General chat

Got our living room back yesterday with new ceiling and new lights, Knackered from redecorating (husband did the ceiling) and putting everything back but lovely not to have a hole (don’t ask) and to have much improved lighting. Best of all to have the sofa back.

Hi ladies, ate far too much last night, all the blood in my body went to my dijestive system. So all mu veins were on strike today…got in at the 6 th try, thats the 4th nurse…they are only allowed to try twice and the first one only wanted to try once…so now have an appt to chat informally about a port o cath.


…i know you will all say things like’go on, its fine’ etc, but I do have a phobia about needles and anaethetists…i know they are excellent at my hospital, but on the day, ill be terrified…silly i know


Barton, yes, thank you for the hat idea, I did have a lively woolly hatin april, but soneone pinched it! My wig looks great, but sooo itchy. Im wearing an elasticated headscarf currently…but will be looking for suitable hats.


so several morals here, dont eat a huge meal the night before a vein chase and also, get an early night…


going home to sleep now in my very  hot bedroom



Oh and thank you all for celebrating with me re my mri resultsxxxxx



Hi Moijan,what wig did you get ?? I’m stuck on wigs and can’t find anything that looks like me.I had a fear of going in for my Recinstruction years ago but I was shown the Tapping technique ( on acupuncture points) and felt so much better when I went in .maybe Google Tapping &NLP xx

Hi Morgan

Great news about your results. You must be so pleased. I have a portacath and it was the best thing I did. The nurses use it to take blood as well as give chemo; it is so convenient and pain free. As you know, I am now on Cape but am keeping my portacath which just needs a flush once a month.
Regarding wigs, I got rid of mine a few weeks ago and felt so liberated after wearing it for nearly a year. Mine was very itchy to begin with, but then things settled down.
Have a good weekend


Typo, should be Moijan

Hi George, yes im sure you are right and afterwards ill feel the same, but the insertion process scares me sillyxxx my wig was through the wig lady at our hosp, I have to pay £60 tho , it would have bern over £100, years ago I got two free ones, but they are a little past their prime.


This wig is a short bob in a ashyblondy colour, but whereas my own style reached round my jaw to my chin, this one is too long, the pointy bits wave about in front of my face a little. However, the wig looks very like my previous style.


debshummingbird…thank you for the advice, I am an nlp practitioner, but keep forgetting to practice it! Also 

i do do Eft tapping…I think that may well be useful just before going to the theatre…thank you for reminding me…Moijanx


ps I have used tapping quite a bit just before singing exams and before ringing/visiting a strange belfry, but strangly hadnt thought of using it re the port o cath…thanks again…have just realised it was you who asked anout my wig…its a ‘hot Hair’ wig, but depends on the hospital as to which they deal with.Moijanx

porthacaths are great, there are no restrictions because it goes under the skin, I love mine, makes things so much easier :) 

Where is yours placed?




Mine is placed just above my left breast at first it feels a little funny but now forget it in

Karen xx

Strange there is noone about today so far. Maybe like me, they all have an appointment with a cannula or just out in the sunxx

I’ve just been travelling back from bude …had a full English breakfast overlooking the beach in the sunshine first though.
Back home and to reality again …must arrange something else soon!!
Carolyn xxx

Yes, just got back from chemo. Only two tries today! Am feeling very well and happy just now. How is everyone? The weather has held out so farxx

Yes Carolyn, it’s so nice to get away for a change of scenery. I went to Fort William a couple of weeks ago and am definitely ready for another little break hee hee. I love it, note to self, must book another soon!! Fancy Wales, not as far to travel :smileyvery-happy:

Hello Mara
When I was at cherrybrook for my bone juice last week there was a sign on the wall advertising a secondary bc club monthly with a bc nurse so maybe they have formed some sort of support at last.
Think between this site and our chat girls there is so much more help really. So many helpful ladies with experience.
Hugs Carolyn xxx​:relaxed::relaxed:

Sat here feeling very smug. Looking for something in our big storage cupboard today ending up turning everything out…sorting and tidying and binned a huge black sack of junk.
So job done. …and I know exactly what is in there now …
Just a little thing but boy don’t I feel good.

Oh u r naughty spending money !! Go for it though. Nothing like retail therapy to cheer us up. I have bulging wardrobe of clothes and am curbing my clothes habit at monent but have bought new throws for beds and curtains this week !

Wwll here, i am.well connected, so to speak only one stab today, so happy bunny, now full of Eribulin and zomete! Thought id report from the ringside! So to speakxx


Moijan, hot off the pressxx

Wwll here, i am.well connected, so to speak only one stab today, so happy bunny, now full of Eribulin and zomete! Thought id report from the ringside! So to speakxx

Moijan, hot off the pressxx

Hello moijan
Well there u go then …job done and you are now full of the good stuff …think of it as Rambo killing all the baddies !!
Hugs xxxx