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Hi just wondering is it ok to take vitamins whilst having chemo ? Or food suppliments went to health shop speant  a fortune now scared to take them lol. Has anyone seen making a murderer on Netflix that’s good we watched it on an Android box X X 

Jultz. …not sure about vitamins during chemo …hope one of the other ladies here will have the answer for u. You have to b careful .
I’m only on letrozole Adcal and the bone injection so onc said ok for vitamin c and cod liver oil.

Sorry pressed post too quickly.

Hugs xx

Thanks ladies there’s that much info once you start reading you don’t know what’s good for you. X X 

Hiya Kay. Glad u got the vit c . I’m not sure what brand but they were boots brand too.
So it seems u too have the rogue cancer gene in your family too. My dad aged 78 died of multiple myeloma too so there was no way I could escape it. I’m grateful that from 2004 to October 2015 I had good healthy life and did hope I had beaten the bc reaccurence but its back with vengeance. During this time I lost two good friends and an aunty to bc though.
I do enjoy these boards and reading everyone’s stories and realise that there is so many different types and combinations …I also see how brave some of the ladies are here in their fight with bc. Not me …I’m a wimp.
Hugs xxxx

Hiya Kay. You are ahead of me on denosumab. I’m due for my third one in a couple of weeks . So it would seem its meant to increase the aches and pains to work properly ? Why is it everything we have has got side effects. My aches and pains lasted five days this time …settled down now . I desperately need these to work as I have a lot of bone damage …pelvis crack, hip like honeycomb ( oncologist words) and a hole in femur which now has a pin in it!! I do know these injections cost £100 odd each time so they must do something !!
Been stuffing chocs all day from mothers day yesterday so feeling like porky pig now and couldn’t face any tea!! More sugar feeding the cancer ( well been reading up on the dangers of sugar!)
Hugs xxxxxx

Im sure you are not a wimp Carolyn. We all deal with things in very different ways. Our life has revolved round sbc over the last 10 months travelling too and from hospital for my treatment. It was easy to forget my husband was dealing with his own demons in the form of prostate cancer for which he had treatment in 2007. In recent years his PSA levels had begun to increase suggesting his treatment had broken down. The good news is today his PSA levels have stabilised so hopefully that panic will is over.
Stay strong all of you out there x


I’m pleased to hear your husbands levels have stabilised, that must be a relief for you both.

I think we are sometimes too critical of ourselves, and maybe don’t give ourselves enough credit for what we are dealing with. Big hugs to everyone.

Denosumab has definitely improved my bones, the CTs have shown its doing its job over the last 12mths, so hopefully these aches you’re having will subside and settle down, and you’ll get a positive outcome.


Oh dearie me. Women get breast cancer and the men prostate cancer …it’s difficult when both of you have health problems ! My hubs had a heart by pass a few years ago and hasent been well since. Up to Oct 2015 I was the healthy one that did everything and now we have reversed roles.
I think the worse bit of having bone Mets is always having to take some sort of medication so the body is always dealing with side effects .up to now …didn’t even take a paracetamol !
But we are strong and get on with it all to survive.
Hugs to all xxxxx

Hi all

I don’t think that any of us are wimps to be battleing this disease and sometimes it is not wrong to feel sorry for ourselves after all some se are bad. So give yourselves a pat on the back for fighting the battle.


I have taken Denosumab for over 3 years now and have no trouble with it apart from sciatica in the 2nd year I put it down to Denosumab because it is one of the se and I have known others get it.


2years after my primary in 1996 my husband had a heart attack and had a 4 way by-pass he also had a tumour in his bladder and could not have it removed until the heart op. Luckly we had health insurance and he had it done within 2 week of consultation. Unfortunately the tumours recurred over the years some were polyps and as long as they do not penetrate the bladder wall they can laser them. So we have both been through the mill. A reduction in his prostrate seems to have slowed them down thankfully.


I thought I would had my little bit to the conversation.

Take care xxx

Hiya marirose its so nice to hear from you and to hear your story too. I’m not sure how old you are but I’m 63 and hoped that with retirement would b holidaying , doing Zumba classes and growing old disgracefully ! Life never turns out like we planned. Just done a few aisles of matalan and that’s it for now! Up to a year ago could shop for 3/4hours without thinking about it.
I want my old life back !!!
Glad to hear that u have been tolerating denusumab for three years though and so yr bones should all be strong by now!!!
Hugs xxxxxx

Hiya Kay.
As far as I know from scans last Oct . I have bone Mets in hip. Femur and spine and a crack in pelvis . I am her negative - so don’t qualify for herceptin treatment. I can only hobble on a crutch so limited and wouldn’t enjoy going on holiday etc.
I find its day 4 to day 9 that I ache after the injection.
Hoping it will b easier after the third one .
Glad u ok and slept well.
Hugs xxxx

Just reading the papers yesterday …research has proved now that chemo repeated fortnightly gives 29% more success than every three weeks as the cancer cells would not have chance to survive between treatment. Could b a hard regime to cope with but of course gets chemo course done quicker …means hair would start growing etc. Hope that these improvements will eventually cut down the reaccurence that we have had to cope with for newer bc “victims” !!!

Hugs xxx

Hiya Kay . I’m always interested in progress and new regimes too. I am not HER positive so herceptin will not b an option in the future for me though. It’s a wonder drug and here’s hoping for other options for us HER negatives soon.
I think the one thing we all have in common on this site is CHEMO …we all seem to hit it somewhere on our journey and to me its the most scary . I had mine in 2004 at dx …so far I’m avoiding it this time and to b honest don’t think I can face it again. I’m just hoping letrozole will do its job !
Hugs xxx

Hiya Kay. Phew that must be awful that u can actually feel the lumps ! Mine is all hidden away inside my bones at present and its only the aches and pains that alerts me to the fact I’m being eaten from things I cannot see! I’m seeing oncologist next week so don’t know what’s in store next apart from denosumab injection for the third one.
I’m afraid I just bolt into the clinic and just want to escape asap …don’t ask questions like I should do …what will b …Will b …
Hugs xxx

Hiya Kay. They say that doctors and nurses make the worst patients ! Not sure if I would want to have inside knowledge of all the medical stuff.
I think I’m just vulnerable and believe everything I’m told. When I got dx with bone Mets in Oct …my oncologist prescribed letrozole and said after 6/8weeks they would kick in and kill off the cancer cells and the bones would start to heal and strengthen. SO I wake up everyday and think I’m going to run a marathon any day !!
Enjoy yr dog walking etc.
Hugs xxx

Hey Carolyn - I prefer your onc’s positive slant though. My former (obnoxious) onc told me that I must have a blockage somewhere at my neck which was stopping the cancer from working its way up my neck and into my brain. I now wake up during the nights panicking that I may have moved my head in such a way that it unblocks the blockage and sends it all up my neck! He also let me know how many billion cancer cells I was likely to have, based on my tumours, and that “it’s probably already spread everywhere anyway”!!! That’s just three of his gems of advice. Suffice to say I sought a second opinion and now have a really lovely onc.


Omg …that’s scary from a professional person whom we are supposed to trust with our lives. Can’t believe that. I’m glad u got a replacement oncologist …
Although they must have a very difficult task dealing with cancer patients sometimes we need to be treated with respect and not idiot’s.
I think speaking for everyone here …the biggest fear is the cancer hitting the brain though.
Anywhere that’s enough of morbid thoughts …let’s all enjoy the sunshine we still have .
Hugs xxxx

All these situations that happen to us because of administration errors, doctors, nurses, oncologists you want to think are unbelievable, but the sad part is they are believable. I know they do a lot of good work, but so many areas of concern!

Enjoy the sunshine xxx

Thank goodness you got to change your onc. I cant imagine how they made you feel.
Good job there are plenty of positive people on this forum. Hugs to you all xx