feeling really scared

Hi I’m really shocked to say, I had a phone call this morning from the hospital offering me an appointment next friday at 11.40, mch sooner than expected, but now I feel very nervous!! Not sure what to expect.

Dawn xx

That’s good news Dawn - it will depend on whether your local unit is a one-stop shop where the are able to give you instant results and a diagnosis, but in any case you should expect them to perform examinations and scans appropriate to your age and symptoms, and for them to be able to tell you whether they think there may be a problem or not, even if you need to wait another week or two for test results to get a full diagnosis. Fingers crossed for you that they will be able to re-assure you straight away that all is well. xx

oh thats brilliant! now you will not have as long to wait. You could ring the clinic and ask what facilities they have there, or go on line and look the hospital up to see what tests they can do. The proceedure is the same whatever happens, but at some hospitals you have to wait for an appointment for the next step and in some they can do it all on the same day

basically someone will examine your breasts and give you a jolly good idea what they think it is. The see more bumbs and changes than your Gp does, then you will have a mamogram, and you may then have an ultra sound. Depending on what these xrays show they might decide to take a needle or core biopsy straight away, only a realy quick proceedure with local painkillers. this will take some cells out of the bump which they can send for analysis to see if there are any cancer cells in there or not. dont be alarmed if they do this, 50% of these tests come back negative.

They will not try to keep anything from you, but they are not fortune tellers and can only what they think given the evidance they find at the time. Each step gives more evidance that builds up into a picture.

Be prepared to spend hours there. Hopefully at the end of it you will be coming back on here to say that your doctor was right and its something completely benign

Hi I have looked at the website for the hospital and it doesn’t say if it’s one stop or not. I’ve asked my mum and dad to look after Jack and I’m going to ask my husband to get the day off or a late shift so that he can come with me. thank you for running through what happens, I’m feeling ok at the moment so hopefully I won’t get too nervous this week. still pleased to have such a quick appointment, I feel very lucky not to have the long wait I expected.

Thank you xx

whats the name of the hospital?

musgrove park hospital in taunton xx

well it looks as if they have tried to make the website user friendly, so they do care about patients. it loos as if you will get mamogram, ultrasound and needle biopsy on the same day, but they just dont mention core biopsy. I suspect that they can do the proceedures but you will have to go back later for results, but that is normal.

what is good is that they have put a lot of effort into trying to make the website user freindly. always a good sign that they care about patients

thank you for that, I must not have been looking in the right places! I have been there a few times, it’s a big hospital so fingers crossed they’ll be good :slight_smile: what is a core biopsy?

if they decide they need to find out what is inside the lump they need a sample of the cells. after applying an anesthetic they either use a fine needle to get some, or a larger needle if they need more cells. the bigger one is called a core biopsy. i have a huge needle phobia but I managed, its very quick.

Thank you, hopefully it won’t come to that, if it does I’ll have to keep my eyes shut. :slight_smile:

Hi Dawn

You may find this publication from BCC helpful to read as it explains what you may expect at your breast clinic appointment:


Best wishes

thanks for that, the hospital have sent a fact sheet with a confirmation letter, it’s a bit vague but helpful none the less, the leaflet has been a great help, thank you

Dawn x

this week has gone quick, can’t believe it’s thursday already. I am so nervous :frowning:

Dawn x

Good luck today, that will be another hurdle you have jumped, the first breast clinic appointment. people do get sent home from that having been told that there their bumbs are normal breast changes. but they are so cautious nowadays that you should be prepared for having some tests and having to go back for results—another wait.

let us know how you get on–fingers crossed that it was a false alarm

thinking of you dawn, xxx

Hi thank you everyone for your wonderful support, the appointment went well, they are happy with everything and said just to keep a close eye for now and check at least once a month.

Dawn xx

Hi ChattyDawn!
Delighted to hear your news - I’ve been thinking about you all week too. No need to feel really scared now - just relax & enjoy your weekend!
All the best to you & your family,

brilliant news

thank you again, I am truelly grateful for the support I have recieved here and the lovely people I have met, I am just sad for the reasons you are here xxxx

hey way 2 go girl … now… stop worrying… and enjoy your baby and your life xxx angie