Friends needed please!!!!

Evening ladies,
Well day one after FEC comletely different to last one…woke at 5.30 having slept for 5 hours which in itself was a miracle…up at 6.30…washing on dishwasher on, much to oh’s disgust…pan of stewed rhubarb on to attack the bowel problem head on!!..packed lunch for daughter and full cooked breakfast for all! and all before 8.30!
Then out for a walk…unpacked and organised £700 worth of Pampered Chef stuff from last weeks fundraiser…stiacky toffee pud and cheese scones made…except I have just burned them…ah well something had to give today?
Nicky, don’t know about conserving energy…ask me tomorrow!
On the downside an awful lot of hair shed after shower today so I am going to be majorly p****d off if after 5 it decides to go!! Watch this space.
Well off to put my feet up and hope the steroids wear off…can’t stand all this energy…it’s not normal!
Lyn xx

Still no sign of Lou??

Hi Tillie
Sounds like you’ve just been through what I’m about to start (7th May)any tips?


Sorry Finnster, was having a (lack of) blonde day, and didn’t twig what you were on about. However, I think you’ll find Tillie has gone on the missing list for the last month! x Jacq x

What has happened to everyone on this thread?? Weather too nice and all outside enjoying it?
Well the downside had to come after Thursday…up to the toilet Friday 4.30am with severe stomach cramps…could have been the rhubarb!.. fainted, clattered head and nose on the sink and oh finds me on the floor…not very dignified!
Now sporting the latest look in purple eyeshadow and biggest sunspecs I could find.Oh reckoned I should also be wearing a sign saying “it wisnae him!”
Hope all having a nice weekend? You feeling ok now Jacqui after treatment this week? My biggest problem is not being able to sleep so feeling shattered from that…off out for a walk to see if fresh air will help…then will have to watch Britains got Talent tonight to see how Susan Boyle gets on…think she has an amazing voice!
Lyn xx

Oh Lyn, I hope you’re okay now? These SE’s just keep on coming down’t they. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the warm weather, and steer clear of the rhubard for a while! Yes, I’ll have to see Susan Boyle, heard all about her but not seen her perform yet. And where IS everyone? As you say, hopefully they’re all out enjoying the spring weather. I start my 15 rads on Wednesday so have started slapping on the aqueous cream in prep. The glove the lymphedema nurse gave me is doing the job, swelling goes down but I do have to wear it all day. Starting to think about work and when I go back, bit daunting but it’ll be p/time at first. Bought another wig, same style but blonde - I thought I’d see whether it’s true that blondes have more fun!!! Will let you know… Well, lyn and everyone take care, keep safe! and enjoy the sun. love and hugs Pat x

Hello there everyone, long time no speak.

Poor Lyn hope you are feelin better.
Hope Pats aches have eased all ready for your rads on Wed.
Major problem, can,t stop eating just had MASSIVE CREAM CAKE!!!
but it was lovely. Seem to forget about moment on lips lifetime on hips. This third Tax is making me a bit tired and if I feel a bit dodgy I eat something and it stops for a while dread getting on scales!!. Got tax 4 on 12 May then CT scan on 18th then onc on 20th she will decide wether to give me another 1 or 2 tax. I will take whatever ,I ve been very lucky with the side effects main one being bad taste which is bearable, after hearing of some of the bad SE with some poor ladies on this thread. Lookin 4wud to Hells Kitchen and Britains Got Talent tonight and maybe a glass of rose!
love and hugs Ange xx

Hi Lyn, Pat and all! Blimey Lyn, poor you! It’s not just me with the stomach cramps then?!

I realised yesterday that I spent the best part of the day walking about grabbing my guts muttering “oh, oh, oh dear” which is kinda like talking to yourself! Feels like constipation pains - but then after a quick dash upstairs you realise it’s ‘the other’! And why is it always worse just as you’re about to go to bed?

At least the sun’s still shining and you have a reason to wear the shades - or you could just pretend to be a celebrity. And it also detracts attention from our lack of eyelashes - I hate that loss more than the bald head bit.

Just cooked a mushroom omelette - twice - thought everything was ‘off’ and chucked the first one; then realised after the second attempt that SpongeGob had struck again. Tasted of pure poison!

Good luck with the rads this week Pat. You’ll be just fine, I’m sure, with your happy spirit. You’re always so buoyant, you always give me a lift - you’re the real ‘Mummy’ of the group!

Well, gonna watch the Marathon on the telly in a mo., - 'cos if I try to drive anywhere today, there’s so many diversions around my neck of the woods, that it’s just impossible to get anywhere. Good luck to them all!

My eldest and all of her friends are all doing the Race for Life soon - gawd, she must love me for her to be moving her butt in my/our honour!

Have a good one my loves, xx Jacq xx.

P.S. Pat, blondes USED to have more fun!

Hi all
Hope every one has had a good weekend.
I’ve had another suggestion for the permed mohican - dye it bright pink! Should clash nicely with the red steroid flush. Think I might start a new fashion.
Lyn, I’m going on a LGFB session on Tues. Do you want to come with me and learn how to cover up the black eye? Maybe afterwards we can head to WSM and hunt out the wayward Lou.
Jacq I’m with you on not bragging. I’ve been saying how much easier cmf is than epi and then yesterday I hit a brick wall and totally ran out of energy.
Finnster what sort of chemo are you having? It’s the waiting game thats the worst with the fear of the unknown. Once you get started it does get easier.
Going to see onc to start talking about rads tomorrow. The light at the end of the tunnel is starting to get a bit brighter.
Pat, thinking of you with the rads this week.
Nicky x

Hi Jaq and girls, Well were do i begin again!!! lol due to have number 3 fec tomorrow and well what can i say,Number 1 i was blown away ended up vomiting for 36hrs then doc came out and gave injection!! Two weeks later ended up in hosp with stomach bug and had to have antibiotics and gcsf injection.Number 2 no sickness think it may have been the amount of anti-sickness drugs i took!!! ooopppsss!!! and have to have gcsf injections after each fec now.Really dreading number 3 because for the past two weeks i have been on top of the world but know i am gonna be rock bottom come tomorrow nite!!! Have completely lost hair everywhere except eyebrows but still got time.Seem to be really bloated with a ever expanding tyre oh the joys!!!lol hehhehe x Well feel better after a moan hope you all keeping strong (oh dunno why i said that as it drives me mental when people say oh you are soo strong i just wanna scream no i am not!!!) anyway take care all of you and will try and keep up to date xxxx

Hi allybally, you have been thru it, haven’t you. I found, on balance, the FEC was worse than the TAX and that wasn’t what I expected at all. It’s good you’re having the injections to help with infections, they tended to give me flu-like symptoms but of course whatever they give us has someSE so we can’t escape them! I’m sure you’ll be fine with the 3rd - getting the nausea etc sorted is half the battle and it sounds like they gave you some good anti-sick meds. I do apologise but I can’t remember what you’re having - is it 3 then 3 or are you having all FEC? Know what you mean about the bloating - I have love handles on top of my love handles!!! Take it easy and good luck for tomorrow. I know people are always saying about ‘being strong’ etc. But to endure what we do without going barking (ok Jacq, maybe I am a teeny weeny bit mad re: Tina Turner incident!!) I think we’re incredibly strong. I can dissolve into tears at the drop of a hat so it all takes it’s toll, but we just keep going. Do post if you can and let us know how you got on.

And how’s everyone else doing, okay I hope. Weather was beautiful yesterday and today it’s just yuk! Well, gearing up for Rads Wednesday, slathering on loads of aqueous cream in prep. Have chest appt tomorrow for lung function tests (have bronchiectasis) and not looking fwd to that as still bit breathless from TAX. Jacq, have you found you get that with the TAX? And any swollen ankles? Nicky enjoy your LGFB session tomorrow, it’s well worth going, sorry the chemo’s so tough on you. When I saw lymphedema nurse last week she said I shouldn’t expect to feel ‘back to normal’ (can’t remember what that is!) for up to 18 months. Apparently chemo takes a long time to fully recover from apart from anything else. She told me off coz I said I should be able to do what I used to do now chemo’s done. Oh well, I spose all things come to those who wait, it’s just I’m impatient! Anyone heard from Lou? I’m gonna try and pm her - haven’t done it b4 so hopefully it’s not too difficult. Jacq, wasn’t the marathon great, always makes me want to get fit and have a go - that lasts about 10 seconds after seeing the poor exhausted fun-runners crawl over the line! Good luck for your daughter and her friends doing Race for Life in your honour - how wonderful. Ange, I don’t know what we’ll do after HK finishes tonight - who do you want to win? I like them both but think Linda is adorable. Don’t talk to me about cream cakes - they just wink at me all the time! Well, love to everyone else, onwards and upwards. Will check in later, love and hugs Pat x

Hello all,
So glad to see everyone back and in relatively good fettle (Lou?),and hope you start to feel better soon Allybally.
Good luck with rads Pat-I am starting to think bout those to and going to contact bcn to get a morning time hopefully so I can look at some work pm. I read about emu oil as being good for skin during rads, but not sure where to source it though sure could track it down on net. Has your oedema nurse mentioned MLD as it is good for lymphoedema and once you have beem taught how to do it you can easily manage it yourself-useful article on it in yesterdays Mail on Sunday You mag.
Jacqui I am finding it is smells that are getting to me big time and making me very squemish! domp not helping much so hope I am not going to have another 2 weeks of it before it clears.
Nicky, if I could come with you would be great but it’s a bit far from NE Scotland! Did go to LGFB session but no amount of make up is covering the delightful purple yellow and green shades on my eye and nose!! Has made for a lot of comments when I have been out!
And as for eating Ange…well don’t get me started…why even when I feel nauseous do I still have to eat everything in sight? It’s sooooo not fair!
Anyway off to put tea on (eating again!) and then feet up for the evening. By the way I got it wrong about Susan Boyle being on-its a few weeks before she is back but hey did you hear that wee toot sing on Saturday…amazing!! HK tonight…Linda for me too!
Take care girls,
Lyn xx

Hmmm, it might just be me, but I don’t know what domp means?! x

Hi again I am having all 6 fec!!! can think of other words to call it!!lol Thankyou who ever said about scarf hut website i have now ordered some as i have not bothered getting a wig.Just wear my bandana’s and hats.Well yesterday i thought i would make some crispy cakes for my kids from there easter eggs(still had 23 eggs left) and as i was melting the chocolate over a pan of boiling water guess what!!! the flaming bowl exploded well what a sight there was glass and melted chocolate everywhere but hey nothing stopped me cleaned kitchen and then used microwave to make them, have eaten 3 today why do i eat them lol.they call me i am sure,as i eat i think about what i can eat!! then for the 3 days of chemo time i starve poor me lol.

Well enough rubbish speak soon xxx

Hi Jacq, think domp might be domperidone anti-sick med. If that’s right Lyn, ask for something else as there are much better ones available. I was given domp when I switched to TAX but there was virtually no nausea anyway, for me. Emend is spose to be good, and cyclizine is v good, I had that for 2nd and 3rd FEC and it really helped. Ally, wow! I’d have loved to see yr kitchen! Chocolate everywhere, and it’s so true, when I’m not eating I think of what I can eat; when I AM eating, I think of what I can eat next! It’s bizarre and I can’t even blame chemo. Habe been trying to pm Lou but the d*mn thing won’t let me!!! Will keep trying. Take care all, love and hugs Pat x

Hi everyone
Went to see onc today for first time since starting chemo and not sure why I went. Was told that he would talk about rads but no, come back in 6 weeks for that. He did reassurre me about my haywire liver functions but trying to get any other info from him was really difficult. Quick grope and goodbye. Light at the end of the tunnel seems a bit dimmer. Never mind looking forward to LGFB tomorrow and then with chemo on Weds it does mean only 2 more cycles to go.
My taste seems worse than ever this time. I can’t find a hot drink I like and it’s driving me crazy. Even hot chocolate has gone off the menu today.
Sorry for the moan. Just feeling a bit frustrated and out of sorts today.
Take care all.
Nicky x

Bugger, 2nd week running I’ve fallen asleep halfway through Ashes to Ashes. Wish somebody would kidnap me back to the 80’s as that lovegod’s sidekick - mmmm!

Lol Nicky … a quick grope … so ungrateful! Know what you mean though, don’t know why they said it would be a chat about rads yet, if you’ve still got 3 to go, bit early methinks.

One of the few hot drinks that seem to hit the spot for old Spongegob here - is hot, strong Ribena!- and it has to be the original - none of this sugarfree muck!

Night bless all. xx Jacq xx

P.S. Pat - Didn’t get swollen ankles, but re: the breathlessness, I start off for a brisk walk with all good intentions, but after about 10 strides I feel like screaming for an iron lung! Blimey that’s an agegiveawayer - do you know what I mean by that though? xx Jacq xx

Hi everyone!!!
I’m here - at last!
sooooo long since i’ve been able to post - bloody computer went pop just after easter and has just been fixed!
Great to see everyone still posting, have missed u all like mad! xxx
well, FEC 6 next week - the last of the bloomin stuff, no.5 side effects were dreadful, the Dr gave me some tablets to stop the Thrush pants thing, well, they did stop it but they also stopped me going to the loo!!! O M G i have never been so constipated, so have given those particular tabs a body swerve, i’ll cope with the consequences thanks!!!
My eyelashed are beginning to return and OH says my small amount of hair looks like the fluff on a tennis ball! Hmmmm, smart arse!
We didn’t go camping at easter in the end, the weather forecast wasn’t good and OH said he didn’t want me to be ill, of course i threw a massive girly strop, a huge row ensued and i till didn;t get my own way! but i can understand ( sort of) even though the good old met office got it wrong and it was much better than expected, but as was pointed out, very cold in a tent at night in April! so, that was one thing i didn’t win - this time anyway!
well, enough of my dribble, massive hugs to all and i’ll be back again later today,
Loulou xxxxx

There she is! Welcome back Loulou! One more to go - hooray! Never mind, your OH was probably right about the camping, perhaps you could go for Whitsun (is it still called that?) - at the end of May.

Nice to have you back. xx Jacq xx