Friends needed please!!!!

You old drifter, you! I thought it rang a bell when I wrote that! Trust you to know all the words! xx Jacq xx

Thanks jacqui-I know what you mean, and if it had been a week I would have had doubts about changing it but they have given me an app for Wednesday which is not too bad, and I know someone else who is in then.
Sink now cleared so don’t have to traipse through to the bathroom to wash dishes and dishwasher should be fixed Tuesday hopefully.
Loved the words for tears of a clown Lyn…could be me any day just now!
Off to supermarket with oh to stock up for next couple of weeks since I felt so s**t after the last one and couldn’t be bothered cooking anything!
Didn’t get my ironing done yesterday as daughter asked me to make some cup cakes so ironing still meeting me at the door!
Hope all other ladies well and enjoying Easter hols?
Take care,
Lyn xx

Hi All, hope everyones okay. Jacq, what can I say, Tears of a clown says it all!!! Thanks for that Lyn. I did have trouble with a bloody nose but nothing on that scale. Glad you had a drink, hangover or not, I think you deserved it! And yes, it’s your LAST CHEMO - sorry but it’s worth shouting about. I actually found the last one the easiest, no idea why, although I was on antibiotics for chest infection, whether that helped or not. And another lady on the ‘TAX’ thread said the same thing, so you might be lucky Jacq, I really hope you are. Lyn, sorry to hear about your friends, I bet you do feel drained, take it easy, get someone else to do the washing up for instance! And don’t talk to me about ironing… Chemo brain behaving, at the mo. Well, the LGFB session was great, met loads of lovely ladies, we were all at varying stages of treatment, and had a giggle, as well as learnt how to pencil in my eyebrows, I realised that without them - well I’ve got very few left, I look a bit like an alien. And not as cute as ET either:( Anyhow, all you ladies that haven’t been or booked, you must go. It’s a bit of a laugh and the goody bag you get is amazing, loads of great products that I wouldn’t dream of buying for myself. I think we all deserve a bit of pampering now and again. Just waiting for radiotherapy appts to come thru then can get going on that. All the best to everyone, where’s the bloomin’ sun gone? love and hugs, Pat x
PS Jacq, I can never get enough of your posts, please keep 'em coming. x

Hi all
Lyn glad to know that you’ve been able to change your chemo appt as I think you’d have regretted not going to the funeral. Sorry to hear about the death of your friend.
Jacqui it must have been really frightening with the nosebleed. Nice to hear that you’re so near the end of your chemo.
My 25 year old niece had a baby in December and hasn’t stopped bleeding since. She went for a scan 2 weeks ago and had the results this morning - there are " significant growths" in her womb. She is waiting to hear if she is to go in for biopsy tomorrow. At the moment her biggest fear is having to have a hysterectomy as she still wants the option of another child. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Going to my GP tomorrow to try to get some lorazepam. I’m already starting to have bad dreams about chemo next week. I’m dreading how many times it will take to get the needle in. Hopefully if I’m a bit more relaxed my veins won’t hide as much! Dreading that more than the se’s.
It’s a horrible rainy day here - the weekend lulled us into a false sense tha summer is on the way. Hope other people are having better weather.
Take care all
Nicky x

nicky - not much better out Shrewsbury way :0( Back from 3rd lot so half way there dose wise…I’d push for a line as you have a good few sessions yet…ironing…grrrr hate it, mary x

Hi ladies,
Well my ironing is still at the same level as before but noone taking a hint!!!
Pat I agree about the eyebrows…mine have just decided in the last week or so to do a diappearing act along with my eyelashes! At least after the LGFB i can do the pencilling in bit-not sure about false lashes though! I look like an alien too first thing in the morning!
Nicky I can sympathise about the anxiety thing…I have to try and talk myself through the panic attacks and rationalise that it is a physical reaction to adrenaline…fight or flight syndrome…for me I think the flight is preferable? Either that or a good dose of vin rouge…but that’s not really recommended before treatment either!
Anyone having chemo induced flushes? I feel as though my central heating system has gone into meltdown during the night…any helpful suggestions gladly accepted!
Off to iron older daughters bedding as she is coming home today for the weekend and don’t think she would appreciate an unmade bed! Then heading out for a walk while it is dry.
Hope everyone having a nice weekend?
Lyn xx

Lynn - you prob have an ironing basket like mine that makes its contents reproduce in no time…its amazing how much can come out of it too isn’t it…Nicky I hope you niece gets on ok and gets sorted, bless her with new baby too…and hope you get something to help settle you before next time but keep mentioning the line - maybe its because they don’t do it at the clinic at telford but they would prob do it via xray (where they do hickman lines) or they have a picc line assessment room at the chemo unit in shrewsbury and the nurses do it…you have enough to think about apart from worrying about veins etc…are you her2+? The herceptin is i/v too…mary x

ps jacq - stick with the black eh?! Hope you had a good day otherwise…

Hi all
Hope you are all ok. Went to see onc on Wed she decided I would have 1 or 2 more tax than first thought, coping so far, 3rd one on tues so steroids on monday I will take all they give me. Went to dancing on ice last night had a brill time lovely food and lots of wine, stayed overnight with my friend in Manchester.

lots of love to all

Ange xx

Hope everyone has had a good weekend.
Went to my sisters for a barbecue yesterday. My brother in law had bought a new barbie and brazier and was determined to use them no matter what the weather was like. Fortunately it was good and we had agood time. Marshmallows don’t cook as well over a brazier though as they do over a barbie.
My hair is definitely coming back but not evenly all over. It’s coming back faster on the top than the back and I seem to be developing a mohican. My dad and my (ex?)best friend think that some gel would help it on its way. I went to see my GP and she deals a lot with alopecia. She reckons that the less you wear ahead covering the faster your hair comes back. She has given me some tamazepam and movicol - which comes in chocolate flavour - yuk. I opted for plain.
Mary, I would have to go to Shrewsbury for the PICC as they don’t do them at Telford. I have been given valid reasons why a PICC is not a good idea but I’m really now thinking that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Next chemo is on Wednesday and I’ll ask again then. Thankfully no herceptin for me. Just 6 more doses of CMF.
Lyn I also get the flushes - I go bright red like sunburn around my neck, chest and face. Reminds me of when I had scarlet fever. Apparently it’s the steroids that are the cause.
Hope that everyone is well.
Nicky x

Baby hedgehog alert! Baby hedgehog alert! Tiny pinpricks of hair emerging on bonce! Not got last chemo until tomorrow though, so will this bumfluff fall out again?

Speaking of hot flushes, am currently up and running for the night, with a gale force 9 fan 6" from my face. Why don’t I lose all this extra weight with all this water leaking from me?

Have been up since 6 am - just at the thought of the impending steroids that I had to take later today. Changed beds, had shower, washed hair (lol), had daily visit from district nurse, cut grass back and front, hoovered, did washing, thought about ironing (still thinking!)

New week’s resolution - rabbit food and water for the next month. Got weighed at clinic on Friday before seeing the oncologist. Usual ‘how are you’ talk. Told her I couldn’t stop eating … ‘good’ she said … ‘that’s what we like to hear’. I said it wasn’t that good really, and she looked at the ‘before and after’ figures. ‘Oh’ she said … ‘I see what you mean’!

When I was in for my mastectomy at the end of last year, there was a rather large lady who was too big to be put out, and she had to stay conscious for her hysterectomy … omg, and I’ve only just remembered that this week. Frightened the life out of me, I need to lose loads in the next 4-5 weeks before I go in for my full node clearance - just in case! That should be an incentive if nothing else!

Anyway, off to read book - for the next 3 or 4 hours probably!

Hope everybody is well, and good luck to everybody having ‘stuff’ done this week. Up and at 'em ladies! xx Jacq xx

P.S. Do you think that Lou drowned under her canvas housing - and we should send for the West Country Lifeboats?! x

Hi ladies, how we all doing? Barbie sounds great Nicky, bet your b-in-law was like a kid with a new toy! Don’t get me started on hot flushes, I’m assuming it’s the effects of the chemo as I haven’t had any steroids for nearly 3 weeks and they are coming thick and fast. One minute I’m feeling chilly in bed and the next I feel like my face is on fire. Ange, glad you had a good time, I loved Dancing on Ice when it was on tv. Jacq, I can relate to the weight thing - every time I was weighed at clinic, nurse said ‘that’s good, you’ve put on a few pounds’ and that was at virtually every visit! Now trying to shed some of those extra pounds but it won’t move. I’m sure you’ll be fine for your op, I’m trying to start exercising but my joints won’t have it! Apparently this SE takes a while to go. But great that it’s your last chemo - I read that altho hair starts growing back on TAX it would all fall out again by the 2nd or 3rd - touch wood mine has heal on - like yours bumfluff but it’s def growing. Eyelashes have all but gone tho and my eyes are sooo sore. And yes, where IS Lou? Hope you’re okay and having too good a time to be posting at the mo! All the best to everyone else and hope things are going well for you all. love and hugs, Pat x
PS Jacq, if I PM my details, can you come round in the morning to change the beds, do the ironing, washing up, weed the garden, sort the washing out, walk the dogg, clean the car… x

Oh no, Pat! I’ll never brag about my energy again … can feel a funny turn coming on! I must admit, my joints have felt fine all the way through chemo, and must say I’ve pretty much sailed through it all, never once having sickness or nausea - apart from that one night in hospital blip after the first tax. Ok, I’m bragging again, so I’m off! Love to all, xx Jacq xx

Hi ladies,
Hope everyone well today and treatments going ok with no hiccups?
I am in tomorrow for FEC 5 and dreading it just as much as before…you would think that it should get easier as you know what to expect but doesn’t work that way!
Pat and Jacqui, I am with you on the weight gain thing…I have put on masses and feel bloated and sluggish and none of my clothes fit properly, which doesn’t do your moral much good either! Infuriating thing is everyone still says how well I look…that’s cos my face is fat as well as everything else…aarrgghh!!
However after being at my friend’s funeral yesterday, I suppose I should think myself lucky!
Well after our disasters with dishwasher and blocked sink there had to be a 3rd one…eldest daughter dropped a plate out of cupboard, hit fish tank, split glass and 70L of water all over kitchen…oh joy! OH and me stayed very calm and managed to save the fish! Amazing! These things are sent to try us…!
Off out for coffee with a friend while I try to stay busy and keep mind off tomorrow!!
Lyn xx

Lyn, Best of luck for tomorrow, I’m sure it’ll be okay and it’s one more to tick off the list. The fishtank incident sounds like something out of a film! At least you managed to save the fish. That’s the ‘3rd’ out of the way, it’s gonna be downhill all the way now, she says hopefully. Hope all you other ladies are okay - Lou, where are you? Hope all is well and that you’re just too busy having fun with Thomas to post. Jacq, hope went well today - last one!!! Will check in later, love to all Pat x

Hi all and hope everyone is well.
I went to the local shopping mall today, which I normally avoid like the plague. First of all I was approached by someone wanting to know if I wanted my eyebrows doing. Felt like saying have a closer look - what eyebrows, but just said no thankyou. Next I was approachedd by someone wanting to give me a leaflet about perms. As I don’t wear a wig I would have thought it quite obvious that I don’t have enough to perm. What is coming back is definitely grey and that combined with the mohican gives me quite a unique look! Not one to be copied.
I have LGFB next week. Can’t wait.
Start 2nd cycle of CMF tomorrow. Not worried too much about SE’s as they haven’t been as bad as epi but am dreading the cannula going in. Taking bets on how many attempts it will take.
Like the rest of you my weight is going upward. That was well and truly brought home today when I was trying on clothes today.
Hope everyone is enjoying the weather.
Nicky x

Hi all
Miracles do happen. Cannula went in on 1st attempt today! Biggest topic of conversation today was the mallard just outside the window with lots of ducklings. The staff have created a temporary pond for it and patients were leaving bits of sandwiches to put out for mum. Dare I say it but they did look cute. Hope they’re all still there next week.
Get to see onc next week about rads. Will be the 1st time I’ve seen him since before Christmas. Makes the end of chemo seem a lot closer, thank goodness.
Take care all.
Nicky x

Nicky - glad it went well today and not too much jabbing!! Well this 3rd fec has got me good and proper, feel like I’ve been mown down by the chemo chu chu…but feeling better today so hope it stays that way! mary x

Morning all
hope everyone is coping ok
Glad you escaped too many needles Nicky, I’m liking the idea of a permed mohawk, don’t hold back!
Mary, hang on in there, thats yet another FEC done and dusted and you will crawl out of the wreckage soon enough!
Lyn, well done you for saving the fish! I smiled at the image your tale conjured up, does sound like a comedy sketch waiting to be written.
When we were in France recently I ended up using my rather rusty nursing skills to do a dressing for my friend who had a really sore infected cyst on his back incised and drained just before our holiday. He and I drove everyone else mad by clearly stated we couldn’t do any major activity as we were not prepared to make a withdrawal from our 'energy bank", our fellow holiday makers may have found it irritating when we ducked out of washing up but for me it is a useful image to be trying to build up some interest in my energy bank and to be really clear what I am spending my energy on when I make a withdrawal.
So with this in mind this week ( week 1 after 2nd Taxol) I have been mainly on the sofa! Trying to keep my energy in the bank and just use it on the unwanted effects of the bl***y stuff. Seems to have worked so far and I have avoided a repeat of the fainting episode and hospital visit that I had on week 1 of 1st taxol.
So ladies, stay horizontal, or semi reclined if you can, pick up a good book and heal from within!
Pat, as ever you are on the ball and watching out for us all, you are right, where is Lou?
Hey Lou, I hope you are ok, if not let us know, it’s ok to share the crap bits too as we all have them, problem shared etc. Hope you are actually too busy and well to need to log on but if not we are here for you.
Enjoy the blossom
Gill x

Ok, never let it be said that I will brag - ever again! Everything hurts!

Oh Jacq, poor you, am sending you a (very gentle) virtual hug. It’s funny but, although I found my last TAX by far the easiest, 3 weeks on I still ache, have swollen ankles and feel v tired. I guess it means it’s still working so I can live with that. Hope you feel better soon. So, how are you, and everyone else fixed, for getting up a search party to Western Super Mare to find Lou? I bet she got carried away partying over Easter and has forgotten all about us! Let me know who can come and we’ll hatch a plan!!! Off to pack my rucksack… love and hugs to all Pat x