In a word, no. Despite the media frenzy surrounding parabens, the published research and global cosmetic regulatory organizations are making that answer clear: parabens, especially in the small amounts used in personal-care products, do not pose a significant health risk. There is no legitimate reason for consumers to avoid cosmetic products that contain parabens. According to these studies, parabens are “fully metabolized before they enter the blood stream.” In a review of the estrogenic activity of parabens, the author concluded that based on maximum daily exposure estimates, “it was impossible that parabens could increase the risk associated with exposure to estrogenic chemicals.” We repeat: Impossible.
Parabens may come in the form of butylparaben, ethylparaben, isobutylparaben, methylparaben, or propylparaben, and in a misunderstanding of a 2004 research study, they were mistakenly linked to breast cancer when their metabolites (not parabens themselves) were detected in breast cancer tissue samples.
I however think that why are products now advertising the fact they are parabens and SLS free if they are not bad - and why would any oestrogen manufactured chemical be good for a women’s body.
The huge expense to large companies such a lever and the like means it’s in their interest to prove otherwise… I think for is ladies why risk it !
Go treat yourself like I did and support your local whole food or health food shop and go get yourselves some lovely and delicious smelling chemical free new products… even the aloe Vera toothpaste is lovely and fluoride free ( also not great in truth ) ., x
Live strong website published this :
Breast Cancer
Colby College’s Clean Makeup website reports that parabens can mimic estrogen and disrupt the body’s hormone system. Cornell University reports that a high lifelong exposure to estrogen can increase breast cancer risk. Estrogen, and synthetic chemicals that act like estrogen, play a role in stimulating the division of breast cells and affect other hormones that stimulate breast cell division. Your body does not easily break down synthetic estrogen, and it can accumulate in fat cells, including breast tissue. In 2004, a study by the University of Reading in the United Kingdom found concentrations of parabens, particularly methylparaben, in human breast tumors. The study examined only the presence of parabens in the tumors but did not determine that they were the cause of the tumors.
Sorry last scary article on fluoride; I’m not a health warrior bit the more I read the more I learn .
Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No disease, not even tooth decay, is caused by a “fluoride deficiency.”(NRC 1993; Institute of Medicine 1997, NRC 2006). Not a single biological process has been shown to require fluoride. On the contrary there is extensive evidence that fluoride can interfere with many important biological processes. Fluoride interferes with numerous enzymes (Waldbott 1978). In combination with aluminum, fluoride interferes with G-proteins (Bigay 1985, 1987). Such interactions give aluminum-fluoride complexes the potential to interfere with signals from growth factors, hormones and neurotransmitters (Strunecka & Patocka 1999; Li 2003). More and more studies indicate that fluoride can interfere with biochemistry in fundamental ways (Barbier 2010).
Sparkydee (fab name by the way), I had a grade 2 invasive ducal removed by WLE in December with a quick margin scrape just before Christmas. It was ER+ and I had an oncotype score of 20. As I’m on the young side (35) and it was around 4cm it’s chemo then rads.
3 x FEC then 3 x Docetaxel (I haven’t seen the Docetaxel mentioned by many people ?) every 3 weeks.
I’m also having a genetics appt on the 27th due to my Mum’s ovarian cancer.
Bless you Lexxy, my name is after an old cat of mine bless him.
Docetaxel is aka taxotere (brand name) or ‘T’ which u will see… I’ve got it in mine, and lots of ladies seem to have it in conjunction to FEC.
Pray for you at genetics appointment, that would worry me…
Zena thanks for info on parabens. I think! I’m going to do more digging on it and consider getting the free from stuff, but I think I’ve got to concentrate on food more, eating better and such… I’m going to wing half of this next couple of weeks… if I overload my brain I get worried, stop sleeping, both of which won’t help me personally…
I read a thread in the tips section last night and it frightened the life of me, having a ‘chemo bag’ eek, I was thinking iPad, book and that’s it!! My list is either going to be VERY short, or I’m taking a suitcase!!!
You ladies have been busy today and there’s a lot for me to catch up on…again! I have met quite a few of you over on the FB page. Isn’t it fab? So great to be able to see people and share photos. There’s quite a lot of humour on there. Alex and Sarah, I know the thought of chemo is scary but it is doable (I’m starting to hate that word!). I’d had a few weeks from mx to starting chemo and some days I almost completely forgot the whole cancer thing. Starting chemo made it feel very real again but I wasn’t as anxious as in those early days. I’ve found great support at my local hospice. I never ever thought I’d say that but I had my arm twisted by a couple of friends. I go there on Wednesdays and am really looking forward to it tomorrow. Somehow it’s given me my perspective back and allowed me to ‘live in the moment’ as they say.
Snotty noses! Mine has started running every time I sit down to eat! It’s a real nuisance ?
No hair loss yet but I’m only day 9 so I wouldn’t be expecting it quite so soon. I’m sporting a buzz cut which I have found really liberating (but mortified by the amount of white!!). I am using my wig when I’m out or when my youngest two children are around but I ditched it today when home alone. I have a very naughty Beagle who took great delight in stealing it and running round the room worrying it.
I got a good deodorant that contains hemp from Holland and Barrett. I got a bit hemp obsessed because I read it was good for BC.
Anyway, I’m off to bed but just wanted to pop on and catch up with all you Fab Feb Girls xxx
Hi girls. Thanks for the welcome and see i have loads to catch up on already.
I have just been chilling and catching up with some friends and generally getting house in order before i start next week. Still in a wee bubble which will no doubt burst on tuesday!
Sorry to hear all these side effects - sorry not got a handle non everyones names yet as too many posts! I think i will be a daily reader next week!
School holidays here next week so planning that has been distracting me!
I have sent you a FB friend request Jules - i’m Rachel Liddell. Be nice to see some pics of people and our “other lives”.
Thanks all and speak soon - i will have lots of questions i know!
Aww Maria … well done you darl …
Yes it’s odd feeling - very hard to describe but I could say that I wouldn’t want to drive if you know what I mean …
Did you get a pharmacy for home ? Xx
Well done Maria, one down. At the time of my first FEC I felt wobbly, and looking back, I think my head was somewhere else, definitely not on top of my shoulders, for probably 5 days. Whether that was the chemo or as Zena says, your take home pharmacy, I have no idea.
Best thing is to take each day at a time, and rest if you need to.