
Good evening Fiona
I do hope you don’t mind me butting in on this conversation but I just had to respond after Gill showed me this thread.
It’s Colin here, Colin Firth. I am with Gill at present having seen her in London at the w/e and tracked her down to this beautiful part of England called Norfolk. Now look here, we simply can’t have any more of this ‘he’s madly in love with me’ rubbish being published on the internet. The truth is I am in love with the gorgeous Gill and non other. My life has been meaningless without her. She is my life. So let’s have no more of this slander about my kissing capabilities-just ask Gill-she seems to tremble whenever I go near her!
I do hope you can console yourself after this devastating news-no more watching me in BJ movies either!
Now off to shower wearing nothing but a white shirt-then treating Gill to a night she’ll remember for life!
Yours sincerely
Colin Firth (S.M.O.E.)
(That stands for ‘sexiest man on earth’ BTW)

And I thought you were my friend Gill…

Off to find the sharpest kitchen knife now…goodbye!!!

Shouldnt even joke about that eh??

Good morning - how are you today?

Mums big move t his afternoon and then my weekend away - leaving tomorrow morning - bliss. Have a treatment booked for Saturday - think the woman wouldnt do much on me but gonna have a head and face massage - might stimulate my hair follicles to grow quicker!! Think there will be lots of drinking and going to dig out the board games too.

Spose I had better go and have a shower - and shave my ‘bits’ ready for tomorrow :slight_smile:

Take care - hope Colin is not tiring you out too much - but I wouldnt want him now - no sloppy seconds for me !! Have a double glazing mannie coming roon the night so fingers crossed !!

Bye for the nooooooooo

Och halooo my wee scottish bonnie friend!
Hope your mums move is going well. It will be such a relief to you and your dad knowing she is being taken good care of.
How are getting on with your quotes?
I shall think of you over the w/e. Where abouts are you going? Facial and head massage sounds lovely-just what you need.
I went to the gym again this morning-mamanged 30 mins on walker & bikes and swam 12 lengths! then sat in the steam room and spa bath for ages! Wasn’t sure about the steam room-does that increase your risk of getting Lympho-wots-it?
Then had to go for the dreaded smear test-UGH! 3 years since the last one so was just routine. A colleague came round for lunch-she’s scottish too! Now just going to read I think.
Have a WONDERFUL w/e-lots of rest, relaxation and booze!
I’ll be back home on Tuesday sometime (off to the coast for 2 nights Sun/Mon).
Will miss our little daily chats!
When do you get your blood test results?
Love Gill xxx
PS Dumped Colin-crap kisser!

O Gill - you do make me laugh.

My friends keep telling me to be positive and optimistic - well after today - yet another let down - no much bloody wander I am a pessimistic person. Mums move was cancelled - there is diarrhoea and vomiting in the unit she is going to so put off for a few days - I know this might sound like nothing but we have been waiting so long, and it has been cancelled several times because mum had an infection, I just wanted to scream. Someone out there just keeps sh1ttin on us as a family. AAAAARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anyway, enough of that.
I like the way you start your convo sometimes with my wee bonnie scottish friend - I could be a right minger for all you know - lol.

Dont get blood results for god knows how long - altho they took the blood, they wont actually process them until I have seen the geneticist - and I think genetic testing of blood can take a while so not holiding breath.

I am soooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to my weekend away now - its gonna be fab - lots of r and r and drinking. Hope you have a good time too. As you say - will miss our daily chats. Glad youve dumped Colin - and am sure Dick is glad too!

Quotes going ok - altho more t han I thought - dont know if I can stretch (or am willing to stretch) to both being done - but will do a bit of haggling once I get all quotes in. Might ring one or 2 places more next week.

You take care
Love and cyber hugs


Hiya Minger!
So sorry to hear about your mum-wot a bugger! Mind you, would have been awful if she’d moved in and then got the squits straight away. Let’s hope for success next week.

I made the nurse laugh today-she was doing my smear test and I warned her that my cervix is in retro so quite hard to locate-after about 5 mins (and the damn thing was still in hiding!) she decided to use a longer speculum. My god, it was the length of a washing pole!! So I asked her if she was going to remove my tonsils at the same time!!! I was walking like John Wayne for a while afterwards!

Just stripped the hallway downstairs-now off for a long hot bath.

You have yerself a bonnie weekend now ma gel!
Love Gill xxxx Dick says hi too!
PS Don’t forget to squeeze the water out of your sponge boob when you emerge from the spa bath!

Good morning John

Hows yer nether regions this morning??

Must say I have had a couple of letters the past couple of months to say my coil needs checked - have had that much other things being poked and prodded I havent had it done yet - mind you - am nae usin it at the mo anyway (if ya know what I mean), so its nae that important.

Roll on later this afternoon - will be lazing in the spa - and yes I will remember to squeeze the water out - will have to get one o ma mates to help position it for me!

You have a good weekend

Say hi to Dick

Fae yer gorgeous unginger scottish mate

Good Morning to you too
Horrid, horrid day here-started off foggy, now raining and ughy!
Sam is now packing up his car as he returns to uni today-shall miss him.
Nether regions are fine -gave them a good workout last night-and all seemed to function OK!! Tamoxifen seems to be having opposite effect on me (if you know what I mean-wink, wink, nudge, nudge!)
Go and get that coil checked out girl! You might not actually need it at the present time but you never know when Colin or Robbie might come calling (or gorgeous men is spa baths!)
Have a WONDERFUL w/e-you deserve it-forget about all things stressful and concentrate on your well-being (that’s an order from a very bossy Headteacher!!)
Love from blonde english pal xx

Hey Gill

Just home from weekend away. Had a brilliant laugh - lots of drink. Had a lovely lunch in St Andrews on way down and went out for a meal second night. Had a lovely scalp and facial massage. I am home absolutely knackered - bit too much alcohol I think!! Cant even have a lie in in the morning as I have doc at 0930!! - boo hoo

Hope you have had a lovely weekend too.

Speak to ya soon

Good morning Gill

did you have a good couple of days away then? Was the weather kind to you?

Moved mum into the home yesterday - at long last. Am sure it will take her a little while to settle but at least she is in now.

Had gp yesterday so she has agreed to sign me fit for work from next week - altho she was not 100% keen - she wanted to give me 2 more weeks off - but for what - to sit around moping more. I know I am ready - yes I am tired but also think I am getting lazy so need to start pushing myself. Going to head back to gym soon too - have tried on all me gym gear with me softie and big bra and its ok so will do till I get proper prosthesis sports bras.

Speak to you soon
Take care
Fiona - yer wee scottish pal

Och hello there my wee little haggis eater!
Glad to hear your w/e went well! Did the scalp massage stimulate any fresh hair growth? How did it go with the swimming/spa bath? Did you remember to pin the boob to the INSIDE of your costume??
We had a lovely time away-too much food & alcohol but lots of R&R too.
So back to work next week eh? Is that on a part time basis? TAKE IT EASY!
We’ve just finished stripping the last bits of wallpaper from the stairs so now need to wash the walls down-boring!
Am off to a relaxation class tomorrow at the Big C centre.
Hope all OK with you
Love Gill xx
PS Only joking about the haggis!!

I dinna mind a wee bit of haggis noo and again!!

Cant say I’ve noticed any more hair growth but looking at it several times a day diznae make it grow quicker either.

Swim went fine - I wandered why folks were looking at me funny tho - thought it was meant to be pinned to the ootside of cossie - lol. No, seriously it went fine tho. The prosthetic people phoned today to change my appointment - so its now a week earlier which is good.

I will build up my hours when I go back to work - normally over a 4 week period working up to full time but might be longer in a case like this - will find out on Friday.

Enjoy your relaxation class tomoz

Take care

Hey ho!
You OK? Been a bit hectic today so only just got to reply to you. Relax class was good-but we did visualisation which I found hard-she asked us to ‘see’ a pigeon cooing in a tree and all I could think was ‘knowing my luck it’ll poop on me’!!! Oh well, at least it made me sit still and relax.
Went to visit Dick’s grandkids this evening-they are so sweet!
How is your mum? Has she settled in ok?
Hope all well with you my wee little scottie dog!
Love Gill xxx

Hey Gill

Had a bit of a hectic day yesterday too.

Cant really tell you about mum as we are not getting in to see her - its so feckin frustrating - they still have 1 person with the diarrhoea and vomiting bug in the unit so they have closed it to visitorss - poor mum must feel like she has been abandoned in there - altho she forgets we have visited I think she stilll realises when she has not see anyone from one day to the other - especially dad - he is finding it so difficult - and they are saying its going to be at least saturday!!.

Well my big news is I am away to rejoin the gym today - wish me luck - bought a cheap mast bra from asda yest and had to trip my softie for it to fit in properly but it looks ok so no more excuses - I am off. Cant wait actually - 1 stop nearer to pre cancer life.

Must come home and do housework at some point today too. Suzie is off into town after school with her mates then youth club so wont see her till after 10!! so loads of time to do it. We have watched all of the lost we have - series 1 and 2 so waiting with bated breath for series 3 to come through the post!!

Will speak to ya later no doubt. Have a good day
Take care

Hi ya Fiona!
Just back from gym! You’re probably pounding as I type! I’m still taking it easy-just 10 mins each on walker, upright bike and sit-back bike and then a few mins on the old leg weights. Also swam 20 lengths breast stroke today. It’s a pain having to remember to take boobs and squeeze water out etc!!

Sorry to hear about your mum. It’s the worst possible start to her new life and very frustrating for you and your dad.

It’s cold and rainy here today so don’t intend to do too much! Bit of cleaning and then prepare a meal for tonight.My sister and her partner are coming to styy tomorrow-they live in Leicester and are big footie fans like us! So as Leics are playing Norwich on Saturday, we’re all off to the match. Sam & Rachel are coimng home for the match too so we’ll be very busy all w/e.

We went mad when we were away and bought a 42" new TV plus DVD recorder! Dick has been on for ages about getting a big TV (he loves watching the sport) and both my kids and his kept winding us up about it. So I gave in! Won’t be delivered for a while yet but he’s like a little kid getting all excited about it!

Hope you’re not too stiff from the gym-talk later.
Take care
love Gill xxxx

Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllpppppppppppppppppppppppppppp - I canna walk!!!

Only joking - did 10 minutes each on bike, treadmill (hilly walk), cross trainer, waverunner and stairmaster then a little bit of upper body weights. Now thats me taken the first step I will be there every day that I can - in between work. It feels really good to be back to something I loved pre cancer but god I am so much more unfit than before - but wont kick myself about that since they were pumping poison into my body etc.

Its peeing down rain here today too. I bought myself a new toy as well - on my weekend away my digital camera started playing up so I bought a new one and picked it up today - so off to play with that. Enjoy your weekend - I have no plans apart from the gym - but at least I will have something to do now.

Take care
A slightly shaky scottish burd


He he he!!! How are you today my stiff little lassie?
I did even more in gym today! Tried lifting weights and felt a pull in arm so gave that up! Feel soooooooooo much better for having gone back tho.

My wonderful OH has just arrived home with a huge bouquet of roses for me! How lovely is he?
Just waiting for my sister, her partner and Rachel to arrive! Am so excited about seeing Rachel! She just texted me to say she needs a big mummy hug! So even at 18 they still need you! Mind you, she is so much bigger than me that she picks me up and twirls me round when we meet!!!

Had my hair cut today -funny how little things like that pick you up! Also went out for lunch with a fellow Head so have had a great day today.

BTW, have you seen the new thread from someone entitled ‘Lonely in Aberdeen’ or something like that? Thought you might be interested in that?

Have you planned anything nice for the w/e? When do you return to work?

have fun!
Love from your little Norfolk bosom pal!!! xxx

Hey Norfolk Broad

Afraid I am going to winge and moan - I am sick fed up picking myself up and getting yet another knock. Got back into see mum today and she has deteriorated so much in 3 days!! - I think she has had a little stroke - she was just mumbling and really didnt seem to know or care we were there most of the time. She looks so old. I couldnt stop crying but wanted to stay strong for dad. She may very well pick up again but it is just soul destroying. My friends wander why I am so pessimistic!!

On a more positive note - I start back to work on Monday - doing a rehab programme over 8 weeks to build back up to full time. Just 2 little 4 hour shifts to start with next week.

Even more positive note - my 40th is booked - going to London for 2 nights and seeing a show - either dirty dancing or billy elliot - they wont tell me which - going with my 2 very best friends.

Dick sounds an absolute love - wish I had someone like that for days like today.

You enjoy your weekend and your big hug from your daughter. I have no plans this weekend - just visit mum and prob go to gym to try to get my frustrations out.

Take care
Yer scottish moanin minnie

Oh Fiona
Don’t you just see life as one huge pigeon who is dumping on you from on high? I can’t begin to imagine how it must be to see your mum like this. Has she seen a Dr? Do you think it’s a reaction to the move? Sorry seems totally inadequate at the present but I do feel for you.

Back to work eh? Scary or wot? I don’t feel anything like ready to go back yet. Take it easy and remember you’ve had MAJOR surgery my girl!

So when is your 40th? We’ve booked to see Mumma Mia (not sure how to spell that??) and Billy Elliot in February-can’t wait. My 50th is next year and I determined to have an absolute blast!

Everyone is now getting up so I’d better get brekkie on the go!
Have a good day if you can!
Will try and log on later to see how you are.
Lots of love & hugs
Gill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Gill

Thank you for your thoughts. Dont know if its to do with the move or what - when she cant tell us its so difficult. In my heart of hearts I feel its a natural deterioration in her condition and perhaps she is giving up.

I am not really scared about going back to work. My worst thought is - do I wear a hat or not??? - I dont mind that staff seeing me as I am (a bit Sinead Oconner and everyone says I suit it - they had better not be lying) - but I just wander what the parents and patients would think of it? Only got 2 days to make my mind up.

My 40th is the end of April - so I have my best mates wedding the end of Feb then my birthday to look forward to. Might then think about a summer holiday for Suzie and myself. For my 40th we go down to London Thursday morning, the show is at night and my birthday is on the Friday so sure we will have a lovely meal and a good few drinks that night, then go home Sat night.

Its a lovely sunny day here so am away to do housework I never finished the other day, maybe get rid of some leaves from garden, go see mum and may go to the gym or might just go for a walk.

Have a great day
Take care
p.s. - keep meaning to ask - any noticeable side effects yet from Tamox??

Hello again!
It’s absolutely hissing down here so we’ll get soaked at footie!
Go without a hat girl! Brave it out. The kids & parents can think what they like! You’ll have a good trump card to play if there are any adverse comments.
Now with regards to the Tamoxifen-I’ve had stiff joints (probably just aggrevating my arthritis) and if I dare be honest (at least you won’t see me blush!!) its made me absolutely rampant! Thought it was supposed to have the opposite effect! Poor old Dick is on his knees!!! hehehe!
Off for some Bromide!
love Gill xxxxx