Friends needed please!!!!

Hi everyone,
Oh Jacq!! i expect the thought of having that 33.00 has burnt a large hole in your pocket!! - what will you spend it on?
All this talk of knitting,i’ve just started knitting a babies cardigan for a friend, it gives me something else to think about other than how bloody tired i am!
Pat, you sound as if you’ve had a rough trot as well,hope your feeling more yourself now? Not much fun being stuck in hopsital in A&E with such abusive people when all theyre trying to do is help them.
Lyn,ouch! for the urine infection, i had one a couple of weeks ago but the ab’s helped almost immediately, goodluck for today.
Hi Gill, hope all fingers doing ok now? You’ll be shattered after all your running about!
Anyway, i saw a friend of OH yesterday,- bless him… he said ahhhh, look at you with your woolley hat on so i took it off! as poor oh normally has less hair than me he then said i bet you’ve got matching raincoats as well!!! Did make me laugh!
Anyway chuckies,
Big Hugz, see ya later,
Love Lou xxx

Blimey we do go through it eh?
Jacq, has GP GP signed you off, Bl***y DWP are losing the plot, there is no way you should be working. I have been mulling over all your wound problems, have I asked you if you have seem a Wound Care Specialist Nurse? I assume they have suggest you have well balanced diet and consider supplement ie trace minerals and Vit c for healing? Would you consider homeopathic remedies to support healing? I have a lot of faith in that but i know it’s not everyone’s cuppa. With something this complex it would be worth seeing a well qualified homeopath, but I swear but calendula (by mouth for healing).

Lou have your energy levels picked up a bit, you sounded a bit flat?

I made a bit of a mistake on Sunday when OH asked me to trim his hair, he does usually have it pretty short, No.3 with clippers on top, well, I trimmed it all to No. 4 the changed clipper guard and went over top , the went to change guard to No.2 for back and sides only to find I’d just cut his hair to No. 2 on top! He was remarkably calm and understanding about my mistake and a friend did comment how smart his “solidarity hair cut” looked! Oops, still at least his will grow back.
Speaking of hair I must say I am a bit feed up that now I have shaved mine off it has actually started growing back, that wasn’t what I expected! Not only that but I have a rash of what looks like teenage zits all over my scalp! Mmm how attractive!

Pat, are you feeling any brighter? It’s been so useful to get all the Taxol tips, I have last FEC on 6th so it’s good to start preparing and thinking what i need to ask about for the taxol, thanks for finding the energy to share all your knowledge.
wishing you all a peaceful day
Gill x

HI all, Gill, feeling bit better today but the old sore throat thing is yucky and justs makes you feel under the weather. Still, at least it will pass. Ooops with the hair clippers - my OH wouldn’t let me go anywhere near him, with any sharp object!!! Yes, I have little spots all over my head, so attractive don’t you think! I noticed Jade Goody puts powder on her head, do you think it’s a bronzer or foundation? I don’t know if I could be arsed to do it, but it does make it look nice! If you get a chance, do check the other thread ‘anyone starting Taxotere?’ there’s some great advice on there and when someone says ’ yes I had that, it’s normal’, you feel so much better. Lou, hope you’re okay, and Nicky and Jacq hope your days going well. Everyone have a good one, gonna brave the outdoors as it’s been days since I went out - apart from outing to a&e which I’m still recovering from!!! love and big hugs to all, Pat x

Hi all, and hope everyone feeling ok today? Like you Pat I decided to brave the outdoors today as it seemed quite nice-managed about 15 minutes and had to give up…breathing was too painful-lung thing seems to be making me quite breathless and sore-also disgusting stuff coming up…but then again that’s maybe too much information??
Managed to have a nice evening with friends last night and managed to avoid any conversation about treatment the whole night-made me feel normal!
Have a lot of well meaning friends who ask me out for coffee and then want to know every last detail about “what I am going through”, and I am fed up with it…we have to live with it…is it too much to just have a normal conversation about everyday run of the mill things…AND my mother is the worst…every day she is on the phone wanting a run down on evry twinge I might or might not have…aaarrgghh!
Rant over-sorry about that but it would be nice to have some normality for a while! Feel better now…cos I certainly couldn’t say that to my mother!
Off to try and make something interesting with chicken…suggestions please!
Back later,
Lyn xx

Just lost the lot again - grrrrrrh! So we have the abridged version.

Elsie, I’m with you with so-called ‘friends’, have fallen out with loads of them - and I don’t care either! There’s more to me than cancer - or at least there always was - what do they expect us to say? Just something to make them feel better about their lucky little lives, I’m sure.

Yes Gill, have been signed off by my GP, and have sent in 3 long-term medical certificates. Apparently it’s the done thing now (well, for me of course, at least) for these ‘pathway back to work interviews’ - such a pile of steaming shit!

And yes, have always eaten healthily, even more so with all of this. I take multi-vits, vit. C, omega plus capsules, even that sickly Manuka honey (so gross) every morning. Haven’t heard of Calendula though, but will definitely look into that tomorrow - thanks. Have used homeopathic ‘stuff’ a lot over the years, always with success.

Was supposed to see the tissue viability nurse today at my GP’s today, but she just left me a message to say she’d been called out - what else did I expect … come on, this is me we’re talking about.

Hope everyone’s ok. Have to go now and hide behind sofa, 'cos the men in the white coats are knocking at the door - again! xx Jacq xx

Pat, I think Jade used an allover blusher/bronzer - it would suit you sir!

Hi All,
well, i think i might ( i use the term loosley!) may be feeling a bit better now.My got up and go, got up and went! I have been so tired, my old bod felt like it was made of lead! ( could be the bloody steroids i s’pose!) lol!!
Yep, have been feeling really cheesed off, why do so called friends have to dump theyre crap on on us when we are not up to it? I have been really lucky with most of my friends - including all you lovely ladies on here, but just a couple have really pee’d me off!
To cut a long story short,we have some friends who we shared a lot of weekends away ect with.We had a falling out after they had a baby,he did apologise to me as he had a go at me at work in front of other people. We sort of lost touch for a while but when i was diagnosed, i got in touch as i really wanted OH to have someone to talk to - they had been good mates prior.Well, needless to say, it backfired, he didn’t contact at all only her.I last saw her just before christmas and no contact since.I then had a text message on chemo day last week, saying she was sorry not to have been in touch,no excuses blah blah blah and would understand if i didn’t want to see them? In other words, i’ll text you sorry, then i can put you down to everyone else as you didn’t get in touch back. I don’t need that crap, and although i text to say i was feeling really unwell as just had chemo 3,and i have heard nothing at all!!!
So, who’s the one in the wrong? Can’t be arsed with people like that anymore, so i’m gonna body swerve it and move on!
My mothers another story - but i won’t bore the arse of all of you just now.
Anyway, Oh Gill, i don’t have spots on my noggin just on my back and shoulders (yuck) have never been a spotty person until now.
My Oh has loads more hair than me, bless - he’s normally the one without!
Hi Pat, hope your recovered after the a&e visit?
Lyn, i seem to have a bit of a relationship with mince!!! In other words, we’ve had it just about everyday in one version or another - it’s become a bit of a joke with my Dad!! I keep forgetting what we had the night before, and OH is too scared to pass comment! What did u do with the chicken by the way?
Hi Jacq, sending you a massive hug and i’ll see you in the nut house when they’ve got me too! were all here whenever you need us,feel free xxxx
Right, must get dressed i spose and take Thomas to school, catch up again later,
Much Love all,
Lou xxx

Oh Lou you can certainly do without friends like that-there comes a time when you just have to put it behind you and move on. I have certainly had my eyes opened about the people who really care, one ar two close friends who when I was dx assured me they would be there all the way…yes I am still waiting…a text now and again just doesn’t do it for me. And then there have been others maybe not so close who never fail to phone, call in past or say let’s go out? I think some people either can’t handle it or are just so wrapped up in their own lives they just can’t find the time…or is it me being cynical?
Anyway-chicken stuffed with cheese wrapped in bacon and stuck in the oven!! Very easy and tasty…baked tattie salad whatever!
AND my oh who has a birthday today and said why don’t we invite the grandparents and my brother and his family over for a drink…not unusual you might say but given that my brother and him haven’t spoken for 9 years (a whole other story…) I just about fell in a heap, so watch this space…God knows how it will go!
Off to make lunch and keep him sweet or he might change his mind!
Later girls,
Lyn xx

Lou, glad you’re feeling a bit brighter. On the ‘friends’ subject, please don’t do a swerve, either ring or text this bloody woman AND BLAST HER!!! I guarantee it will do wonders for you (voice of experience here!). Better still, let me do it for you! (I’ll say your dodgy voice is due to a cold.)

Postie brought me a nice letter today. It seems that, following my pathway back to employment interview I had with DWP on Monday, I now have to attend 5 more! LMAO! Anyway am taking it with me to the hospital tomorrow.

Keep looking over my shoulder for Jeremy Beadle to jump out on me - and that poor sod’s not even about anymore. Just shows you what everything’s doing to my grey matter. Can you get yourself committed?! Three meals a day and your bum wiped. (“One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” was always one of my favourites too … I must have known I was destined for greater things.)

With love from (a rocking backwards and forwards) Jacq. xxx

Hi there… Ive just finished my cycle of FEC and my next one is Tamoxifen… My BIGGEST TIP for getting through FEC is eat plenty of BIO YOGURT the night before and the day of chemo and it makes a whole lot of difference to how youll feel afterwards!! I PROMISE!! I had it on my 1st and wasnt sick, missed it on my 2nd and ended up being admitted into hospital and being dosed up with all kinds of anti sickness… Not something i’d wish on my worst enemy!!! So give the BIO YOG a try and let me know how it works for you… Good luck x x x

Hi all
I’ve had a busy few days and incredibly I’m still awake.
I went into work yesterday to drop some stuff of to a friend and have some lunch/ chat. The locum who is covering for me had had to rearrange an appointment(brought it forwards not put it back) and had given up his lunch break to fit this person in. He was spot on time but the person started to rant before even stepping through the door stating that had been waiting 16 years for appt(waiting time is 2 weeks) and accusing all and sundry of racial discrimination - locum is of same ethnic group as ranting person! I decided that I really don’t miss work. Jacq you may not believe it from your experience -and I wouldn’t blame you - but some of us in NHS really care about waiting times and being prompt for appts.
I went to my sisters for a craft evening last night then had to sit there as 2 people went on about how terrible tooth abcesses are, both of them currently on treatment for them. I can symathise having had a few in the past, but I did sit there thinking maybe you should have a few lymph nodes removed or try a few cycles of chemo! I didn’t say anything as one of them has been really supportive so far and I’m going away with them all tomorrow for a long weekend. Hopefully we will have a good relaxing weekend without talking about anyones ailments.
Today I’ve been trying to get on top of the laundry, pack and get meals done to take away and to leave for my dad. I also needed to get things sorted as I come straight back to blood test on tuesday followed by my last epirubicin on Wednesday. Just 4 cycles of cmf after that.
Well take care everyone and I hope you all have a good weekend.
Nicky x

Hi All,
Jacq, i think the reason that i haven’t replied to my so called friend is i can’t think of a pleasant thing to say, so have decided it’s better to say nothing! I have mulled it over in the last week and the only thing i can think of is ‘get lost’!!!
Are the employment people ‘rocking backwards and fowards’ as well Jacq??? They sound like they need a serious blasting - bloody idiots!
What part don’t they understand? do they really think your sat on your backside cos you can’t be bothered to go to work, would be far better to chase the lazy swines who could get work but don’t…
Too much Jeremy Kyle coming out here today! lol!
Thanks for the tip Julia, will give the yoghurt a try next time, anythings worth a go.
Nicky, you are a busy bee, and good to hear your still awake! I had a bit of a cleaning frenzy yesterday and managed not to fall asleep last night! WHOOOPPPPEEEEEEE!
well all you lovelies, best get on while the goings good,
Hope your ok Pat?
How did the lunch date go Lyn?? bet it was interesting!
Massive hugs,
Lou xxx

Hi everyone, glad to see everyone’s seems to be doing okay. Jacq, let your bcn know whats going on with the dwp - I’m sure there’s something that they can do. Of course you shouldn’t have to have 5 interviews to get you back to work at the moment, I’d find out who the manager is and write a lovely letter to them. They cannot force you to attend these interviews as you are not fit for work, give ME the bloody address and I’ll write to 'em! If I were you Jacq I’d be in a strait jacket by now, I’d have hit the bottle and hit them!!! No, you can’t get yourself committed, we need you here!Lyn, how did the get-together go? That chicken sounded delicious, I’d have to imagine the taste though… Lou, glad you’re feeling better, sod friends like that, honestly I’ve been blanked by so many people since being diagnosed I’m past being upset coz my energy is better used on the people I love and getting better. Sometimes you just have to move on by. It’s really upsetting when it’s people close though. Julia, welcome and good luck with the tamoxifen. The bio yoghurt thing - I’d advise anyone to check first before having much of that while on chemo as it’s not pasteurised, I think they class it as a live product and I’ve seen several info leaflets saying that you have to only eat pasteurised dairy products, something about the bacteria? Anyway, I would advise people check with their bcn or onc, just in case. It’s like the other day I had a lasagne and had bought pre-washed iceburg and totally forgot that I should have washed it again first. I think it affects things like Brie too. Anyway, better to be safe than sorry, but I’m glad it helped you Julia, anything’s worth a try. I feel bit more normal today, aches have eased, mouth still foul but not as painful which is a plus. Off to shops as sun is shining. Will check in later, have a great day, try to stop the rocking jacq, put on ‘one flew over the cuckoo’s nest’ instead! (I adore that film and feel a great affinity with McMurphy often!) love and hugs, Pat x

Hi Ladies!
Well we survived! OH opened the door to brother who wished him a happy birthday, who responded with thanks but not to kiss him, which kind of broke the ice and set the tone for the evening…it’s only taken 9 years…! One very happy mother! FAMILYS??
Went out for a curry later and that combined with one too many vino blancos means I am not just feeling too hot today, but self inflicted so not expecting too much sympathy!
Pat I think you are right about the bio yoghurt thing as I have read that in some of the information things you get and also in my chemo notebook which gives you a list of things to avoid. Did everybody else get a little red chemotherapy record book to keep with you at all times during treatment?
Nicky hope you have a nice weekend away and hope you manage to steer them off all discussions about ailments!
Lou I totally agree about the work thing-I have got a thing going on just now as I have asked if I could get back to some sort of work even if I can’t physically be involved with classes-teaching is only part of my remit and my argument is I could still be doing collabarative work with colleagues, planning and development stuff which I could do from home. The response I am getting at the moment is that the authority would be concerned about me having an accident an school premises and wouldn’t be covered by insurance. Surely they are paying me anyway and it would be in their interests to be getting something back than paying me to stsy at home doing b**** all!!??
Anyway…anyone got anything interesting planned for the weekend other than Nicky? It’s raining here so can;'t even get out for a nice walk just now-frustrating!
Jacqui, you still rocking or have you been committed??
Take care all,
Lyn xx

does anyone mind if have a rant for a minute to get it off my chest???
My mother, who has not been in touch in any shape or form for the last 2 1/2 years has heard about my illness.
She has now decided in her infinate wisdom that she will contact me atleast once a day (grrrrr), ’ do i need anything? need a lift anywhere??? NO!!!1
So, i have been polite, but i also have a very big wall that i’ve built and i can’t for anything let her back through straight away-it will be years to undo whats been done.
Her mother-in-law ( my step grandmother of 87 years old!! - not bad eh when most of us are fighting for another 12 months life) has passed away. I have neither seen or spoken to her in around 7 years(?) ish, no birthday cards ect ect( she has been in a residential home) The funeral, as i have been informed is Monday the 9th - same day and time as my next Oncology appt! I will not cancel/rearrange, but i have the notion that mother dear thinks i’m going to!
What shall i do???
All answers gratefully received before i join Jacq in the rocking back and forward/head banging stuff!
Please god,why do i always end up with this crap dumped at my door?
Me thinks our talking a bit will be at an end again in the not to distant future!
A very angry Lou sends lots of love

I absolutely forbid you to cancel any of your appointments!DO YOU UNDERSTAND? You know how I feel about the choice between family and friends … bloody cheek! You said you had caller display … well, flaming well make use of it! It’s all this other shit that stresses us out when we need it like a hole in the head. Put yourself first, do you hear me missus?

Anyway, ladies thanks for all messages of support, feeling better today and am just committed to rocking.

And … trumpet fanfare … I have a fixed date - in 2 weeks time -for a skin graft! Duh dah!!! Soooooo thrilled! xx love and hugs to all for a great weekend xx Jacq.

Hi Lou

I can understand your anger and in my opinion you should do what is right for you - which I believe is going to your onc appointment as planned. You are still alive and fighting to stay alive so you must put yourself and your feelings above everything else at this moment in time.

It might be different if it was the funeral of a close and much loved family member/friend but from your comments it appears this is nothing like the case.

Do not allow others to put stress onto you - you have enough of that to deal with at the moment as it is - If you can’t be allowed to look after No.1 at this time in your life than when can you ?

Much love
Kaz x

Hi Lou, Ditto to everything Kaz and Jacq said. The most important thing for you to do is to get well, that means attending all your appts and trying to be as calm and unstressed as possible. You have your OH and family and you’re dealing with an awful lot, you really don’t need anything else. Do not be guilt-tripped into feeling you should go to the funeral, or be made to feel guilty when you choose not to go. Please just look after yourself, people - whether family or friends - sometimes feel they can float in and out of our lives when they like and expect us to welcome them with open arms. I don’t know what the issues are with your mum etc but I know how YOU feel about things, and this isn’t gonna help you. I can imagine the turmoil and upset you’re feeling (I like most other people I have many ‘family’ issues too) and hate to think of you suffering. Make the decision to put yourself FIRMLY first, then do it. End of, other people will have to deal with it. I so wish I could give you a huge hug, so it’s coming at ya! love and hugs, Pat

Hi Lou,just to back up what the others have said, you have to stick to your guns and put yourself first. I had a similsr situation 2 weeks ago when the funeral of my stepdad’s brother-in law clashed with my onc app. Normally I would have gone along with them but explained that if you cancel these apps it sets everything back. I think if you give a reasoned explanation then surely your mum will accept it?
Good luck but don’t beat yourself up over it-it’s not worth it!
Lyn xx

To My friends,
Thankyou so much for that,i just needed to make sure it’s not me?
She always manages to make me feel like this,why do they do it?
Feeling much better now thankyou, ranting over (for a bit anyway)
I KNOW oh will have plenty to add when he gets home!! (watch out!)
sending lots of love to you, Jacq,Kaz and Pat, The hug was lovely thanxs Pat xxxxx
Lou xxxx