Hi all…had my bloods done today and as I’ve not had a call from the hospital, am presuming I am ok for FEC#3 tomorrow. I’m taking a nice warm blanket with me this time and have drunk about 3 ltrs of sparkling water this afternoon. I’ll try and drink the same tomorrow before I go…
Tanya: Some good news! Nurse told me that TAX is much kinder on the veins, so hopefully we will be lucky and get away without the dreaded H-Line!
I’m not on facebook anymore - something scary happened to a friend who was on there at the weekend, and I deleted mine…not that i ever used it! I am on msn though if anyone is interested - Cat and I had a nice chat the other week.
I am happy to tell you all that I am in the Romford, Essex area with regard to our meet-up and am happy driving to wherever.
Cazz - how are you handling the jellyfish? I hate mine and still prefer my softie. I only use it for certain clothes, and I find it so heavy, though I have been assured real breast tissue is far heavier.
I will check in with you all - hopefully tomorrow if all goes well.
A super quickie - Pheebs, best of luck for FEC tomorrow, am hoping there are no side effects or at least that any you get are easy to cope with and the same as 1 and 2. Had a vile arvo, went up to get my wbc shot from the very young doctor, taking my son with me because I had no one to look after him. The sprog loved it and now tells me he wants to be a doctor - good thing to aspire to, if you ask me. Anyway, took him to the playground as a reward for being a good boy and got the mother of all migraines - lost almost all of my vision and had to get myself home with him. It was scary, didn’t know how I was going to manage with next to no sight and feeling sick all of a sudden. For once my boy went to bed easily and straight to sleep, as did I. Have just woken up and feeling a bit more human but still scared - it’s bad enough coping with the chemo and stuff on my own when my OH is away, but getting a migraine on top of it all seems like a huge insult. I have the 4 miles of walking taking my son to and from preschool tomorrow and for the first time ever I’m considering keeping him off because I feel too rough to manage it, especially since I know I have to do the extra couple of miles in the afternoon back to the doctor for wbc shot #4 with an energetic toddler in tow.
Pheebs, it was a lovely chat, I wish I signed in to MSN more often to natter with you and anyone else who is up for a natter. For the record, I live in Northamptonshire and am happy to travel also to meet up with you lovely ladies.
Caz, it’s tomorrow you get the jellyfish, yes? I can’t say that I love mine, or even like it, but it does the job…go with what feels best for you. My bcn nurse kept insisting that I needed a particular size based on the bra and cup size I wear but I wanted a smaller one because it felt more normal. She kept yapping at me that it wasn’t perfectly symmetrical but my comment was that my boobs were never a perfect match and that I was happier with how it felt in my hands and the overall look of the thing, and that if anyone was looking for a lack of symmetry in my boobs then they were clearly looking too damned closely, since the only person who should be scoping me out there is my OH! Best of luck with it tomorrow.
Yes Cat it is tomorrow I get my jellyfish, quite like calling it that. So sorry you’ve had the day from hell. If I were you I’d stay home with your little one tomorrow, one day away won’t be too bad I’m sure they’d understand at his pre-school. Could you get someone to come out and give you your jab? It is extenuating circumstances after all.
I’d be quite happy for you to co-ordinate the get together, I’m cr*p at stuff like that - just ask my hubby he’ll be only too happy to tell lol. i live in Swindon Wiltshire and am quite happy to travel.
Pheebs - hope all goes well for No3 tomorrow - your farewell to FEC bet your not sorry about that!
Well nighty night girls - hope tomorrow is a good day for all - especially you Cat sending ((((((((((xx))))))))))))
love and hugs x
Hi all
Irina, the Youth Hostel idea sounds great - don’t suppose any of use is feeling particularly flush in the midst of this. Had planned a lot of extra freelance work this autumn that I’ve not been able to do. And I am SO with you on the baldness thing. In the goodish weeks between kimo I can feel almost normal, but then the sight of me in the mirror as I get out of the bath screams CANCER PATIENT. Some people get it growing back on Taxotere, so here’s hoping.
Cat, do you get migraines normally, or is it worsened by kimo? Whatever, it sounds dreadful, poor you.
I don’t mind telling you all that I’m in Chingford, north-east London, so not far from you, Pheebster. Are you having your rads at Queens? |I am and it will be a long haul down there every day, particularly if I then want to get in to central London for work some of the days. Five weeks of five days a week doesn’t sound great, but is supposed to be a breeze compared with kimo.
Hope you manged to rest more Cat… I had a bit of a moment in Tesco’s Yesterday where I thought I was gona pass out… world started spinning I got so hot I almost ripped the hat off!
Caz hope today went well… I didn’t have a Mx so don’t have to go through what you ladies are… my boobs are sooooo ample they got away with a WLE to get rid! but still have to have genetic testing… and then poss Bilateral mx?
Liz …you’ll be finished later than I on Rads… I’m only having 3 weeks worth… Cat you said 4 weeks… is it just different Trusts? Although my sister had BC 13 years ago… she had 3 months of rads… much more spread out (not everyday!)
I am so not good at being a patient… let alone a CANCER PATIENT… just thinking that 10th Dec (FEC4) will be here before I know it!
Tanya… good to hear from you… gald you’re feeling “normal” :o)
Irina… I HATE being bald too! but am looking forward to perhaps curly hair :o)
Bella … it will be great if you can make it even just for lunch
I live near Canterbury in Kent… so happy to travel too…
I think there will be a younger womens forum in March… Hester emailed me (as I missed Reading) and said it would be March in Norwich… but it’s not listed yet?
Still be nice to have our own “meet up”
Hope everyones OK today… weather milder… may try and get some xmas shopping done
Morning - my MIL lives in Epping Forest lizbou so we do come up your way sometimes but not while I am having chemo - for me that means the first ever Christmas here at home in Bournemouth. Happy to travel to a meet.
Sorry you had such a bad day Cat - hope it’s better today. Get the nurses to come out for your
Good luck Pheebster
Will look out for the young womens forum too - I think you recommended it before Cat.
I’m waaay out in the west country (I’m a bit reluctant to divulge exact location at the moment, hope you don’t mind), but don’t take any account of me as I really don’t know if I’d make it anyway. Go ahead and plan the location without me and I’ll make it if I can.
Oh Cat, no worries, it’s not you, just the general insecurity of any web forum, that’s all
P.S. i got my new boobie today - it’s a really good shape but feels a bit odd. I desperately need some new bras to put it in as I’ve been guilty of buying the easiest ones I could get my hands on. I will go and see the lovely Pink Ladies in M&S next week and treat myself.
Hi Everyone
Well I,m back home and have a brain full of mixed emotions.
I got the scan results which are good. I,ve never seen my kidneys on an XRay thingy before and they looked sort of cute nestling there!!
There is a 1mm node in the lungs but the oncologist doesn,t seem unduly concerned about it. I,m having another scan in 6 weeks so he will compare then.
He then had a look at 2 small raised areas that are on the “join” of my skin graft from the removal of some of my recon and my chest. They look a bit like what I used to call a black mans pinch, you know dark red blood. To the touch they were a bit sore. Anyway Dr Musty sent me straight to the Chief General Surgeon who then arranged for me to have a biopsy this morning. That was a bit uncomfortable and I had to have 3 stitches. God if I have many more stitches in that breast area I,ll look like a patchwork quilt. I have to go back to Antalya next Friday for the results.
I,m trying not to think the worse, but not sure how I,ll cope if I,m told that a) the cancer is not shifting or b) more surgery may be on the cards. You really don,t want to know how Turkish hospital operate LOL
Then it was off for No 7 chemo. It went well considering. I even managed to nod off for a bit!.
So now I feel my hyper mode coming along except I,m going to have to be really careful what I do due to the stitches.
Time for a bowl of Red Lentil Soup methinks…
Apologies for rambling on. Hehehe blame it on the chemo brain!
Been awake since 3.30 and up since 4.10. Have just done some e-mails and had breakfast #1 and taken some of the dreaded meds…urgh! FEC#3 yesterday…YES at last I have caught up with the rest of you. I had an easier time with the veins this time but I have to join Cat on the wbc boosters. They are 8 jabs which start on Tuesday for 8 days…luckily I can run into work and get one of the nurses to stab me otherwise it would have meant hanging around for the incompetent District Nurse every day, and quite frankly life is far too short to be dealing with these people.
Cat: Loved your story about Nathaniel wanting to be a Doctor…tell him vets earn more money though!!! No more migraines I hope?
Cazz/Tanya: How’s that jelly fish behaving. Mine is too large I think…though it looks ok - but my left side was always smaller than my right before mx!
Liz and Lorna: We are all fairly close by. Liz. I am under Queens for rads. I start 23 Feb for 5 weeks and have chose the 11-1 time slot. Which hosp are you under now? It would be nice to be able to meet for coffee when we start. There are coffee bars in Queens but also a Pizza Hut opposite if you fancy a nibble and glass of vino? I only live a few miles away so it would be easy to meet up. You get free parking there too - you will be given a pass when you go for your initial consultation. I can highly recommend my consultant who specialise in rads if you would like.
Tanya: We take the dog to Epping Forest…there are a couple of camping sites there too which are fun.
Bella: Don’t stress about the meet up…we have to do things in our own time. You just stay on here and keep us all company - lunch would be great.
Well think that’s about me done for now. I am in bed typing this with Pheebster4-Legs snoring away next to me…lucky dog! I’m going to wait for it to get light then take her out for a run. Get rid of some of this energy then hopefully be ready for breakfast no. 2 and a sleep when we get back.
Have a good day girls…and weekend too (god can’t believe it is friday already)
Bit of a late posting for me today have been christmas shopping! Had a great time, hubby met me for lunch and managed to get a couple of new bras for my jellie which is fab. Fitting went really well my bcn is so lovely made me feel really comfortable even though she did get a couple of Trinny and Susannah gropes in lol. Feel so much more confident with this rather than the softie. Got some stocking fillers for the kids today, a few bargains from wooliesand a present for hubby.
Hey Pheebs, if you’re still awake after your early morning, no its not me on ebay, can’t work out how to sell on there bit of a techno phobe when it comes to doing pictures of stuff to put on there which is a shame as I’ve got so much junk I could get rid of. Glad to hear veins didn’t play up for you this time, mine have been a bit sore since Tues sort of feeling stretched.
Hey Soo would love your soup recipes but not sure how to PM you with my email details.
Am going to try Pheebs soup this weekend too.
Well have a good evening all ( sound like a policewoman again lol ) and a good weekend.
Speak soon
love to you all
Caz xx
PS Bella - ditto what Pheebs said about meeting up, no pressure but it would be great to see everyone.
Caz, sounds like you had a super-duper time Christmas shopping! Glad your jellyfish is a good’un and that you have nice new bras.
Soo, got your funnies on e-mail but still drooling in anticipation for the soup recipe. I didn’t know you had a restaurant business before bc, gosh you must miss it but no wonder you make such delicious sounding foods! I might be getting on a plane next year to come and sample them in person!
Hope everyone is in a good way whatever stage they’re at post-FEC. I’ve had a rough day, been feeling sicky for no reason, probably just exhausted from the wbc shot insomnia.
Since I seem to be hooked on my laptop at the mo, will probably post again later, but to echo Caz, have a good evening, all (knee bends, hear that creaking!).
Hope you start to feel better soon, I had my neuprogen shop Weds and am feeling a bit tender, nothing too bad but just need to make sure dont knock myself about too much. No squeezy hugs from kids for a bit :0(
Just gonna cook tea ( omelette tonight, nice and easy) catch ya later!!
xx :0)
Cat…my friend popped in lunchtime to have a look at my jabs (sad as we are) as she wanted to see how they had to be administered.
She said the Dom Peridone would be an ideal med to take for nausea whilst on these. I have a stock but it may be worth a mention if you are still groggy next time. Do you reckon we will need them on TAX, as our bloods go low at day 5 on that, whereas FEC its’ day 10? I am on Granocyte for 8 days…am wondering if the dosage depends on how low you are, as this is my first dose my Dr wanted to get the wbc sky high…also she said platlets are bit on the high side, and I know that can be the cause of DVTs and the boost of wbc will bring down the platelets. God…this is so technical!
Caz - shame its’ not you selling the stuff on e-bay…some really nice little craft bits…we could have struck a deal (haha) Glad you are enjoying the jellyfish…don’t you think it’s good they way they get warm…bit sticky in the warmer months though I would imagine!!!
We have to get non-wired bras when we go on rads don’t we…which is fine for you smaller ladies but not nice to look at if you are a 34F…and expanding daily!!
I still haven’t slept and feel totally wired. Took Four Legs out this afternoon and as it was so wet decided to take her swimming, so she is drying off in front of the radiator as I type…not the best smell in the world, so just off to put on some oil burners.
Have a nice evening ladies…god I could murder a cider…maybe just a small one (is there such a thing I wonder)…