February 2017 Starters

Good girl Jo , you’ll be better than me I just know it … so the worse I make it sound I’m hoping the better you will think you feel ( does that make sense?)
Jo so right Mrs c all the tests are a pain but good idea so hang on in there it can’t be much longer hunny xxxxxxx
And Sarah ( sallyann) yours too xxx
Jules hope you ok today and better than my sorry a** ?Xx

Zena and Jojo, why the antihistamine? How does it help? Thanks…

I will ask when I go later… just going for my wig fitting…??.. take care ladies and hope you have a good day… xxxx



Just thought I would pluck up the courage to join this thread, after reading it for a few days! I think this forum is a great thing (if you can say that during all this?!), as you all going through it at the same time.


I’m due to start my chemo (EC for 3 sessions & Doc for 3 sessions) on 2nd Feb. I was diagnosed Nov 23rd & had lumpectomy, breast reduction & sentinel nodes removed on 13th Dec. Thankfully my nodes were all clear and they got a clear margin. My mother & grandmother both had breast cancer (my mother at 42 and is now 68 and my grandmother at 50 & she survived another 30 years), so I have had yearly mammograms from age 35 (now 49). I have even been on a Tamoxifen trial for the last 5 years, hence the chemo as Tamoxifen didn’t stop the cancer coming (difference of opinions on this!!) and so the docs feel as a precaution I should have it. Tomorrow I go for blood test to do the gene testing & this will then dictate what op I go for next after chemo.


I am absolutely dreading the chemo!! I just dread how I am going to feel. Everyone’s journey is different I know & some seem to suffer more than others. My best friend went through this in 2014 and I went on many appointments with her, so it all does seem like deja-vue!! She coped remarkably well through it all, but I feel the pressure to be like her…silly I know!! I have coped well through diagnosis and the op & recovery and feel I’m back to normal now. But then I feel the chemo is going to change everything and I’m never going to be the same person again…did anyone else feel like this? I’ve just noticed over the last 2 days how emotional I’m feeling about starting. Not the actual day itself, as having been with my friend, I know what to expect and so it’s not as daunting, but it’s more the SE’s. I feel it’s going to be 15 weeks of hell!! I have a daughter (11) & son (15) and I just want things to seem as normal as possible for them & they not suffer as a result. The main thing I get emotional about is not getting to my daughter’s last things at school in the next 5 months, as she nears the end of her time in juniors. I also need to do school runs and work, so not sure how I’m going to feel for these and get stressed about this. I have my OH, parents and excellent close friends, who all offer to help, but I feel bad having to depend on others too often! 


My big 50 is in May and we had plans to do all sorts this year, but now feel it’s all on hold (all being well, my last session would be 18th May, 5 days before my big day!)


I have picked up so many tips from this forum though, as was surprised how little the hospital gave me. I am going to try the cold cap. I have very thick hair and so maybe it may just thin… I’ll try anyway. I made a big list of all different things to get! Are there any tips though on keeping as healthy as poss or for getting prepared for starting chemo ie any vitamins or anything? And how soon do SE’s kick in and then last? My friend’s seemed to start after 48 hours and by the 2nd & 3rd week she’d feel ok again. I go for bloods on Weds, the day before treatment & see the doc to sign forms etc, will I be given more info then (like the temp thing, do I need to check this daily & what I do if up)?


Sorry for the lenghty post!! And for feeling sorry for myself!


Take care all.


Max x



Lovely photo Zena xx

First chemo done and all was ok. Fingers crossed that the SEs will be gentle.

Jo xx

Well done jo . We’re gonna do this Hun …
You’ll be been than me I’m sure … xxx

Hi Everyone


Still feeling okay but have a slight odd feeling today which I can’t explain. Just a bit wobbly, I suppose. I also have indigestion all the time and going through Rennies like sweets!


Still keeping my charts going so feel in control and getting better at the steroid injections.


Just had a weight watchers chicken soup for lunch which was just enough and good for my soul. Spent most of the morning laying on the sofa listening to a CD of sea sounds and it helped.


Hope you are all okay today.



Jules xxxxx

Hi Mrs O, and all you lovely ladies. Z get u posting a pic, so brave, and nice to put a face to the name!
I’ve got my first oncologist appointment tmrw, so hoping to know what chemo drugs I will have in conjunction with herceptin, and when to expect start.
Also going to ask about lump in boob around scar after WLE, when I had surgeon appointment he checked and said just scar tissue, but it’s changed since then so want to double check… anyone else have hard lumps after WLE?
I’ve got to start thinking about food/supplements you are talking of, and how I’m going to deal. So much strength on here to make u realise and appreciate so many ladies going thru the same or worse… xxx

Hi dee … and welcome max , I love the positive stories of your mum and grandma ( strange to say that as they had bc and that horrific but it’s great to hear them making it through it Hun ) .
Sorry hi all , Jo I hope you got some rest tonight. As you can see I’m up again , but I got a good few hours sleep so it’s ok …
Good luck today Ann , you’ll be fine just remember the duvex dive about 3 hours later ?
Hope you get all your answers about chemo today Dee … you are good at getting them I feel and a very sharp lady ?? Seen a lot about scar lumps on here and good to get it properly checked too babes xxx
Only one more day to go Taylor Hun so try relax and chill is my advice ( easier said than done , I cleaned whole house like Jo day before ) …
Jules - sounds like you coping really well ( go lady ) xx
I still feel rubbish- nausea and just crap really… bit fed up,but I knew I’d suffer I’m a total fanny …
Love to all I’ve missed xxxxxxxx

Sorry JoJo
Meant to say I loved your message about flying haha - I was an air hostess for 10 years so made me laugh even more xxx
Sorry your having Fec too it’s rubbish- what was the t part like ? Can’t be worse than this ( I hope) …
Mrs c , I’m frustrated for you - the waiting is the worse bit … fingers crossed for a plan soon darl xxx
Sorry Ann got it wrong it’s Thursday you start so a few more days to clean Lol xxx

Hi all , hope your all doing ok so far on the chemo . just wanted to asked what happens at the chemo review ? Is it just blood test or do they do other things .mines on monday 2 days before i start. Starting to panic alittle now , also hated the fact that i had best night sleep ever , woke up forgetting i had this disease then it sunk back in 10 mins later , be so nice to not have to think about it xx

Hi Maria, try not to be anxious about the pre-chemo meeting. You will probably have bloods and an ECG. One of the nurses will go through your treatment plan and answer any questions you have. I found it reassuring and took my OH with me too so he knew what to expect. The chemo ward I go to is fairly small and very friendly. I think most staff working in oncology are upbeat and very caring you will be fine. Try to get a few more good nights sleep and relax as much as possible. I was really anxious after I was first diagnosed and thought that I would never get through all this. I’ve only just started chemo but have learnt to take things one day at a time. Good luck but I’m sure you won’t need it.

Don’t forget to ask all the questions you can and write them down beforehand if it helps. All the staff are there to help and support you and keep you as well as possible throughout this journey.
Jo xx

Zena, I’m glad you got some sleep. I managed to stay up until 10pm but did doze of for 10 mins before I dragged myself off to bed. Woke about 2am cos the cats were fighting ? but did manage to get back to sleep.

Welcome Max, I think I missed you yesterday but I will try to keep up over the next few days!

Sparkydee, hope you get what you want from the onc appointment. I’ve only had one and got my treatment plan and date at that one. Good luck.

Jo xx

Thank you jo , sounds silly but I’ll be quite pleased if i get a ecg , im quite paranoid about my heart but i think purely to how unfit i am and my dad died quite young of heart disease , my oncologist asked if i had any heart problems as chemo can effect it , as ive never had it checked out not something i would know but has put me in panic mode since .havent been told much about review or anything i should stock up on prior to chemo .feeling abit lost this week x

Maria my love please try not to panic. I know that’s easier said than done but these pre checks are just a formality really. I’m sure you’d already know if you had something wrong with your heart.
As far as stocking up goes, it’s difficult to say really. You won’t know what you fancy until it happens and on what days you’ll feel better hence keeping a diary. I made up a bag of goodies to keep beside the bed for midnight nibbles although that only lasted during the first cycle, I slept much better the remaining 3 & never napped during the day. I only liked citrus fruits, satsumas particularly & haribo type sweets ( nice & soft ), wotsits (!) Egg mayonnaise lots of salt & dominos pizza ?
Just go with the flow this time & then you can have more control next cycle as you can plan your life around the SE’s
You will get there!!

Jojo xx

Hi everyone


Still feeling okay apart from a bit of an odd feeling. Appetite is low so just eating the smaller healthy meals my OH is making. We are both feeling a bit emotional today but trying to do small sorting jobs and listening to music together.


I’m originally from Port Talbot, then lived 7 years in Brighton and now been in Shropshire for 30 years. I actually work as a Victorian woman in Blists Hill - the open air museum at Ironbridge. I’m off work for the duration though as there are too many school visits and the general public. I’m being treated in Shrewsbury at The Lingden Davies Centre which is very new and the team are very good.


I see my oncologist on Thursday to see how how I’ve been after week 1. He was very abrupt last time and upset us (and the nurse) but I will be ready for that on Thursday.


I’ve been talking to Ann (Cardiff) on Facebook as she hasn’t got internet but is able to use her phone. She’s got her first chemo on Thursday so is one week behind me.


Lots of love to you all



Hi all
yep Jules - dream job … im very jealous actually…
I’m in Herefordshire. After a 5 years in London where I had a stall at Camden market selling Indian stuff ( nice stuff ) years ago when it was small and not like now …
Then lived in Dubai for 2 years flying for emirates…then to Brighton too for 8 years as worked for virgin … amazing job …
Then moved back up here and started a family …
Now a counsellor just last ( 4 months left ) year at uni … now this ?
I did the pics on laptop by choosing picture icon in reply box and up loaded from desktop . Bit of a faff actually but I love a pic xxx

Hey Ladies, keeping an eye on you… hope to have broadband set up soon… Julie thanks for keeping me in the loop… I had my clinic appointment today and got emotional for no reason at all… I guess cause the day is coming on Thursday… I am finding it difficult to keep up with the thread. So welcome to any newcomers , it always feels strange saying and love and hugs to you all who had chemo last week… if I have missed anything I am sorry… ?? I am struggling a bit… A xxxx

Yes, I echo that, great job Jules, Ironbridge…  l love it there. Living in Rugby we visited on school trips once or twice and hubby and I go quite often. I’ll look out for you next time I go when you are back at work :slight_smile: xx
