Friends needed please!!!!

hi girls - nicky just sent you a message re caravan - tillie we have a combi camp trailer tent and go camping a lot…where are you from? Keep thinking its getting milder and will get away…mary x

Just a quickie for Jackie, I have been told that the “employment support benefit” is for all of us on chemo or DXT and that we should be awarded this benefit without question.
Hope you don’t get any more hassle, sounds like that’s the last thing you need

Thanks for that info., Gill. Forewarned is forearmed. I think they must all be awarded “Joint Cretins of the Year” to be employed at those places … and they want to help me get a job - flaming cheek! Cheers, m’dear. xx Jacq xx

Jacq, cretins is too mild, where the bloody hell do they get these people and their stupid policies, all I can say is Give 'em hell! Well, had first Tax today and it was ok, delayed at hospital as chemo wasn’t ready, then drugs to take home weren’t ready so spent over 3 hrs instead of one but hey ho, met a lovely lady and had an interesting chat, there’s always a positive out there, somewhere! No allergic reaction and virtually no nausea which is cool. I used the cool mittens, foot coolers and sucked ice throughout, just to see if it helps with any of the SE, and it wasn’t uncomfortable so will see how it goes. Have injection tomorrow to boost white cells, then just wait ant see when the SE kick in. On Tax apparently the lowest point is between day 7 and day 14, that’s when you’re most and risk of infection, and also you can feel quite low. Must admit I blubbed like a baby watching Jade’s prog tonite, I can hardly bear to watch it.
Lou, good luck for tomorrow, sure all will be good. And I hope everyone else is doing good. Off to bed as feel absolutely exhausted, hope steroids don’t stop me sleeping, if they do I’ll take half a pill and hope that does the trick. Will check in tomorrow, love and big hugs from a very relieved Pat x

Hi all
Starting to stick my head out of the “chemo cave” door. This one ( 2nd FEC) has been harder, have felt so knackered, I’m sure someone put some form of sedation on the cushions on my sofa, everytime I sit there I crash out!
Hope you got some sleep Pat, sounds like they will be giving you GCSF to boost your bone marrow? This is given regularly here as a recent audit showed a high number of patients ending up in hospital with infection so it’s now given to prevent this. I have had it days 4-8 with my FEC, it does make my bones and back ache I have been told it’s ok to take Ibuprofen for this but to check my temperature first as it could mask a raised temp. (not paracetamol which would bring temp down)
Jackie, there’s some more stuff on benefits on the Macmillian/cancerbacup site but it sounds like your GP should be giving you long term sick notes, you can’t be working with all you wound problems, you need all your available energy for healing, the are a bunch of prats!
Hope you day goes ok Lou

best wishes to all

Gill x

Well done Pat, how was your first night? I can imagine you up there looking like the abominable snowman/Mr. Frosty. Have you painted your nails with those funky colours yet?

I understand that these hospitals have to put up with staff cutbacks, but when they mess up with the meds., the waiting, etc., it really finishes an already hard day off nicely.

Good luck for today Lou, I’m sure you’ll come back in fighting form to deal with your neighbours from hell. Now the weather’s a bit milder you could put your tent up out there and keep watch!

How sad was Jade’s programme? I knew it would be, but I still had to watch, wept most of the way through it. She’s being so brave, so young - 27 - same as my eldest.

I had cervical cancer when I was in my early 20’s - before I even had my 2 girls - so I know how scary it is - you too, Lou - but I got away with it after a cone biopsy and laser treatment a few years after that.

I know people knock her mum for the way she brought Jade up, but you had to feel for her last night. Sod it, starting myself off again just thinking about it. Hope I’m not going to have one of ‘those’ days, but I think it’s just about upset most people.

Anyway, let’s all have a good 'un. We’re all here today, the tomorrows can look after themselves. (Gawd, being very philosophical for a Friday!) Love and hugs, xx Jacq xx

Thanks for the ongoing info., Gill, - was posting the same time as you! I’m glad we’ve all got each other on our side here.

Couldn’t sleep last night, and read through the whole of this thread from start to finish - and I came to the conclusion that we’re a great bunch of gals! Well, we all need to blow our own trumpets from time to time - who else will?! xx Jacq xx

Ladies, just got back from Ilford with youngest, and Accessorize have a great hat sale on - 70% off the majority of their stock. We got 5 beauties for £17!

Hi all, well slept about 6 hours altogether so not too bad. Virtually no nausea which is great, but I’m taking the tablets anyway. District nurse came to do injection which was virtually painless, but now I’m starting to feel a bit achey in the joints, which I was expecting. Yes Jacq, I have the black nails and they really look quite good, my darling daughter done them for me as I’m useless at it and they have been admire by all! Yes, the waiting up the hospital was a pain, especially as I’d been phoned the day before and asked to come in 2 hrs early as there was a meeting. Did that, but still ended up waiting over an hour for the chemo and then chasing round the hospital for my meds to take home. Anyway, as I felt ok it wasn’t so bad, just annoying. Lou, hope it went well for you today, that’s 3 down now, which is great. Gill, I found the second chemo hardest too, out of the FEC that is, can’t really say about Tax til the next one. Up to this point though, it’s ok, aches in joints just starting. I can’t take ibrufen or aspirin-based painkillers so will have to rely on either paracetamol - will check temp before taking, or the Tramadol which is really strong so will only take in emergency. Went out today which is the first time I’ve been up to going out the day after a chemo, another positive. I’ve bought some heat patches - does anyone know if they could interfere with the chemo - they only go on the surface of the skin? I should have checked with my chemo nurse. Well, check in later and hope everyone’s okay and enjoying their day. love and hugs, Pat x

Pat, ring up the helpline at the top of this page quickly re: the heat patches, 'cos they’ll probably finish up in a mo for the weekend.

hi girlies,
great to hear from you, yep 3 down now and i feel bloody awful…I have slept all afternoon,feeling really sick again (didn’t have any sickie feeling last time) combined with inigestion! YUCK!
Glad your feeling ok Pat, thats 1 down for you now!!!
Jacq, sort out em’ out girl… what a load of bloody nonsense! unfeeling idiots!!!
Gill, the tiredness is bad isn’t it? can’t fight it just have to go with it, doesn’t make for good company though… i’m sure i have a switch on my bum that kicks in when i sit on it!!!Hi Mary, we live in the south, and are just looking for somewhere to camp for Easter weekend, did find a lovely sight for somewhere in Wales but the short sharp email i have recieved back has sort of put me off! will keep looking! Hope you are ok Lyn?
OOPs, forgot to say, bloody container has had permission from the owner to put in the garden… ggggrrrrrrrr! haven’t finished with that one yet! lol!
Anyway, of to take the meds, could take a while as theres so many!!!
Back in a bit,
Lots a love ya all,
Lou xxx

Thanx Jacq, but I missed the boat, 10 mins too late, so I’ve contacted nhs direct by email and asked them. Onc did say that heat would help, including hot water bottles and warm baths, and it’s really only achey at the mo so fingers crossed it’s bearable.
Lou, great to hear from you, sorry you’re feeling so sick. Did you get omeprazole for the indigestion, it really helps me. With the Tax it’s gentler on the gastro-intestinal system but I’m still taking the anti-sick meds (new one - domperodone, doesn’t it sound like champagne!!! if only) but appetite has gone a bit. Rotten luck about the container, but I’m sure if there’s something that can be done, you’ll do it! Just imagine me, Jacq and the others here at your side. Hope you find somewhere nice for your camping trip - Easters quite late this year so hopefully weather might be good, the warmth of the sun always seems to make things seem better. Hope everyone else ok, see you later, love and hugs Pat x

That’s it, sod this site, lost the lot! Not playing any more!

Oh Jacq, please don’t give up! When the site changed I lost loads of stuff and I nearly threw the computer…, my daughter suggested that whatever I type, before I submit it I copy and paste, just in case. It’s so bloomin’ frustrating when it happens, I trust you said something really, really rude! Will catch up tomorrow, with you and everyone else. love and hugs Pat x

Tut, can’t remember now Pat. Don’t think it was rude actually, qui - moi?!

Anyway, let’s have another go … Morning ladies! Hope you are all feeling better today after your hospital ‘doings’ yesterday.

What are all these little blue pills that everybody keeps talking about - are they sleepers? If they are I need to take some to knock me out for a couple of weeks solid. I just can’t stop eating - not just for England but for the rest of Europe too - the word ‘greed’ no way describes it. I have not come up for air - have put on half a stone since Monday and I wasn’t little to start with!

Can’t wait to get started on the Tax sessions if it makes you lose your appetite - and Lou, those indigestion tablets that Pat mentions are brilliant - I’ve only had them for three days and it’s obliterated the dodgy guts completely, especially when you consider the grub I’ve stashed in my innards recently.

I dare say that somebody got stabbed again around here in the night, 'cos there was a bloody helicopter whizzing around for a couple of hours between 3 and 5 a.m. this morning. Thought it was gonna land on my roof. My house probably looked a bit suspect as it was probably the only one with its lights on. Ever since I was in hospital in November, I have to sleep with the lamp on - what a whimp! Think it’s 'cos they always left them on in the hospital.

So, have been up and ready (for what I don’t know) since 6 a.m. Could take myself off somewhere, but I have to wait in for the dressings nurse. I guarantee she won’t get here until about 2. What a misery, I’m peed off today already. :frowning: xx Jacq xx

And my bottom eyelashes have vanished!

Not that I had eyelashes on my bottom - not that posh! - but you know what I mean!

Hi all, so Jacq, what time did nurse come? Not 2pm I hope! I woke early again but managed to get back off, damn steroids but at least I’ve finished them for now. Glad the omeprazole helps, I’ve got rotten tummy ache but think it’s the injection I had yesterday, and the aches and pains seem to be setting in. Virtually no nausea though which is great. Bummer though, my taste has already started to go! Throat is a bit sore but no temp so I’m guessing it’s all down to the chemo. Went shopping, it was a lovely day out and so nice to feel the sun, then had a lovely warm bath with seems to help. Don’t want to take painkillers until it’s absolutely necessary, and have to be careful with the paracetamol as it can mask a temp. Oh well, Hope everyone’s enjoyed their day. How you doing Lou? Okay I hope. Will check in later, love and hugs Pat x

Jacq, bottom eyelashes gone but top ones still there? Do you still have eyebrows? Mine have held on, as have eyelashes but apparently they’ll go with the Tax, will wait and see anyhow. Little blue tablets - I’ve been given lorazepam, which are tiny blue ones. They help with anxiety and can help you sleep. I just take half before I go for chemo, haven’t tried a whole one but would consider it if I couldn’t sleep. Hope you’re not disturbed by helicopters, or anything else tonite, Pat x

Hi all
Mary, I,ve replied to your message.
Well I’ve had a lovely few days away. When I got to my friends my 11yr old godaughter was really excitedd and couldn’t wait for me to go up to my room.On my pillow was an itinery for the day. a menu for the evening and a box of choccies brought back from Ireland. After the compulsory cardmaking workshop I have to do with them it was retail therapy and the choosing of some girlie DVD’s. Dinner was cooked by the 2 girls and then the ‘Spa’ opened. Face packs and nails were follwed by DVD’s and choccies. As the 15yr old had been at a sleepover the night before and not gone to bed until 5.30and been up again at 7.30 she did amazingly. I’m just jealous that I can’t do it anymore(except when on steroids!). The 11yr old had organised it all giving everyone else lists of jobs. She knew that her Mum and I had been organising a pamper day at the brine baths for our Christmas pressie to each other but chemo put a stop to that(plus the baths being closed apparently due to hygiene problems).
We get the van out on April 3rd and can’t wait. As my sick note is until mid August we intend to spend as much time in it as we can this year Rx allowing.
Thanks for the benefits advice. It’s not long now until I go onto half pay and I have been worrying about it as I didn’t think I would qualify for anything.
Well I hope everyone who has had their chemo this week is ok. This time last week I felt I had hit a wall but now feel soooo much better. Just get the rest you need and keep taking the meds.
Have a good weekend all. Nickyxx