February 2017 Starters

?? zena love your posts they do make me giggle …x

Had my first one yesterday Zena, so 7 March for me…

Sarah xx

Oh sorry I’m so dumb … are you Sarah ? I’m forgetful as hell and can’t use chemo as an excuse really xx

Ha I just read the bottom Sarah - see how dumb I am … meant the sb on face book - god I’m such a thicko … I thought it was odd ., xxxx

We are allowed to b space cadets!!! ?? xxx

Zena…thank you. I do try,a bit, as thats how this forum works…but actually I learn a lot from you ladies too. Obviously ive been through the primary diagnosis and op, treatment rads, etc, before …but you ladies are so very vibrant and supportive to each other…I pick up tips for myself as well as for other newbies.xxc


i will just share tho, that when the dratted bc did return…I was feeling similar stuff to that which you all describe…I really didnt want chemo again…but like you I adapted and life went on.


now im going to say something radical and most unlike me…but when those of you who go on maybe hormonal stuff, or even chemo, hang in there…,just go with the flow ( get your doses adjusted if need be and get help with any side effects)  what you really want to do…is…,  knock the bggr on the head, so it never, ever, comes back!


Thats the main thing. Xx




Yes Moijan!
I’ll do whatever it takes to stay alive!
Hope it went well for you today

Jojo xx

Jojo…thank you…yes it did go well.


i have terrible veins, but my lovely nurse managed to get one 1st go and I didnt feel a thing…tho must admit, I dont worry too much now usually about a bit of a ’ sharp scratch’   as everyone likes to call it


( have you ever heard the like? Well, I ask you!)


. I just pray for success xxx   i have always hated needles, which was why I went into a job where I was at the other end of one!.. Am the worlds worst…,but getting a bit used to it now.


Today, Jojo.I i actually felt nothing at all tho…isnt it strange how some times it hurts and others not!



I know! Sharp scratch? Really? Try drilling for oil…
Sometimes I feel it more than others. My first FEC I hardly felt it go in & no bruise. On the Tax I bruised badly so not sure if it’s technique or the drugs!
Either way it’s got to be done & no one has ever mentioned ports or lines to me where other ladies they seem to be standard procedure. Odd how different the procedures are all over the country.

Rest up now Moijan. Keep us updated on how you’re doing xx

Yes I had that yesterday… first line in hand stung for ages so I said as 2 hours with that in would have been agony … second not as bad so that was ok …
It’s def experience ( no offence to my lovey nurse) but a man put one in when I was in AE last week … it was rubbish and stung for ages . I told him and he said probably from the alcohol wipe !!! I ask you like I’d moan about a tiny bit of sting from alcohol… I lay there in agony at both ends ( ?Lol?) and when he took it out massive bruise …
I asked the nurse who took my blood for chemo and she said she is trained and trained as she is a blood specialist nurse but others can get very little practice e.g. Doctors so never let them do it …
Potluck really but I do get nervous when it’s a young nurse as par for the course they haven’t got as much experience…
I’ve got my driver in … it’s massive ( Google them ). I slept quite badly … feel very tired ?
It’s got nozinan in the driver the kardashian dream drug so dreadful big seeing them again …
it’s a low dose so just a steady stream of zapped ness
But if it stops the nausea half as much Il be happy …
I’m shattered to will update when I can
We fight on !!! Xxx

Ah Zena,


Glad to hear you are home OK now, and dripped up. Hope the nausea isn’t as bad this time round. We were all wondering how you’d got on yesterday so pleased that you’ve checked in. Yes, I had a rubbish sleep last night too (Steroids!!) and am cutting right back this time instead of popping them like smarties (on advice of ONC and nurse).

Just think, 2 down, one to go (on FEC anyway).



Zena you absolute star!
I really do hope your driver works well for you & you can get some respite from the hideous nausea. Take my hat off to you lady!
Keep on keeping on xxx

Work related question.
Is anyone working at the moment? I’m thinking of going back to work on my good week ie after day 12.
How does it work with sicknotes? I’ll need a sicknote for like 2 weeks then work a week, then repeat the next month. Has anyone else done this? My ssp runs out mid March so need to get a plan together!

Jojo xx

Ive had to give up work which i hate its a long time for me to not work , though seems quite a few manage to work straight through xx

Hi jojo


i have been working. I rang in sick today though as I wasn’t feeling great this morning after chemo yesterday. I am waiting for my employer to let me know if they are happy with a blanket fit note for 3-6 months that says I may be fit to work on reduced hours for 1-2 weeks each cycle. The fit note would then cover any absences I took during the period and my boss would just register me sick accordingly. Otherwise if I am only off a week each time I can self cert. Getting notes every time from the GP is a bit of a pain so I am hoping they will accept the 3 month one with notes. Will let you know when I find out.



That’s great info Tessa, especially getting full pay even if hours reduced.
I’d have to have a phased return anyway and it literally would be for one week out of 3. I’ll get in touch with my boss to discuss.
Thanks! Xx

Hi everyone


Hope you are all okay.


Had my 2nd chemo yesterday and was told that my bloods are Gold Star. Also given pre-emtive anti indigestion tabs to take every day as I bad indigestion so no rennies taken today. Nurse said that acid in the stomach is not good for us. So ask your nurse if you are having acid reflux.


Been putting off shaving off the hair as I’m wearing a nice turban all the time. When I do take it off I look a bit mad and the hair is all over the turban. So before I go to bed tonight it is coming off. Might put it out for the birds to make nests!!!


Any newbies we have a facebook page which you can find by looking for Julie Owen on the Broseley totally Locally facebook page. Send me a friends request and I will add you to the group. We are calledthe Fab February Girls but it is a closed group so you have to find it via me.


Lots of Love

Jules 1

Hi Lisea

Just wanted to say hi as I’m in Leeds too. Had my first chemo on 15th Feb. Come over and join us on the Facebook group x

Ann can are you ok lovely lady? Just pop a quick post in if you can xxxxxxx

Any ladies out there starting chemo in march?

It’s really easy to start your own March board. I the meantime feel free to share any worries you may have. We’re a friendly bunch & have all had different experiences of chemotherapy so I’m sure someone could help.

Jojo xx