February 2017 Starters

Its maria walsh - bagshot .my profile pic is me with my son …was trying to upload a pic on here but dont know how too lol xx

Hi all

Thank you all very much support.
I am sat here having had my first EC and wondering what I was panicking about. The treatment was straight forward and the cold cap isn’t that bad.

Thanks again I am sure I will be back on over the next few days.


Hi lisa , glad you got through the first one , fingers crossed it all goes smoothly xx

Lisea keep us posted! We can compare side effects! Gosh what fun eh?
Have you joined the fb group? Come on over if you haven’t!
Fingers crossed things aren’t too severe for you


Hi ladies


its good to see how even the worse side effects do abate as the days pass and how positive you all are once you have got underway. 


i have been dipping in and out reading the posts whilst doing lots of hospital appointments, my initial plan has changed today and I am starting neo adjuvant chemo tomorrow… It was previously going to be FEC T but today it was changed to Docetaxel, Herceptin and Perjeta x4 then surgery,then 3 x FEC.  Herceptin for 12 months and tamoxifen thrown in for good measure! 


Has as anyone else started this- any hints on speed of SE ? I understand stomach cramps, diarrhoea and bone / muscle pains are to be expected - with the obligatory hair loss.


any hints and tips - I have a  7 hour treatment slot tomorrow 2 hours on Wednesday and am not prepared as I thought I was starting FEC on Wednesday! 


Not it expecting much sleep tonight… It is suddenly very real and scary




Hi Lisa well done on today, hope u get some sleep tonight, and feel ok tomorrow xxx
Susan I start TCH tomorrow- post op WLE - taxotere, carboplatin & herceptin x6 cycles 3 weekly. Similar… then 3weeks radio, another 6 cycles of herceptin only, then tamoxifen!
We will be fine. Try not to worry about SE’s, we are not guaranteed how it effects us, we might get off lightly!!!

I’ve started steroids today, after second dose had a case of what felt like verbal diarrhoea lol, was buzzing… heart racing a bit but ok… I’m just wanting to get started xxx

Day one has arrived!!! TCH here we come… go in strong and fighting my fellow valentines day’ers, we have the day of love on our side to boot!!! xxxx

Hi ladies

please ignore the post from Bolton - the moderator has been notified!


Sue x

Well well well - it’s all got very exciting on here !!!
The web police have got our backs though ??
Just in case we were about to put our savings towards the keen one or buy a ton of cannabis oil

Sorry only joking … had to take the mikey it was asking for it … I’m sure the Jos will have something to add too lol xx

Well gosh darn it even our precious forum isnt safe from these parasites.

Throw em in the Chokey I say!

Yes…its digusting…preying on the vulnerable…

Ok moving on then my lovely gals
My head is so sore - I cut it grade 3 and it’s so prickly now as lost so much hair … it’s very sensitive and lying by down it’s like I can feel every hair :frowning:
I don’t want to go bald but now I just want my hair to all fall out now! Spit stops hurting and itching xxx

Zena! Sounds like par for the course I’m afraid. I went from grade 3 to 2 to 1 to no guard! Was very uncomfortable until it was just stubble then it continued to fall out until it was pretty much all gone but it was SO much more tolerable. Used a sleep cap for a while as the pillow irritated me but stopped using it when scalp got used to it.
Obe more thing. Scalping yourself can cause scalp problems. I had foliculitis a week after shaving. I swapped from baby shampoo to tea tree shampoo & have used it ever since. Keeps scalp in good condition!
Jojo xx

Hi everyone


Hope you are all okay.


I have my 2nd chemo (FEC) tomorrow!


I’ve been okay after chemo 1 and my oncologist said I was likely to feel the same after chemo 2 & 3 so tiredness and indigestion but I can cope with that.


My hair is falling out at a great rate!!! Still trying to decide when to take it all off. I’ve bought a nice grey turban and I’m wearing it to get used to it and it stops me covering everything in hair!!!


Any newbies please come and join the facebook page. Find me Julie Owen via Broseley Totally Locally and I’ll add you to the group where we share photos and other bits and pieces.




Hi all so im taking it the constant itchy scalp is a sign its falling out , itches driving me mad past day or so , was hoping underarm go first lol as shaving them is becoming way too much effort ? x

Ooo good tip thanks x
Ok yes mite try cap to sleep in …

? Maria we all hoping that lol
My downstairs is looking good now - Just right ?But it’s also prob all gonna go in next few days …
My hair is crazy falling out now too jules … you me and Tessa back in for second go tomorrow ? Bit nervous this time as my SEs so bad … they are going to give me a syringe driver this time , which the district nurse had to change everyday but that’s ok as long as it’s stops nausea…
Having a big clean today to prepare and lots of water and a nice shepherds pie my stepmum made .
She’s still cooking for me everyday bless her I’m so spoilt x
Just had a nice bath for the first time without bum pain ???
Down to new cream … wait for it - it’s got a terrible name …,RECTOGESIC ?
But it’s my new bff … any of you get in trouble like me just ask for that no messing about ??
Big love fighters xxx

Brilliant news on the botty Zena!!! So glad it’s easing.
Enjoy the shepherds pie, and try your best to relax tmrw, you might have an easier ride this time round… much love xx

Thanks dee … how are you ? When is you chemo next xxc

Arw moijan your such a support Hun I almost forget you are going through this too … bless you darl … we are lucky to have you with us …
Dreading more poison but I guess it’s got to be done xxxxxxxx