hair loss???

well it’s been a while now & still no response?
where r my posts ?

caron is still trying to post the moderators are not letting her post yet

here we are again happy as can be all friends together jolly good company !

Sorry I should have said Jordan helped me ( not Jordam)

Since this site has been updated poor Lily died ( boo hoo hamper )
she got very weak & popped her clogs on Wednesday, so we had a funeral for her she has got a special grave under my lawn ! ( where she will never be dug up ) Chloe was not too bad cos I told her 2 days b4 I thought she was getting weaker.
So we have Shelly back tomorrow I hope she can find us ?
Bright I hope your not still working ?
love Caron x

Its my BD soon now I know I’m very ill as my mom has invited me & Steve for supper ! she never ever has before !!
I wonder what she is going to be cooking ??? ( hope it’s better than her coffee! ) thing is they are into very strange foods ie wild boar
for one zebra for another ! bison for another god Ive just thought I hope it’s not rabbit ! or bambi ! I will have nightmares now just thinking about it !
I hope it’s something straight forward like steak or curry or sausages ( as long as they are pork ones !

well I have started with the heartburn now (again) ! and i am sweating all over the back of my head and neck does anyone else get this? ( or is it just me?) love Caron x

Just to write pizza was quite good. Made with anchovies, ham, pineapple, mushrooms, basil, sundried tomatoes, and mozzarella.

Still working… but will stop soon to watch Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares. Second favourite to Come Dine with Me and Masterchef (tied first place for me).

Here’s a quiz question for you all … from one of my favourite children’s stories… “the more the three children looked at the questions on the board… the more they realised they could not answer them…” Strange sometimes isn’t it how lines like this just come into the head.

Bright xx

Hi Girls

Caron Lots of people have 8 lots of chemo but it always seems to be 4x4 and4x4 so maybe you are not allowed to have more than 6 of one kind. I get heartburn with the tax, which the nurses say doesn’t happen but beleive me it does. Although they doubt what I tell them they still gave me some tablets which nearly deal with it.

Because surgery is looming and I am not having reconstruction I sent for a brochure with prothesis. It is amazing all the different kinds available and the prices!! Another learning curve I would rather not have had.

Your Mum might just amaze you and cook something that you really enjoy.I lost my Mum over 20 years ago(to BC) but have never been able to recreate her fantastic puff pastry. I can do a passable shortcrust but puff pastry is a closed book to me.

The only time I got really hot and sweaty on the chemo my temperature was well up and I had to contact the hospital. It was boxing day and they were less than helpful and by the next day it had returned to normal.

Has anyone got exciting plans for the weekend - I really fancy going out but am struggling to think of somewhere I fancy going.

Take Care everyone

LOL Andie

ohh if only you had tried my moms cooking ! the best thing she can make is stew & dumplins ( but she told me she doesnt bother putting them in now ! ) Have you read about her terrible luke warm microwaved coffee? lol,
I get heartburn now so look forward to that on TAX! you have just reminded me though that with my 2nd EC when I had that funny turn & the nurse said well what doyou feel like ? I said dizzy ( for 1 ) she said " oh no it won’t make you dizzy" when I told my chemo nurse she said " how can they tell you how you feel ".

I was just reading an intereasting thread where someone ( no names )
said that BC is SEXY ??? it is under men with BC , needless to say I wanted to know how he thought it was SEXY? I don’t get it ?
I don’t feel BC is sexy I’m sure none of you do ? well had my moan again .
Just watching last castle film now ( it’s really good) love Caronx

A quickie. My PC keeps losing internet connections.

I actually went into town yesterdy with little monster. We even went for a pizza. Felt normal again!!!

Caron - I got hot sweats on FEC and I also got a bit dizzy.
I also got heartburn on Tax. Must have imagined it like Andie!!!

Kai is going to a sleepover tonight ( his first…my heart goes out to them). Steve and I might go out!!!

I have Come Dine With me, Masterchef and last night’s Ramsey all set up on my SkyPlus. How sad am I!!

In defence of Caron’s Steve… I think I am at the same cooking level as him and can easily mess up a jar of sauce etc… I left the plastic on pizza once when I was meant to be warming it up!! Stuck to the base…yum!!! With presentation…it all goes down the same way surely!!!

Off shopping now…back later…


Plastic pizza ??? Don’t invite me to urs then ! ( cos I aint coming ! lol ).

We are going to go to Bradley Woods for a walk today , it’s ages since Ive been out ( apart from hospital ! ).
We let the pig out today ( pepper the guinea pig she’s preggers ! )
She is in the sun munching grass .

Steve will do a nice supper tonight its chinese flavor glazed stir fry ( yum ! )
right got to go much to do ! love Caron x
JO hope you got Shells no ??

Hello all,

I am pleased to write that the nausea has finally worn off and I have more energy again. I am still left with certain foodstuffs that I cannot face because I associate them with the first few days post chemo. I must try not to add any new ones to the list. Cheese though is the main food that I cannot even bring myself to look at, and it is borderline with mushrooms especially oyster and portobella. The trick, I find, is to eat a very varied diet, and that way there are fewer opportunities to become overly familiar or exposed to a food and to then form negative associations with it.

Today has been a good day as we went to the London Wetlands Centre - quite near Richmond (Surrey), and the acres and acres of land, almost like the countryside with a rather curious view of the London skyline as a backdrop. The centre is mainly a place to go to for bird spotting, and despite the weather there were lots on show including two varieties of ducks with beautiful blue and pink bills, and a bird which looked a bit like an American Eagle. Walking around the ponds was my favourite activity and looking at the sun dancing on the reeds.

Tonight I made hamburgers which I served with courgette. Hope you all ate something you enjoyed.

Love Bright x

Hi All,
well I went for my lovely coffee (not) my mam & dad have gone mad!
they are paranoid about pigeons eating the bird food they have put out for the sparrows ! so during coffee every so often one would get up ( mam , dad ) look out the window curse how the pigeons were getting in ?.
Quite funny really cos it was my Mam who was bothered about them but it now seems to have rubbed off on my dad !.
arart from that coffee was uneventful !.

I am really tired today ( still ) can’t be bothered to do anything !
we are having minty lamb for dinner today, (yum).
love Caron x

Just to write quickly now as working from home - that here in London we are snow bound. Saw the gritting lorry going down our road in the early hours, and there are lots of children playing snowball games on the street. About one car an hour is going passed. Have not braved the elements, but OH went to somerfield and stocked up - as if we are getting ready for a siege. The small local shops are so busy as no transport in London today (apart from the odd tube train).

A good day for resting … and watching old films etc.

Bright x

Hi All
Just wanted to give you all an update on Shelly.
It took her 7 hours to get down to the Marsden, most of those hours sitting on the M25 for the last officail half hour of journey! Then when she finally got to the hospital, she was told that her op was cancelled for today. After more considerable hanging arounf to find out wot next, they told her all op’s cancelled for the rest of the week.
She’s now on the way home, and here’s hoping her journey isn’t nearly as bad as this morning’s!
She is hoping to get back on line tomorrow and give everyone an update.
She sounded quite cheerful really under the circumstances, I’m just dissappointed for her, it’s hard enough as it is physcing oneself up for an op without all this stress as well.
obviously these are extreme conditions though. Don’t know wot it’s like with the rest of you round the country, obviously Bright didn’t make it into work in London, which is just up road for me really! Our schools and playgroup closed today and tomorrow, and no trains running from here, we can’t even get cars off our drive so it is pretty bad, although amazing that Shelly could make it to the marsden from where she lives but I or staff from there couldn,t make it in more locally for an outpatients appointment! Guess I’m using it as another excuse for a duvet and homemade soup day!!
Take care all
Jo X

Hi Girls

I have been thinking about Shelly all day. Thank you for keeping us up to date but what a shame that her op has been cancelled. I should have had an MRI today but could not make it into the hospital , I know how disappointed I feel so goodness knows how Shell must be feeling. I now have to wait and see what the weather does first thing tomorrow morning because I have an ultra sound booked. The hospital have phoned to say don’t leave home without contacting us first - the doctor may not make it in and that would be a waste of your journey.

Locally it has been really strange- no traffic - no public transport and all the local schools closed. This morning there was a hugh snowball fight in our road involving 60/70 children and adults. All good fun.

Hope everyone is ok

LOL Andie

Just to write - Shelly just sent a text to say she’s back home which is a relief. Thanks Jo for the detailed update.

Must go back to making supper now - write later.

Bright x

Had bi lateral last Monday. Have just been reunited with laptop and had ajob finding you all. I’ve been particularly concerned about Shelly as,like me she is triple negative. I’m sorry her op was cancelled, but at least she’s back home in the warm.
I’m doing ok, hope Julie, you’re still progressing.
Love your recipes caron, keep them coming.
Hope you are all in the safe and warm.

Morning all,
POOR SHELLY ( god knows how she feels? ), HOPE SHE’S BACK ON SOON?

Well the weather ?? well considering we were meant to get it bad here? I can’t see a snowfake in sight !! the kids are disappointed ! we have a wondeful sleigh that my Dad made us 3 (me,sis& bro).
It is made out of steel with a wooden seat on, When I left home I asked my Dad if I could have it , and he said cos I was the first one who had asked for it then I could have it !
It’s fantastically made you wouldn’t think it’s nearly 40 years old !
Steve replaced the seat on it and thats it but I only let my kids use it when it’s compacted snow & ice ( thats why it’s lasted so long )
But alas we can’t use it anyway !
The sun is shining so I think no snow for us today ( not that I like it ! moan moan moan lol love Caron

Hi there ladies…

It has taken me ages to get on to this bloody site…

Im pissed off well and truly now…

As you all know my op was cancelled. Thanks Jo for updating every 1.
Thanks to you all who have sent me best wishes and support,its great to see all your pics, i cant download a pic of my self so a sunset will have to do…

I have phoned the BCN at the Marsden to tell her my op was cancelled and she is going to find out any information she can for me.

I feel soooo let down… i just want this thing out of me…

Take care all.
I am going to catch up on some more of your posts.


Hello ladies,

I don’t post on this site very often which is why I’ve totally missed this thread!

I have ‘spoken’ to Shelly a little on another thread so knew about her op, sorry it was cancelled Shelly. How is the pain now?

Just to intoduce myself a little…
I’m Jackie, I was dx with IBC in Dec 05. Had chemo before surgery, Mast in Nov 06.
Currently on Lapatinib and xeloda, (trial at London Marsden) as I have skin mets, having a good response, though it is very slow going

Good to meet you all,
Jackie x

Hi Girls

Well done for finding us on the new site Shell. It has taken us a few days to all find each other. You must be feeling absolutely furious, worried and generally fed up. They have surely got to fit you in quickly with real priority.

My hospital certainly came up trumps this morning. They contacted me to confirm the doctor had made it in and that I should make my way there ASAP for my ultra sound. Within minutes they phoned back to say that if I could make it in then they would not only do the ultra sound but they would fit in the MRI cancelled from yesterday.

The amount of snow we are dealing with here at the moment is ridiculous . Living in London we are not use to deap snow but we must have had about 12 inches. The main roads are clear now but down the side roads it is leathal. When OH went out this morning to dig the car out to get to the hospital all the neighbours appeared to help. Then when we got home again the front path had been cleared for us. We have got really good neighbours.

We have to travel into the countryside to get to the hospital and it was absolutely beautiful with all the snow on the trees.

No more appontments now until next week when I have 4!

Take Care everyone
