
Lol Gill re the tamox - I have read loads of threads from women who say their sex drive is nil on it - goon on ya girl!!

I have got stiff sore joints too - started just in a couple of fingers - wander if thats a symptom of menopause as its now 14 weeks since I have had a period.

Mum was alittle better today - she recognised us and had a couple of smiles - but kept zonking out to sleep.

I gave the gym a miss and went for a lovely long walk down the beach - it was crowded down there since the weather was so good - cant believe it held out all day - it was very fresh but lovely - just what the dr ordered!!

Hope your team won - not into footie myself

Take care and enjoy your time with family

How are today then? Glad to hear better news re your mum.

Does having Chemo stop your periods then? I’ve been told I’ll go thro the menopause now (Tamox) but think I was hurtling towards it anyway.

I am absolutely shattered today. Can’t believe how tiring it is having people to stay and going out to footie etc! Done a bit of sanding down this pm but now not capable of anything (Dick is saying ‘thank god’!!!). Yes, I’d read about loss of libido on threads related to tamox so was dreading that but not so far!! I wonder whether Tamox aggrevates existing conditions? My arthritis is definitely worse since taking it.

Weather foul again today-rain, rain , rain!! Will need an ark if this keeps up!

What you up to?

Love gill xxxxxxxx

Howdy Gill

Am ok ta - hows u?

Mum not so good again - she is losing all her abilities at such a great speed it is scary. She is just so not my mum - seems to be ageing by the day too - all very upsetting to watch.

It was a great day here today again - altho still cold. Went to gym, then went to see mum then went to see my mate at work and pay her for my birthday weekend since she paid and organised it all.

Back to work tomorrow - I wont know whats hit me when the alarm goes off at 610 or whatever - I am working 730 to 11 30 and am going to go nude - well hatless anyway.

Bet Dick is glad your knackered - give the poor bloke a rest.

Guess it will be an early night for me tonight or earlyish ready for work tomoz. Any idea when you will be heading back to work - will you get a rehab programme?

Hows your arm movements these days too?

Friday is d-day for me finding out if radiotherapy is going to be recommended or not. And yes is the answer to your question about chemo stopping periods - they can still come back but apparently the nearer you are to natural menopause the less likely the are to come back - so god knows - will maybe wake up one day and be swimming in it!!

Having lasagne for tea so better go (not home made).

Take care for noo

Hi again!
I really don’t know what to say about your mum-it must be heartbreaking to witness. Is she aware of what’s happening to her? That must be the worst part-if you know you are losing your mind and abilities etc.

OMG! Work tomorrow? Ugh! I’ve got so used to lying in bed until Dick gets up at about 7. I used to get up at 5.50 every week day to go for a swim! I’m signed off until at least Feb 15th (half term here) but might get it increased until after Easter, which will allow mw to go in for occasional meetings from Feb to March. I’m just too knackered to think about going back yet. Been off since end of Nov.

Well we managed to wash the walls down, sand the gloss work and fill in the cracks etc. Once Dick has done a few minor bits I can start painting!

My arm, BTW, is much better. Is yours? I can now do most things but have to be careful with the weights at the gym.

Do you get the results to your blood tests on Friday too? You must go for Rads if it will increase your chances of the vile disease not returning!! I hope my periods just stop altogether now. Been having problems for past couple of years-heavy ones every 2 weeks, one lasting 30 days! and then twice not having one for 3 months and cr*pping myself in case I was pregnant!! (not likey as Dick is firing blanks but still made him go and buy a pregnancy test!!)

Not too sure about giving him a rest tonight! Feeling perkier by the minute! Perhaps he’ll be the 1st male ever to leave his partner citing too much sex!! LOL!

Got roast veg tart and salad for out tea -Dick doing it so I can go on this site!! Bless him. Best go and offer assistance.
Hope tomorrow goes well-will be thinking of you.

Love Gill xxx

Hello again

Wont get blood results on Friday - that will be another appointment when I see the genetics consultant - no date for that tho! My arm is just fine - had a bit of pins and needles today - maybe it was after the gym - better be careful!! Maybe I am just an old fart - lol

Must say I am not fussed if my periods come back again or not - and if it comes down to the fact that I am carrying the gene I will need to get my ovaries out which wont bother me either - have only every wanted the 1 kid anyway.

I am sure dick is not complaining about your new found energies - thank god I am single cos it is the last thing on my mind - except if Colin turned up at the front door of course, or Brad, or George, or robbie, or tim vincent - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm now theres a thought.

As for mum - I dont think she is aware of whats happening to her - at least I hope not - but who truly knows whats going through her mind. she is not getting agitated and frustrated tho which makes me think she does not know. She is apparently a bit hot tonight so she may very well have an underlying infection - which could knock her off a bit. Talking with dad tho - I think he is preparing for the worst - as she has gone downhill so fast - but you never know - maybe she will perk up ag ain - I just hope if shes not going to make it its not going to be a long drawn out process because it is soul destroying for us as a family.

Enough of my misery tho.

Will speak to you later tomorrow.

Dont overdo the painting
Love and hugs

Thinking of you at work! How did it go? Well done for going ‘commando’-any comments?
Went a bit mad at the gym today-15 mins each on treadmill, upright bike and sit back bike (I’m sure they must have proper names!). Then did a few mins in the weights section-on leg lifts and arms. Managed to do more arm lifts today. Was then really annoyed with myself 'cos I forgot to take my cossie so couldn’t swim afterwards! Was going to risk a skinny dip but thought I’d get kicked out!

Have a HUGE pile of ironing to do today-been putting it off all week-Dick offered to do it when he gets home from work tonight-bless him! Also going to sand the paintwork downstairs-then we should be ready to start painting!

Hope your mum is feeling a bit better today-any news re possible infection?

Have you ever tried to use the private message thingy? We’d be better off talking on that-I often wonder who else reads our little daily chats!!! LOL!

Love Gill xxxx

G’day Gill

Work was really really really - boring - we had no patients!!! Not back till Friday now and I know there will be a couple of patients then. The only comments on me going commando were god that really suits you - you really suit your hair like that - and I think they all mean it - otherwise they could just say nothing.

Went to see mum - she is looking much brighter today - but also get narky and frustrated - a few choice words came out of her mouth!!

I hurt my arm a bit at the gym yesterday - was doing tricep push down thingies and my arm on affected side is really quite sore today - so think I should hold off on weights like that.

Got in a form today to fill in for genetics - all I can say is o my god - it is so detailed - had to phone a couple of aunties for some info - as well as parents, and grandparents, it wanted my parents siblings (mum is 1 of4 and dad is 1 of 10!) - then it wanted all of my cousins - dates of birth the lot - have got as much as I can.

How did the sanding go?
Might try to private message you and see if it works

Looking forward to a long lie tomorrow :slight_smile:
Take care
Hope the ironing pile has gone down