General chat

I wonder how many of us are feeling better for the improvements in the weather. This weeks sunshine has coincided with the opening of our bowling green. Although I am very positive about my situation it has been lovely to be out practicing bowling in good old fresh air and the exercise is a bonus.
Long may it last xx

Yes I agree nice weather does sort of create a feel good factor which we all need with these demons we have to face daily. I must say back in winter there were days I didn’t want to get out of bed but now find myself getting up in my pjs and enjoying my early coffee out on the decking area.
Roll on summer …
Hugs xx

Hiya ladies.
Well Sun is shining and I’m sure the vit d will help our bones!
The last couple of weeks I have been reading old threads on bone Mets *( 599 pages) .Well just a few a day and felt like I was in a soap opera with all the banter from 2010 to date.
I don’t know why but when I read of the loss of Scottishlass Val in 2014 …I stopped reading and had a few tears for a lady I didn’t know but she was such an inspiration to everyone at the time. I think she lived with bc dx for twenty years and it seemed whatever treatment that was thrown at her …she coped with up to the end.
I hope that we all can have that sort of strength ( and time)

Hugs xxx

Hiya Julie. You too have been around the forum for a long time too.
It’s funny but I feel quite comfy reading all the old threads and dawn …Well she deserves a gold medal or a special award for coping so long as she too has had a lot to endure over the years too.
Just hope that all us ladies can “do a dawn” and survive so long with this dreadful disease.

Hugs xxxx

Hiya . Omg I’m still on page 262 on bone Mets and Helen cat lady is still active. I’m so shocked and feel a few tears coming on as she kept everyone on their toes getting everyone to post everyday.
Sorry …dawn …I hope u don’t get labelled “do a dawn” from now on. I must stop and think before I post these things!!
Hugs to everyone on the board’s struggling. I’m off for denosumab injection and to c Oncologist. Obviously …I’m a quivering wreck again. Can’t wait to get out of hospital every time.

Hiya dawn. Hope everything goes according to plan now for you and after all these years u should have yr own chair and car space!
Unfortunately hereceptin and kadcyla arnt an option for me as I’m HER negative and so I don’t qualify.I remember all the clinical trials though back in 2004 for the wonder drug. My friend had extensive liver Mets and it kept her stable for five years.
Saw my lovely oncologist today and she is also consultant and in charge of dept …boo hoo she retires in the next few weeks so I feel like I loosing safe hands.
Anyway , I’m continuing with letrozole and had my bone juice ( denusumab ) . She’s also arranging a ct scan soon too …make sure the little b…s arnt still eating through my hip and pelvis where they have been munching away for some time now.I do have some in spine and femur too so they have certainly had a good time with my bones.
Well let’s all do a dawn and fight fight fight and give “c” a big kick up the b.m!!!
Hugs everyone xxxx

As we are all a family here …How about if we all download a photo of ourselves so we can connect with each other a bit more ? Ive done mine but not sure if its pulled through so testing really. 

If you are shy - then excuse me for gatecrashing but it would be so nice to be a little more personal …Im rubbish at remembering ladies history of treatments etc but a photo would be nice. 


Hugs xxxxxxxxx



I like the idea Carolyn but will have to get used to the technology first. Having said that I did manage to open your photo xx

Yes not sure of the technics either. I was hoping it would pull through by our names. Dawn is the only one that has a photo showing so maybe bcc can offer support how to show them more prominently.

Hi all, 

Sorry that some of you have been having some trouble sharing images. I hope the below helps :) 

  1. In order to upload a picture you need to click the  pic.pngicon which can be found in the bar below. Image Bar.png

  2. Once you have clicked this icon a pop up screen will appear. Here you can choose a file to upload, change the size and title of your image and whether you want the image to be stored in your public or hidden album. To keep the image private on your main profile save it in the hidden album.

Pop Up Image screen.png

The secondary private group is private to its members and cannot be seen by the open forum. You can find out more about this here.

If you have any questions or need any help you can contact us at

Best wishes, 


Thank u. Will try later. It will b so much more personal if we can see photos of each other
No pressure though ladies.

Hiya Fran I too hate photos and would rather be the photographer that way I avoid being snapped.
Hope to meet up for coffee again soon but appreciate u r back to work and got the house move to sort out.I have my grandson staying for hols and to b honest got a bit of a tummy bug thing going on this week. Blaming it on the bone juice from last week! They keep saying that denusumab doesn’t cause se but I seem to get them. When I see what the other women on the forum are coping with mine are tiny probs.
The strength of the ladies here are remarkable and I salute them and respect their determination.
Are u still coping with cape ok?
Hugs xx

2015-09-16 18.53.52.jpg

Haha . I did the same first. Got in a right tizz wozz. In the end I clicked on the little animal thingy by our name and then it lets u upload a pic. Like British rail :Got there in the end!
Had to do if from my laptop though.

Hi all. Good idea.  I’m in Gran Canaria at the mo for a well needed rest.  Here’s a pic of us 2 days ago.  Hair growing fast (but grey)



Hiya bjh.
What a lovely family photo and u r so brave showing off your new hairstyle.
We are singing a song for jultz here who is also trying to grow some hair.
Let it grow …let it grow …let it grow ( to the frozen song) yr kids will b able to join in.
Hugs xxx

Hey BJH - the first time I lost my hair it initially came back grey but eventually went back to the colour it was before it fell out. You’re looking good with it. As Carolyn says, what a nice family pic. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and soak up that sunshine!



Lovely photos.

Yes I struggle with remembering people without a face to put to a name. Having your avatar as your photo is always helpful as you see it more often. From what I can see choosing it is limited. I hate having my photo taken but will try and find one.

Enjoy Gran Canaria, I love it in the canaries. Going to Cyprus Weds. 4 sleeps to go, that’s if I can sleep! Back to the A - Z! Done all sorts with it, doin old fashioned sweeties at the mo. Didn’t work tonight though so got a cuppa. Must be the excitement of only 2 work days left lol.


Oh ladies I’m so envious of all these lovely hols u have booked. Maybe we will get something booked but in UK as we have let our passports run out now. Been to Cyprus and grand canaria and loved them both.
Enjoy Cyprus deedeepuss. 3 more sleeps now .

I’ve gone all weird. Woke up this morning and decided I need a new standard lamp for my lounge. I have a perfectly good one but my fingers won’t stop looking at e bay and Argos websites?
Perhaps I miss the little man and his van bringing me packages or perhaps I’m turning into a shopaholic ! Trying not to let hubs see me looking !!!