I have noticed that many people like me have mentioned their concern about hair growth after treatment and how difficult it can be to cope with the loss during the treatment. I am finding my hair return is very slow and I wondered what others experience has been. I finished my last chemo mid Feb and have since completed my radiotherapy and continue on Herceptin. My hair is evident all over my head but remains much finer on the top of my head and I would say I still look predominantly bald. I am really eager for it to return so that I can throw the wig away! Any advice please? Or suggestions as to how long it might take for it to return to a state when I feel confident without my wig.
I know that this is nothing compared to all the treatment but I do feel that the wig is a constant reminder of the journey I have taken and am keen to lose that last visual reminder.
I look forward to hearing from folks. Thanks. J.
Hi, this is the seccond time around for me with ‘hair loss’ since 2008. The last time it took at least 4-5 months until my hair was long enough for me to return to work, and it was very very curly which was a shock! This time i have a full head of hair at week 15 post chemo and im just starting to go out with a cap on but no wig hooray. I hope this gives you some idea of time scales. It feels like your hair will never come back but it will, it is a slow process unfortunately but does save on hairdressers.
Hi Jaynek
I finished chemo 5th Aug 2010 and it was fluffy for ages, hence the name!!! By Christmas it had started to look thicker and then went very curly… I have just had my first haircut and although it is still short it looks good.
All I can say is try not to stress it will come back quicker than you think. I used to massage my scalp regularly to improve blood flow, when I washed my hair used organic products and lots of deep conditioning treatments.
I hardly wore my wig as how I looked was how I was and that was just it but I do understand some women don’t feel like that. I am sure you look beautiful even if you don’t have as much hair as you like but it will return.
Take care xx
I had my last chemo on Feb 3rd and then radio. Am on herceptin and tamoxifen. I have never worn a wig and occaisionally if cold a buff. My hair is very thick, growing well and a good cm or so all over. It now looks nice and although really really short I have had more compliments about my hair in last week than last 3 years! Try Lush solid cinnamon shampoo…its for alopecia and I use it.
Try going wigless…I think it grows better uncovered.
It is two years since I finished chemo but I am on tamoxofen. My hair was very thick prior to cancer but grew back very thin and sparse and stayed that way. However, after reading about Regaine (hair restorer) in one of the BC periodicals, I have been using it. My hair, whilst still no where near as thick as before, is looking much better.
I finished FEC-T chemo on 26th August last year and I still have to wear a wig, my hair has grown back very sparse expecially on the top of my head, I have had no support from my BC nurse or oncologist who just shrug and say it will grow back but I am having serious doubts especially after this length of time. I am also not entitled to another wig on the NHS as in my area it’s only 1 wig per chemo treatment!! To say I’m pissed off is an understatement lol, I am it seems one of the exceptions rather than the rule and I’m sure yours will grow back quicker! xx
does come under the category of hair so hope you dont mind me asking but when can i expect eyebrows and eyelashes to start growing back??
Ive worn my wig all of three times yuk yuk yuk, i wear hats, the wig when my hair is grown im going to give to my 7 terriers to tear up in the field. I sometimes go out with a fairly bald head and i dont give a monkeys its not my problem what other people think Not in the sunshine though lol dont want a rosy topper…
My hair started growing back after fec 3 had 4 fec and 4 tax but its very slow and im now a month post chemo its thin bit like a tennis ball
at least its growing. This morning i feel a vague return of stubble around my eyebrows. lol its even returning on my legs much to my disapointment.
Oh Dear, I am glad I am not the only one!!! I had my last Tax on 11th February and still my head is pretty bald! I have a few bits growing at the side (my OH says I look like a wolf!), but very sparse on the top. As far as eyebrows and eyelashes are concerned, nothing, nada. I had very thick dark hair before this saga started, but now it’s just white wool growing on my head, my mother says I look like when I was a baby …
I have now bought the shampoo called FAST, it has good reviews, apparently it makes your hair grow faster, anything better than this Mrs Santa Claus look lol
Always look at your head with a mirror over it…not just looking into it…ie 2 mirrors. The front view makes it look very sparse as there is no fringe…and try that lush stuff!
Eyebrows and lashes came back about 4 weeks ago…woo hoo!
Mind you so did all the stuff we spend ages trying to get rid of!!
I agree i use a mirror to look at the back lol what are we like.
Hi everyone
I would really like to thank everyone who has responded to my initial questions. The responses have made me accept that everyone is different and that it will eventually happen. I did notice yesterday whilst sitting enjoying the sunshine that there is some hair on my legs (out with the shaver then!!). I have did the bit with two mirrors and would definitely say that my hair at the back is ‘getting there’! I wish I had the courage to go wigless but I just don’t have it. I am having a ‘thank you and new chapter’ party at the end of May and was hoping to reveal a new slick pixie look! However, I think I may have to be content that it might not quite be at that stage then.
Eyelashes are fine as I never quite lost them all but do appear to be thickening a bit. My eyebrows are slightly there!
Thanks again everyone and hope you all enjoy your hair when it returns which some of you already seem to be doing!
Hi ladies,
It is terrible to say but I am glad that some of you are finding the same thing as me with the whole ‘hair growth’ thing. I finished chemo at the end Feb, having Radio just now along with herceptin and tamoxifen. The hair seems to be growing on the sides and back of my head but on the top, like someone else said, I still look pretty bald. There is ‘fluff’ there but it seems to be a different texture to the rest and is more sparse. It is so frustrating!
Also no sign of eyelashes or eyebrows growing back yet, am getting more and more worried that they will never come back. Just can’t wait to wear mascara again!!
I know that all of this is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things but it is one thing I think would make us all feel a bit more human again. Well, suppose we will all have to be patient!! Not easy for me!
Pleased to say that two months after chemo, I have eyebrow stubble and the lashes are growing thick and fast. My hair is a bit slower and I currently look like a fuzzy peach. Bit horrified that the facial fluff seems to be in overdrive. I either didn’t have it before chemo or never noticed it with long hair!!
Can I also recommend the lush shampoo bar (cinammon) it’s only about a fiver + I honestly think it’s helped. Also ditching the wig asap us a good idea as a tight wig restricts growth (especially around the top + front where the wig sits tightly). As for lashes, try cargo mascara which is clinically proven to boost lash growth. I think it’s great- a bit pricey at £20 but well worth it 
there are also skin, hair + nails supplements that may help (obviusly you might want to check with your onc before taking any new supplements).
All the best
tina x
Hi Tina
Will give the Lush a try. I’ve got the Cargo mascara, it was on offer in Boots so I got it for quite a good price. The lashes not quite long enough for mascara as I found out when I poked myself in the eye with the wand. Agree with you on the wig front but you have to be careful in this weather that your lovely pinky scalp doesn’t burn! Xx
I had really bad facial fluff to the point that my OH called me Captain Birds Eye so I used my ladyshave and shaved it all off. It did come back slightly so had another shave and now I am glad to say my facial fur is ‘normal’ about the only thing that is!!!
Fluffy xx
hi ladies…
ive been using Rapid lash from Boots since the start of my chemo which was 14 weeks ago and ive still got my lashes, ive always used mascara and was devastated that i would loose my look, but its worked for me plus ive still got brows,
give it a go
love and hugs
Donna x
I can’t believe you had a shave lol! Did you not get stubble? I’m too scared to do that!! Xx
Hi Ladies
I also had terrible facial hair. It grew so thick and long that I also shaved it off. It grew back so that once a week I had to shave. This has been going on for 6 mths. My Onc reckons it rare - not sure I believe him, but believes its because I’m on Tamoxifen and Herceptin and that female hormones very suppressed allowing male ones to flourish. Anyway this past 2 wks the growth has definately slowed down and thinned so I am hoping that over the next few wks I will go back to normal.