
Hope youve had fun and spent lots and lots - your wasting your time looking for Colin cos hes still locked in my shower!!


Hi Gill

Hope you’ve had a good day. I have just finished a Bridget Jones fest - or should I say Mark Darcy. I feel just like Bridget Jones - except I have no hair, 1 boob, and no Mark Darcy (or even Hugh Grant) knocking on my door - lol.

Not much on telly tonight so feeling a bit bored - just turned on to Jerry Springer on sky - god its a sad rehearsed programme - makes me glad to be British

Hope you had successful shopping trip


Just returned and now over £200 poorer!!! That included 4 bras, thongs, 2 tankinis (swim wear) and a swimming boob! It’s expensive stuff but looks great and fits like a glove! so now I’m really broke! Funny you saying about Colin being locked in your shower cos we bumped into him in London and he fell instantly in love with me and whisked me off to the Ritz for some ‘relaxation’!!! Dick wasn’t too happy! Now totally exhausted-he is such an excellent kisser!! He said to tell you that he only pretends to be lousy at kissing on screen to keep the women away! And he definitely prefers English girls so sorry!!!
we’re going to watch Dr Who from xmas day again. we’re such big fans! It’s the only Sci Fi stuff I like-then off to bed as I’m very tired.
Hope you’ve managed to find something to entertain you-I could send Colin your way but it’ll cost you!!! Actually he confessed to having a thing for one-boobed women so listen out for that knock on the door!
Lots of love
Gill xxxx

Hi Gill

I cant wait till I get fitted with my proper prosthesis so that I can go shopping for nice underwear - Colins gettiin a bit fed up with the unmatched stuff I have!!

Its a lovely day here today (havent been out yet so its probably cold) but I have wasted literally half the day in bed - didnt get up till 11 again - just kept waking and could not move out of bed!! Anyway, will go visit mum - did think I might have a walk but the car badly needs a wash so might just come home and do that.

Anyway, off for a shower just now.
Have a good day

I didn’t wait to get fitted for my proper boob-I wanted to make sure that the bras were a good fit on my existing boob and will make sure that the false one fits the bras! The one I’m wearing today is so comfy and has a lace panel running from one cup to the other so it looks like a cami top and can be worn under v neck jumpers etc.
Dick has spent all morning upstairs with a stripper!! Of the wall paper variety of course! Nearly stripped all the paper on the landing. Just been for a walk as it’s so gorgeous here today-still cold but bright and sunny.
Now going to sit down with a coffee and The Observer!
Hope that car is clean now! Fancy doing my little Clio?
Talk soon
Love Gill xxx

Helloooooooooooo there

I suppose you are lucky Gill in living near London for buying mastectomy bras etc - there is not a huge amount to chose from up here. I know the prosthesis fitting lady has a wide variety of bras to try on so I will wait and do that and then mail order some more. I have seen the bra you mention with the lace bit in brochures - they do look nice.

I am a bit peeved I have not got it before next weekend as there is a health spa where we are going and I know the rest of the girls will be making use of the jacuzzi etc but I wont feel comfortable doing that being lopsided - unless we are the only people in the place - but I doubt that!!

Glad Dick enjoyed his afternoon with the stripper. I duly washed my car so its looking much better and it was good physio I suppose as I am right handed and it was my right boob they took away. Altho I still have some cording it is much less tight than it was and I have a smaller seroma too so I suppose its all going the right way. Meeting up with bc nurse on Tuesday to discuss some things - have a list written down.

I cant believe I am sat here yawning my head off - I cannot seem to get enough sleep at the mo - gonna get a big shock when I have to get up for work in a couple of weeks!!

Take care for now
Love Fiona

p.s. - have you noticed any difference i.e. any sympoms from starting tamoxifen - or is it too early for that?

Och hellooooo to you too!
Only taken 2 tamox so far so no side effects as yet. Think Dick is hoping it will put me off u-no-wot so he can have a rest-hehe!! (Actually he’s not, but it does seem to be a side effect!).

Am going back to the gym tomorrow for 1st time since dx. Just going to take it easy as arm is still stiff. Am dreading going back-sounds daft but I will be anxious in case boob slips or comes out in the pool! Can you imagine that?!!!

We’re not that close to London-2 hours by train-but it was worth going up to the shop. Now I know the sizes I will mail order in future.

Why can’t you wear your soft sponge boob in the spa? Just pin it to your costume?? (Obviously on the inside!!)Would be a shame not to make use of the benefits.

Dick is taking me away for a couple of nights next w/e. We sometimes go to a small B&B on the North Norfolk coast which has lovely rooms, a huge roll top bath (easily fits 2!) and a massive walk-in shower. There is a lovely restaurant near by and lots of pubs with log fires so just going to escape, lots of walks by the sea and generally relax.

Lots of great stuff on TV tonight-Sense & Sensibility, Foyles War and a prog about a woman weighing 64 stone!! Just hope I don’t reach that weight on the old Tamoxifen!!

Take care, sleep well, talk soon
love Gill xxx

You do make me laugh Gill!!

I Only have 1 softie so if I went and got that all wet i would have nothing to wear to go eat at night!!

I cant wait to get my proper prosthesis and start going back to the gym - I used to go 3 or4 times a week and was pretty damned fit - its gonna be like starting from scratch - but it will be a step nearer to my normality!!

Which shop was it in London you went to?

I watched that programme about the 64 stone woman the other night - just cant understand how anyone can manage to get to that size - but thats just me.

Going away to dab some more cream on cold sores - god I look sooooooooooooo loverly!!

Speak soon

Morning! You up yet woman? Just back from the gym-arrrgh! Nearly killed me! Only did 10 mins on the walking machine and 5 mins each on the bikes, then tried to swim but arm was painful so did a couple of lengths on my back and walked a few lengths too. The 10 mins in the steam room was lovely! Lots of people who I usually see were there and they made me feel so welcome and genuinely pleased to see me back. Felt a bit of a plank nipping into the private cubicle to change my top as I usually just strip off in the main changing area. Had to laugh when I got to steam room as I hadn’t realised just how much water my sponge boob would hold so sat there squeezing my right boob, watching the water cascade out!!

Mmmmmm…Tesco just delivered 5 boxes of wine (each containing 6 bottles!) so that should last me the day!!

Oh dear god-the size of that 64 stone woman! Why on earth did people keep feeding her? She couldn’t get out of bed so she must have had people feed her and what on earth did she do about going to the loo or coping with periods etc?? She’d never have reached her arm past all that fat to get to her nether regions. How very sad. Think I’ll start my diet today!!

What you got planned today? It’s really windy here today and no sun so think I’ll just hibernate!

love Gill xxx

Good morning (just)

Not long up again.

Good on ya for going to the gym - I just dont want my softie getting all sweaty so will have to wait another few weeks. I too normally just get stripped off in the main changing area but dont think I will have to balls to do that - so I will either take bra into shower cubicle or like you nip into private cubicle to do top half.

Think I’ll come down to your house and help you drink that wine - wouldnt like you to have to drink it all alone !!

Its not a great looking day today but think I will go for a walk anyway. Dont know if you know Aberdeen at all but we have 2 miles of beautiful sandy beach so its lovely to go walking along with the ipod on - might wear 2 hats tho!!

Thats about it today, altho will have to do some housework too.

Have fun with that wine - dont think I will get much sense out of you later??

Love Fiona

Hilloo Foina
Justt beeeen drking all thet wiine …
No not really! Been reading a book all morning and now feel guilty that I haven’t even done anything around the house! Now must go to Tesco and then possibly for a brisk walk. I’ve never been to Aberdeen but the beach walk sounds good even in the cold. We’re about 20 miles from the nearest beach.
Can’t believe that you only got one softie -I got given 2 but they were too big so they sent 2 more in the post! Can’t your BC nurse give you another in time for your trip to health spa?
I really am going to get off my bum and do something useful now…like open that wine!!
Seeya l8r!
Gill xxxxx

Hey Gill

Had a fab walk doon the beach - headphones for ipod didnae work so got cheesed off with that but ended up listening to the waves crashing instead - which I find very therapeutic. I was marching along I can tell you - Prob did about 3 1/2 miles - it fair put colour in ma cheeks and aches in ma hips thats for sure!!.

Also did my housework before that so sounds like I’ve had a more productive day than you :slight_smile: - think I deserve that wine!

Meeting bc nurse tomorrow so will ask her if she has another softie to give me - never thought of that - doh!! She phoned me this afternoon, she had been on the phone to genetics about someone else and thought what the hec - so she has mentioned me to them and they are going to hurry things through rather than the usual wait - only perk of working for health service!!

Have a busy day planned tomorrow - going to clean dads house, see mum, nip in and see my friends daughter in hospital, then meet bc nurse. Have also got people coming round to house tomorrow to give me quotes for central heating and double glazing - not sure I will be able to afford both but if I can I will - may as well make some good use of the critical illness money I got! - Have asked for 3 quotes for each so we will see the difference in them!

Even bought some shampoo today - that will be novel shampooing what little hair I have - but got to start somewhere. I can tell you something - if the hair on my head grew as quick as the hair you know where grew - I’d have a full head of hair - one day there was practically nothing downstairs - now its half way down my legs - lol - not quite but o my god!

Spose I’d better sign off now
Speak to u soon
Take care

hey ho! I tried to read your 1st bit in my very best Scottish accent but failed miserably!!
Well it was my turn upstairs with the stripper today! got quite a bit done then suddenly remembered that someone from school was calling round so had to rush round clearing up!! Wish I was really near the beach-love walking along a beach when it’s windy.
Dick nearly had a fit when he saw how much paper I’d removed! Will do some more tomorrow, although one of my governors is coming to take me out for lunch which will be nice-we have a great local pub about 1/4 mile away-don’t want to go with bits of wallpaper stuck to my face!!

Good on you buying shampoo!! That will be nice seeing your hair return-you could always make a wig from your nether regions!!! It’s sods law that it grows back faster where you don’t really want it!

Had a tummy ache and stiff legs today-might be a reaction to tamoxifen but who knows? No full length beard so far!

Now off for a glass of wine-think I’ve deserved it today! Will toast you and your shampoo!!
Don’t work too hard tomorrow
Love Gill xxx

Good morning Gill

I’m up early today - had to be for a mannie coming roond to quote for double glazing - unfortuntately he didnae look anything like Colin Firth. Gonna write the rest o this in Scottish so it will tak u langer to read :slight_smile:

Nae much tae say really - gan awa roon to dads soon tae dee the cleanin - did aa o ma ain yesterday so could be doin withoot it!!

You watch you dinna overdo yoursel wi strippin that wallpaper (or wapaper!).

Jack Frost wiz oot here overnight - so will hiv tae scrape the car afore I can go onywhere.

Onyway, i’d better go awa for noo - busy busy busy (for a change)

Enjoy your lunch

Yer wee scottish virtual friend

Och eye the noo!! (or however you spell that!!)
That made me laugh so much! I could decipher it all tho-years of working out kids spellings etc!
Have been soooooooooo busy today-went to gym-managed 30 mins on the machines then swam 10 lengths albeit alternating between back and front.
The did some stripping (!!), out forr lunch, then more stripping. Now I’m exhausted! Got to start cooking dinner now.
Expect you’re tired from your busy day-hope all visits went well.
I’ll have to summon up the energy to email you in Norfolk! Not that I have a Norfolk accent but it’s a laugh when the kids get going sometimes!
take care ma wee bonny lassie
Love from The English Rose xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi English Rose

Glad I made u laugh.

Have had a good but busy day. Best of all tho - when I was over at dads cleaning - the ward where mum is phoned - SHE IS MOVING TO HER PERMANENT HOME ON THURSDAY AT 2PM - yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I was jumping about the house and havent been able to stop smiling since. NOTHING better happen to stop this or I WILL GO MAD.

Have had another 3 quotes today - and still not a Colin Firth amongst them - what is a single woman to do???

Met with bc nurse too - as I said - I am queue jumping for genetics - so she took the required bloods today, but they cant process them until they see me - but by the sounds of it that wont be too long. O - I also got another softie from bc nurse so thanx for suggesting that - I will have to try it in the right place in me swimsuit so I havent got one higher than the other - now that would be a sight to behold!!

Sitting have a glass of veno rouge just now cos think I deserve it.

You take care now. Speak to ya soon


That is such great news about your mum. You must be so relieved and also your dad. Will it far from where you are? Will your dad be able to visit regularly?
Good about queue jumping too-use the system my girl. Glad you got a spare boob-have you got a mastectomy swim suit or will you just pin it to your ordinary one?
I had to laugh just know when I was lying on the carpet doing my exercises-I looked down at my chest and realised that my proper boob was much flater than falsie!! One large fried egg and one mountain peak!! Dick could see what I was laughing at and we couldn’t stop giggling! Imagine what we’ll look like sunbathing on the beach!!!
Are you telling me you live in Aberdeen with NO HEATING??? I’d advertise for a Colin look-a-like if I were you-just mention that you’re young, free and single and they’ll come running. Mind you, I’d keep quiet about the one-boob bit!
Off for a hot bath now-Dick is trying to dismantle the dishwasher as we have a new one arriving tomorrow -think he’s suffering from Tourettes judging from the amount of swearing going on!!
Talk tomorrow no doubt
Love Gill (AKA Mrs Firth!)

Mrs Firth my ass - will fight you for that title Mrs!!!

Mums not moving far from where she is now - its about 15 mins in the car for both dad and I (we live at separate ends of the town) - he will continue to visit her every day - that is his life now - bless him it must be so hard on him after being together for so long.

I have not got a mastectomy swimsuit so god knows what I will look like but hopefully the place wont be too busy - if it is - I will just squezze the water out of my ‘boob’ in front of them - that’ll teach em.

I am definetely not living without heating - its on permanently just now - I just have a very very old boiler so gonna get it replaced before I do have to go without heating cos that would be an emergency!.

I had thought about the sunbathing bit myself - wandered what it would look like lying down - now you have described it perfectly. I think whatever happens I will go on hol in the summer with Suz then get more surgery done.

Best be off to have a shower. It absolutely BLAAIN A GALE here today but need to go into town. Meeting my ex for lunch too.

Prob speak to ya soon
Hope you have a good day
Take care

Hello there!
mmm…now I’m intrigued-‘meeting my ex for lunch’ eh? Ex-husband? Am soooo nosey! Actually i still get on really well with my ex husband. We’re still good friends and he oftens comes round to visit or to see the kids-he came round and gave me a big hug when he found out about the cancer. He gets on well with Dick too which helps. Luckily there was no 3rd person involved when we split up so that’s what made it easy to stay friends.

I was in the Spa bath this morning and the bubbles and water shot up my tankini top and I looked like a barrage balloon!! I was petrified the top would either lift right up exposing my chest or that the boob would fall out! There were a couple of men in there who just laughed as my top inflated! I had to sit with my arms folded over the top to stop it filling up again! Then in the changing room, I had just rinsed my costume and boob out and was walking to my bag when I dropped my boob on the floor! I was so embarrassed! Don’t think anyone noticed! I felt quite sad about those incidents on the way home but soon laughed it off.

It’s gorgeous here to day but I’m stuck inside waiting for the new dishwasher to arrive. How boring. Am too tired to do any stripping today so am searching for remote cottages in the Cotswolds for Dick and I to stay in-we fancy a short break at the end of this month and am looking for bargains!

Hope you enjoyed your lunch-fill me in on all the gossip on your return (or just tell me to ‘Bog off you nosey english rose who is about to be married to COLIN FIRTH!!!’)
Love Gill xx


Your not listening - you will never be Mrs Firth cos he is madly in love with me - he just doestnt know it yet!!!

Lunch was not with ex hubby - couldnt do that!!! Ex partner - in fact I broke it off with him during this whole cancer thing just a couple of months ago. We had gone out for 2 years and have been through quite a bit, but things, for me just were not right - I couldnt be bothered seeing him and yes I was blocking him out a bit but dont think it was all cancer related. If I’m honest I think I should have finished it before but just didnt want to hurt him. The thing is - if it is meant to be it will happen again but I dont think it will. I enjoy seeing him as a friend now and again but that is it - dont know if he wants something more tho???

Got mums big move tomorrow - I cant wait - not that I want her to be going into permanent care but we have no choice - and the home she is going to was our number 1 choice by a long shot - nowhere else we saw compared so at least thats good. I bought matching duvet, curtains etc a couple of weeks before my surgery and we have pictures from home up on the wall and ornaments etc - whether she will recognise any of it we dont know - but at least its a lot more homely than where she is now - she has now not been at home since end of July - just when I started my treatment!!

Did you find any bargain cottages to go to?

Still have to try to fit my softie into my costume - or maybe I will wait and get one of my mates to help me. so looking forward to this weekend.

Speak to you soon
Lots of love