February 2025 chemo starters

Good to hear you’re still ok after day 2.

I’m not having to inject, so unable to help on that one.

@dkc66 I am so glad your 2nd treatment went well! It gives me hope. Although, I know everyone’s experience is not the same. I think my oncologist mentioned that I will have to do the injections once I start since it’s the dose dense (every 2 weeks) schedule to give the white blood cells a boost between treatments. I’ve heard that it causes some bone pain, but people have generally been ok on it. I hope you don’t have any side effects when you start. Just remember the long game and jump through the hoops to get to the goal! You’ve got this! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

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So are they going to take scar tissue away? Was there a mark on your skin?
I have a little patch on my skin on Chest which is different colour. Nurse said probably skin trauma but to get the consultant to look at it when I see him end of feb.
Every little mark seems to cause a worry.
Have you started chemo yet?
@mrsphughes77 I am having dose dense also so will probably have to do injections.
So good to hear that chemo appears manageable.
I look forward to chatting on here and hearing how everyone getting on. It can be a lonely place even with lovely friends and family when you are only one with cancer or getting treated with cancer.
Thinking of you all. Xxxxx

Had first one yesterday. Are you doing them yourself or a friend doing them. I pinched my tummy fat, did it where the pinch top bit was and honestly didn’t feel a thing. Spent the next couple of hours waiting for side effects… as if they would be instant! Good luck - let us know how it goes. Xxxx

Have you joined the HER2 thread @pongo1 ? It’s been really useful given that those with HER2 are in it for the long haul. I read it it from the start (Jan 2024) and found it to be very informative… did take me hours though!

I’m triple positive and have bilateral breast cancer. Initially was expecting to have a left mastectomy as area affected extensive throughout the breast. The MRI with contrast to help size it flagged up an anomaly in the right breast so I underwent an MRI guided biopsies on New Year’s Eve. Results showed DCIS in both areas. I have the option of double mastectomy and reconstruction for symmetry or can have affected areas removed and an uplift if I opt to have left one reconstructed. I don’t think I want to go flat.

Two weeks on from first chemo. Feeling more myself, still tired and have broken out in spots so resemble my teenage self! Cycle 2 on Friday if bloods are good. Once that one is done I’ll be a third of the way through this first stage of my treatment. Woo hoo!

They will remove level 1 nodes to get clear margins and want to remove levels 2 an3 too. No I don’t have a mark. I’ve finished chemo now. I started in Sept and finished 2 weeks ealy in Nov as got Sepsis but had a good response. The PICC had to be removed so decided to stop having done 10 weeks of Paclitaxel. I have a DVT too and had a CT last week so its delayed surgery.

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@pineapples123 @wba

Hi there, I am really struggling with this site at the Moment so I hope it works. Had a few off days this week after my EC last Sunday but feeling a lot better now. One thing I have done differently this time is to take my steroids really early so like 7am then 11am, it has been helping with my sleep. I am glad you are feeling ok @wba and is it this week @pineapples123 you start? I think all the ladies on here are amazing and it gives me great comfort to be able to listen to all of your journeys.

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Hi, @debly123

You’ve done it right, I’m still working it out! how to use & navigate :roll_eyes: think using the @ sign to anyone in the conversation seems to work, like you have done.

Glad you feeling a bit better now obviously the steroids have helped you which is good.

When’s your next treatment?

I was feeling a bit nauseous :nauseated_face: today so took some anti sickness tablets.
I’ve struggled emotionally today, trying to get used to my wig before my hair goes & putting on a brave face for my granddaughter’s. I just want to still look like me.
Like you, having the support of everyone is so much help.

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Hi @debly123
I took my steroids in one dose in the morning with breakfast rather than a divided dose (total of 8mg dexamethasone). Later you take them the more likely it will affect your sleep. Saying that, I was awake till gone 03:00 for two consecutive nights! :rofl:

@mrsjelly hi x so that doesn’t work then. I wasn’t sure if you were allowed to double up but yes it’s deffo the steroids that keep you wired. I hope you are doing ok :heart:

@wba I’m sorry you have had a funny day and sending you a big hug. It is hard getting used to the hair and I thought I was brave and shaved it myself, but it’s nearly all totally gone now and it’s going to take a bit of getting used to adjusting to a wig, but we will do and once it warms up the head scarfs are really pretty too. My final EC chemo is the 16th February and then onto a new chemo. Take care :heart:

yes, got some scarfs ready I’m sure I will adjust.
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x

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Hi @debly123

We should follow the instructions on the box of tablets as it might be that each hospital does things slightly differently. I worked on a ward where we used steroids frequently so feel happy to have that dose all in one go. Perhaps I was feeling wired at the relief and excitement that the treatment has started. I did find myself on an online spending spree in the early hours which I then had to return as I looked ridiculous in wide legged jeans :joy:

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@mrsjelly :rofl::rofl: that is funny. I am eating so much at the moment with chemo I am passing on the clothes shopping, back to slimming world for me once my chemo finishes xx


Hi @debly123
Yes I start this week. I have pre assessment Wednesday then picc line in Thursday and straight into chemo. I start EC for 4 sessions every 2 weeks . Then Paxitaxel 4 sessions.
How long is the actual chemo. I know I will be in before and after for cold cap.
I just want to get started. I guess Thursday will be here before I know it.
@wba . Is yours every week? I know you will have told me. Seem to have brain fog and haven’t started chemo yet.

Yes, I’m weekly for 12 weeks every Thursday. 2 down 10 to go.

Then I will do phase 2
3 weekly for 4 cycles.

I was there 3 hour’ s this week every 3rd
week it’s 5 hours.

Be thinking of you Thursday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x

I’ve got a sheet to complete about my appetite and the 3 weekly weigh in is going to be like attending Weight Watchers. I lost about a stone in weight in the 2 months I was being investigated. I suspect I’ve put much of that back on in the last week. I’ve been ravenous and eating lots despite everything tasting of nothing.

Good morning all you lovely people.
First time posting despite being on this journey since start of August 2024.
Two surgeries later and all the bits before, during and after I’m reaching out.

I had my right breast removed in November and both sentinel nodes were positive so ANC was done on Christmas Eve - 3 more nodes involved and all level 1 and my surgeon had said chemo very unlikely.

However at my oncology appointment last week I find out that the recommendation is 12 weekly Paclitaxol followed by 4x EC over 12 weeks. Also RX for 3 weeks once chemo finished. Due to start chemo in next few weeks.

I guess I’m looking to chat with others, will get my cuppa and read all other posts later but I had to post before I chickened out.

I have been in such a dark place since finding out my plan last Monday and ignoring friend’s messages and calls etc and wanting to just hide away - totally unlike me. I suppose I feel too scared to feel positive, happy or hopeful when it feels like that wrecking ball is going to hit me again as it feels it’s done regularly the last 6 months.

How do I pull myself out of this black hole and appreciate what I do have again?

Just need a hug. Day 5 after first chemo and had the full gamut so far - constipation, diarrhoea and now vomiting. Trying v hard to think positively- chemo doing its job etc but struggling to imagine this till May. I am a coper - life has chucked a few things my way ( like us all) but this feels like a bloody mountain . Sorry - just need to vent xxxx


Sending you that hug :hugs:
I feel exactly the same today after my session 4 day’s ago. Got no energy, feeling nauseous.
Hang on In there. We will get through this :heart: x