and felt constipated but couldn’t push… gp gave me some cream with lidocaine and it was marvellous. Will get the name when I go upstairs…
might sound daft but I’m hoping for diarrhoea as SE rather than constipation, it’s a battle I fight so often ? Xx


Thank you … I’ve been given proctosedyl from gp and it’s not doing a thing x

I haven’t been constipated which may sound odd I know but I think it’s the being stuck in bed for 7 days with the horrific nausea … if I’d been consitpated I’d have cut my body and n half by now lol ?X
I went to gp but couldn’t bare to let her look to much … she said she couldn’t see an infection so I thought it would be clearing up by now … but it’s worse so I think may be infection ?.. I’m mortified to be talking about this and can’t believe I am … the things we start to lose all vanity’s for is astonishing really … eg the boobs out thing too ???Xxx

Morning all


Sorry that we all appear to be suffering a bit with some aches and pains and everything else :( 


Jojo, I had the single shot GCSF Neulasta, which is supposedly slow release. I had it the day after chemo. Felt yuk the next day (but suspect that was poor reaction to steroids), then started having butt pain 2 days after jab, this then carried on for about 3-4 days with aches in shoulders, back and legs. I also felt like I was getting a cold, and one lymph node swelled up (went to GP, no sign of infection). It’s difficult to know whether our aches are unrelated, or what they are the SE from e.g. chemo, steroids, GCSF, antisick etc


As for constipation, my son takes medicine for this. Lactulose and Movicol are stool softeners, but to get things moving, sodium picosulphate does the job (heavy duty), but can have very nasty side effects (it’s what they sometime give you before tummy scans for a ‘clear-out’)



Sorry to hear that Tessa.
It’s hard to figure out what are se’s or something else. Maybe you’ve suffered more as you’ve had an almighty dose rather than smaller regular doses like me. Who blimmin knows?

So today for me is…yep! UTI day!! Yay! So am currently sat in gp waiting room hoping not to contract tb or something. Uti might well explain the never ending fatigue though. Happy days .

Have a good day team

Jojo xx

Zena I don’t know how you cope! It sounds so painful. Hope your onc will sort you out for next cycle. Big hugs

Jojo xx

Big hugs Zena. You really have had a raw deal (I was going to say bum deal but I thought that might be insensitive and make you laugh!). Hope you’re ok and they get something sorted for you.

Jo xx

Hi all , looks like a day in bed for me , body feels like a lead weight , not sure if thats normal xx

Huge hugs to all you ladies feeling rotten today. I can only imagine at the moment what its like x 

Really wondering if i can cope with 4 months of this , with them so close together , can beleive how ill i feel …everything so contradictery if you feel ill phone or go to hospital .side effects say you feel ill …if you feel this phone hospital or go to hospital , or call 999 its like what meant to be right or wrong x