Finding Fantasy Island

Multi talented! (I think that’s what he said anyway) x

Aloha!!! Sex on the beach for me, in fact make that a double!!
A girl can dream can’t she…

MG, we can’t see the coconuts because of all that HAIR you’ve got!! :wink: And be careful those cocnuts don’t irritated your rads patches - maybe line them with some nice soft fur.

Jane xxx

I know, I think I may shave it off so that I fit in better. Besides which, with a combined rads and tamoxifen “glow” - in the words of Ella - its too darned hot! x

Just popped over on my JetSki to wiggle my toes in the sand! Is this a floating Island like the one in BedKnobs and Broomsticks?

MG, I’m sure CM will be able to lay her hands on a swimcap for you, you’ll get the look without losing the hair, and keep the salt off it too! It’ll have to be a nice flesh pink though!

I think PB did an excellent job as the barman at the Infinity pool last night, he made me a wonderful SunDowner…Anyone know if you can BBQ lobster??

… am off to DEXA scan cove today, then back to the Woods - Rads Rushes planning tomorrow.

P xxx

Peachez, you can indeed barbecue lobster - cut it half from head to tail and bung it on. I’ve had it several times and when I get on the other computer later I’ll post a photo of a beach side restaurant on Anegada in the BVIs where it’s pretty much all they serve. Truly and abasolutely yummy!

Jane xxx

I’m really not sure I believe you Alto, could you just send me the air fare so I can go a check for myself :wink:

Sorry Peachez - can you do some hula dancing to busk for the fair?

I’ve just realised - my curent avatar was taken as we were sailing to said Anegada island, so about 8 hours after this photo was taken (from another boat, obviously!) we were sitting down at Potters By The Sea eating barbecued lobster…

Jane xxx

Finding Fantsy Island? Just follow the dolphins, I love dolphins. Very glad to see we have some Wooders here but please, NO NE. Don’t let him track us down or he won’t only get a coconut chucked at him he might find it is placed somewhere totally unexpected, tinned or fresh. I’ve had enough trouble keeping Anne Atkins away and if you don’t know who she is you’re very lucky indeed. Just realised NE is indeed the epitome of a coconut. Put me off my pino colada now.

Now Pierce Brosnan is on his way after spending the night elsewhere, please show him over to my hammock as I need a little swinging. I’m sure there’s enough of him to go around.

I’m off to the newly installed Michael Jackspon oxygen tent for a quick blast as day 6 FEC has brought itself to my attention. I’ll be back in time for a coconut oil massage in the flower-bedecked loggia.


And here it is - the best place ever to eat barbecued lobster, apart from Fantasy Island of course!

Jane xxx

Oh Jane, talk about rubbing it in!! I’ll forgive you today though, hope all goes well with your last Tax, thinking of you…

… it occurs to me that OH still owes me a honeymoon (we set the trend and delayed it - but that was over two years ago now) … sounds like the BVIs might be on the travel agenda soon :))

Too many Jane’s around this island. I shall revert to Hipchick. is there an ironing lady on the island? Never realised ironing was an endurance sport. Arm aches. Still on the island we all swan around in sarongs so no ironing here. Now, where’s the coconut shy. Feel like lobbing a few coconuts at NE.

What IS this fixation so many of you have with irons? Do you REALLY need to have a golf course on your island? If not, then leave the flipping irons elsewhere!

An alternative to having any ironing to do is to avoid wearing anything that needs to be ironed - there’s definitely something to be said for nudity sometimes.

Yey nudity. Think OH’s class might have something to say about it though. Maths in the nude, too kinky.

Ewan McGregor is doing the BBQ tonight and I’m having Monk fish marinated in lemon, lime and orange with a bit of thyme. I’m sat dangling my legs in the pool and sipping a Kir Royal as I watch him work.
Jane x

Peaches, what’s dexa scan?

Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry…

basically a bone density scan (NOT the other type of bone scan that looks for Cancer activity)

my Onc arranged it to get a baseline measurement before I start on Femara, which is one of the Amatrose Inhibitor hormonal therapies (anti oestrogen) which can cause bone thinning in some people over time. I’ll be on it for at least 5 years.

…and HipChick, seriously, IRONING !?!*@!! My oh wields it himself or goes wrinkly! and our Sarongs ,grass skirts etc will dry wonderfully smooth in the slight breeze on the island!

Off for a quick Kaluha and then back to the woods on my JetSki,
love to all P xxx

Oh my, the islanders must all be off having a BBQ unless they’ve built a raft and sailed away into the sunset x

The sea was like a mill pond this morning so I went water skiing, dropped off at a little cove where my breakfast was waiting for me. Now lay in the sun reading my book.
Jane x

In the interests of fair play i have mnade a drop delivery of Matt Lucas on to the island!

There seems to be far too much ‘loveliness’ over here, whereas in the Woods we’ve had to contend with NE and PB’s singing! When I heard that Lucas had been spotted in the Woods i decided enough was enough, rounded him up and dumped him on the beach at the far side.

Apologies if you feel this is unfair - but in a word: ‘Bothered?’ (I know that’s a different show but it’s the best I can do).

Can I clarify that i have no animosity for the island dwellers i just wanted to ‘share’.

Enjoy x