February 2017 Starters

Hi Jojo, now jigsaws sound like a plan! ? I shall get some in. Iv been watching TV films that have rubbish plots so it doesn’t matter if I fall asleep or drift off! Ha! Xx

Hi Maria, its funny you should say that, on diagnosis my surgeon said the same, asked me how I felt about the size of my breasts? He said if I were to consider reconstruction they like to make them smaller. I’m still thinking about it but I don’t think I will go for reconstruction. For me, I don’t think i could go through anymore surgery as im a bit of a wuss if im honest ?. I’ve been thinking about a stick on one. My breast care nurse showed me them. Bet you look like a super model anyway hun ? xx

Hi All you fighters !!
Good to see you on here Sarah for as long as you need us Hun xx
Jigsaws sounds like a good idea - I did the hobbit one a few years ago ( it was soooooo hard ) but I did it and loved it , I’m a real stresshead and it was good for my cortisone levels …

Yes - Sainsbury’s new freefrom range is amazing love the cheese and the cakes ( dairy free) and in frozen section a few more bits for those lazy days …,I’m cooking toad in the hole as I write and having cabbage leeks and spinach chopped and cooking in olive oil and cumin seeds and a dash of water … really good ?
Actually I’m freaking out a bit as starting chemo tomo and Feel like I’m going on some weird holiday and have to pack and mentally prepare constantly, weird feeling !!!
Sparky I’m thinking of asking for ovaries removed after mx as think that’s the feeder for my cancer . I’d be very interested in your research stuff xx
Fight on xxxxxxx

Hi Jo, thanks for the tips re the teas. I shall try some of those. I need to use half a pint of oat milk to get a coffee that’s not black lol so maybe fruit teas are the way to go. I do like peppermint, no so keen on Green tea but I think they do a green tea and lemon, that might be better. Good luck with your chemo hun. I hate being sick that’s why I fear it so much I think but aren’t the anti sickness drugs supposed to work wonders nowadays? Iv never been pregnant so no morning sickness to compare it too. I bet the wrist bands will help. Fingers crossed. Reflexology, im sure could be of benefit too? Xxx

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Hi Zena, your tea sounds lush. Good luck for tomorrow, thinking really positive thoughts for you. I shall be looking for the dairy free cakes in Sainsbury’s now, how on earth have they escaped me???!!! ?

Mrs Cat, I watched a detective mystery thingy (not usually my bag) & really got in to it, then found out it was aimed at children.
Sums my brain up really
Jojo xx

Lol Jojo was that the detective one about the missing letter? If so, I thought it was fab too haha! Scooby doo next? ? xx

Brilliant, thanks so much ? can’t wait to try those, love Bakewell slices! Xx

Mrs Cat it was called The Moonstone ( BBC learning ) & was linked to schools. Highly entertaining stuff. Scooby doo? Too highbrow I’ll stick to Teletubbies ?

Jojo xx

Good luck Zena, I hope the acid drops work & the liquorice will certainly work on any constipation issues!
I’m thinking of all you ladies having your special juice now. I could never sleep the night before. No idea why. Wasn’t particularly nervous just unsettled.
Please let us know how it goes

Jojo xx

Good luck zena for tomorrow xx

Hi Everyone

Had my first FEC-T chemo today. The nurse was wonderful and it was easier than expected. I have no sickness as I have tablets for that. Actually I seem to have tablets for everything (mostly sickness and bowel related!) and I have to inject myself from day 3 to 10. Never done that before so should be interesting!!!


I’m having 3 FEC-T and then a CT scan and then 3 more sessions (unless the scan shows something they didn’t expect). Then I have surgery to remove the area.


I got the recall letter 3 days after my 60th birthday and have a few nice treats I was bought to look forward to. Really hoping I’ll be well enough to do them all.


Our NHS in Shropshire provides a wig and has an arrangement with a posh salon. The woman there was fab and she has a whole top floor dedicated to the wig service. I tried on 4 but couldn’t decide between two of them so she ordered both in my colour. I chose one (called Dixie) yesterday. She said they are about £250 but it was free for me so I’m hoping to look okay.


I also need to lose about 2 (oh okay more like 3) stone to be a healthy weight and I’m hoping the steroids don’t make me gain. I eat healthy meals but I’m bad at eating extra at family events or in the evenings!!!


So I’m feeling okay on Day 1 and my OH is doing everything! I commented today that I don’t know how all you women that have children or elderly parents to care for are coping. I hope you all have good OH’s and friends/family too. It’s enough to be looking after ourselves! On the other hand I dont suppose you have much time to overthink stuff!


Thank you all for being out there. I know each treatment regime is different but it helps to read your tips and thoughts. This is all so alien to me as I’ve been fit and healthy and not had kids so very little doctor/hospital action in my 60 years!!!


Best wishes to you all. Jules

Hi jules

Glad it went ok Hun , I’m up now and it’s 2:56 am , yes not nervous just awake as aware of such a new thing happening tomorrow…also have Fec t,and then op and rads …
Just taken a diazepam so il probably start rambling nonsense in a minute …
It’s harder with only because for me I have to do school run and stuff and just want to hide somedays , but I do have lots of offers of help to do that stuff; so I guess il use them during these next chemo weeks …
Your wig set up sounds very lovely Hun , mine is a nice lady in a small room with boxes … seeing her for a proper look on Tuesday…
I’m excited to be starting this and so glad to have all you for support.
Thanks for all the messages, il let you know how it goes.
Z xxxx

A tip I got from a girl On Macmillan site is … her dentist said to rub Vaseline on gums … my gums always bleed during brushing have since my first baby … so think that’s a good tip x

Hi Jules, so glad it went ok for you yesterday and Zena best of luck for today xxx

Best of luck for today zena xx

I’m out …I had a cannula in then 3 anti sickness drugs then 3 pink tubes by hand. And then 3 drip bags - il write drugs later .
I feel funny in my nose bit achy but apart from that I’m fine and going to Sainsbury’s with hubby for more free from food …
hope you are all doing ok today lovely fighters xxxxxx

Hi all, I’m keeping up with this thread, pleased your first treatment went ok ladies. Much love and thanks for all the advice so far , done some reading on McMillan and cancer research on chemo types… still mind blowing!! Xxx

Day two and I’ve had a good day. Been for a walk in the fresh air, did some more family history, some household chores, a bit of telly and a cheeky nap in the afternoon.


The anti sickness drugs are obviously making a huge difference to how I feel. Opened the door this afternoon to two beautiful flower arrangements so that’s five vases full over the last week. The ones this afternoon were from work along with a card with masses of messages. Great to know there are so many people rooting for us. I’m keeping up with a bit of facebook too.


Tomorrow I do my first ever injection into my flabby belly. Not looking forward to that at all.


I’ve been eating masses of roasted veg with either fish, chicken or haloumi cheese with tumeric and black pepper. I feel like I’m eating goodness. Also had home-made lentil and veg soup for lunch (also with tumeric). I have spicy green tea with a spoonful of manukka honey each day too. Oh and a very high fibre breakfast of all bran, apricots, raisins, linseeds and chopped walnuts. So I hope I won’t be needing any Senna stuff.


Also had a phonecall from Macmillan to say I have a free 2 hour beauty/pampering session next Wednesday. Apparently I will come away with a goody bag too.


So I’m feeling positive and hope you are okay Zena and all other February starters. We are all having different treatments for different types of breast cancer but the NHS and Macmillan are looking after us amazingly.


Love to you all. Jules