Hi ann , assuming everything goes to plan surgery should work out around july time ( so hoping for a not so hot summer this year ) .im having chemo 0nce every 2wks , 8 sessions which takes me to around may then they said so longs its done what it should , i have a month off then surgery x
Hello ladies, I’m having trouble already keeping up so will have no chance with chemo brain!!
Welcome Taylor…I always feel strange saying that in this forum because I’m sure we would all rather not be here! I can’t help with cold capping either I’m afraid because I’ve decided against it. I thought long and hard but decided I would rather be in and out of the ward as quickly as possible and thought that my hair would be a mess during treatment so I would be better starting afresh with new growth. I’ve got a wig that looks good and I like it and got my hair cut short a few weeks ago. I’ll probably shave it next week. I would rather take control than wait until it falls out. I’ve also been wearing my wig so that I (and others) are used to it before I need it. It makes it feel more my choice if that makes sense.
I have friends who have cold capped. One of them lost her hair but the other two just had thinning. My friend who lost her hair felt it was worth doing because her hair grew back quickly. I guess I just wanted an easy life and am happy with going short and making do with headwear for a few months. It’s definitely worth a go if you’re desperate to keep your hair. Do let us know how it goes. You might inspire other ladies to try.
Hope you all have a good day. Zena and Jules, hope you guys are feeling well today.
Jo xx
Ann, hope you have a good journey to Cardif. It’ll be good for you to be with your family. I’m lucky to have mine close by and a houseful of children. Well my eldest is away at uni but is coming home next weekend to visit. So looking forward to that.
Have a safe trip.
Jo xx
Morning Taylor!
I can’t advise about cold capping either (I wanted the chemo to find every nook & cranny!)
I started to lose my hair 3 weeks into my first chemo. And it hurt! Physically! So my OH shaved it off. Some stubble that remained & continued to grow throughout treatment. That stubble is now 1inch long. The new hair is growing but slowly so I have a man’s hair ?
Today I’m going to brave not wearing anything on my head when I pop to Sainsburys. The main problem is its blimmin cold! Got my slap on & some bright lippy so I’m not mistaken for a man…
Sad thing is I’ll probably lose it all again when the FEC kicks in. But it does show you that everything will be ok eventually. I just need to be patient (a new skill for me)
Keep well ladies, keep us informed!
Jojo xx
Hi everyone
I’m finding this forum really helpful. It’s good to read your tips etc.
I made myself a spreadsheet for my temperature, water intake, each drug and injection, excercise and bowel ‘activity’. I keep it in a small basket with all the tabs and theromometer and I feel in control.
I’ve also done a spreadsheet of all the appointments and colour coded low immunity days etc. So I’m planning a few days at my Mum’s on my ‘green’ week - she lives by the coast in West Wales so maybe some nice sea air will do me good.
Hope you all have a reasonable Sunday and are ready for appointments this week.
Onwards and upwards!!!
Julie xxxx
Hi all
I really struggling today . Feel dreadful. Very nauseous and aches and wobbling. Can’t get out of bed …
Jojo shall I take an antihistamine like you said ?
Hard to tell what SE is coming from what really …,
This FeC is vile - does it get better?
Last emend this morning and the smell of the oven downstairs is already making me feel sick …
God I hate to moan sorry I’m just feeling so awful xxx
Jules that sounds like a very good idea regarding the spread sheet im hopeless at remembering everything normally .blame my age for that lol .i hope you enjoy your few days away x
Zena sorry your feeling so rough , im so not looking forward to all this as im hopeless at just lying around .sounds like a day in bed with everyone spoiling you is called for . Hope your little better tomorrow xx
Thanks Maria
I don’t want to worry you guys about this either… I am really hyper sensitive to nausea so don’t worry too much everyone… I knew I’d be like this really…
yes hope it changes tomorrow xx
Zena, im so sorry you’re feeling so rough, sending u a really big hug. Rest loads and I really hope you feel better soon. The Onc team may be able to change meds etc for next cycle to make things easier for you xxx
Sorry you’re feeling so rubbish Zena. Hopefully your team will tweak the mess for next time. I’ve also heard that Lorazepam is good for both anxiety and nausea so it might be worth chatting with your GP. You could perhaps use it in place of diazepam. Big hugs xxx
Ok il ask thanks jo x
Oh Zena what a horrible day for you.
This is exactly why I’m dreading the FEC. But you will get better my love. I suggest keeping the diary of symptoms/SE’s so that you’ll know what days are good days for the next cycles.
The antihistamine can help with any aches that you have if you have them.
Can you stomach a smoothie? Or even a piece of fruit? Or maybe you have some ginger tea?
Chemotherapy is a horrid thing to go through but go through it we must. My GP said to me that following orders of the onc is like flying. Of the pilot says put seat belts on, you do. If the pilot says we’re coming in to land you trust that you’ll come in to land!
This too shall pass!!!
Jojo xxx
Just checking in ladies… read your posts… I am now in Cardiff with my family ready for my fight… I don’t have broadband so my posts for a couple of weeks may be limited. ZENA, sorry you are going through it at the moment… be strong we are with you. I am dreading the nausea too… I am planning a light/fasting diet day before and day of chemo hopefully that will help… we will see if it works… hugs and lots of love xx
Glad you’ve arrived Ann. I fasted yesterday for my chemo today. I hadn’t planned to but I realised that it was lunchtime and I hadn’t eaten since the previous evening so thought I’d give it a go. I have been drinking lots of fruit and ginger infused water. Will let you know how I’m doing later. It’s worth a go and I’ve heard good things about it. Will be taking snacks and choccy biscuits with me today…just in case!!
Zena, hope your feeling better hun xxx
Best wishes for today Jo. I’ve heard good things about fasting and drinking ginger too, big hugs xxx
Good luck Jo?.. hope all goes well today. Look forward to hearing from you later. Zena, hope you had a good night and feeling better… xx
Hope it goes well at your pre chemo session Ann and Zena and Jules, really hope you’re feeling better? How are you doing Maria, Jojo, Sallyann, Taylor, Sparky and anyone else iv missed off?
Sallyann, have u had any news on your oncotype results yet? I’m pacing and climbing the walls waiting for mine. If anything else, I wonder if this ordeal will teach me to be more patient over silly things in the future… I can only hope. Maybe a letter will come today with an Oncology appointment…I need a plan, im better with a plan.
Gentle hugs everyone xxx
Thanks ladies. It always makes me feel better coming on here.
I’m ready!! Preparing for duvet days and potentially feeling like crap ? but it has to be done.
Mrs C…a plan with make all the difference to you. The waiting makes everything feel worse but at least your onc will have as much information as possible so your plan is the best for you. xxx
Good luck today jo we will be thinking by of you hunny …?
And Ann too Huns I hope you get all info you need and the fasting helps …,let us know .
And all onc types get in fast ( how annoying that must be , more Waiting and worrying ) …
I had bad night again . Not much sleep … i called the bat line number they give you and nurse said next meeting discuss it all … but it’s just a general feeling bad all round so no idea what they could change …
I’m so sorry I hate to moan ., I am a complete wussy so please don’t worry Ann sue and Maria and others that are coming up to the start …
I’m sure it will get better for me .??
Jojo il try a antihistamine today as that cramp feeling has kicked in in my body ( oh the joys of chemo )
Need to get out of my bed and wash it soon as it will get up and walk away from me soon … last wash was last Monday and I can’t bare longer than a week and my sense of smell is heightened due to nausea so I feel minging …
Gosh could I moan anymore… forgive me ladies xx
Big hugs to all
Z x