First FEC 2nd October

Morning. Feeling absolutely fed up this morning as my temp was 38.6 again last night so home is not an option today regardless of counts. It is probably due to the shingles but another 48 hours of iv acyclovir is recommended before changing to orals - arrrgggghhhh. Feeling very fed up. One nurse said last night I could go home for a few hours between antibiotics today but not sure how kids will react when I then have to come back here - 3 year old especially. Oh well. Moaning moaning …

Have a good day everyone. Your posts made me smile Soo (for giggling at me) and Cazz for being tipsy :slight_smile:

Tanya x

Argh! I typed nice little replies to everyone and they’ve gone!

Tanya, hope you are feeling a bit better. Can totally understand how fed up you must be, can’t bear the thought of staying in hossy overnight again, hate having to go there at all but at least I can leave!

Soo, hope you are feeling a bit better and recovered from all that travelling!

Irina, such a tough decision, my sympathies its not one I would want to make but I do understand, am already dreading FEC3 on Tuesday!

Bella, good advice, sometimes struggle with the bucket - worried if I start emptying it it’ll never stop so just let a drip or two out giving me enough room to put a bit more in. Bucket generally at fill level!

Pheebster, hope you enjoy your walk with 4 legs today and any squirrels - are you recycling them into a pie or anything?

Cat, I hope your little one has a fab party! I can’t make cakes to save my life and gave up when the older ones were younger to save them the embarressment of another pancake baked by mum!

Lorna, can’t believe you are studying too! Though I wouldn’t want to give up either and extend my studies either but it must be hard. I managed Uni with small kids and a part time job but thats a breeze compared to dealing with BC and studying I imagine, good luck!

Caz, hope your head doesn’t hurt too much today!

Have I missed anyone? Probably, sorry!

I had a great time Thursday night with my team. The lads didn’t even notice it was a wig and were arguing with my Sarge over whether I had or not. She kindly insisted that I had (as she pops round for cuppas and has seen me bald) so I eventually took my wig off during dinner and went au naturelle! I really don’t mind not having hair and find myself wearing the wig for other people and not me! Mind you I can’t deal with the naked me in terms of breast/scars etc so I suppose showing how much I am not bothered by lack of hair is a way of covering up how much I am bothered by my body!

Spent 5 hours shopping around Bristol yesterday with my friend which was good but tiring and HOT with the wig on. Again I ended up taking it off in the middle of Accessorize and putting it in my shopping cos I was melting in the heat of the shops! Some little boy just stopped and stared at me, poor lad he’ll probably never get over it!

Had a friend round for dinner last night and OH clocked up lots of brownie points by cooking a 3 course meal for me and her and washing up from it too! Head hurting a bit today and OH still asleep, bless!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and love to anyone feeling tired/low/ill etc. Going to go and check on my 10 year old who has a sore throat and see if she is up for her dance/drama group this arvo, xx

Hi ladies…everyone so busy,busy.

Sorry you are still in the hozzy Tanya…boring or what. I volunteered myself for clerical work when I was in there as I was going stir crazy!

Ostrich - you made me laugh. Horrible woman scaring the little kids :)…love it!

Happy Burfday Nathaniel…I hope you have a lovely party and mummy gets to enjoy a nice glass of something at the end of it!

Soo…onwards and upwards. At least the diagnosis is in the bag now, and treatment can commence. Big Hug.

I had a busy day yesterday - my niece split from her boyfriend so I had someone elses worries to deal with instead of my own - which I think did me the world of good. We ended up sitting in chatting all afternoon and popped out for a Nandos last night, which resulted in belly ache at 3 a.m. On top of that our heating went on the blink, which meant paying for plumber to get it sorted.

Went into work this morning for another wbc shot…3 more to go…they’ve not been too bad. The worst thing is making time to get them done each day.

I’m going to have some sleep this afternoon and have got a peking duck for dinner tonight and some picky bits and a glass of wine…so no cooking for me!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend and will catch up on Monday…when I hope you will be home, Tanya

Love to all

Hi ladies

Gosh, loads of posts and my poor old brain is so befuddled from exhaustion, I’m tempted to cheat and copy Ostrich’s post which is brilliant, considerate and says hellow to everyone, but I think you’d notice. So, apologies but just going to be brief, knackered after a very long day indeed.

Tanya, so sorry your temp’s up again. Did you manage a little time at home, and how are the kids coping with it? Gosh, I hope it sorts itself out soon so you can get back to some sort of normality.

Ostrich, brilliant about the wig, they’re hot so-and-so’s. I wear mine out so I don’t terrify small children.

Pheebs, sorry your niece split with her fella but sounds like it did you the world of good to worry about someone else.

Soo, how are you doing, sweetheeart?

Bella, all good advice :slight_smile:

Lorna, how’s studying, I admire your determination to get on with it and do well.

Irina, hope you’re OK, let me know if you want a natter.

Caz, how’s you today?

Me, 100% cream crackered. Was up in the middle of the night with a moany sprog, then up super-early to get started on the party food. Nearly divorced James this morning, he’s such a lazy git. I didn’t mind him having a lie-in but when he spent over an hour in the shower and tarting himself up, I lost the plot and lobbed a tray of freshly made sarnies at him. He’s done stuff all to help get the party organised, and I was just mad at him. I suppose this is the emotional release happening, the build-up of everything finally was unleashed. I cried and screamed and yelled for what felt like an eternity but was probably only a couple of minutes. Anyway, I made James be useful and sent him out to get fresh bread before I murdered him, and then I got everything organised at home.

The party was a huge success, so glad I got a magician in. The kids were happy playing but the moment the magic started, their faces lit up and they had so much fun. Best £130 spent in a long time! All the parents enjoyed it too, I think it was seeing the kids’ enjoyment that made it really good, though. So, not long finished tidying up and have build the sprog’s Bosch work-shop toy so he’s happy. James will do bath, tea, and bedtime, I think I’m going to have a soak in my bath, every bit of me is aching at the moment, then an early night. Alas, there’s no bottle of anything nice, other than orange squash or apple an blackcurrent, so looks like I’ll be conked out without the aid of artificial stimulants :wink:

Enjoy your evening, love to you all.

Sounds lovely Cat, you are a Domestic Goddess, no wonder you are tired. Why do men take so long in the shower?! Hoe you took lots of photos.

Tanya so frustrating for you having to stay in, I have packed a bag just in case (as my neutrophils are lowish, 0.8) and am going to take 2 essays in to write as I think that only extreme dullness will ever get them written. When I had my re-excision I was bored out of my mind waiting from 8 am to 3 pm waiting to go to theatre and spent all my time making notes about the goings-on of the ward, it just about passed the time. It must be scary when your temp is so high.

Has anyone read The Plague and I by Betty MacDonald? It is one of my favourite books. It’s very funny.

Ostrich, my wigs are hot so and so’s too, Bianca and Polly - what’s yours?

Not read anything by Betty MacDonald, have added it to my Amazon wishlist so maybe Santa will deliver one to me. Thanks for the suggestion.

Hi All

This will be a quickie as I’ve got my mum up to visit this weekend and feel a bit bad sitting on computer when should be making conversation. It’s so nice to have her here, hadn’t realised how much I missed her and wanted her here. Suppose you never get too old to need your mum.

Cat - you really are superwoman! Sounds like it was a great party, it’s my daughters birthday tomorrow and you’ve put me to shame.

Tanya - so sorry you’re still in hospital, it must be such a drag. Keeping my fingers crossed that it won’t be for to much longer.

Hi to everyone else hope you all have a great weekend, probably won’t get time to come on tomorrow.

Love caz xx

Morning Ladies, I hope everyone will have a lovely Sunday.

I feel back in fighting spirit today. I spent most of yesterday tucked up under my duvet feeling sorry for myself (plus a bit tired after all the travelling) but enough is enough. I,ve got two weeks until they change my medication, so there,s no point in fretting about what will be. I,m going to make the most of the next couple of weeks.

So, here,s the story I was telling you about. I promise you it is true.

Back in the 80’s I worked for an environmental group. We were doing a campaign that involved both the UK and the French offices.

The UK campaign director, Pete, suffered from sea sickness. Remi, the French campaign director, told him that suppositories were used by the French for all manner of ailments.

When we next put into port, Remi sent one of the crew members ashore with instructions of what to buy.

A couple of days later we were all in the Mess when Remi asked Pete how he was feeling. Pete admitted that maybe the French had something after all as he,d been feeling fine.

With that we all burst out laughing. (We were all in on the joke).

Remi then told Pete that for the last couple of days he,d been shoving Liquorice Comfits up his bum!!

Well I hope that bought a smile to everyones faces (Pete certainly didn,t laugh!)

Soo xx

Soo, ROFPMSL!!! That is so funny :slight_smile: You needed a duvet day yesterday, I think. All that travelling is so exhausting and you had a lot of information to process. Fighting spirit is good, we’re all here for you.

Caz, hope your daughter has a fabulous Birthday! A 10th Birthday is very different from a 3rd, it’s the first time my son has understood about Birthdays’, parties, and all that. I know you’ll make her have a special and wonderful day.

Hope everyone is good today. I got almost 10 hours sleep last night, albeit in sections. Some git rang at 1:50am and woke me up, they hung up before I could get to the phone, so if I ever find out who it was they will be on my naughty list. Sprog was up for a couple of hours in the night wanting to play with his Birthday presents, clearly the excitement hadn’t worn off. Going to take it easy today on the whole but also do a bit of Chrimbo shopping - I have nothing for James so am off to buy him a pair of grandaddy-stylee slippers which is what he’s asked for. For a man who is only 35, he certainly dresses a lot older than his age.

Morning Ladies,

It’s a lovely day here. Very frosty but sun is shining - it looks like a christmas card outside.

Cat what is ROFPMSL I’ve seen it on your postings twice now - have tried to work it out but can’t.

Soo - ahhhh a duvet day, works wonders doesn’t it. I think you have the right attitude enjoy next two weeks no use worrying about things until they happen. I won’t be able to see a liqouice comfit in the same way again, thats so funny. :o)

Have a great day all

caz xx

Hi everyone, and a special hello to Tanya :slight_smile:

Gosh, we’ve all been busy. Cat, your son should be proud that you’re his mummy, it sounds like you had alovely time.

DH and I went out for our 20th anniversay last night with some friends and had the most gorgous time. We went to a local country house hotel, and it was sooo relaxing, frindly and lovely - gorgous food, log fires everywhere, the hugest Christmas tree I think I’ve ever seen, and a lovely bottle of fizz. The couple who own it even let in their dogs after dinner so we had 2 gorgous golden retrievers sitting at our feet as we drank our coffee, and 2 cats stretched out in front of the fire. It was lovely.

I actually looked quite normal and pretty in my new posh fock, brushed my wig and plenty of slap! The new boob didn’t go out though, I couldn’t quite hide it but was OK without it! It was all so lovely I’m trying still so hard to forget about FEC4 coming up this Tuesday…:frowning:

Bella x

Bella, so glad that you had a lovely romantic anniversary, 20 years is fantastic, many many congratulations :-)!!! Hope we can look forward to a photo or two of you looking delectable and gorgeous in the frock, wig, and slap!

Hi Bella, Happy anniversary and congratulations. Sounds like a beautiful place am ever so slightly envious. I’ve got another 10 to go to catch up with you.

Thanks Cat - now I’m ROFPMSL


Caz, bet your daughter’s having a fabulous 10th Birthday - best wishes to her :slight_smile:

Pee my self laughing - got that. But what is the ROF? Been reading all your posts and will get back soon. Liz

Hi Ladies,

Been suffering … but self inflicted! Xmas works party last night… and had a GREAT time :o) 2nd wig “Raquel” had her 1st outing… and it looked good… Hotel had a discotheque!! and was so much fun… sweating so much under wiggy went back to room and changed into fav hat… but when raining men came on I danced bald!!! was so much fun. not quite sure how I found my room, but at least I woke up there :o)

Happy Anniversary Bella! and Happy Birthday to you Daughter Caz!

Think I might try the Liquorice comfit for kimo! LOL

Hope everyone else is well… I’m off for bloods tomoz :o(

L x

Hi guys

Liz, ROF is roll on floor :slight_smile:

Lorna, so pleased you had such a great time at the Chrimbo party, wow, dancing au naturel to ‘It’s Raining Men’ - hope there were some good lookers there! Good luck with bloods, I get mine done on Tuesday in preparation for starting the evil steroids for Tax on Thursday :frowning:

Lorna you did make me laugh :slight_smile:
It sounds like you had a great time, and going commando too! Hope you are over your hangover.

Soo x

Hi Ladies,

Go Lorna! Its quite liberating going au nautrelle isn’t it?

A tip for the wig wearers out there in case you don’t know - buy a conditioning spray for wigs and if your wig is longer than collar length make sure you keep it conditioned as mine has developed a condition - contact frizz. Where my wig hair goes over my collar the “hair” is a bit frizzy. I washed it and its twin today for the first time and found the conditioner too late to have stopped some of the frizz (luckily its underneath and not visible from the back) and realised I should have been conditioning it a bit sooner which would have prevented it. The wigs came out fine thankfully but it was odd standing washing my “hair” in the sink without it being on my head! LOL!

I think part of my lack of issue with taking my wig off is, if I thought deeply about it, due to the fact that I am so NOT comfortable with how my body looks and can’t see when I am going to feel “feminine” or “sexy” again that its almost like a smoke screen - "look at me! I don’t mind not having hair! (but secretly I hate my body!!!). Thats not to say I don’t enjoy the “shock” factor and I think the smoke screen issue is quite small - most of the time its because I think - “I have nothing to be ashamed of and to be honest, part of me wants people to know that I am going through this whilst they rush around with their normal lives”. I like to make them stop and think - “Gosh! How amazing - she’s still carrying on with normal life, even whilst having treatment for cancer!”

Attention seeker or what, LOL!!

Cat, hope your daughter enjoyed her birthday! Mine’s 10 and I took her for an early xmas pressie today on the way to church - got her ears pierced (at her request)!

Sounds like a lovely place Bella, log fire, a glass of something, mmmmmmmmm!

Soo, glad your duvet day helped. Enjoyed your story! My Dad lives in Turkey, somewhere in the middle of nowhere but nearish to Marmaris I think! Hopefully going to visit him in May so I’d better find out where it is!

Tanya hope you are okay? Any idea when they will let you out? x

Take care, will try and get on tomorrow, off to get bloods done and see Onc and 10 year old in 2 carol concerts tomorrow before 3rd FEC on Tuesday, xxx

Ostrich thanks for the tip. Which conditioner do we use, can it be any or does it have to be the special wig conditioner? Where can you get it from?
I find that if I wear my wig people can pretend all is normal whereas bald head screams “cancer patient” and I am a bit faffed off with certain people who just want to totally pretend nothing at all out of the ordinary is happening when I am in the middle of chemotherapy, e.g. my Dad yesterday not mentioning it at all during 2 hours, changes the subject if I bring it up, makes me feel like I’m living a parallel existence. May just go bald as a statement, so you are not the only attention seeker Ostrich!!