General chat

Golly gosh off to see the onc tomorrow

Funny face
Come on buck yourself up …rise above it and do something special…
We all go there in that dark place …think may be its the change of season which doesn’t help either.
We are all here for you across the pond …holding hands together with this horrid disease .
Lots of hugs from my very special hugs cupboard
Carolyn xxx??


I can only echo what others have said. Cheer up we need your friendly chatter and like everyone says we are all here for you. Sending you loads of (((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))) across the pond and holding your hand   xxx


Hi ,
Tiredness seems to make everything even worse ,
Funnyface,don’t be so hard on yourself , it is so difficult to keep up all the time , and you will feel better with a good night sleep ,
Anyone got any good sleep ideas to help out

Sign on Sainsburys notice board :

Morris dancing classes for beginners at village hall …
We all have a bucket list but not sure about this …just going to garage to get my bells out !! Ha ha
Did make me chuckle though.
Carolyn xxxx

Hellooooo! Just checking in and catching up with what’s going on :slight_smile:  Im  very sporadic on here.  


Spent another two weeks in hospital after my third chemo with a mix of neutropenia and a mystery infection that remains a mystery.  I’ve been on antibiotics on and off for a few months now, but in the end they gave up and stopped them completely and the infection is no better /no worse. 


Having a little break now from chemo  and see the Onc next week to see what to do now.  I want to carry on with chemo if I can as being Triple Neg, I don’t have many options to start with so don’t  fancy abandoning it half way through.


Anyhooo.p, as part of having a couple of normal weeks, we’ve just moved house and we are  in the middle of unpacking boxes and rebuilding stuff.


went to a fab fireworks display!


went to the NEC for a stitch and craft show which was brilliant.


now I’ve got to have a little read, see what I’ve missed on here .




Anyone interested if I set up a “ELF ON THE SHELF” thread where we can post photos of our elfs wearing silly outfits or doing naughty things ?
Carolyn xxx

Hiya Jeanette
Just settling in for strictly tonight …ed balls wasent good or funny this week but still laughing at his gangham style one from last week !!! Brilliant show though.
Loving Larry and Scarlett on the jungle too. I even watch the itv2 version after as well.
What am I like ???
Hugs xxx

Hiya Jeanette
Somehow I don’t like Martin Roberts …he’s creepy …we went out for family lunch too …sons 41st birthday and it was really nice and chatty …omg …I’m the mother of a middle age man !!!
Came back …l slobbed out with choc although I was stuffed from lunch .
I let the side down last night watching tv …no choc but a tube of Pringles instead !!
Then I’ve been on pinterest finding a knitting pattern for a jumper for my elf on the shelf !!
What is happening to my life …
Hugs xxx

Hiya Lynn
Oh I just love the smell of a new baby too …but I won’t get anymore either …my grankids are 23, 12 and twins 11 …
Soon they are born they kind of steal your heart and then later they pull the purse strings !! but wouldn’t change it for the world.
Sometimes dreams have a meaning but I’m not sure what yours could mean ???
Carolyn xxxx

Hello B .
Phew that’s a good age your mum is …hope she’s ok. Try not to worry too much.

Hello B
Yes think of your own health as I know you also have to help your daughter too so you are the one juggling so many balls in the air.
A bit envious though of you having your mum around as mine died at age 52 of bc and even now I feel robbed that she was taken from me at age 21 when a girl needs her mum so much !!
Hugs xx?

Hiya ff
My mum was 46 when dx in 1968 …back then it was just mastectomy …no rads chemo or hormone treatment plans. She did survive seven years despite this though which is more than some ladies get now with all the extra medical intervention.
The bc spread to her lungs and in her final weeks …she went on a clinical trial for chemo which was newish then. Something else she trialled was the removal of the pituary gland which was thought could slow down the spread …I guess hormone therapy like tamoxifen does that now in pill form.
I was dx at 51 …during my first mammogramme …was told that with adjuvant chemo would get five years or without three years but in fact got eleven happy healthy years until the little critters started invading my bones !!
Hugs xxx

Hiya b
So glad to hear that as you certainly need your licence living out in the sticks and its your independence that matters .
Nice Xmas pressy.

With so much sadness around here …I’m chuckling to myself …might not be funny but hubby has glasses for the first time …he has driving, tv and reading ones but the cases are a new ball game …the springs on them are like Venus flytraps …all I hear is click click as he avoids loosing his fingers everytime he changes the specs.
Think I need to get him some kinder cases from Santa .

Hi ,
It’s rather like a spec savers ad here , never mind looking for the glasses we can’t even see the shop
Lol ??

Ha ha .
He did go to specsavers though …so now he will be able to actually see what he’s buying in supermarket and not guessing !! Have had some odd things when he goes on his own.
Hugs xx

My daughter and grandchildren have been staying with us since the day after boxing day but went home today. The reason was that their cat brought in a live rat just before Christmas and it took up residence behind the dishwasher. It ignored traps and ate vast quantities of poison. It seemed immortal and eventually the council’s contractor was called in. It died a few days ago and cleaning has been going on since.

I love them all to bits but will be glad of a rest. 

This morning …a man went past our house wearing a dress and blonde wig …I Said to hubby …omg …he’s a transformer !! Silence as I meant transvestite …!! Think that blonde moment from me will go around friends !!
Carolyn xxx

Just reading your posting about bed bugs I didn’t realise they could be such a problem !!
My mum used to tuck me into bed as a little girl and always said " nite nite little one, sleep well and don’t let the bed bugs bite " !!
I’m thinking she might have been serious !!!
Think I might just vacuum my mattress later !!
Carolyn xxx