February 2017 Starters

Plus upper back and neck ache , nurse reckons thats the injections kicking in x

Oh well done Jojo, its a really tough job isnt it? What i mean is, you want to do it, but dont really want to!


i thought of you as I was doing mine just now…I did put the needle all the way in, but a teensy little bit of watery blood came out anyway! So I pressed very firmly with my mediswab on the spot.  For a minute.


Then I had to find a different spot for my blood thinner jab, did the same for that…sounds as if you have it sorted xxxx




yes temperature too is always not far from our minds! I ( like you probably) carry a thermom in my handbag, but dont reg check it…if im feeling hot I do. Sometimes I feel hot and my temp is fine. If you do start to feel hot, drink buckets of waterxx( I drink from my measuring jugs so I can know how much im drinking.)


I also carry  a bottle of ‘first defense’ in my bag and follow the instructions if im ever in a situ where someone say coughs a lot, or am, on a train, in church etc, crowds.


You should just  run it past the pharmacist to check its ok with all your meds…(.I have done that about strepsils, first defence, eye drops etc…,they are so up to date and check stuff for me…)first defence is an oil product that catches bacteria where they start in the nose and creates a bogey there so bacteria cant multiply… Have been using it since my initial diagnosis in 2001, when I was on similar chemos to all of your group…It hasnt let me down unless I forget to use it…its in Boots.



Love and hugs






Hats off to you guys for doing the injections , i just cant bring myself to do it …pizza was amazing and im not a great pizza lover , and it cleared my head .wide awake tonight took my steroid bit late today as had people round , but no more to take now so prob flaked tomorrow lol xx

IMG_0003.JPGHi ladies I am from the Feb 2016 starters it’s a year this month I started chemo Fec-T. At the beginning of treatment I thought it was not going to work for me. I had a 2 inch lump in my right breast and nodes had 1. I am her2 positive. I had my operation last July lumpectomy and nodes removed. Chemo is not nice in fact I found it horrendous some days. I had to totally relie on my daughter but she did this with out any complaint.

i think the worst part of BC is the anticipation of wondering if it’s spread. BC runs in my family I am the 4 one to get it. The reason I am writing in your group is that in a years time you will look back on all this and think how the hell did I do it, and you can say to yourself I DID and be very pleased with yourself. It takes time to adjust to all your treatment. Chemo, radiotherapy, pills. Herceptin if you Her2 positive. 

Yes at one point during treatment I wanted to give up. Then I looked at my family and thought no bc has taken to many of my family it’s not getting me. I think the worst thing for me is when my hair came out, I cried for the first time. I tried to wear wigs but to be truthful I didn’t ask for bc so I didn’t wear them lol lol. People stare so what I stared and said yes I am bald lol lol. 

Side effects from the chemo, runny eyes, runny nose, can’t sleep properly. Diorea I must say I went through about 20 toilet rolls a week lol lol. Never had sickness. Funny head. And very tired don’t push yourselves on your tired days you need the rest if you can. I gave myself the injections deep breaths and go for it lol lol. My husband couldn’t do it I did fancy picking him up from the floor lol lol. A pic of me at the beginning of treatment. Yes I am an old girl lol lol but I made it and so will you ladies. I hope you didn’t mind me sharing this with you newbies.  ???

Oh Daisy how wonderful you are xxxxxxx

Oh daisy what a lovely postive post and thank you , has made my sunday so much better .so insperational xxx


Thank you all for sharing your experiences. After a long wait I am due to start my chemo tomorrow, it was delayed in December. I will be having 3EC and 3T followed by herceptin and tamoxifen.

Having had such a long time to prepare, surgery was mid November I am suddenly petrified and I not sure why. I had my preassesment on Friday , looked around the unit and met some lovely staff (I am in Leeds), even tried the cold cap and left there feeling relatively confident determined to have a good weekend yet I have woken up today feeling miserable and obsessed with side effects. My appointment is until 2.15 I feel it’s going to be a long 24 hours. :frowning:

Hi Lisa
Totally understand your apprehension. And we all know that everyone is different & has differing grades of se’s.
Again I’ll suggest keeping a diary. List your se’s on each day & the following cycle you’ll know what to expect when & start to plan days out etc.
Someone asked me if it was like having the flu. For me it isn’t (flu was horrendous). You will be limited in what you can do in the first week or so then you can get out as normal or work if you wish.
Talk to your friends too. They can’t make it better but they can give you a sense of normal.
It’s a relatively short period of your life that you start at point A finish at point B. Then it’s done & you’re alive & enjoying life again. Sorry these are my own views!
Talk over your fears with the nurses, your onc or anyone anytime on here! Sometimes things are never as bad as we over think them to be.

Jojo xx

Daisy lovely to read that!

Jojo xx

Hi lisa , i started mine on wed , 4 x ec then 4x paxi every 14 days …ive also been obsessed regarding the se’s i think its normal , the thought of knowing how ill you can get .as zena has said some people sail through chemo some don’t . It hit me about 4 hours after and have found past 5 days really hard more so as im not used to being ill.though i managed pizza last night and bath and hairwash this morning , admittedly in very slow motion it feels but been small steps .hoping it doesnt get worse each time but i know im not getting that extra week …i hope it all goes well for you tomorrow and easier said than done try get plenty of sleep tonight and drink lots of water today , i feel like its coming out of my ears xx

Julie Owen via Broseley Totally Locally.
Maria that’s what you look for on fb … and you lissa and moijan and daisy if you girls want to come on …
I was chuckling to myself about the pizza Maria … that’s what I had about day 5 … I scoffed it down and then Thought oops … but it was fine and I needed it . Yummy ?
I’m glad you are feeling a tiny bit better sweetie… it’s the pits I know xxx

Hi Lisa, 


as the others say, you will be fine, you will get through this


We cant know exactly what your fears are…as we all have dlightly different ones.


i had my initial chemo’s 16 years ago. Im sure I was petrified…but I managed to get thru pre op chemo (ec) and taxotere post op when they had found all my positive lymph nodes. 


I went on to have 10 -12 cancer free years after that…had been given a poor pronosis…but they were wrong…here I am!


last year I started iv chemo and had a mini melt down…not sure why…thought it was all over ‘hair’ but now I think that was a cover for some other fear. 


After the first two, I began to feel less scared and things are fine now…the bc isnt active, but im to continue.


What seems to happen Lisa is that we get petrified of the unknown…once things start, then we adjust. Xxxx



you are doing well and id love to hear your report back to us, when You have had your fist chemo.xx.  You may or may not get many side effects.I get very few from mine.


love and hugs to you Moijan. ???

Hey ladies
I know we are not there yet but saw this link and thought you’d like it for prep for when/ if we lose our eyebrows and eyelashes ?youtu.be/eMA0T5i5C5c

Hi zena , cant beleive how bloody hungry ive been today sure its the steroids .stomach just rumbling all the time .not bad seeming i can normally go all day with out eating , too much today .apart from the bone ache across my shoulders from inections today has been pretty bearable xx

That’s good to hear Huns … so glad you are hungry it’s a nice feeling after bad nausea… the aches stay for a bit then lift …
You’ll be fine now … when’s next one ? X

Hi zena , got injections till thursday then back in for bloods on 20th and chemo on the 22nd so have a weekend free of tablets and pin pricks touch wood xx

Tried finding the fb , not sure if i got the right one lol xx

Ok Don’t know if I can do it . Look for me zena greene x

I can invite you Maria so give me your name pm if you like xx