Gone Commando

Getting ready to go hospital today and it was so hot outside so I made a decision to leave my wig off.So got dressed and actually put some make up on for first time in months,and always used to wear it but not felt worth the while somehow,even got mascara on little eyelashes.I felt great and hubby said I looked it,I somehow felt a lot of confidence return.
What put things into perspective for me when i arrived at the hospital I saw a lady with a large tumour on her face and her eye socket stitched up,wow here is me worried about what people will think of my nearly bald bonce and others suffer so much more.
So while my family think I am brave I have a new found awareness of what this disease does.My hair will soon grow back,others are visually disfigured and that brought me down to earth a little.I still feel proud of what I have done,it had to be done sometime and is another hurdle crossed,but I also feel a little humble tonight.
To any one else thinking about going commando it is a liberating feeling and good luck with your decision.

Take Care


CONGRATS girl…way to go
haven’t the courage yet…but am seriously thinking bout it

I am proud of you!

I hope everything goes smoothly at the hospital for you. I will look back at your threads to see what this was for…


Well done Mary, I always wore a hat [hated my wig] but started taking it off in public places after a few weeks. It certainly is liberating isn’t it.


Well done Mary, it is humbling when we see others worse off than ourselves. Makes us thank our lucky stars


Thanks ladies
Emily at hospital for start of rads.

Take Care


Wow, good for you, braver than I am but well done. Im a wuss and dont want to make others feel awkward, I know I shouldnt care but I do

Hi lisaf
I know what you mean I felt the same and I also felt it when I first lost my hair and asked my extended family if they minded if I left my wig off when they visited as I didnt want them to be uncomfortable.
I don’t know why I decided to do it today, it was so warm and I get so hot I just thought sod it.It was scary but I only got in the car and went to the hospital,I will be more scared when I go shopping or go to see my boss in work on Friday to talk about going back, but I will face it


Hi Mary - I have worn my wig throughout chemo and am now half way through radiotherapy. About 1cm of mousy coloured “fluff” but was thinking of going out commando for the first time this evening - in fact I think I will!! I know what you mean about seeing others worse off than ourselves. A couple of times I was going to ask the doctor at radotherapy about something, and then saw they were busy with terribly ill looking people - thought “well, what’ve I got to worry about”, and came away. Glad to hear you sounding so good! Sarah x

Thanks Sarah
After the commotions at the weekend things are a lot better.

I was naturally very dark brown,and it has been dyed for years,so it is coming back grey which I expected,it is about same length as yours,feels like a new born chick ha ha.

Take Care

I went commando alot, i just got fed up bothering with hats etc, it is a liberating feeling and just keep telling yourselves its not your problem, its other peoples ignorance!!! got about 1 to 2 cm of wild thick course hair now used to have really fine hair hey ho!!!

Hi Mary

Good for you !!

I went commando on holiday in May and not looked back. It feels so much better not wearing the wig which I only used to wear when I went out of the house. I had my hair coloured few days before holiday as it came back grey and I was brown before with a bit of grey at the sides. When I had it coloured the first colour which should have been brown turned out a gingery blonde so he did it again.It’s still not the colour I want but hopefully next time it will be.

Still feel a bit strange when I am out as my hair is still so short.


Liz xx

Good for you, ladies. It’s a great feeling going commando for the first time. I didn’t know it was called that hahaha. I didn’t wear the wig, just scarves. This last time when I lost my hair and went commando the first time, we were in the car going to Anglesey and stopped at some traffic lights. The guy in the next vehicle was staring and I felt a bit uncomfortable, but hubby simply pointed out that I’ve nothing to be ashamed of, that my hair coming out was not my fault, and after that I just smiled at the guy as we drove off. I never felt uncomfortable after that.

So go for it, gals.

Maureen xx

Congratulations Mary - wish I had the guts. I go around the farm bald, and neighbours see me, but I haven’t had the guts to go to our local pub or into town commando - far less work. In fact, I thought I was making progress when I went from wigs to scarves at work! Wigs are just too hot & itchy in summer I find. Maybe I’ll get the confidence yet, and power to you for doing it.

Sue xxx

am smiling… i am a committed baldy now except for my mum… it is easier but it is hard the first few times. now, check out people in tesco - the same one that annamarie would go to - say with bigs smiles how are you? gosh your hair is growing… and i grin as if i had somethign to do with it! it’s white with the odd fierce black one so i think i may look like a badger when i have more - it’s only little baby hair at moment.

if i see anyone like me in the street i smaile and say hello and they do the same back… it’s absolutely ok

and well done MARY!!!


I have to say I have read this thread with huge smiles. I’m going to be starting my chemo in the next couple of weeks, haven’t a clue what type etc. Don’t know how my body will react. I’ve joked the whole way along with my friends about doing a GI Jane but my eldest son was horrified at the thought. I used to have really short hair and he has loved it that I now have long hair as it makes me look like a girl lol.

I will defo keep you all informed as to how it goes, but Kyle knows me well enough to know that I will do what I want but when it comes to the kids I will always try to do what’s best for them. One saving grace is that I won’t have to do the school run anytime soon, our schools finish on 30th June over here until Sept. By then hopefully he’ll have gotten used to what ever way I look.

Loads and loads of love

Well done on going commando. I understand what you mean about being humbled after seeing others at the hospital. I always said I was one of the luckier ones when I got away with WLE and no chemo - going to the Beatson daily for rads I saw many many ppl all much worse off than me.

I went bare after reading lots of positive comments on a thread I posted. It was the best thing for me. Made me walk taller, gave me cpnfidence and I found a little bit of’ me’ again.
For me it was a big step but well worth it.

I went without the wig last Tuesday and it’s all good. I have a new hat though to keep me warm or keep the sun off. Hair is very short, but looks intentional. It’s not curly though just fuzzy and a darker ginger than before. People are very accepting but I have had to explain to a few people why it’s gone so short. The hair feels better without being stuffed inside a hot restrictive wig.

I have to say before BC if I saw someone with a bald head I always thought it was some sort of fashion statement, as I once shaved my hair 3 years ago because I wanted “the natural look”. A lot of black women do go for the natural look. But now after having had chemo and loosing all my hair, if I see a lady with very short hair or no hair I always think that maybe they have had chemo. I have gone out bald, with a wig, headscarfs it depends where I am going and who I am with.

I wore hats all the time during chemo as and when hair satrted to come out.Didn’t really like my wig felt it didn’t look like me but then what did?
Anyway after radiotherapy I decided to go without my hat and as you say how good it felt. I went to church got a huge hug from minister and friends so that helped but what I hated the most during the hair growing back phase was seeing my shadow that certainly wasn’t mine!!
Take care